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The Foreplay (Hemsworth Brothers Book 2)

The Foreplay (Hemsworth Brothers Book 2)

Autor: Haleigh Lovell

Número de Páginas: 249

From the New York Times & USA Today bestselling author, Haleigh Lovell, comes a sexy new romance. "You must pick up this series if you know what's good for you." ~ B. Wise, Amazon Top 1K Reviewer "I swooned and caught myself smiling almost through the whole book." ~ Becki D, GR "If there is one word that describes The Foreplay as a whole, I would say flawless. Ender and Adelaide will give you life! I was laughing so hard, I cried, but my heart was oh so warm. I'm just so in love with their story! Their relationship is one for the books, and that's saying something considering this is a book." ~ Eb's Dirty Diary "A delicious masterpiece of a story." ~ M. Michelle, GR "Once again, Ender and Adelaide stole my heart." ~ R. Smith An athlete. A scientist. A love story. I'm addicted to her; she's the real deal and every woman other than her would be a placebo. Her name is Adelaide and she's a scientist with a brilliant and in-depth mind that analyzes and dissects everything. Yep. She knows things. A lot of things. What do I know? I know I need to make her mine. Note: THE FOREPLAY is a sequel to THE SLAM but it can also be read as a standalone. REVIEWS: "Haleigh blesses us with the...

Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Chemistry

Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Chemistry

Autor: Francisco Torrens , Debarshi Kar Mahapatra , A. K. Haghi

Número de Páginas: 216

Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Chemistry: Applied Research and Interactions provides the background needed in biophysics and molecular chemistry and offers a great deal of advanced biophysical knowledge. It emphasizes the growing interrelatedness of molecular chemistry and biochemistry, and acquaints one with experimental methods of both disciplines. This book addresses some of the enormous advances in biochemistry, particularly in the areas of structural biology and bioinformatics, by providing a solid biochemical foundation that is rooted in chemistry. Topics include scientific integrity and ethics in the field; clinical translational research in cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease; emerging drugs to treat neurodegenerative diseases; swine, avian, and human flu; the use of big data in artificial knowledge in the field; bioinformatic insights on molecular chemistry; and much more.

The Hidden Side of the Creative City

The Hidden Side of the Creative City

Autor: Joaquim Rius-ulldemolins , Juan Arturo Rubio-arostegui , Verònica Gisbert-gracia

Número de Páginas: 227

This book analyses issues related to the political use and economical misappropriation of urban cultural events, cultural infrastructures, public resources, and cultural traditions in the city of Valencia, Spain. It deals critically with a variety of sociological questions related to cultural production in the city, including geographical segregation as culturally defined in the city; misogyny and the peripheral role of women in traditional cultural events, xenophobia; and nationalism/regionalism. As such, the book will be useful to students and scholars of sociology of the arts, cultural policy, and museum management, and urban sociology.

Events and Infrastructures

Events and Infrastructures

Autor: Barbara Grabher , Ian R. Lamond

Número de Páginas: 226

Innovative and the first of its kind, this informative and multidisciplinary book explores the socio-cultural significance inherent in event infrastructures. While mainstream event management literature addresses event infrastructures mainly through its operational relevance, this carefully compiled edited volume takes infrastructures as an analytical point in respect to its social, political, economic and cultural potential of the study of events. Borrowing from the ongoing social scientific debates on the geography, sociology and anthropology of infrastructures, critical questions are posed in relation to the event contexts. With references to events in Argentina, Malawi, Spain and the UK, among others, the volume combines an international perspective with a highly relevant subject for contemporary event management education. By bringing together theoretical as well as empirical readings on the question of event infrastructures from a critical point of view, the debates are relevant to practitioners and researchers as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of events, leisure, tourism, anthropology, sociology, geography and urban planning – among others.

Sin imagen

Guía de Maquillaje

Autor: Miriam Valencia

Número de Páginas: 90

El maquillaje es uno de los mejores aliados de las mujeres, es por eso que pensando en ellas, hemos creado esta guía completa de automaquillaje, diseñada para su uso práctico por maquilladores principiantes y profesionales. Aquí encontrarás todos esos tips y consejos que necesitas para llevar tus técnicas de maquillaje a otro nivel, tomando en cuenta el buen gusto y las nuevas tendencias.En esta guía te enseñaremos cómo escoger lo mejor para cada tipo de piel y los secretos para un maquillaje sofisticado y perfecto, con una apariencia sutil y natural.Estamos seguros de que si sigues cada una de nuestras recomendaciones, conseguirás resultados impactantes que se robarán la mirada de muchos. Así que, no espere más, y adéntrate en esta fabulosa guía especialmente creada para ti.

Tecnicas de Liberación Emocional - Sanación Emocional

Tecnicas de Liberación Emocional - Sanación Emocional

Autor: Carla Valencia

Número de Páginas: 122

Ejercicios prácticosUna nueva forma para curar fobias, miedos, dolores físicos, depresión, como también adelgazar, aumentar su autoestima , y eliminar patrones que no lo dejan vivir en abundancia.

A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture

A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture

Autor: Sara Castro-klaren

Número de Páginas: 772

Cutting-edge and insightful discussions of Latin American literature and culture In the newly revised second edition of A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture, Sara Castro-Klaren delivers an eclectic and revealing set of discussions on Latin American culture and literature by scholars at the cutting edge of their respective fields. The included essays—whether they're written from the perspective of historiography, affect theory, decolonial approaches, or human rights—introduce readers to topics like gaucho literature, postcolonial writing in the Andes, and baroque art while pointing to future work on the issues raised. This work engages with anthropology, history, individual memory, testimonio, and environmental studies. It also explores: A thorough introduction to topics of coloniality, including the mapping of the pre-Columbian Americas and colonial religiosity Comprehensive explorations of the emergence of national communities in New Imperial coordinates, including discussions of the Muisca and Mayan cultures Practical discussions of global and local perspectives in Latin American literature, including explorations of Latin American photography and cultural...

Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society

Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society

Autor: Ernest Garcia , Mercedes Martinez-iglesias , Peadar Kirby

Número de Páginas: 302

This book deals with one of the most pressing social and environmental issues that we face today. The transition to a post-carbon society, in which the consumption of fossil fuels decreases over time, has become an inevitability due to the need to prevent catastrophic climate change, the increasing cost and scarcity of energy, and complex combinations of both of these factors. As the authors point out, this will not only entail political adjustments and the replacement of some technologies by others, but will be accompanied by social and cultural changes that bring about substantial modifications in our societies and ways of life. This book examines whether the current conditions, which date back to the crisis that began in 2007, favour a benign and smooth transition or will make it more difficult and prone to conflict. It argues that, even if this transformation is unavoidable, the directions it will take and the resulting social forms are much less certain. There will be many post-carbon societies, the authors conclude, and any number of routes to social change. Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society therefore represents a significant contribution to global debates on the...

Medieval Medicine

Medieval Medicine

Autor: Faith Wallis

Número de Páginas: 594

Medical knowledge and practice changed profoundly during the medieval period. In this collection of over 100 primary sources, many translated for the first time, Faith Wallis reveals the dynamic world of medicine in the Middle Ages that has been largely unavailable to students and scholars. The reader includes 21 illustrations and a glossary of medical terms.

Cómo maté a mi padre

Cómo maté a mi padre

Autor: Sara Jaramillo Klinkert

Número de Páginas: 168

Tras La hija de la española, llega la nueva revelación de la literatura latinoamericana: una asombrosa primera novela basada en un hecho real. «Una historia increíblemente tierna que me enamoró completamente.» Elísabet Benavent «Desde la violencia se levanta un gran ejercicio de introspección que conmueve y emociona. A mí me ha estremecido por su verdad y por su fuerza.» Manuel Vilas Cuando tenía once años, un sicario mató a mi padre. Yo era una niña que no imaginaba que algo así pudiera pasar. Pero pasó. Todavía me cuesta creer que apenas treinta y cinco gramos de acero y un gramo de pólvora hayan podido acabar con una familia. Cuando Héctor Abad Faciolince, autor de El olvido que seremos, leyó esta primera novela, decidió publicarla de inmediato; muy poco despuésLumen se sumaría a su entusiasmo. Tras el éxito en Colombia y mientras Francia prepara su traducción, Cómo maté a mi padre llega a los lectores de ambos lados del océano como una de las revelaciones literarias de los últimos tiempos. La crítica ha dicho: «Una autora joven, colombiana, nacida en Medellín, que con este libro cuenta la historia que tenía que contar. Hacer cristalizar estos...

Going to Live in Spain

Going to Live in Spain

Autor: Harry King

Número de Páginas: 292

An up-to-date guide with valuable information for anyone relocating to Spain or thinking about it. The book covers work, education, finances, retirement and lifestyle. CONTENTS: A backdrop to the country - milestones, markers and the arts - preparing to go - getting the facts on retirement - working in Spain - deciding where to go and where to stay - buying a property - the education system - culture - savouring food and wine - staying young - banking, administration and taxes - knowing the institutions - the shopping experience - travel and communications About the author Harry King is one of the many people who have chosen to make Spain their home and who would not hesitate to make the same decision again. His aim in this book is to give you all the information you need to get the most out of this vibrant and exciting country so that you can enjoy your new life to the full.

Contraband Cultures

Contraband Cultures

Autor: Jennifer Cearns , Charles Beach

Número de Páginas: 294

Contraband Cultures presents narratives, representations, practices and imaginaries of smuggling and extra-legal or informal circulation practices, across and between the Latin American region (including the Caribbean) and its diasporas. Countering a fetishizing and hegemonic imaginary (typically stemming from the Global North) of smuggling activity in Latin America as chaotic, lawless, violent and somehow ‘exotic’, this book reframes such activities through the lenses of kinship, political movements, economic exchange and resistance to capitalist state hegemony. The volume comprises a broad range of chapters from scholars across the social sciences and humanities, using various methodological techniques, theoretical traditions and analytic approaches to explore the efficacy and valence of ‘smuggling’ or ‘contraband’ as a lens onto modes of personhood, materiality, statehood and political (dis)connection across Latin America. This material is presented through a combination of historic documentation and contemporary ethnographic research across the region to highlight the genesis and development of these cultural practices whilst grounding them in the capitalist and...



Autor: Héctor García (kirai) , Francesc Miralles

Número de Páginas: 122

Hay que valorar cada momento como un bello tesoro, si lo dejamos escapar sin disfrutarlo la ocasión se habrá perdido para siempre. Después de marcar tendencia en todo el mundo con su ensayo pionero Ikigai: Los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz, publicado en 42 idiomas, y El método Ikigai. Despierta tu verdadera pasión y cumple tus propósitos vitales, Héctor García (Kirai) y Francesc Miralles nos descubren un nuevo concepto de origen ancestral que va a transformar la vida de millones de lectores. Este nuevo libro sobre el mindfulness y el concepto de ICHIGO-ICHIE (una oportunidad en la vida), algo parecido al carpe diem, es un ensayo inspirador que nos enseña cómo hacer para: - Liberarnos del pasado y del futuro, haciendo de cada instante algo único. - Integrar en nuestra vida el zen que Steve Jobs aprendió de un maestro japonés, y que fue la clave de su éxito. - Hacer de las sincronicidades un instrumento de magia consciente. - Crear encuentros inolvidables en el ámbito profesional y en el personal. - Mejorar nuestras relaciones con una nueva clase de mindfulness. - Abrir compuertas al flujo creativo cada vez que lo necesitemos.



Autor: Omar Allibhoy

Número de Páginas: 270

With beautiful photography throughout and straightforward, step-by-step instructions, Paella is a joy to cook from and an essential for every kitchen shelf. Chef Omar Allibhoy unveils the insider knowledge and tips you need to produce a perfect panful of glorious tastes and textures. He starts with a “how to” guide taking you through all the basic techniques and ingredients, and then offers over 50 easy-to-follow recipes – from the classic chicken and rabbit, to black seafood paella with squid and tiger prawns, through oxtail paella, and vegetarian and vegan options including wild mushroom and Jerusalem artichoke paella. Paella is the world’s most famous and beloved Spanish dish. The ultimate one-pan feast, this generous, colourful creation dates back centuries and has countless variations. There’s something here for every occasion, whether it's a simpler version for a quick midweek supper or a more special, celebratory paella.

Annie en mis pensamientos

Annie en mis pensamientos

Autor: Nancy Garden

Número de Páginas: 214

Cuando Liza conoce a Annie en un museo de Nueva York, no sabe qué pensar de esa chica tan extraña a la que le gusta cantar, las leyendas artúricas y las plantas... pero sabe que se siente muy cerca de ella. La amistad entre Liza y Annie pronto se convertirá en algo muy, muy especial, pero también extraordinariamente complicado. El libro Annie en mis pensamientos ( Annie On My Mind), de Nancy Garden, es un clásico en la ficción juvenil lésbica. Narra la historia de amor de dos chicas muy diferentes, Annie y Liza, con la ciudad de Nueva York de fondo. KAKAO BOOKS lo edita por primera vez en castellano desde su publicación en 1982. Premios: Booklist Reviewer's Choice (1982) American Library Association (ALA) Best Books (1982) ALA Best of the Best Books for Young Adults (1970-83) "Ninguna obra ha hecho tanto por la ficción juvenil LGBT como este clásico sobre dos chicas adolescentes que se enamoran." School Library Journal "La literatura adolescente lleva esperando este libro mucho tiempo." VOYA

Homenaje a Cataluna (Spanish)

Homenaje a Cataluna (Spanish)

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 0

Aos 33 anos, o escritor britânico George Orwell embarcou à meia-noite de 25 de dezembro de 1936 em uma estação de trem de Paris com destino à Barcelona. Os vagões estavam cheios de voluntários europeus, que rumavam para lutar contra os fascistas na Guerra Civil Espanhola. Ao longo de seis meses, Orwell participou de treinamentos militares com adolescentes espanhóis, quase morreu de tédio nas trincheiras, atirou contra soldados franquistas, montou guarda no telhado de um cinema, dormiu enrolado em uma cortina de cabaré na companhia de duas granadas e fumou cigarros feitos por andaluzes ignorantes. De folga em Barcelona, comeu e bebeu tanto que teve de recusar uma oferta para participar do conflito em Madri. Dias depois, testemunhou a ação dos comunistas, que prenderam e fuzilaram anarquistas e trotskistas, enquanto as tropas de Franco avançavam no restante do país. A experiência espanhola moldou a visão de mundo de Orwell, que depois escreveria os livros A revolução dos bichos e 1984. Este ebook inclui o livro Homenagem à Catalunha, que ele começou a escrever em Barcelona, e o ensaio Recordando a guerra espanhola, que o autor redigiu anos

Food Consumption in Medieval Iberia

Food Consumption in Medieval Iberia

Autor: Juan Vicente García Marsilla

Número de Páginas: 356

From the banquets of kings and nobles to the daily struggle for the subsistence of the poor, food was already much more than a biological necessity in the Middle Ages: it was a social phenomenon full of meaning. In this book all the implications and meanings that food had on the Iberian Peninsula between the 13th and 15th centuries are analyzed. Historical assessment of the region is particularly rewarding because of the quantity and variety of historical sources, and because of the coexistence in medieval Iberia of the three great monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Taking both economic and sociological perspectives, every aspect of food is analyzed, from the commercialization of food production to its consumption, and from the evolution of culinary techniques to table manners.

Fundamental Marketing Strategies for Hospitality and Tourism

Fundamental Marketing Strategies for Hospitality and Tourism

Autor: Adhiraj Menon

Número de Páginas: 116

Marketing plays a vital role in shaping the success of the hospitality and tourism industries. In Fundamental Marketing Strategies for Hospitality and Tourism, we dive into the complexities of promoting destinations and services in today’s globalized world. This book provides an in-depth exploration of innovative marketing techniques tailored for the unique demands of tourism and hospitality. We cover essential topics such as creating relatable campaigns, leveraging digital tools, and understanding cultural dynamics in a global market. With practical case studies and examples, readers can gain valuable insights into crafting effective strategies. Whether you're a student, professional, or entrepreneur, this book serves as a roadmap for mastering marketing in the dynamic landscape of tourism and hospitality. Learn how to attract and engage travelers, ensuring memorable experiences and long-term business success.

Pelvic Rehabilitation

Pelvic Rehabilitation

Autor: Maureen Mason

Número de Páginas: 258

This book presents paradigms and programs for pelvic health conditions over the lifespan from childhood to senior years, with medical pearls and storytelling. It includes new concepts and practices with the integration of Medical Therapeutic Yoga and Pilates into rehabilitation prescriptions, sexual medicine, and strategies for healing pain and trauma. The contributors have a wealth of clinical experience, from pediatrics to geriatrics, and the client care focus is with manual therapy, exercise, education, and compassion based treatment. Physical therapy, Yoga and Pilates are woven together to provide evidence based platforms for health care intervention for pelvic pain, bladder and bowel dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual medicine, and trauma sensitive care. Medical professionals as well as body workers, fitness trainers and community educators can glean critical health care knowledge as well as strategies for teamwork for client care. Health conditions pertaining to the pelvis are often under recognized, disregarded by most medical practitioners, and suffered in silence, humiliation and shame by most clients. The text will support global health care education and...

Clinical cases of skin surgery

Clinical cases of skin surgery

Autor: Joaquín Sopena Juncosa

Número de Páginas: 212

Dr Joaquín J. Sopena has gathered together for that work a remarkable team of national and international specialists in skin surgery in small animals, presenting a versatile work on clinical cases. The book will be structured in a practical and applied manner, aiming at providing a detailed description of each case, including the surgical technique and many pictures and step-by-step series. More than 30 clinical cases on skin surgery that will serve as a guide for every vet in practice confronted for the first time to similar cases. This publication will be a reference guide for those veterinary surgeons whose intention is to improve clinical management of big wounds requiring one or several surgeries.



Autor: Zoran Pavlovic , Reuel R. Hanks , Charles F. Gritzner

Número de Páginas: 105

Six new titles in this bestselling series are packed with information which provide comprehensive overviews of each nation's people, geography, history, government, economy, and culture. Abundant full-color photos and maps guide the reader on a voyage of discovery. This series meets national social studies and geography curriculum standards.

A Gospel for the Poor

A Gospel for the Poor

Autor: David C. Kirkpatrick

Número de Páginas: 256

In 1974, the International Congress on World Evangelization met in Lausanne, Switzerland. Gathering together nearly 2,500 Protestant evangelical leaders from more than 150 countries and 135 denominations, it rivaled Vatican II in terms of its influence. But as David C. Kirkpatrick argues in A Gospel for the Poor, the Lausanne Congress was most influential because, for the first time, theologians from the Global South gained a place at the table of the world's evangelical leadership—bringing their nascent brand of social Christianity with them. Leading up to this momentous occasion, after World War II, there emerged in various parts of the world an embryonic yet discernible progressive coalition of thinkers who were embedded in global evangelical organizations and educational institutions such as the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians. Within these groups, Latin Americans had an especially strong voice, for they had honed their theology as a religious minority, having defined it against two perceived ideological excesses: Marxist-inflected Catholic liberation...

The Fyddeye Guide to America's Maritime History

The Fyddeye Guide to America's Maritime History

Autor: Joe Follansbee

Número de Páginas: 498

The Fyddeye Guide to America's Maritime History is a one-of-a-kind directory for tall ships, lighthouses, historic warships, maritime museums, and other attractions you can visit today that preserve, protect, and interpret our nation's maritime history. Use the Guide to plan a family trip, map out a heritage travel experience, research your local history, or find a heritage organization to help you discover the sea captain in your family tree. The Guide covers maritime history attractions in the Lower 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. More than 200 authentic tall ships, many offering travel excursions and educational experiences lasting from an hour to several weeks. More than 300 historic commercial vessels, such as ferries, tugs, and steamboats, as well as warships, including battleships, aircraft carriers, destroyers, and small craft dating from the 18th century to the middle 20th century that you can visit. More than 750 photogenic lighthouses and lightships grouped by East Coast, West Coast, the Gulf Coast, and the Great Lakes. More than 260 family-friendly maritime museums in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Three maps with suggested...

Sorry Not Sorry

Sorry Not Sorry

Autor: Naya Rivera

Número de Páginas: 258

Funny and deeply personal, Sorry Not Sorry recounts Glee star Naya Rivera's successes and missteps, urging young women to pursue their dreams and to refuse to let past mistakes define them. Navigating through youth and young adulthood isn't easy, and in Sorry Not Sorry, Naya Rivera shows us that we're not alone in the highs, lows, and in-betweens. Whether it's with love and dating, career and ambition, friends, or gossip, Naya inspires us to follow our own destiny and step over--or plod through--all the crap along the way. After her rise and fall from early childhood stardom, barely eking her way through high school, a brief stint as a Hooters waitress, going through thick and thin with her mom/manager, and resurrecting her acting career as Santana Lopez on Glee, Naya emerged from these experiences with some key life lessons: Sorry: - All those times I scrawled "I HATE MY MOM" in my journal. So many moms and teenage daughters don't get along--we just have to realize it's nothing personal on either side. - At-home highlights and DIY hair extensions. Some things are best left to the experts, and hair dye is one of them. - Falling in love with the idea of a person, instead of the...

Molecular Chemistry and Biomolecular Engineering

Molecular Chemistry and Biomolecular Engineering

Autor: Lionello Pogliani , Francisco Torrens , A. K. Haghi

Número de Páginas: 270

This new volume is devoted to molecular chemistry and its applications to the fields of biology. It looks at the integration of molecular chemistry with biomolecular engineering, with the goal of creating new biological or physical properties to address scientific or societal challenges. It takes a both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective on the interface between molecular biology, biophysical chemistry, and chemical engineering. Molecular Chemistry and Biomolecular Engineering: Integrating Theory and Research with Practice provides effective support for the development of the laboratory and data analysis skills that researchers will draw on time and again for the practical aspects and also gives a solid grounding in the broader transferable skills.

The Development of Modern Epidemiology

The Development of Modern Epidemiology

Autor: Walter W Holland , Jørn Olsen , Charles Du V. Florey

Número de Páginas: 471

This book marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA). It is a unique compendium by the world's leading epidemiologists of how the field has developed, and how it can be (and has been) applied to the control of common conditions and threats to public health. Five distinct sections guide the reader through the wealth of material: · Gives an historical account of the concepts and ideas, and current importance of epidemiology to global health issues and to organisations such as the WHO. · Illustrates the advances and contributions to epidemiologic knowledge and the control of disease in specific areas such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, tuberculosis, maternal and child health, non-biologic disorders such as war and disasters, and new infectious diseases. · Outlines the use of epidemiology in areas such as public health, health services, occupational and environmental medicine, social epidemiology and nutrition. · Discusses methodological developments such as statistics, information sources, investigation of disease outbreaks and clinical epidemiology. · Looks at how the subject has developed...

Secrecy and Deceit

Secrecy and Deceit

Autor: David Martin Gitlitz

Número de Páginas: 708

Comprehensive history of crypto-Jewish beliefs and social customs.

Homosexuality and Civilization

Homosexuality and Civilization

Autor: Louis Crompton

Número de Páginas: 641

How have major civilizations of the last two millennia treated people who were attracted to their own sex? In a narrative tour de force, Louis Crompton chronicles the lives and achievements of homosexual men and women alongside a darker history of persecution, as he compares the Christian West with the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome, Arab Spain, imperial China, and pre-Meiji Japan. Ancient Greek culture celebrated same-sex love in history, literature, and art, making high claims for its moral influence. By contrast, Jewish religious leaders in the sixth century BCE branded male homosexuality as a capital offense and, later, blamed it for the destruction of the biblical city of Sodom. When these two traditions collided in Christian Rome during the late empire, the tragic repercussions were felt throughout Europe and the New World. Louis Crompton traces Church-inspired mutilation, torture, and burning of “sodomites” in sixth-century Byzantium, medieval France, Renaissance Italy, and in Spain under the Inquisition. But Protestant authorities were equally committed to the execution of homosexuals in the Netherlands, Calvin’s Geneva, and Georgian England. The root cause was...

Audience Genre Expectations in the Age of Digital Media

Audience Genre Expectations in the Age of Digital Media

Autor: Leo W. Jeffres , David J. Atkin , Kimberly A. Neuendorf

Número de Páginas: 214

This volume bridges the divide between film and media studies scholarship by exploring audience expectations of film and TV genre in the age of digital streaming, using qualitative thematic and quantitative data-driven analyses. Through four ground-breaking surveys of audience members and content creators, the authors have empirically determined what audiences expect of various genres, the extent to which these definitions match those of scholars and critics, and the overall variation and complexity of audience expectations in the age of media abundance. They also examine audience habits and preferences, drawing from both theory and original empirical analyses, with a view toward the implications for the moving image in a rapidly changing media environment. The book draws from the data to develop a number of new concepts, including genre repertoire, genre hybridity, audience interest maximization, and variety seeking, and a new stage of genre development, genre bending. It is an ideal resource for students and scholars interested in the symbiotic relationship between audiences and the moving image products they consume, as well as the way the current digital media environment has...

Who's Who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History Vol.2

Who's Who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History Vol.2

Autor: Robert Aldrich , Garry Wotherspoon

Número de Páginas: 674

Who's Who in Contemporary Gay and Lesbian History: From World War II to the Present Day provides a comprehensive modern biographical survey of homosexuality in the Western world. Among those included are: * Controversial political activists - Peter Tatchell; Guy Hocquenghem; Harvey Milk * Pop icons - David Bowie; k d lang; Boy George * Groundbreaking artists, writers and filmmakers - Pier Paolo Pasolini; Derek Jarman; David Hockney * Intellectuals who have shaped and changed the modern understanding of sexuality - Michel Foucault; Simone de Beauvoir; Alfred Kinsey * Over 500 entries - clear, informative and enjoyable to read - build up a superbly thorough overview of gay and lesbian life in our time.

The Good Carbohydrate Revolution

The Good Carbohydrate Revolution

Autor: Terry Shintani

Número de Páginas: 452

"A scientifically proven breakthrough in nutritional weight-loss research that can help you to lose weight and control your blood sugar levels by eating more of the right kind of carbohydrates."--From cover.

United in Diversity

United in Diversity

Autor: Jean E. Brown , Elaine C. Stephens

Número de Páginas: 244

Addressing the complexity of the question of multicultural literature in the classroom, this anthology of 27 articles includes: contemplations by seven award-winning writers of young adult (YA) literature on the subject of diversity; a resource section that describes over 200 literary works and lists 50 reference tools to help teachers stay current on multicultural YA literature; and practical ideas from 16 educators who provide strategies proven to work in literature and language arts classes and across the curriculum. The articles and their authors are: "Island Blood" (Graham Salisbury); "Random Thoughts on the Passing Parade" (Janet Bode); "Multicultural Literature: A Story of Your Own" (Joyce Hansen); "Cultural Sensitivity" (Deb Vanasse); "Reflections" (Eve Bunting); "Helping to Improve Multicultural Understanding through Humor" (Joan Bauer); "Michael and Me (and Other Voices from Flint)" (Christopher Paul Curtis); "We Are All Phenomenal Women: Finding Female Role Models through Multicultural Poetry and Literature" (Deborah Forster-Sulzer); "Creating a Talisman: Reflecting a Culture" (Jean E. Brown and Elaine C. Stephens); "Painting Pictures with the World: Reading and Writing ...

Fatal Sunset

Fatal Sunset

Autor: Jason Webster

Número de Páginas: 380

In the hills above Valencia is a notorious nightclub called Sunset. When its larger-than-life owner, Jose Luis, dies suddenly, everyone assumes it was a heart attack. Meanwhile, all is not well for Max Cámara at HQ. His new boss, Rita Hernández, has it in for him and his idiosyncratic methods. He must abandon a complex investigation to check out what looks like a routine death at Sunset. But an anonymous phone call suggests otherwise, leading him to an unholy network of drug dealers, priests and shady officials protecting a dark government secret.



Autor: Matthew Hayes

Número de Páginas: 269

A telling look at today’s “reverse” migration of white, middle-class expats from north to south, through the lens of one South American city Even as the “migration crisis” from the Global South to the Global North rages on, another, lower-key and yet important migration has been gathering pace in recent years—that of mostly white, middle-class people moving in the opposite direction. Gringolandia is that rare book to consider this phenomenon in all its complexity. Matthew Hayes focuses on North Americans relocating to Cuenca, Ecuador, the country’s third-largest city and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Many began relocating there after the 2008 economic crisis. Most are self-professed “economic refugees” who sought offshore retirement, affordable medical care, and/or a lower–cost location. Others, however, sought adventure marked by relocation to an unfamiliar cultural environment and to experience personal growth through travel, illustrative of contemporary cultures of aging. These life projects are often motivated by a desire to escape economic and political conditions in North America. Regardless of their individual motivations, Hayes argues, such...

Una luz fugaz en la oscuridad

Una luz fugaz en la oscuridad

Autor: Richard Dawkins

Número de Páginas: 690

Las sugerentes memorias de uno de los científicos más brillantes de la actualidad. Richard Dawkins prosigue en el presente volumen el relato de su vida: desde los apasionantes años como docente en Oxford hasta su trabajo de campo en el Canal de Panamá y sus experiencias en el mundo de la edición, el periodismo y la televisión, especialmente desde que empezó a ser considerado como uno de los más temidos polemistas a favor del ateísmo. Pero lo más importante es que este excepcional pensador, profesor y autor nos invita a compartir un fascinante mundo de descubrimientos y su deseo insaciable de conocimiento, a la vez que nos ofrece un fresco y estimulante repaso a la evolución de sus ideas sobre la ciencia en el curso de las últimas décadas.

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