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Business Ethics

Autor: William Shaw

Miller/Shaw's BUSINESS ETHICS, 10th Edition, is a comprehensive and practical guide that will help you with real life ethical issues that rise in the business world. It will assist you through the process of developing critical thinking and analytical skills needed to successfully navigate the unique set of problems that emerge when ethics and commerce collide. This book focuses on key ethical concepts and emphasizes the importance of critical topics such as the nature of morality, major theories of ethics and economic justice and competing views of capitalism and corporate responsibility. It is thorough, flexible and designed to bolster student involvement with the material for better comprehension and understanding.

Business Ethics: A Textbook with Cases

Business Ethics: A Textbook with Cases

Autor: William H. Shaw

BUSINESS ETHICS, Eighth Edition guides you through the process of thinking deeply about important moral issues that frequently arise in business situations, and also helps you develop the reasoning and analytical skills to resolve those issues if and when you might face them. Combining insightful and accessible textbook chapters by the author with cases that highlight the real-world importance of key ethical concepts, this book provides a comprehensive, flexible, and pedagogically proven course of study that explores the intersections of commerce and ethics. Shaw's uniquely thorough and practical guide brings clarity to such critical topics as the nature of morality, individual integrity and responsibility, economic justice, concepts of capitalism, and the role of corporations in our society (including their responsibilities to consumers and to the environment), and real-life moral issues that arise in the workplace. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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