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Hacking & cracking. Redes inalámbricas wifi

Hacking & cracking. Redes inalámbricas wifi

Autor: Luis Angulo Aguirre

Número de Páginas: 257

¿Es un entusiasta de la seguridad informática y el entorno Linux? Evaluar el equipo, las redes inalámbricas y los protocolos de seguridad de un modo correcto, así como ejecutar el cracking y hacking ético, requiere unos conocimientos previos. Este libro presenta en 10 capítulos los fundamentos básicos que todo interesado en la informática debe saber. Parte de las nociones básicas del hardware inalámbrico y se adentra hasta la aplicación de ataques a redes inalámbricas. Desarrolla la penetración inalámbrica (pentesting) a partir de las herramientas que brinda la plataforma Kali Linux. Describe los equipos necesarios para las pruebas, así como las características de las redes inalámbricas donde se van a utilizar. Presenta el crackeo del WEP y del WPA/WP2, el ataque de los Access Point y de los clientes inalámbricos. El manual está dirigido al público general, a estudiantes y profesionales de las carreras de Ingeniería de Software, Ciber Seguridad, Ingeniería de Sistemas, Computación e Informática, Programación, Administración de Redes y Comunicaciones, entre otras. No se quede atrás: consiga el libro y conviértase en todo un experto en ciberseguridad

Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies

Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies

Autor: Kevin Beaver , Peter T. Davis

Número de Páginas: 384

Become a cyber-hero - know the common wireless weaknesses "Reading a book like this one is a worthy endeavor towardbecoming an experienced wireless security professional." --Devin Akin - CTO, The Certified Wireless Network Professional(CWNP) Program Wireless networks are so convenient - not only for you, but alsofor those nefarious types who'd like to invade them. The only wayto know if your system can be penetrated is to simulate an attack.This book shows you how, along with how to strengthen any weakspots you find in your network's armor. Discover how to: Perform ethical hacks without compromising a system Combat denial of service and WEP attacks Understand how invaders think Recognize the effects of different hacks Protect against war drivers and rogue devices

Wireless Hacks

Wireless Hacks

Autor: Rob Flickenger , Roger Weeks

Número de Páginas: 467

The popularity of wireless networking has grown exponentially over the past few years, despite a general downward trend in the telecommunications industry. More and more computers and users worldwide communicate via radio waves every day, cutting the tethers of the cabled network both at home and at work. Wireless technology changes not only the way we talk to our devices, but also what we ask them to do. With greater flexibility, broader range, and increased mobility, wireless networks let us live, work, and think differently. Wireless networks also open up a vast range of tasty new hack possibilities, from fine-tuning network frequencies to hot-rodding handhelds. The second edition of Wireless Hacks, co-authored by Rob Flickenger and Roger Weeks, brings readers more of the practical tips and tricks that made the first edition a runaway hit, selling nearly 30,000 copies. Completely revised and updated, this version includes over 30 brand new hacks, major overhauls of over 30 more, and timely adjustments and touchups to dozens of other hacks introduced in the first edition. From passive network scanning to aligning long-distance antennas, beefing up wireless network security, and...

BackTrack 5. Hacking de redes inalámbricas

BackTrack 5. Hacking de redes inalámbricas

Autor: David Arboledas Brihuega

Número de Páginas: 325

Desde hace un tiempo, la seguridad en las comunicaciones, en general, y en las inalámbricas, en particular, se ha convertido en un tema de continua actualidad y es un elemento crucial que cualquier administrador de red debe asumir como objetivo principal. En este libro, su autor (docente e investigador) explica cuidadosamente el abecé de las redes inalámbricas desde un punto de vista totalmente práctico, con cientos de ejemplos reales. La obra le brindará la oportunidad de ponerse en la piel de un hacker y experimentar los métodos que usaría para romper la confidencialidad de sus comunicaciones, todo ello en un entorno completamente controlado. De este modo, podrá estar preparado para afrontar cualquier intento de intrusión en su red Wi-Fi. BackTrack 5. Hacking de redes inalámbricas se perfila como un libro esencial en la biblioteca del consultor o administrador de redes. Como experto, o entusiasta, le guiará paso a paso por los diferentes modos para atacar y defenderse de las ofensivas que pudieran lanzarse contracualquier elemento de la infraestructura de red. Se incluyen, así mismo, las principales referencias a las que el lector podrá acudir para ampliar los...

Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts

Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts

Autor: Lee Barken

Número de Páginas: 416

Sales of wireless LANs to home users and small businesses will soar this year, with products using IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) technology leading the way, according to a report by Cahners research. Worldwide, consumers will buy 7.3 million wireless LAN nodes--which include client and network hub devices--up from about 4 million last year. This third book in the "HACKING" series from Syngress is written by the SoCalFreeNet Wireless Users Group and will cover 802.11a/b/g (“Wi-Fi ) projects teaching these millions of Wi-Fi users how to "mod" and "hack" Wi-Fi access points, network cards, and antennas to run various Linux distributions and create robust Wi-Fi networks. Cahners predicts that wireless LANs next year will gain on Ethernet as the most popular home network technology. Consumers will hook up 10.9 million Ethernet nodes and 7.3 million wireless out of a total of 14.4 million home LAN nodes shipped. This book will show Wi-Fi enthusiasts and consumers of Wi-Fi LANs who want to modify their Wi-Fi hardware how to build and deploy “homebrew Wi-Fi networks, both large and small. Wireless LANs next year will gain on Ethernet as the most popular home network technology. Consumers will...

Wireless Hacking

Wireless Hacking

Autor: Logan Styles

Número de Páginas: 0

Discover How to Easily Hack Wireless Networks-Even if you've never hacked, coded, or operated a computer before! Hacking wireless networks can be tricky. There are plenty of dense, complicated books out there that attempt to teach it-but just fall short of sending you into a headspin of confusion. Most of the information out there is complicated, dry, hard to follow, and unrealistic. Not to mention, if wireless hacking is taught incorrectly, you can easily get caught up and thrown in the slammer. This guide is meant to clear the confusion-to pull back the veil on some of the cleverest hackers out there, and show you their covert tricks and hacking techniques. What's more, this book was written with the beginner in mind. It's easy to follow and shows you how to do things from A-Z. You'll be shocked to find out how simple these methods are. Of course, that's not to say a pro wouldn't gain value from it. Even old dog hackers should find some of the concepts useful, new, and refreshing. Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside: How to hack wireless networks using the sneakernet method How to use wardriving to hack wireless networks A detailed list of all the softwares you...



Autor: John Smith

Número de Páginas: 46

Use These Techniques to Immediately Hack a Wi-Fi Today Ever wondered how easy it could be to hack your way into someone's computer?Ever wanted to learn how to hack into someone's password-protected WiFi?Written with the beginner in mind, this new book looks at something which is a mystery to many. Set out in an easy-to-follow and simple format, this book will teach you the step by step techniques needed and covers everything you need to know in just 5 concise and well laid out chapters; Wi-Fi 101 Ethical Hacking Hacking It Like A Villain - WEP-Protected Networks Hacking It Like A Villain - WPA-Protected Networks Basic Hacking-ology Terms But this isn't just a guide to hacking. With a lot of focus on hackers continuously working to find backdoors into systems, and preventing them from becoming hacked in the first place, this book isn't just about ways to break into someone's WiFi, but gives practical advice too. And with a detailed section at the end of book, packed with the most common terminologies in the hacking community, everything is explained with the novice in mind.Happy hacking!John.

Wireless Hacking

Wireless Hacking

Autor: Evan Lane

Número de Páginas: 80

How to Hack Wireless Networks - for Beginner's Hacking is the method used to get into a system without the administrator ever knowing. This is usually done to gain access to information that may be located on the server. This can either be done maliciously or for educational purposes. Wireless hacking is going to be the act of getting into someone's wireless network so that you can get onto their computer and find out various pieces of information. Wireless hacking is just another method that hackers use on a long list of hacking methods. With wireless hacking, you are going to be using various methods and programs to achieve a goal. You need to keep in mind that when you are hacking a wireless network, you must be quick and you have to be stealthy or else you are going to get caught and when you get caught. In this book, you are going to learn things such as: Getting information on a target Scanning ports Common programs used for hacking Vulnerabilities And more The purpose of this book is to give you the knowledge on wireless hacking that you are seeking and for you to use it in an educational manner, not a malicious one.

How To Hack A WiFi

How To Hack A WiFi

Autor: Hardik Saxena

Número de Páginas: 15

This book provided you to hack a WiFi. So, download this book.Not having a WiFi connection but your friends are having it so just read this book and steal your friends WiFi and use all social networking websites and all knowledge based websites freely by stealing or you can say that by reading and understanding new techniques for using WiFi of someone hope you will enjoy this book it is simple easy and useful

Hacking Wireless Access Points

Hacking Wireless Access Points

Autor: Jennifer Kurtz

Número de Páginas: 172

Hacking Wireless Access Points: Cracking, Tracking, and Signal Jacking provides readers with a deeper understanding of the hacking threats that exist with mobile phones, laptops, routers, and navigation systems. In addition, applications for Bluetooth and near field communication (NFC) technology continue to multiply, with athletic shoes, heart rate monitors, fitness sensors, cameras, printers, headsets, fitness trackers, household appliances, and the number and types of wireless devices all continuing to increase dramatically. The book demonstrates a variety of ways that these vulnerabilities can be—and have been—exploited, and how the unfortunate consequences of such exploitations can be mitigated through the responsible use of technology. Explains how the wireless access points in common, everyday devices can expose us to hacks and threats Teaches how wireless access points can be hacked, also providing the techniques necessary to protect and defend data Presents concrete examples and real-world guidance on how to protect against wireless access point attacks

Wireless Hacks

Wireless Hacks

Autor: Rob Flickenger

Número de Páginas: 310

Continuing with the successful Hack Series, this title provides real-world working examples of how to make useful things happen with wireless equipment.

Hacking Ético. 3ª Edición

Hacking Ético. 3ª Edición

Autor: Astudillo B. Karina

Número de Páginas: 229

¿Siente curiosidad sobre cómo realizan pruebas de intrusión los hackers? ¿Ha querido tomar cursos presenciales de hacking ético, pero no tiene el tiempo o el dinero para hacerlo. Este libro tiene la respuesta para Usted. ¡Con tan sólo 2 horas de dedicación diaria usted puede convertirse en hacker ético profesional! En él encontrará información paso a paso acerca de cómo actúan los hackers, cuáles son las fases que siguen, qué herramientas usan y cómo hacen para explotar vulnerabilidades en los sistemas informáticos. ¡Aprenderá además cómo escribir un informe profesional y mucho más! El libro tiene un enfoque práctico y ameno e incluye laboratorios detallados con populares sistemas operativos como Windows y Kali Linux. Tópicos cubiertos: Fases de un hacking Google hacking, consultas WhoIs y nslookup Footprinting con Maltego Escaneo con NMAP Análisis de vulnerabilidades con Nessus y OpenVAS Enumeración de Netbios Escaneo y banner grabbing con netcat Mecanismos de hacking Frameworks de explotación Hacking con el Metasploit Framework Ataques de claves, ingeniería social y DoS Creando malware con msfvenom Hacking WiFi Hacking Web Post-explotación...



Autor: Hegel Broy De La Cruz

Número de Páginas: 310

El libro tiene como objetivo dar a conocer esta nueva forma de conexión a Internet. Será útil para el público que necesita estar permanentemente conectado a la red desde cualquier lugar y momento; así como también para quienes necesitan proteger su red, restringiendo el acceso a la señal de Internet. A lo largo de los capítulos se desarrollan temas relacionados a la red en cuanto a su definición, tipos, esquema lógico, topología, tipos de tarjeta, etc.; asimismo, se explica cómo instalar, construir antenas y detectar redes, entre otros aspectos. Esta publicación está dirigida a los estudiantes, técnicos y profesionales de ingeniería de sistemas, entre otros.

Hacking y Seguridad en Internet.

Hacking y Seguridad en Internet.

Autor: Jean Paul García-moran

Número de Páginas: 582

La pretensión de este nuevo libro actualizado es la de introducir a los lectores en el mundo de la seguridad de TI, desde el punto de vista del atacante o hacker y del que tiene la responsabilidad de implementar políticas de seguridad y así intentar reducir las vulnerabilidades de sus sistemas y redes. En un primer bloque se describen los protocolos necesarios para entender cómo se comunican los sistemas y las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en ellos, además, se detallan las técnicas que se utilizan para identificar sistemas que pueden ser susceptibles de ser atacados, así como el conocimiento de las vulnerabilidades que pueden ser explotadas en un ataque. En este mismo bloque se desarrolla la metodología paso a paso que se utiliza para ejecutar un ataque a sistemas ya identificados como potenciales víctimas. En el segundo bloque se describen y desarrollan de un modo práctico diversos tipos de ataques a sistemas operativos Windows y Linux. También hay un capítulo especial dedicado a ataques a bases de datos, donde se describen en detalle ataques de inyección de código, también conocidos de modo general como SQl Injection. En el penúltimo bloque se aborda en...



Autor: Jotta

Número de Páginas: 246

¿Cuántas veces has querido iniciarte en el hacking pero no sabías ni por dónde empezar? Seguro que cada vez que te has puesto a aprender alguna técnica de hacking has mirado un vídeo que no has entendido bien, un post en un blog que te da más dudas que soluciones, y has estado de allí para acá sin tener un orden y sin saber por qué algo funciona o deja de funcionar, solo copiar y pegar comandos…Llevo más de 10 años en este mundo y he ayudado a más de mil estudiantes y programadores que han estado en tu situación a iniciarse en el increíble mundo de la seguridad ofensiva siguiendo sólo 11 pasos. 11 pasos que te explico en este libro donde practicarás con laboratorios que he hecho especialmente para ti. Un libro compuesto por 80% práctica y 20% teoría que representa un 100% de aprendizaje. Este libro no está escrito para especialistas que llevan años en la seguridad informática, está escrito para ti. No importa que estés en bachiller, en la universidad o que no estés en ninguna de las dos y solo quieras aprender hacking y trabajar en seguridad ofensiva. En este libro aprenderás: · Conceptos básicos y consejos para saber que estás haciendo en todo...

Wireless Hacks

Wireless Hacks

Autor: Rob Flickenger , Roger Weeks

Número de Páginas: 465

The authors bring readers more of the practical tips and tricks that made the first edition a runaway hit. Completely revised and updated, this version includes over 30 new hacks, major overhauls of over 30 more, and timely adjustments and touch-ups to dozens of other hacks.

Wireless Hacking 101

Wireless Hacking 101

Autor: Karina Astudillo

Número de Páginas: 164

WIRELESS HACKING 101 – Piratage éthique des réseaux WiFi sans effort! Ce livre est dédié aux passionnés d'informatique qui cherchent à explorer le monde du piratage éthique et qui veulent se lancer dans les tests d'intrusion sur les réseaux WiFi. Vous y trouverez des informations étape par étape sur la manière d'exploiter les réseaux WiFi à l'aide d'outils inclus dans la populaire distribution Kali Linux, comme la suite aircrack-ng. Sujets traités: Introduction au piratage WiFi En quoi consiste le Wardriving Méthodologie pour un piratage WiFi Analyser les réseaux sans fil Attaquer les réseaux WiFi et ses utilisateurs Contournement du filtrage par MAC Attaques pour les protocoles WEP, WPA, WPA2 Attaques par WPS Création d'un Rogue AP Attaques MITM aux clients WiFi et capture de données Tromper les clients WiFi pour contourner le cryptage SSL Détournement de session des clients WiFi Systèmes de défense

Hackproofing Your Wireless Network

Hackproofing Your Wireless Network

Autor: Syngress

Número de Páginas: 608

The only way to stop a hacker is to think like one! Wireless technology is a new and rapidly growing field of concentration for network engineers and administrators. Innovative technology is now making the communication between computers a cordless affair. Wireless devices and networks are vulnerable to additional security risks because of their presence in the mobile environment. Hack Proofing Your Wireless Network is the only book written specifically for architects, engineers, and administrators responsible for securing their wireless networks. From making sense of the various acronyms (WAP, WEP, SSL, PKE, PKI, SSL, SSH, IPSEC) to the implementation of security policies, plans, and recovery protocols, this book will help users secure their wireless network before its security is compromised. The only way to stop a hacker is to think like one...this book details the multiple ways a hacker can attack a wireless network - and then provides users with the knowledge they need to prevent said attacks. Uses forensic-based analysis to give the reader an insight into the mind of a hacker With the growth of wireless networks architects, engineers and administrators will need this book Up ...

Wireless and Mobile Hacking and Sniffing Techniques

Wireless and Mobile Hacking and Sniffing Techniques

Autor: Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

Número de Páginas: 60

Sniffing is the process of monitoring and capturing all the packets passing through a given network using sniffing tools. It is a form of “tapping phone wires” and get to know about the conversation. It is also called wiretapping applied to the computer networks. Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords. There are several ways how hackers can gain access to a public WiFi network and infiltrate connected devices to steal data. The most common practice that hackers use is called sniffing. This method allows hackers to hijack any packet of data that is being transmitted between a device and a router. The mobile device has become an inseparable part of life today. The attackers are easily able to compromise the mobile network because of various vulnerabilities, the majority of the attacks are because of the untrusted apps. SMS is another way the attackers are gaining access to the mobile devices by sending phishing messages/spam...

Hacking Exposed Wireless, Third Edition

Hacking Exposed Wireless, Third Edition

Autor: Joshua Wright , Johnny Cache

Número de Páginas: 560

Exploit and defend against the latest wireless network attacks Learn to exploit weaknesses in wireless network environments using the innovative techniques in this thoroughly updated guide. Inside, you’ll find concise technical overviews, the latest attack methods, and ready-to-deploy countermeasures. Find out how to leverage wireless eavesdropping, break encryption systems, deliver remote exploits, and manipulate 802.11 clients, and learn how attackers impersonate cellular networks. Hacking Exposed Wireless, Third Edition features expert coverage of ever-expanding threats that affect leading-edge technologies, including Bluetooth Low Energy, Software Defined Radio (SDR), ZigBee, and Z-Wave. Assemble a wireless attack toolkit and master the hacker’s weapons Effectively scan and enumerate WiFi networks and client devices Leverage advanced wireless attack tools, including Wifite, Scapy, Pyrit, Metasploit, KillerBee, and the Aircrack-ng suite Develop and launch client-side attacks using Ettercap and the WiFi Pineapple Hack cellular networks with Airprobe, Kraken, Pytacle, and YateBTS Exploit holes in WPA and WPA2 personal and enterprise security schemes Leverage rogue hotspots to ...

Hacking Exposed Wireless

Hacking Exposed Wireless

Autor: Johnny Cache , Vincent Liu

Número de Páginas: 418

Secure Your Wireless Networks the Hacking Exposed Way Defend against the latest pervasive and devastating wireless attacks using the tactical security information contained in this comprehensive volume. Hacking Exposed Wireless reveals how hackers zero in on susceptible networks and peripherals, gain access, and execute debilitating attacks. Find out how to plug security holes in Wi-Fi/802.11 and Bluetooth systems and devices. You'll also learn how to launch wireless exploits from Metasploit, employ bulletproof authentication and encryption, and sidestep insecure wireless hotspots. The book includes vital details on new, previously unpublished attacks alongside real-world countermeasures. Understand the concepts behind RF electronics, Wi-Fi/802.11, and Bluetooth Find out how hackers use NetStumbler, WiSPY, Kismet, KisMAC, and AiroPeek to target vulnerable wireless networks Defend against WEP key brute-force, aircrack, and traffic injection hacks Crack WEP at new speeds using Field Programmable Gate Arrays or your spare PS3 CPU cycles Prevent rogue AP and certificate authentication attacks Perform packet injection from Linux Launch DoS attacks using device driver-independent tools...

Curso de programación Bash Shell

Curso de programación Bash Shell

Autor: Arturo Enrique Mata Garcia

Número de Páginas: 107

El propósito general de este libro es introducir al lector en el reconocimiento y escaneo de vulnerabilidades utilizando lenguaje , así como en el diseño de scripts para evaluar la configuración de seguridad de equipos conectados a una red LAN. Esta obra está dirigida a estudiantes y profesionales de la informática, está redactada con un lenguaje claro y didáctico y en ella se describen los fundamentos lógicos, desde el punto de vista de un hacker ético, del análisis de la seguridad de redes informáticas. De forma secuencial se guía al lector para que consiga resolver problemas rutinarios y logre diseñar sus propios scripts, independientemente del lenguaje que elija. Los temas aquí tratados son indispensables para comprender el análisis de seguridad de las redes informáticas, mediante el uso de los comandos a través de una terminal, en un entorno GNU/Linux. Otra cualidad de este libro es que se muestran implementaciones en Bash Shell, algunos con base en códigos en lenguaje LUA, por medio de intérpretes de la herramienta NMAP. Por ello, aunque un lector que no esté familiarizado con estos lenguajes, podrá igualmente entender su sintaxis. El libro contiene...

Sin imagen

Hacking Wireless Networks For Dummies

Become a cyber-hero—know the common wireless weaknesses. "Reading a book like this one is a worthy endeavor toward becoming an experienced wireless security professional." --Devin Akin, CTO The Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP) Program Wireless networks are so convenient—not only for you, but also for those nefarious types who'd like to invade them. The only way to know if your system can be penetrated is to simulate an attack. This book shows you how, along with how to strengthen any weak spots you find in your network's armor. Discover how to: * Perform ethical hacks without compromising a system * Combat denial of service and WEP attacks * Understand how invaders think * Recognize the effects of different hacks * Protect against war drivers and rogue devices.

Tecnologías disruptivas

Tecnologías disruptivas

Autor: Jorge Santiago Nolasco Valenzuela , Javier Arturo Gamboa Cruzado , Jymmy Stuwart Dextre Alarcon

Número de Páginas: 397

Las tecnologías disruptivas son aquellas que generan cambios significativos en la forma en que se realizan las actividades cotidianas, los procesos industriales o los modelos de negocio establecidos. Estas tecnologías tienen el potencial de transformar industrias enteras, alterar la forma en que interactuamos con el mundo y crear nuevas oportunidades y desafíos. En el presente libro explicamos de forma clara y didáctica las tecnologías que están marcando nuestro presente y futuro inmediato y que están intrínsecamente relacionadas con el crecimiento de la sociedad digital. Están son las tecnologías descritas: Big Data. El conjunto de tecnologías, técnicas y herramientas que hacen posible la recogida, procesamiento y análisis de volúmenes masivos de datos. Deep Learning. Las técnicas de aprendizaje en profundidad que utiliza redes neuronales. # NLP. Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural. # Web Scraping. Técnica utilizada mediante herramientas de software para extraer información de sitios web. Visión Artificial y procesamiento de imágenes. Criptografía. La ciencia que permite crear mensajes cifrados. Deep web y Redes Tor. Servidores que permiten preservar a los...



Autor: Alex Wagner

Número de Páginas: 100

The Ultimate Guide to Wireless Hacking using the best tools 2019

Hacking ético

Hacking ético

Autor: Luis Herrero

Número de Páginas: 314

Este libro tiene como objetivo que todas aquellas personas que se quieren iniciarse en el "hacking" comprendan los conceptos, metodología y las herramientas que se necesitan durante el proceso de detección de vulnerabilidades de seguridad de un sistema. Con un lenguaje didáctico se introduce al lector de forma secuencial en esta disciplina donde la teoría está acompañada de numerosos ejemplos prácticos, realizados sobre un laboratorio que el propio lector puede crear y que le servirá para poner en práctica los conceptos aprendidos. Para ello el libro se estructura de la siguiente forma: Técnicas de reconocimiento y herramientas útiles para el mismo. Fase enumeración y técnicas de obtención de información. Explotación de sistemas y obtención de acceso utilizando la información conseguida en la fase de enumeración. Obtención de información del equipo y de la red interna para tomar control total del sistema. Test de la seguridad de las redes WiFi, donde se realiza un ejemplo práctico en el que se obtiene la contraseña de una red WiFi. Los contenidos, además, han sido adaptados a los requeridos en el módulo profesional "Incidentes de ciberseguridad", que se...

Hacking Exposed Wireless, Second Edition

Hacking Exposed Wireless, Second Edition

Autor: Johnny Cache , Joshua Wright , Vincent Liu

Número de Páginas: 513

The latest wireless security solutions Protect your wireless systems from crippling attacks using the detailed security information in this comprehensive volume. Thoroughly updated to cover today's established and emerging wireless technologies, Hacking Exposed Wireless, second edition reveals how attackers use readily available and custom tools to target, infiltrate, and hijack vulnerable systems. This book discusses the latest developments in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and DECT hacking, and explains how to perform penetration tests, reinforce WPA protection schemes, mitigate packet injection risk, and lock down Bluetooth and RF devices. Cutting-edge techniques for exploiting Wi-Fi clients, WPA2, cordless phones, Bluetooth pairing, and ZigBee encryption are also covered in this fully revised guide. Build and configure your Wi-Fi attack arsenal with the best hardware and software tools Explore common weaknesses in WPA2 networks through the eyes of an attacker Leverage post-compromise remote client attacks on Windows 7 and Mac OS X Master attack tools to exploit wireless systems, including Aircrack-ng, coWPAtty, Pyrit, IPPON, FreeRADIUS-WPE, and the all new KillerBee Evaluate your...

Wireless Network Security

Wireless Network Security

Autor: Richard Meyers

Número de Páginas: 163

If you think your computer may be free from cyber-attacks then keep reading... Have you heard stories of people who have hacked into companies' computer systems, stolen precious data, and sold it for millions of dollars to the highest bidders online? On the other hand, you must have watched the news and one of the stories was about a Hacker who gained credit card or bank information of numerous random individuals and made millions of dollars for himself. Some Hackers are living in exile in countries that allow them to hide from the people, companies, or governments that they hacked sensitive information. Others do not have to leave the country because no one knows their identity, but everyone knows their skills and the damage they could cause. However, it should not be an easy job, but due to the increase in "smart" gadgets in our homes, offices and pockets hackers now find other ways to access our lives with greater ease. In an ideal situation, all computer networks would be safe from any form of interference and people would be free to share and upload information with confidence. However, we still have to arrive at this ideal situation, because even the best systems in the...

Wireless Hacking with Kali Linux

Wireless Hacking with Kali Linux

Autor: Hugo Hoffman

Número de Páginas: 282

Wireless penetration testing has become a key skill in the range of the professional penetration testers. This book will teach you how to Hack any Wireless Networks! If you are interested in Wireless Penetration testing using Kali Linux, this book is for you!This book will cover: -What Wireless PenTest Tools you must have-What Wireless Adapters & Wireless Cards are best for Penetration Testing-How to Install Vitrual Box & Kali Linux-Wireless Password Attacks-WPA/WPA2 Dictionary Attack-Countermeasures to Dictionary Attacks-Deploying Passive Reconnaissance with Kali Linux-Countermeasures Against Passive Reconnaissance -How to Decrypt Traffic with Wireshark-How to implement MITM Attack with Ettercap-Countermeasures to Protect Wireless Traffic-How to Secure Ad Hoc Networks-How to Physically Secure your Network -How to deploy Rogue Access Point using MITM Attack-How to use Wi-Spy DGx & Chanalyzer-How to implement Deauthentication Attack against a Rogue AP-How to deploy Evil Twin Deauthentication Attack with mdk3-How to deploy DoS Attack with MKD3-Encryption Terminology & Wireless Encryption Options-WEP Vulnerabilities & TKIP Basics-Defining CCMP & AES-Wireless Authentication Methods &...

Sin imagen

Hacking Wireless Access Points

Autor: Jennifer Ann Kurtz

Número de Páginas: 0

Hacking Wireless Access Points: Cracking, Tracking, and Signal Jacking provides readers with a deeper understanding of the hacking threats that exist with mobile phones, laptops, routers, and navigation systems. In addition, applications for Bluetooth and near field communication (NFC) technology continue to multiply, with athletic shoes, heart rate monitors, fitness sensors, cameras, printers, headsets, fitness trackers, household appliances, and the number and types of wireless devices all continuing to increase dramatically. The book demonstrates a variety of ways that these vulnerabilities can be--and have been--exploited, and how the unfortunate consequences of such exploitations can be mitigated through the responsible use of technology. Explains how the wireless access points in common, everyday devices can expose us to hacks and threats Teaches how wireless access points can be hacked, also providing the techniques necessary to protect and defend data Presents concrete examples and real-world guidance on how to protect against wireless access point attacks

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Cookbook

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Cookbook

Autor: Sean-philip Oriyano

Número de Páginas: 212

Over 60 powerful recipes to scan, exploit, and crack wireless networks for ethical purposes About This Book Expose wireless security threats through the eyes of an attacker, Recipes to help you proactively identify vulnerabilities and apply intelligent remediation, Acquire and apply key wireless pentesting skills used by industry experts Who This Book Is For If you are a security professional, administrator, and a network professional who wants to enhance their wireless penetration testing skills and knowledge then this book is for you. Some prior experience with networking security and concepts is expected. What You Will Learn Deploy and configure a wireless cyber lab that resembles an enterprise production environment Install Kali Linux 2017.3 on your laptop and configure the wireless adapter Learn the fundamentals of commonly used wireless penetration testing techniques Scan and enumerate Wireless LANs and access points Use vulnerability scanning techniques to reveal flaws and weaknesses Attack Access Points to gain access to critical networks In Detail More and more organizations are moving towards wireless networks, and Wi-Fi is a popular choice. The security of wireless...

Wireless Hacking 101

Wireless Hacking 101

Autor: Karina Astudillo

Número de Páginas: 1000

Wireless Hacking 101 - How to hack wireless networks easily! This book is perfect for computer enthusiasts that want to gain expertise in the interesting world of ethical hacking and that wish to start conducting wireless pentesting. Inside you will find step-by-step instructions about how to exploit WiFi networks using the tools within the known Kali Linux distro as the famous aircrack-ng suite. Topics covered: •Introduction to WiFi Hacking •What is Wardriving •WiFi Hacking Methodology •WiFi Mapping •Attacks to WiFi clients and networks •Defeating MAC control •Attacks to WEP, WPA, and WPA2 •Attacks to WPS •Creating Rogue AP's •MITM attacks to WiFi clients and data capture •Defeating WiFi clients and evading SSL encryption •Kidnapping sessions from WiFi clients •Defensive mechanisms



Autor: Alex Wagner

Número de Páginas: 98

## ## ## The Ultimate Guide to Wireless Hacking using the best tools 2017 ## ## ## Do you want to learn how to hack any wireless networks using only a laptop? Do you want to know how your laptop can become wireless access point? Do you want to access a detailed guide on how to manipulate Wireless networks? In this book you will learn: -How to find hidden wireless networks -How to join any wireless access points -How to implement a Rouge Wireless Access Point -Discovering networking devices through wireless -Exploiting systems in multiple ways using wireless technologies -Implementing Man in the Middle attack in multiple ways -How to create an Evil Twin -How to become a wireless access point using your laptop -How to implement wireless collision attack -Why you should never join a free wireless network -Wireless flooding attack, Replay attack, Denial of Sleep, and many more...

Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking

Linksys WRT54G Ultimate Hacking

Autor: Paul Asadoorian , Larry Pesce

Número de Páginas: 412

This book will teach the reader how to make the most of their WRT54G series hardware. These handy little inexpensive devices can be configured for a near endless amount of networking tasks. The reader will learn about the WRT54G’s hardware components, the different third-party firmware available and the differences between them, choosing the firmware that is right for you, and how to install different third-party firmware distributions. Never before has this hardware been documented in this amount of detail, which includes a wide-array of photographs and complete listing of all WRT54G models currently available, including the WRTSL54GS. Once this foundation is laid, the reader will learn how to implement functionality on the WRT54G for fun projects, penetration testing, various network tasks, wireless spectrum analysis, and more! This title features never before seen hacks using the WRT54G. For those who want to make the most out of their WRT54G you can learn how to port code and develop your own software for the OpenWRT operating system. Never before seen and documented hacks, including wireless spectrum analysis Most comprehensive source for documentation on how to take...

Hacking Ético

Hacking Ético

Autor: Luis Herrero Pérez

Número de Páginas: 239

Este libro tiene como objetivo que todas aquellas personas que se quieren iniciarse en el “hacking” comprendan los conceptos, metodología y las herramientas que se necesitan durante el proceso de detección de vulnerabilidades de seguridad de un sistema. Con un lenguaje didáctico se introduce al lector de forma secuencial en esta disciplina donde la teoría está acompañada de numerosos ejemplos prácticos, realizados sobre un laboratorio que el propio lector puede crear y que le servirá para poner en práctica los conceptos aprendidos. Para ello el libro se estructura de la siguiente forma: Definiciones, conceptos y tipos de análisis. Técnicas de reconocimiento y herramientas útiles para el mismo. Fase enumeración y técnicas de obtención de información. Explotación de sistemas y obtención de acceso utilizando la información conseguida en la fase de enumeración. Obtención de información del equipo y de la red interna para tomar control total del sistema. Test de la seguridad de las redes WiFi, donde se realiza un ejemplo práctico en el que se obtiene la contraseña de una red WiFi. Los contenidos, además, han sido adaptados para los requeridos en el módulo...

Seguridad informática - Hacking Ético

Seguridad informática - Hacking Ético

Autor: Raphaël Rault , Laurent Schalkwijk , Acissi , Marion AgÉ , Nicolas Crocfer , Robert Crocfer , David Dumas , Franck Ebel , Guillaume Fortunato , Jérôme Hennecart , Sébastien Lasson

Número de Páginas: 824

Este libro sobre seguridad informática (y hacking etico) está dirigido a todo informático sensibilizado con el concepto de la seguridad informática aunque sea novato o principiante en el dominio de la seguridad de los sistemas de información. Tiene como objetivo iniciar al lector en las técnicas de los atacantes para, así, aprender a defenderse. Esta nueva edición tiene en cuenta las novedades en el campo de la seguridad informática e incluye tres nuevos capítulos que abarcan: la investigación forense, basada principalmente en la investigación de la evidencia digital, ataques más orientados al hardware (como tarjetas con chip y otros) y los routers, omnipresentes en nuestros hogares, poniendo de relieve que no son infalibles y la necesidad de saber configurarlos para evitar problemas. Después de una definición precisa de los diferentes tipos de hackers y de sus objetivos, los autores presentan la metodología de un ataque y los medios para reparar los fallos de seguridad empleados para introducirse en un sistema. El capítulo sobre Ingeniería social, o manipulación social, completamente revisado en esta edición, ilustra que más de un 60% de los ataques con...

Networking Hacking

Networking Hacking

Autor: Erickson Karnel

Número de Páginas: 148

Do you wish to learn more about networking? Do you believe that your computer network is secure? In this book you will understand that any organization can be susceptible. Keep reading to learn more... The book will teach you the basics of a computer network, countermeasures that you can use to prevent a social engineering and physical attack and how to assess the physical vulnerabilities within your organization. By reading it, you will learn of all the possible dangers that your network is facing. First of all, how hackers get the administrator passwords and the different tools they use to crack them. Some of these tools, accompanied by a manual, will be in this context. There's a reason why security experts always try to come up with different ways to secure their network. It's because the hackers will always look into different techniques to hack it. The goal is to take the appropriate measures so you can easily secure the network for any malicious users. In this book, you will learn more about: The basics of a computer network. An introduction to hacking. Understanding some of the issues that your network is facing. Looking into the mindset of a hacker. What motivates the...

Sin imagen


Autor: Alan Norman

Número de Páginas: 66

Top Release Book - Great Deal!This book will teach you how you can protect yourself from most common hacking attacks -- by knowing how hacking actually works! After all, in order to prevent your system from being compromised, you need to stay a step ahead of any criminal hacker. You can do that by learning how to hack and how to do a counter-hack.Within this book are techniques and tools that are used by both criminal and ethical hackers - all the things that you will find here will show you how information security can be compromised and how you can identify an attack in a system that you are trying to protect. At the same time, you will also learn how you can minimise any damage in your system or stop an ongoing attack.With Hacking: Computer Hacking Beginners Guide..., you'll learn everything you need to know to enter the secretive world of computer hacking. It provides a complete overview of hacking, cracking, and their effect on the world. You'll learn about the prerequisites for hacking, the various types of hackers, and the many kinds of hacking attacks:- Active Attacks- Masquerade Attacks- Replay Attacks- Modification of Messages- Spoofing Techniques- WiFi Hacking- Hacking...

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