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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Introducción a la Marroquinería

Autor: Stephen Fleming

Número de Páginas: 126

Supongamos que tienes que presentarte a un examen la semana que viene, ¿quién sería la persona a la que acudir para buscar ayuda y orientación? Opción 1: Un experto en la materia que haya estudiado/enseñado la asignatura durante varios años y que a menudo dé por sentado, al explicar, que los aspectos básicos están cubiertos o que lo vea desde su marco de referencia. O Opción 2: Alguien que también empezó de cero como tú y aprobó el examen la semana pasada. Ella/él conoce el proceso exacto, los retos, las dudas y los obstáculos a los que te puedes enfrentar y puede pensar desde tu perspectiva. Si tu opción es la 2, estás en el lugar adecuado. Soy un Consultor de Tecnología de profesión, y empecé mi viaje en el arte de la marroquinería en el año 2014. Comencé pasando por múltiples videos de YouTube, cursos, grupos de Facebook, y finalmente completé mi primer proyecto después de cuatro meses. Estaba confundido y perdido en la magnitud de la información disponible en línea. Creo firmemente que mientras se empieza, se necesita información exacta, necesaria y minimalista para comenzar tu primer proyecto, perdón: ¡Completar tu primer proyecto! Así que...

Vanguardia, internacionalismo y política

Autor: Andrea Giunta

Número de Páginas: 432

Psychological well-being involves the development of positive attitudes towards onebs personal life and the capacity to establish social bonds, meaningful affective relationships, positive beliefs regarding the meaning of life and the pass of time, as well as autonomy in decision-making. This volume presents two techniques designed and validated in our field / country (en nuestro medio) for the evaluation of psychological well-being in adolescents (BIEPS-J) and adults (BIEPS-A) and some Iberoamerican studies on the subject.

Cómo piensan los incrédulos que tanto quiero

Autor: Lee Strobel

Número de Páginas: 256

Usando su experiencia personal, el humor, historias de obligada lectura, ilustraciones bíblicas y las últimas investigaciones, Lee Strobel lo ayudará a entender a los no cristianos y lo que los motiva. El labor incluye quince claves sobre por qué las personas se mantienen alejadas de Dios y de la iglesia; una visión de la cristiandad y su mensaje a través de los ojos de un antiguo ateo; una estrategia práctica inspiracional para edificar relaciones con los que no son cristianos, y por último, cómo sobrevivir a un matrimonio con un incrédulo.

Acepto las Condiciones

Autor: Cristobal Cobo

Número de Páginas: 170

La actual concentración del poder digital en unas pocas compañías (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple o Microsoft) no solamente está generando nuevas formas de poder y control que exacerban las ya existentes, sino que además crea nuevas formas de exclusión y periferia. Es el fin de la luna de miel digital. A través de la voz de diferentes expertos internacionales esta obra profundiza en cuestiones como: ¿qué hacer para revertir las actuales asimetrías de poder?, ¿quién observa a los que nos observan?, ¿podemos pensar en tecnologías con un enfoque (más) humano?, o ¿acepto los términos y condiciones de la vida digital? La estructura de este texto busca evitar reduccionismos. Según el tipo de trayectoria que se siga con la lectura puede transitarse desde el optimismo (utopía) a la tragedia (distopía), o simplemente desde el diagnóstico a la reacción (posible). La lectura es a medida y a gusto del lector. No hay recetas ni doctrinas que puedan instalarse de manera tan sencilla como una actualización en su sistema operativo. El objetivo último es reflexionar desde una perspectiva crítica y abierta sobre las consecuencias de la masificación de las tecnologías y...

Una bibliografía sobre administración pública

Autor: Howard E. Mac Curdy

Número de Páginas: 239

Gramática italiana y método para aprenderla

Autor: Eduardo Benot

Número de Páginas: 480

Polímeros Naturales Ensamblados Capa a Capa (layer-by-layer) Para Aplicaciones Biomédicas

Autor: Miryam Criado González

The objective of the present PhD work is the development of multilayer polymer systems based on natural polymers through layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly for applications in magnetic hyperthermia therapies and controlled drug delivery. The first part of this thesis provides a general introduction and objectives together with a state-of-the-art which collects a literature review about the main topics related to this thesis (Chapters 1 and 2). From this state-of-the-art, it is possible to conclude that: LbL assembly of natural polymers constitutes an area of intensive research nowadays, due to the potential applications of these materials mainly on the biomedical field. In addition, most of the studies regarding LbL of natural polymers deal with dipping LbL. Spray assisted LbL is a simple and saving-time technique to fabricate nanostructured materials and it has been much less explored leaving a broad field open to research in this thesis. The third chapter is focused on the description of materials and the most relevant characterization techniques used in this thesis. The study of the LbL assembly of two different systems based on natural polymers, alginate/chitosan (Alg/Chi) and...

Las selvas (Forests) 6-Pack

Autor: Yvonne Franklin

Número de Páginas: 20

A forest is unlike any other biome on Earth. There are many life cycles found within a forest. Learn about the energy pyramid that explains the numbers of forest plants and animals. Learn about threats to these lively forests and how they thrive and survive in this Spanish-translated text! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Educar en la realidad

Autor: Catherine L'ecuyer

Número de Páginas: 216

¿Cómo educar en un mundo frenético e hiperexigente? ¿Cómo conseguir que un niño, y luego un adolescente, actúe con ilusión, sea capaz de estar quieto observando con calma lo que le rodea, piense antes de actuar y esté motivado para aprender sin miedo al esfuerzo? Los niños de los últimos veinte años viven en un entorno cada vez más frenético y exigente, que por un lado ha hecho la tarea de educar más compleja, y por otro, los ha alejado de lo esencial. Vemos necesario para su futuro éxito programarlos para un sinfín de actividades que, poco a poco, les están apartando del ocio de siempre, del juego libre, de la naturaleza, del silencio, de la belleza. Su vida se ha convertido en una verdadera carrera para quemar etapas, lo que les aleja cada vez más de su propia naturaleza, de su inocencia, de sus ritmos, de su sentido del misterio. Muchos niños se están perdiendo lo mejor de la vida: descubrir el mundo, adentrarse en la realidad. Un ruido ensordecedor acalla sus preguntas, las estridentes pantallas interrumpen el aprendizaje lento de todo lo maravilloso que hay que descubrir por primera vez.

Utilidad diagnóstica en el glaucoma del análisis de las fibras retinianas mediante polarimetría láser asociado a la autoperimetría y a sistemas de inteligencia artificial (redes neuronales)

Autor: Inés Franco SuÁrez-bÁrcena

Número de Páginas: 226

Owing to the great importance of Glaucoma and because it is one of the main causes of blindness in the world, we are working to contribute a new help to obtain a diagnosis as early as possible, an adequate statistics and an early treatment for Glaucoma, so that we could improve the quality of life of persons who suffer this problem. The persons who have been included in the population sample were voluntarily included and they came from ophthalmic routine exams made in their practice, they signed the consent to be included in the protocol and they declared not taking any medication which could affect the results, in the same ways, they also declared not being regular drinkers or smokers. 106 eyes of 53 patients have been studied (31 women and 22 men) each eye was considered individually. The eyes are classified in different stages of Glaucoma, defined by an expert ophthalmologist, taking into account the definition proposed by Caprioli (1992), in which eyes are defined from group 0 (normal eyes) up to group 5 (terminal Glaucoma) from obtained data from the medical history (qualitative variable), from contributions of the visual area study by autoperimetry and from the study of...

Pretty Little Liars 4-Book Paperback Box Set

Autor: Sara Shepard

Número de Páginas: 1360

The #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the hit ABC Family TV show Pretty Little Liars and the upcoming HBO spin-off series Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin! In ultra-trendy Rosewood, Pennsylvania, four beautiful girls are hiding some very ugly secrets. One person knows them all . . . and is not afraid to spill. This four-book paperback box set contains the first four books in the New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series--Pretty Little Liars, Flawless, Perfect, and Unbelievable--all repackaged with stunning covers for an entirely fresh look, perfect for existing fans and new readers alike.

Mariguana a la Mexicana

Autor: Nacho Lozano

Número de Páginas: 220

¿Qué hace más daño: la mota o la guerra contra la mota? Una nube de mitos, miedo e ignorancia rodea a la mariguana. ¿Pero en realidad qué tanto daño causa? ¿En verdad es ilegal consumirla? ¿Los beneficios que conlleva "compensan" los daños que provoca? Nacho Lozano, con un estilo ágil y riguroso, disecciona en esta obra qué es la mota y cuáles son sus efectos, no sólo en las personas, sino también en la sociedad. De este modo nos recuerda que nadie nunca ha muerto por sobredosis de yerba, que su afectación social es mucho menor que la del tabaco, y cómo es que, hoy en día, sólo cinco mexicanos pueden sembrar, cosechar, transportar y fumar mois... Así, a lo largo de estas páginas, una cuestión va emergiendo: ¿qué implicaría legalizar la mariguana? Y tal vez más importante: ¿cuál es el costo de no hacerlo?

Abuso de Internet

Autor: Echeburúa Odriozola, Enrique

Número de Páginas: 328

El objetivo de este libro es hacer una puesta al día, con los investigadores españoles más representativos en el ámbito el abuso de Internet y el juego de azar online, de lo que suponen psicológicamente y de la estrecha relación entre ambos. Se trata de analizar el problema de las nuevas tecnologías en sus justas dimensiones, precisar los factores de protección y de riesgo para la implicación en conductas problemáticas y determinar las vías de prevención a nivel familiar, escolar y social.


Autor: Carlos Fonseca

Número de Páginas: 200

"A tender and thoughtful exploration of the painful irony of being alive and our attempts to make sense of the past as well as the present" KATHARINA VOLCKMER, author of The Appointment "A reflection on identity, rootlessness and violence - Fonseca's most ambitious, most complex and most accomplished novel to date" JAVIER CERCAS, author of Soldiers of Salamis "A beautifully knotted novel which unfolds with every traced layer of its deeply affecting narrative alongside a meditation on memory, mystery and vanishing. Sebaldian in its turns, Austral is a novel of profound questions" GUY GUNARATNE, author of Mister, Mister A dazzling novel about the traces we leave, the traces we erase and the traces we seek to rebuild. In this innovative novel three losses and three quests are pursued. English writer Aliza Abravanel tries, in a battle with aphasia, to finish her book. A last indigenous speaker is confronted with the fading of his culture and language while an anthropologist struggles to prevent it. And through the construction of an esoteric theatre of memory, a survivor of the Guatemalan genocide of the 1970s and '80s seeks to recover the memories lost after the traumas of war. And...

Umbral #7

Autor: Antony Johnston

Número de Páginas: 32

"KILLING THE SUNRISE" BOOK TWO STARTS HERE! Rascal has escaped the Umbral in the city (uh, spoilers?) and now she heads for the mountainous Sunrise homestead. But even here not everyone is who they seem, and before the dawn a blade will flash in the dark...


Autor: Nikolay Lakutin

In a nutshell, the book is based on real events, although it is unlikely that any of you will believe in the probability of time travel. My dear people, You have no idea what services exist in our world...


Autor: Clarence Blair

Número de Páginas: 208

This book is about the powerful love between a boy and his father and about how the boy matures to do what the police cant. In this story, the boy carries out his fathers dreams of caring for his family and trains to be a force to be reckoned with.

La Ultima Mentira

Autor: David Ellis

Número de Páginas: 0

A woman accused of murder is caught in a tortuous psychological maze that leaves her only one escape--suicide. Or does it? Told in reverse chronological order, from its enigmatic end to its brilliant beginning, In the Company of Liars is a tantalizing tour de force.

La selva amazónica (Amazon Rainforest) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 20

There is so much to explore in the Amazon! Readers are taken on an adventure through the Amazon rainforest to learn about the lush plants and beautiful animals, deforestation, and rainforest conservation in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title that features striking photographs and riveting facts. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Armando Andrade Tudela, efectiviwonder

Autor: Armando Andrade Tudela

The exhibition at Ikon consists of new work that extends Andrade Tudela's interest in materials, value, scale and the relationships between them. A number of sculptures derived from minimalist objects, are made from rattan. The weave of this material, layer on layer, produces a psychedelic effect that is characteristic of how the artist employs repetition, rhythm and colour in order to suggest a hallucinatory way of seeing. Thus the artist signals his interest in the possibilities of transforming human perception, making strong reference to sixties counter-culture. Underpinning Andrade Tudela's Ikon project is an installation in a suburban villa in Lima, reflecting the influence of vernacular Peruvian architecture upon his practice. Organised in collaboration with MALI, the Museum of Art, Lima, it took place in October 2009.

¡Sin resolver! Lugares misteriosos (Unsolved! Mysterious Places) 6-Pack

Autor: Lisa Greathouse , Stephanie Kuligowski

Número de Páginas: 28

From Stonehenge to the Bermuda Triangle, there are many places on Earth that remain a mystery to scientists! Readers will discover these curious places--and more!--as they move through this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. This mysterious book features detailed images, informational text, and stimulating facts and theories in conjunction with upper-level features, such as chapter format, a glossary of terms, and an index. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

La Quinta Soledad

Autor: Silviana Wood

Número de Páginas: 0

Award-winning Chicana writer from Tucson, Arizona Silviana Wood's debut novel, LA QUINTA SOLEDAD, is a tour de force of Mexican American literature, language, culture, cuisine, folklore and humor. Part fiction and part memoir, the novel is narrated by 62-year-old Quinta Soledad, a neighborhood typist and scribe from Barrio Anita in Tucson, Arizona. She tells a multigenerational Mexicana/Chicana family story of "oro molido" memories that center on her strict and unforgiving abuela, Nana Conchita; her single mother, Lola, who loves to sing and dance; and her four older blossom sisters: Dalia (la Dolly, the frustrated artist who looks like Joan Baez), Magnolia (la Maggie, who loves animals and speaks in her own peculiar language), Orquídea (la Orky, the incessant liar and beautiful wannabe actress who is the best cook in the family), and Azucena (la Susie Mae, the lover of Gabriel García Márquez and expert on plants and saintsí birthdays). After a barrio shoot-out, Lola convinces her great granddaughter and daughters to take her to the fiesta del milagroso San Francisco the following day in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, México, where she and her mother, Nana Conchita, were born....

Cruzar California

Autor: Adam Langer , Javier Calvo

Número de Páginas: 0

Referring to the street in the West Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago that divides the wealthy Jewish families from the middle class Jewish families, this 1980 novel is meticulous in its details and generous in its sentimentality. The intricate web of connections that link three neighborhood families—the Rovners, the Wasserstroms, and the Wills—traverses the class line and introduces a range of idiosyncratic characters: high school drama club queen Michelle Wasserstrom; aspiring rock star and ladies’ man Larry Rovner; and Muley Wills, a young disc jockey with a troublesome imaginary friend named Peachy Moskowitz. Full of nostalgia for the late 1970s, this smart and funny story embraces the music and events of the era, from bad rock and roll to the Iran hostage crisis. Refiriéndose a la calle en el barrio de West Rogers Park de Chicago que divide a las familias judías pudientes de las familias judías de clase media, esta novela de 1980 es meticulosa en sus detalles y generosa en su sentimentalismo. La intrincada red de conexiones que vinculan a tres familias del barrio—los Rovners, los Wasserstroms y los Wills—atraviesa las clases sociales y presenta una variedad de...

Rapports: Sections chronologiques, tables rondes, organismes affiliés et commissions internes

Número de Páginas: 392

Educación y Comunicación mediada por las tecnologías: tendencias y retos de investigación

Autor: Ignacio Aguaded , Patricia De Casas Moreno , Gema Paramio Pérez , Ana Castro Zubizarreta , Vania Valdi , Eliza Ribeiro De Oliveira , Andrés García Umaña , Jaime Flores Mora , Claudio Delgado Morales , Marta Sánchez Esparza , Rigliana Portugal , Mari-carmen Caldeiro

Número de Páginas: 150

Todo es mentira / Genuine Fraud

Autor: E. Lockhart

Número de Páginas: 0

El nuevo thriller de la autora best seller por The New York Times Emily Lockhart. Esta es la historia de una chica cuya mente diabólica le ha permitido llegar a lo más alto. Pero, ¿cuántas veces se puede renacer de las cenizas? Imogen es una fugitiva huérfana, heredera de una fortuna, además de una cocinera y una tramposa. Jule es una luchadora, una persona camaleónica y una atleta. Una amistad intensa. Una desaparición. Un asesinato, o quizás dos. Una historia de desamor, o quizás tres. Sangre y chocolate. Superhéroes, espías y villanos. Una chica que se niega a darle a la gente lo que quiere de ella. Una chica que se niega a ser quien fue. Reseña: «Absolutamente inolvidable. E. Lockhart es una de nuestras novelistas más importantes.».-John Green ENGLISH DESCRIPTION INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! LENA DUNHAM AND JENNI KONNER OF GIRLS TO PRODUCE MOVIE! From the author of We Were Liars, which John Green called "utterly unforgettable," comes a unique novel that showcases E. Lockhart’s unmatched ability to play with style and deliver a perfectly plotted, well-written novel with a surprise twist. Be among the first to meet Imogen and Jule! "Compulsively...

Los volcanes (Volcanoes) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 20

Images of an erupting volcano can be mesmerizing. Readers may be surprised to learn that volcanoes erupt every day. Some erupt constantly, while others lie dormant for years or even centuries. Through engaging text and brilliant photos in this Spanish title, readers learn what happens beneath the Earth to cause a volcanic eruption and the different structures beneath the Earth that cause new land to form. This 6-pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Modos polaritónicos y electrónicos en sistemas de dimensionalidad reducida

Número de Páginas: 107

ABSTRACT: This thesis has been divided in 3 parts. In the first part we have studied a quasi-two dimensional system that consists of an excitonic superlattice formed by alternating two layers; a semiconductor and an insulator. The excitonic polarization produces surface currents in the active layer-dead layer interface which is taken into account. The non locality generated by the excitons induces additional polaritonic modes within the active layers, which dictates the necessity of the use of inhomogenous additional boundary conditions (ABC's). Using electromagnetic radiation with p polatization, we calculate the dispertion relation of the collective modes for the infinity superlattice and the reflectivity for the semi-infinity superlattice. The reflectivity has been discussed as a funtion of the dispertion relation of the collective modes and the layer tickness. The results are interpreted in terms of resonances of transverse and longitudinal modes. The second part considers a system where the dimensionality is reduced in the xy plane in such way that we get cylindrical structure whose dimensions are of the order of the visible light wave lenght. Making an approximation of...

La Cucaracha

Autor: Lalo Alcaraz

Número de Páginas: 128

An anthropomorphic hipster cockroach is on the cutting-edge of American comic-strip humor. La Cucaracha (aka Cuco Rocha) and his pals voice the concerns and observations of the Latino-American community with an edgy, insightful wit. Through La Cucaracha, creator Lalo Alcaraz makes blunt social commentary both hard-hitting and hilarious. The result is not just a pleasure, but also a craving. The strong undercurrent of modern Latino themes and issues adds a sharp layer of meaning to the humor. In one strip, an immigrant bartender has listened to two customers rant, "I'm telling ya, there's too many immigrants pouring into this country." When one of the customers asks for another drink the bartender declares, "I'm an immigrant, and guess what? I'm not pouring!" This first of perceptive La Cucaracha humor will delight and gratify all audiences that appreciate intelligent, progressive, deeply amusing comics.

La evolución de los trajes espaciales

Autor: Danica Kassebaum

Número de Páginas: 35

Design a flexible protective layer for a space suit. Space suits have come a long way. The look and function of space suits has evolved over time, but their purpose has always been the same--to keep astronauts safe. From the first suits worn during the Mercury missions, to the latest suits being tested by NASA, there have been great improvements. Learn all about the science behind space suits and how they have changed over time. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this Spanish Smithsonian Informational Text builds reading skills while engaging students' curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. Packed with factoids and informative sidebars, it features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for use in a makerspace and teaches students every step of the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from actual Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields. Discover engineering innovations that solve real-world problems with content that touches on all aspects of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math!

La evolución de los trajes espaciales ebook

Autor: Danica Kassebaum

Número de Páginas: 32

Design a flexible protective layer for a space suit. Space suits have come a long way. The look and function of space suits has evolved over time, but their purpose has always been the same--to keep astronauts safe. From the first suits worn during the Mercury missions, to the latest suits being tested by NASA, there have been great improvements. Learn all about the science behind space suits and how they have changed over time. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this Spanish-translated Smithsonian Informational Text builds reading skills while engaging students' curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. Packed with factoids and informative sidebars, it features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for use in a makerspace and teaches students every step of the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from actual Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields. Discover engineering innovations that solve real-world problems with content that touches on all aspects of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math!

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