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Total de libros encontrados 38 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Statistical Distributions

Autor: Catherine Forbes , Merran Evans , Nicholas Hastings , Brian Peacock

Número de Páginas: 206

A new edition of the trusted guide on commonly used statistical distributions Fully updated to reflect the latest developments on the topic, Statistical Distributions, Fourth Edition continues to serve as an authoritative guide on the application of statistical methods to research across various disciplines. The book provides a concise presentation of popular statistical distributions along with the necessary knowledge for their successful use in data modeling and analysis. Following a basic introduction, forty popular distributions are outlined in individual chapters that are complete with related facts and formulas. Reflecting the latest changes and trends in statistical distribution theory, the Fourth Edition features: A new chapter on queuing formulas that discusses standard formulas that often arise from simple queuing systems Methods for extending independent modeling schemes to the dependent case, covering techniques for generating complex distributions from simple distributions New coverage of conditional probability, including conditional expectations and joint and marginal distributions Commonly used tables associated with the normal (Gaussian), student-t, F and...

Handbook of Fitting Statistical Distributions with R

Autor: Zaven A. Karian , Edward J. Dudewicz

Número de Páginas: 1722

With the development of new fitting methods, their increased use in applications, and improved computer languages, the fitting of statistical distributions to data has come a long way since the introduction of the generalized lambda distribution (GLD) in 1969. Handbook of Fitting Statistical Distributions with R presents the latest and best methods

Handbook of Statistical Distributions

Autor: Jagdish K. Patel , C. H. Kapadia , D. B. Owen

Número de Páginas: 302

Estadística Matemática Con Aplicaciones

Autor: Dennis D. Wackerly , William Mendenhall , Richard L. Scheaffer

Número de Páginas: 0

Este exitoso texto, el más utilizado en las 200 mejores escuelas de Estados Unidos, recurre a las matemáticas como una herramienta necesaria para promover una firme comprensión de las técnicas estadísticas.


Autor: Mark L. Berenson , David M. Levine , Timothy C. Krehbiel

Número de Páginas: 652

Estadística para administración ha tenido una gran trayectoria gracias al uso de diversas aplicaciones para introducir a los estudiantes en la esencia de los conceptos de la estadística en los negocios. Entre los principales cambios en la cuarta edición destacan: cada capítulo del texto se reescribió y ahora incluye más actividades, usando un estilo de escritura más accesible acorde con las necesidades de los estudiantes; el contenido se enfoca más en los temas fundamentales que se cubren en el curso; el texto ahora trae más ejemplos de la vida diaria, como compras en línea, el tiempo que se emplea para alistarse por las mañanas y el tiempo de espera en un restaurante de comida rápida; las fórmulas clave se encuentran al final de cada capítulo; asimismo, las respuestas a los exámenes de autoevaluación vienen al final del libro.

Statistical Distributions

Autor: Nick T. Thomopoulos

Número de Páginas: 176

This book gives a description of the group of statistical distributions that have ample application to studies in statistics and probability. Understanding statistical distributions is fundamental for researchers in almost all disciplines. The informed researcher will select the statistical distribution that best fits the data in the study at hand. Some of the distributions are well known to the general researcher and are in use in a wide variety of ways. Other useful distributions are less understood and are not in common use. The book describes when and how to apply each of the distributions in research studies, with a goal to identify the distribution that best applies to the study. The distributions are for continuous, discrete, and bivariate random variables. In most studies, the parameter values are not known a priori, and sample data is needed to estimate parameter values. In other scenarios, no sample data is available, and the researcher seeks some insight that allows the estimate of the parameter values to be gained. This handbook of statistical distributions provides a working knowledge of applying common and uncommon statistical distributions in research studies. These ...

Los siete pilares de la sabiduría estadística

Autor: Stephen M. Stigler

Número de Páginas: 229

La estadística está en todas partes: en las calificaciones de la escuela, en las encuestas que aspiran a anticipar un resultado electoral, en el descubrimiento de nuevas partículas elementales. Pero, ¿qué tiene de singular esta disciplina? Stephen M. Stigler propone que la sabiduría estadística se apoya en siete grandes pilares conceptuales que han ido madurando con el paso de los siglos y han contribuido a que hoy sea, por méritos propios, una ciencia versátil y rigurosa. Mediante el recuento de situaciones clave, la presentación de ideas que en su momento fueron revolucionarias y el retrato de algunos pensadores audaces, Stigler describe cómo al desechar parte de los datos en realidad podemos describirlos mejor, cómo aumenta la información cuando crece el número de observaciones, cómo se ha usado la probabilidad para cuantificar la precisión de una medida, cómo la variación interna de los datos puede ser suficiente para estudiarlos, cómo lo ya observado permite imaginar lo que aún no ocurre, cómo los procesos aleatorios pueden ser una magnífica herramienta y cómo se han desarrollado ciertos modelos teóricos para explicar todo tipo de fenómenos. El lector ...

Handbook of Statistical Distributions

Autor: Jagdish K. Patel , C. H. Kapadia , Donald Bruce Owen

Número de Páginas: 324

Handbook of Statistical Distributions

Autor: Jagdish K. Patel

Número de Páginas: 302

A Course on Queueing Models

Autor: Joti Lal Jain , Sri Gopal Mohanty , Walter Böhm

Número de Páginas: 472

The application of engineering principles in divergent fields such as management science and communications as well as the advancement of several approaches in theory and computation have led to growing interest in queueing models, creating the need for a comprehensive text. Emphasizing Markovian structures and the techniques that occur in differen

Randomization Tests, Fourth Edition

Autor: Eugene Edgington , Patrick Onghena

Número de Páginas: 372

The number of innovative applications of randomization tests in various fields and recent developments in experimental design, significance testing, computing facilities, and randomization test algorithms have necessitated a new edition of Randomization Tests. Updated, reorganized, and revised, the text emphasizes the irrelevance and implausibility of the random sampling assumption for the typical experiment in three completely rewritten chapters. It also discusses factorial designs and interactions and combines repeated-measures and randomized block designs in one chapter. The authors focus more attention on the practicality of N-of-1 randomization tests and the availability of user-friendly software to perform them. In addition, they provide an overview of free and commercial computer programs for all of the tests presented in the book. Building on the previous editions that have served as standard textbooks for more than twenty-five years, Randomization Tests, Fourth Edition includes a CD-ROM of up-to-date randomization test programs that facilitate application of the tests to experimental data. This CD-ROM enables students to work out problems that have been added to the...

Handbook of Beta Distribution and Its Applications

Autor: Arjun K. Gupta , Saralees Nadarajah

Número de Páginas: 594

A milestone in the published literature on the subject, this first-ever Handbook of Beta Distribution and Its Applications clearly enumerates the properties of beta distributions and related mathematical notions. It summarizes modern applications in a variety of fields, reviews up-and-coming progress from the front lines of statistical research and practice, and demonstrates the applicability of beta distributions in fields such as economics, quality control, soil science, and biomedicine. The book discusses the centrality of beta distributions in Bayesian inference, the beta-binomial model and applications of the beta-binomial distribution, and applications of Dirichlet integrals.

Handbook of Exponential and Related Distributions for Engineers and Scientists

Autor: Nabendu Pal , Chun Jin , Wooi K. Lim

Número de Páginas: 337

The normal distribution is widely known and used by scientists and engineers. However, there are many cases when the normal distribution is not appropriate, due to the data being skewed. Rather than leaving you to search through journal articles, advanced theoretical monographs, or introductory texts for alternative distributions, the Handbook of E

Handbook of Stochastic Analysis and Applications

Autor: D. Kannan , V. Lakshmikantham

Número de Páginas: 800

An introduction to general theories of stochastic processes and modern martingale theory. The volume focuses on consistency, stability and contractivity under geometric invariance in numerical analysis, and discusses problems related to implementation, simulation, variable step size algorithms, and random number generation.

Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics

Autor: Hoang Pham

Número de Páginas: 1136

In today’s global and highly competitive environment, continuous improvement in the processes and products of any field of engineering is essential for survival. This book gathers together the full range of statistical techniques required by engineers from all fields. It will assist them to gain sensible statistical feedback on how their processes or products are functioning and to give them realistic predictions of how these could be improved. The handbook will be essential reading for all engineers and engineering-connected managers who are serious about keeping their methods and products at the cutting edge of quality and competitiveness.

Reliability Modelling and Analysis in Discrete Time

Autor: Unnikrishnan Nair , P.g. Sankaran , N. Balakrishnan

Número de Páginas: 510

Reliability Modelling and Analysis in Discrete Time provides an overview of the probabilistic and statistical aspects connected with discrete reliability systems. This engaging book discusses their distributional properties and dependence structures before exploring various orderings associated between different reliability structures. Though clear explanations, multiple examples, and exhaustive coverage of the basic and advanced topics of research in this area, the work gives the reader a thorough understanding of the theory and concepts associated with discrete models and reliability structures. A comprehensive bibliography assists readers who are interested in further research and understanding. Requiring only an introductory understanding of statistics, this book offers valuable insight and coverage for students and researchers in Probability and Statistics, Electrical Engineering, and Reliability/Quality Engineering. The book also includes a comprehensive bibliography to assist readers seeking to delve deeper. - Includes a valuable introduction to Reliability Theory before covering advanced topics of research and real world applications - Features an emphasis on the...

An Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Environmental Investments

Número de Páginas: 119

Mathematical Statistics With Applications

Autor: Asha Seth Kapadia , Wenyaw Chan , Lemuel A. Moyé

Número de Páginas: 644

Mathematical statistics typically represents one of the most difficult challenges in statistics, particularly for those with more applied, rather than mathematical, interests and backgrounds. Most textbooks on the subject provide little or no review of the advanced calculus topics upon which much of mathematical statistics relies and furthermore contain material that is wholly theoretical, thus presenting even greater challenges to those interested in applying advanced statistics to a specific area. Mathematical Statistics with Applications presents the background concepts and builds the technical sophistication needed to move on to more advanced studies in multivariate analysis, decision theory, stochastic processes, or computational statistics. Applications embedded within theoretical discussions clearly demonstrate the utility of the theory in a useful and relevant field of application and allow readers to avoid sudden exposure to purely theoretical materials. With its clear explanations and more than usual emphasis on applications and computation, this text reaches out to the many students and professionals more interested in the practical use of statistics to enrich their...

Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements

Autor: Thomas Foken

Número de Páginas: 1761

This practical handbook provides a clearly structured, concise and comprehensive account of the huge variety of atmospheric and related measurements relevant to meteorologists and for the purpose of weather forecasting and climate research, but also to the practitioner in the wider field of environmental physics and ecology. The Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements is divided into six parts: The first part offers instructive descriptions of the basics of atmospheric measurements and the multitude of their influencing factors, fundamentals of quality control and standardization, as well as equations and tables of atmospheric, water, and soil quantities. The subsequent parts present classical in-situ measurements as well as remote sensing techniques from both ground-based as well as airborn or satellite-based methods. The next part focusses on complex measurements and methods that integrate different techniques to establish more holistic data. Brief discussions of measurements in soils and water, at plants, in urban and rural environments and for renewable energies demonstrate the potential of such applications. The final part provides an overview of atmospheric and...

Handbook of Radioactivity Analysis

Autor: Michael F. L'annunziata

Número de Páginas: 1338

& Bull; Describes much practical information for radioactivity monitoring, spectrometric analysis, and radiation dosimetry & bull; Covers state-of-the-art high sample throughput microplate analysis techniques and multi-detector scintillation proximity analysis & bull; Presents the latest methods of rapid electronic radionuclide imaging & bull; Written by twenty-five experts from eight countries & bull; Over 2,000 cited works from the journal referencesP Why This Title? This updated and much expanded Second Edition is a proven authoritative handbook providing the reader with the principles, practical techniques, and procedures for the accurate measurement of radioactivity from the very low levels encountered in the environment to higher levels measured in radioisotope research, clinical laboratories, biological sciences, radionuclide standardization, nuclear medicine, nuclear power, fuel cycle facilities, and the implementation of nuclear safeguards.-

Control estadístico de la calidad

Autor: Douglas C. Montgomery

Número de Páginas: 0

Incluye temas tales como : introducción al aseguramiento de la calidad en la industria y los negocios: muestreo, estadística descriptiva, probabilidad y estimación de parámetros; enfoque seis sigma; métodos estadísticos del diseño de experimentos para el control de procesos; cobertura ampliada de programas como el Minitab y Excel.

Safety, Reliability, Human Factors, and Human Error in Nuclear Power Plants

Autor: B.s. Dhillon

Número de Páginas: 273

Each year billions of dollars are being spent in the area of nuclear power generation to design, construct, manufacture, operate, and maintain various types of systems around the globe. Many times these systems fail due to safety, reliability, human factors, and human error related problems. The main objective of this book is to combine nuclear power plant safety, reliability, human factors, and human error into a single volume for those individuals that work closely during the nuclear power plant design phase, as well as other phases, thus eliminating the need to consult many different and diverse sources in obtaining the desired information.

Particle Strengths

Autor: Robert F. Cook

Número de Páginas: 420

Particle Strengths A holistic and straightforward analysis framework for understanding particle strength distributions In Particle Strengths: Extreme Value Distributions in Fracture, distinguished researcher Dr. Robert F. Cook delivers a thorough exploration of the science and related engineering of fracture strength distributions of single particles tested in diametral compression. In the book, the author explains particle strengths in the broader context of material strengths to permit readers to design with particles in systems in which mechanical properties are crucial to application, manufacturing, and handling. Particle Strengths compiles published data on particle strengths into a common format that includes over 140 materials systems and over 270 published strength distributions derived from over 13000 individual particle strength measurements. It offers physically consistent descriptions of strength behavior, including the strength threshold, using simple polynomial distribution functions that can easily be implemented. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to particles and particle loading, including discussions of particle failure and human activity...

Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control, Second Edition

Autor: Edward G. Schilling , Dean V. Neubauer

Número de Páginas: 724

State-of-the-Art Coverage of the Most Widely Used Acceptance Sampling Techniques Cohesively Incorporates Theory and Practice Reflecting the recent resurgence of interest in this field, Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control, Second Edition presents the state of the art in the methodology of sampling and explores its advantages and limitations. The book also looks at how acceptance control can support applications of statistical process control and help in the evaluation of products. New to the Second Edition Coverage of ISO 2859 and 3951 standards and the ASTM version (E2234) of MIL-STD-105E A new section on credit-based sampling plans Greater emphasis on sampling schemes with switching rules More extensive discussion of accept zero plans, including tightened-normal-tightened (TNT), credit-based, the Nelson monograph for c=0, and MIL-STD-1916 Providing valuable guidelines for choosing appropriate procedures, this comprehensive second edition encompasses the most widely used acceptance sampling techniques. It lucidly provides a broad theoretical understanding of the field while offering all the information needed for the practical application of acceptance sampling plans in...

Teoría elemental de la probabilidad y de los procesos estocásticos

Autor: Kai Lai Chung

Número de Páginas: 404

Se ha dedicado en este texto, mucha reflexión a la selección, organización y presentación de la materia, pensando en su exposición en el aula de clase; pero no se ha intentado ofrecer un libro a la medida de ningún programa ni exactamente ajustado a un calendario. Se deja al profesor cierto grado de libertad para que pueda elegir flexiblemente lo más adecuado a su clase.

Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work

Autor: Charles Taillie , Ganapati P. Patil , Bruno A. Baldessari

Número de Páginas: 458

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Trieste, Italy, July 10-August 1, 1980

Bayesian Model Selection and Statistical Modeling

Autor: Tomohiro Ando

Número de Páginas: 300

Along with many practical applications, Bayesian Model Selection and Statistical Modeling presents an array of Bayesian inference and model selection procedures. It thoroughly explains the concepts, illustrates the derivations of various Bayesian model selection criteria through examples, and provides R code for implementation. The author shows how to implement a variety of Bayesian inference using R and sampling methods, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo. He covers the different types of simulation-based Bayesian model selection criteria, including the numerical calculation of Bayes factors, the Bayesian predictive information criterion, and the deviance information criterion. He also provides a theoretical basis for the analysis of these criteria. In addition, the author discusses how Bayesian model averaging can simultaneously treat both model and parameter uncertainties. Selecting and constructing the appropriate statistical model significantly affect the quality of results in decision making, forecasting, stochastic structure explorations, and other problems. Helping you choose the right Bayesian model, this book focuses on the framework for Bayesian model selection and...

Probability Distributions Used in Reliability Engineering

Autor: Andrew N O'connor

Número de Páginas: 220

The book provides details on 22 probability distributions. Each distribution section provides a graphical visualization and formulas for distribution parameters, along with distribution formulas. Common statistics such as moments and percentile formulas are followed by likelihood functions and in many cases the derivation of maximum likelihood estimates. Bayesian non-informative and conjugate priors are provided followed by a discussion on the distribution characteristics and applications in reliability engineering.

Mine Safety

Autor: Balbir S. Dhillon

Número de Páginas: 193

Mine Safety combines detailed information on safety in mining with methods and mathematics that can be used to preserve human life. By compiling various recent research results and data into one volume, Mine Safety eliminates the need to consult many diverse sources in order to obtain vital information. Chapters cover a broad range of topics, including: human factors and error in mine safety, mining equipment safety, safety in offshore industry and programmable electronic mining system safety. They are written in such a manner that the reader requires no previous knowledge to understand their contents. Examples and solutions are given at appropriate places, and there are numerous problems to test the reader’s comprehension. Mine Safety will prove useful for many individuals, including engineering and safety professionals working in the mining industry, researchers, instructors, and undergraduate and graduate students in the field of mining engineering.

Statistical Distributions

Autor: N. A. J. Hastings , J. B. Peacock

Número de Páginas: 0

Probability Distributions Involving Gaussian Random Variables

Autor: Marvin K. Simon

Número de Páginas: 218

This handbook, now available in paperback, brings together a comprehensive collection of mathematical material in one location. It also offers a variety of new results interpreted in a form that is particularly useful to engineers, scientists, and applied mathematicians. The handbook is not specific to fixed research areas, but rather it has a generic flavor that can be applied by anyone working with probabilistic and stochastic analysis and modeling. Classic results are presented in their final form without derivation or discussion, allowing for much material to be condensed into one volume.

Applied Reliability and Quality

Autor: Balbir S. Dhillon

Número de Páginas: 252

Each industry, from robotics to health care, power generation to software, has its own tailored reliability and quality principles, methods, and procedures. This book brings these together so that reliability and quality professionals can more easily learn about each other's work, which may help them, directly or indirectly, to perform their tasks more effectively.

Engineering Systems Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance

Autor: B.s. Dhillon

Número de Páginas: 299

Today, engineering systems are an important element of the world economy and each year billions of dollars are spent to develop, manufacture, operate, and maintain various types of engineering systems around the globe. Many of these systems are highly sophisticated and contain millions of parts. For example, a Boeing jumbo 747 is made up of approximately 4.5 million parts including fasteners. Needless to say, reliability, safety, and maintenance of systems such as this have become more important than ever before. Global competition and other factors are forcing manufacturers to produce highly reliable, safe, and maintainable engineering products. Therefore, there is a definite need for the reliability, safety, and maintenance professionals to work closely during design and other phases. Engineering Systems Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance: An Integrated Approach eliminates the need to consult many different and diverse sources in the hunt for the information required to design better engineering systems.

Applied Time Series Analysis

Autor: Wayne A. Woodward , Henry L. Gray , Alan C Elliott

Número de Páginas: 554

Virtually any random process developing chronologically can be viewed as a time series. In economics, closing prices of stocks, the cost of money, the jobless rate, and retail sales are just a few examples of many. Developed from course notes and extensively classroom-tested, Applied Time Series Analysis includes examples across a variety of fields, develops theory, and provides software to address time series problems in a broad spectrum of fields. The authors organize the information in such a format that graduate students in applied science, statistics, and economics can satisfactorily navigate their way through the book while maintaining mathematical rigor. One of the unique features of Applied Time Series Analysis is the associated software, GW-WINKS, designed to help students easily generate realizations from models and explore the associated model and data characteristics. The text explores many important new methodologies that have developed in time series, such as ARCH and GARCH processes, time varying frequencies (TVF), wavelets, and more. Other programs (some written in R and some requiring S-plus) are available on an associated website for performing computations...

Characterizations of Univariate Continuous Distributions

Autor: Mohammad Ahsanullah

Número de Páginas: 130

Provides in an organized manner characterizations of univariate probability distributions with many new results published in this area since the 1978 work of Golambos & Kotz "Characterizations of Probability Distributions" (Springer), together with applications of the theory in model fitting and predictions.

A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work

Autor: Ganapati P. Patil , S. Kotz , J.k. Ord

Número de Páginas: 434

These three volumes constitute the edited Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work held at the University of Calgary from July 29 to August 10, 1974. The general title of the volumes is "Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work". The individual volumes are: Volume 1 - Models and Structures; Volume 2 - Model Building and Model Selection; and Volume 3 - Characterizations and Applications. These correspond to the three advanced seminars of the Institute devoted to the respective subject areas. The planned activities of the Institute consisted of main lectures and expositions, seminar lectures and study group dis cussions, tutorials and individual study. The activities included meetings of editorial committees to discuss editorial matters for these proceedings which consist of contributions that have gone through the usual refereeing process. A special session was organized to consider the potential of introducing a course on statistical distributions in scientific modeling in the curriculum of statistics and quantitative studies. This session is reported in Volume 2. The overall perspective for the Institute is provided by...

Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics

Autor: André I. Khuri

Número de Páginas: 704

Designed to help motivate the learning of advanced calculus by demonstrating its relevance in the field of statistics, this successful text features detailed coverage of optimization techniques and their applications in statistics while introducing the reader to approximation theory. The Second Edition provides substantial new coverage of the material, including three new chapters and a large appendix that contains solutions to almost all of the exercises in the book. Applications of some of these methods in statistics are discusses.

Forest Sampling Desk Reference

Autor: Evert W. Johnson

Número de Páginas: 1009

Should damaged trees be clear cut and replanted or allowed to recover naturally? Is the deer herd large enough to survive hunting pressure? Managing forest resources entails numerous decisions. Making these decisions intelligently requires sound information about the resource in question. Ideally, assessments should be based on the entire populatio

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