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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Final Dawn over Jerusalem

Autor: John Hagee

Número de Páginas: 168

Pastor John Hagee never dreamed that his life would change the night he took a bold stand against terrorism and anti-Semitism in his own hometown. Though his life was threatened, his property destroyed, and his peace of mind rocked, he stood with and supported the people of prophecy...and found his eyes opened to unimaginable horrors, unbearable atrocities, and unspeakable joys. In his dealings with the nation of Isreal, the true people of prophecy, he has uncovered secret treasures of spiritual insights available to all believers...and a blueprint for the rapidly approaching end times.

The Last Dawn

Autor: Joe Gannon

Número de Páginas: 289

It is time to die... 1989. It’s been three years since Captain Ajax Montoya cleared the smoke and blood from his last case—and what a three years. The old world order is coming down along with the Berlin Wall, and the Soviet “Evil Empire” is being born to the ash heap of history by its once captive people. But in a psychiatric hospital in Managua, a near catatonic Ajax missed all that. In 1986, Ajax freed his only remaining friend from a psychotic killer. But his ‘methods’ were such that he was imprisoned in a nut-house for his pains. And for three years his world stood still. But ghosts don’t know time nor read headlines. So when one of the many phantoms from Ajax’s bloody past shows up, he is rescued from his personal nightmare only to be plunged from one hell into another. El Salvador in 1989 is in a civil war so vicious, they say even the Grim Reaper needs an escort. But when the parents of Ajax’s old love beg him to go there and save their son—as he did not save their daughter—Ajax is on the next plane. And he’s not alone. Gladys Darío—the lieutenant whose rescue cost Ajax his freedom and his mind—has been stewing in Miami for three years, and she ...

The last Dawn

Autor: Shyam Kumar

Número de Páginas: 303

Raj and Anjali meet and develop mutual respect and love for each other on the very first meeting in the office and find in each other as their soul mate in the days to come. Raj owes Anjali his life when she saves him from drowning. She becomes more adorable for him. He wants to marry her. But his family does not agree. He wants to disassociate himself with his family to make Anjali his life partner. But she, sacrificing her own love for Raj, persuades him not to go against the wishes of his parents and instead she offers her assistance in selecting a suitable girl for him recommended by his family members. Raj unwillingly accepts the choice of his family and finally marries a girl, whom he has never met before and finds himself at crossroads to balance his life between his love and responsibilities. It takes a long time for him to negotiate with life without his dream girl, Anjali. Tragedies in the family and the increasing pressure at home widen the breach between the two lovebirds. It creates feelings of bitterness and betrayal between the two. Anjali not only suffers the loss of all her near and dear ones, but also feels betrayed by those for whom she has sacrificed her own...

The Last Dawn

Autor: David Turner

Número de Páginas: 214

On 14 October 1939, HMS Royal Oak, one of the British navy's top battleships, was destroyed at the Royal Navy's main anchorage at Scapa Flow, Orkney. The audacious attack, by a German U-boat, was the first major blow against Britain of the Second World War. Over 800 lives were lost, including sailors as young as 14. This book is a revealing account of the tragedy. Told through declassified photographs and naval records, as well as statements from survivors, it is a dramatic and moving reassessment of one of the most shattering events in British naval history.

El Hombre en el Olvido

Autor: Christina Mckenna

Número de Páginas: 0

James was abandoned in an adoption center with his sister, who died shortly after their arrival. There, James lost any distinctive features and lived his life simply as a number: eighty-six. He suffered rape, hunger, and torture until a family of farmers decided to adopt him. A novel that accurately portrays the sense of longing that human beings possess, manages to weave humor into an otherwise intense story that has captivated the interest of hundreds of thousands of readers. James fue un niño abandonado en un centro de adopción junto con su hermana, que murió nada más llegar. Allí, James perdió todo rasgo distintivo, pasó a convertirse en un número: ochenta y seis. Sufrió violaciones, hambre, tortura, hasta que una familia de granjeros decidió adoptarlo. Este es el inicio de una historia que tiene varios giros y que dejará boquiabierto al lector. Una novela de búsqueda que es un retrato certero de los anhelos del ser humano. Dosis de drama y humor en una narración que conmueve a quien la lee. Estos son los mimbres con los que se construye una novela que ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores.

The Spirit of the Christian Life. Sermons ...

Autor: Stopford Augustus Brooke

Número de Páginas: 414

Les misérables [tr. by C.E. Wilbour]. Fantine; Cosette & Marius. Jean Valjean; Cosette and Marius

Autor: Victor Marie Hugo

Número de Páginas: 552

Final Dawn Season 3 (the Thrilling Post-Apocalyptic Series)

Autor: Mike Kraus

Número de Páginas: 156

Final Dawn - The bestselling series with over 70,000 copies sold. Join Rachel Walsh, Leonard McComb, Marcus Warden and Nancy Sims in the final chapter of their saga. Sacrifices have been made, lines have been drawn and it is up to the survivors to determine who wins and who loses in this battle for humanity itself.

Its history and heraldry

Autor: Charles Adiel Lewis Totten

Número de Páginas: 364

Advance report (United States. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Office of Applied Studies). no. 4, 1993

Número de Páginas: 56

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science

Número de Páginas: 778

Sketches of Men of Progress

Autor: James Parton

Número de Páginas: 768

"57 steel engravings by various artists, many from photographs. 1 heliographic engraving from a photographic portrait of James W. Gerard. Half-tone by Frederick W. Von Egloffstein's Heliographic Engrav. & Print Co. 135 West 25th St., N.Y. It is interesting that out of 58 portraits only one would be done in a photomechanical process. Breaking new ground was probably not easy: entrenched notions of the proper way to do portrait engravings and possibly the cost prohibition of the new process kept people from trying it." -- Hanson Collection Catalogue, p. 37-38.


Autor: George Macdonald

Número de Páginas: 300

A Victorian-era novel about the secret workings of common Scottish people with their landlords.

History of the Town of Worthington

Autor: James Clay Rice , John Hatch Bisbee , C. K. Brewster

Número de Páginas: 142

The Soldier of Fortune. A Tragedy in Five Acts [and in Verse].

Autor: John Byrne Leicester Warren (baron De Tabley)

Número de Páginas: 428

Sonnets of Three Centuries

Autor: Sir Hall Caine

Número de Páginas: 378

Page proofs for the first edition, bound in red binder's cloth. Inscribed "This is the Revise Proof. A good number of additions & alterations were afterwards made. The proof is valuable as containing certain corrections (as in the cases of Watts's sonnets) which it was found too late to set right in type. 1882. THC." With Caine's ms. revisions and markings. The contributors include the three Rossettis, Oliver Madox Brown, Richard Watson Dixon, Dobson, Philip Bourke Marston, Swinburne, John Addington Symonds, and William Bell Scott.

Sonnets of three centuries: a selection. Ed. by T.H. Caine

Autor: Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine

Número de Páginas: 378

Through the shadows, by Erskine Moir

Autor: Felicia Mary F. Skene

Número de Páginas: 248

'Foursquare;' Or, The City of Our King. [In Verse.]

Autor: Foursquare

Número de Páginas: 136

The Soldier of Fortune

Autor: John Byrne Leicester Warren (baron De Tabley)

Número de Páginas: 426


Autor: Edmind Yates

Número de Páginas: 776

An Idyl of Lake George and Other Poems

Autor: Benjamin Franklin Leggett

Número de Páginas: 228

Songs of the Christian Creed and Life. Selected ... and Translated by H. M. M. [Consisting of Latin and Greek Hymns Translated Into English, and English Hymns Translated Into Latin, with the Text of the Original Hymns.]

Autor: Hamilton Montgomerie Macgill

Número de Páginas: 284


Autor: Edmund Hodgson Yates , Walter Sydney Sichel , Bax. Ernest Belfort

Número de Páginas: 778

Mid-year ... preliminary emergency department data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network 2000 |JAN. 2001

Número de Páginas: 124

A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri

Autor: William Smith Bryan , Robert Rose

Número de Páginas: 608

Riders Towards the Dawn

Autor: Albert H. Friedlander

Número de Páginas: 336

Discusses post-Holocaust thought, both religious and secular, which realizes that neither religion nor philosophy can be the same after Auschwitz, and which tries to understand the Holocaust. Examines the views of Jewish religious thinkers, both Orthodox and progressive (including Hutner, Wyschogrod, Jakobovits, Berkovits, Marmur, Borowitz, Baeck), Christian thinkers (Bonhoeffer, Niemöller), secular authors (Bettelheim, Frankl, Heimler), and poets (Celan, Sachs, Fried). Surveys, also, specific intellectual responses to the Holocaust in the USA, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, and Israel. Friedlander does not adhere completely to any one viewpoint.

Bureau of Justice Statistics SourceBook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1999

Número de Páginas: 692

Advance report (United States. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Office of Applied Studies). no. 6, 1994

Número de Páginas: 64

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