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Business Process Excellence

Autor: August-wilhelm Scheer , Ferri Abolhassan , Wolfram Jost , Mathias Kirchmer

Número de Páginas: 272

Business process management is the basis for all initiatives like SCM, CRM, ERP, or business intelligence. New component and internet-based software architectures and web services require a solid process management to deliver the expected business success. However, many organizations still struggle to find the right approach to business process management. IDS Scheer delivers with ARIS the framework to meet this challenge successfully. IDS Scheer has successfully applied its ARIS business process management approach at thousands of organizations worldwide such as Intel, Siemens, or the US Navy. This book presents international case studies in various manufacturing and service industries as well as the public sector. It shows how to achieve business process excellence in practice.

The Independence and Impartiality of ICSID Arbitrators

Autor: Maria Nicole Cleis

Número de Páginas: 304

The legitimacy of investor-State arbitration is a much-debated topic, with arbitrators’ independence and impartiality being one of the core concerns. In The Independence and Impartiality of ICSID Arbitrators, Maria Nicole Cleis explores how unbiased decision-making is ensured under the ICSID Convention. Juxtaposing existing disqualification decisions in the ICSID system against corresponding requirements in related dispute settlement systems, the book convincingly argues that the current approach to disqualification requests against ICSID arbitrators is too exacting in light of the high stakes of investor-State disputes. The author’s nuanced analysis of the status quo is followed by novel suggestions for reforms (including a proposal for ICSID-specific guidelines on conflict of interest), making the book a valuable source of ideas on constructive paths forward.

The ICSID Convention

Autor: Christoph H. Schreuer

Número de Páginas: 1532

The Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States entered into force in October 1966, and is administered by ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes). There are now 131 countries which have ratified the convention. Its caseload has grown substantially during the last ten years. In this unique compendium, the official text and Professor Schreuer's updated commentary on the entire Convention is set out, Article by Article, as at June 2000. This books offers the most comprehensive explanation of the functioning of this important mechanism for the settlement of investor-host State disputes. It incorporates the preparatory work, the literature and the practice under the Convention, as well as a complete tables and index, and cross references to the ICSID Reports. This practice-oriented guide will be an indispensable tool for anyone dealing with the ICSID Convention.

Information Circular

Autor: United States. Bureau Of Mines

Número de Páginas: 704

ICSID Reports: Volume 1

Autor: University Of Cambridge. Research Centre For International Law

Número de Páginas: 758

These reports present in a single, comprehensive series all those decisions of ICSID tribunals which are in the public domain, as well as the decisions of national courts relating to such proceedings.

The Journal of Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Contractors

Número de Páginas: 920

Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 5

Autor: J. Sanders

Número de Páginas: 713

1 The Fundamental Constants and Metrology.- The Measurement of Fundamental Constants (Metrology) and Its Effect on Scientific and Technical Progress.- Constantes Physiques et Métrologie.- 2 Gamma rays.- Gamma-Ray Energies for Calibration of Ge(Li) spectrometers.- Primary Standards for Gamma Energy Determinations.- Precision Measurements of Relative ?-Ray Energies with a Curved Crystal Diffractometer.- Visible to Gamma-Ray Wavelength Ratio.- Determination of Proton Binding Energies for 89Y, 90Zr, 91Nb and 93Tc from (p, ?) Reaction Q-values.- A New Method for Measurement of Proton Beam Energies.

ICSID Reports: Volume 1

Autor: Rosemary Rayfuse

Número de Páginas: 772

The World Bank Convention on the Settlement of Investment Dispute entered into force in 1965. An international dispute settlement system which is of great and growing importance, its reports have been published haphazardly in various periodicals, but are presented in these volumes in consolidated form for the first time, together with materials related to the ICSID cases from national courts around the world. All the decisions are presented in English with summaries, and are translated from other languages where necessary. This first volume contains materials relating to proceedings from 1975 to 1990, and is fully indexed.

Administrative Management

Autor: Annatjie W. Erasmus , Edmund John Ferreira , Darelle Groenewald

Número de Páginas: 500

The roles and responsibilities of administrative managers are identified and explained in this comprehensive resource on managing the information needs of an organization to facilitate timely, relevant, and accurate communication. Topical case studies and practical examples illustrate the knowledge and skills required for success in office management.

International Investment Law and Arbitration

Autor: Todd Weiler

Número de Páginas: 838

Presents a collection of essays.

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