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Agent Stitch 01 - Une aventure sans bavures

Agent Stitch 01 - Une aventure sans bavures

Autor: Disney

Número de Páginas: 161

Lilo, Stitch, Jumba et Pikly coulent des jours heureux à Hawaï... jusqu’au jour où Stitch est contacté par la Fédération Galactique pour enquêter sur la disparition de Cobra Bubbles ! Voici Stitch, fraîchement promu détective, lancé sur la piste de mystérieux escargots de l’espace... Après tout, qui de mieux pour cette mission délicate qu’un extraterrestre à quatre bras et à l’instinct destructeur ?

Agent Stitch 03 - Menace au centre commercial

Agent Stitch 03 - Menace au centre commercial

Autor: Disney

Número de Páginas: 162

La planète Terre est en danger ! Stitch et ses amis sont envoyés en Corée du Sud pour affronter une nouvelle fois les Extrargots et les Dentoïdes. Les deux espèces extraterrestres se sont unies pour mener à bien la phase finale du mystérieux projet APP... Aidé de ses compagnons et du groupe de K-pop le plus en vogue du moment, Stitch réussira-t-il à déjouer ce complot intergalactique et à sauver la Terre ?

Agent Stitch 02 - Un agent sur les dents

Agent Stitch 02 - Un agent sur les dents

Autor: Disney

Número de Páginas: 162

Pas de repos pour Stitch ! Après avoir triomphé des Extrargots à Paris, il est envoyé par la Fédération Galactique à New York aux côtés de ses amis Lilo, Jumba et Pikly. La mission qui les attend semble impliquer une étrange dent, une bicyclette qui avance toute seule et de curieuses rimes... Aucun doute, voilà un mystère pour l’agent Stitch !

Special Agent Man

Special Agent Man

Autor: Steve Moore

Número de Páginas: 346

For decades, movies and television shows have portrayed FBI agents as fearless heroes leading glamorous lives, but this refreshingly original memoir strips away the fantasy and glamour and describes the day-to-day job of an FBI special agent. The book gives a firsthand account of a career in the Federal Bureau of Investigation from the academy to retirement, with exciting and engaging anecdotes about SWAT teams, counterterrorism activities, and undercover assignments. At the same time, it challenges the stereotype of FBI agents as arrogant, case-stealing, suit-wearing stiffs by portraying the real people who carry badges and guns. With honest, self-deprecating humor, Steve Moore’s narrative details his successes and his mistakes, the trauma the job inflicted on his marriage, his triumph over the aggressive cancer that took him out of the field for a year, and his return to the Bureau with renewed vigor and dedication to take on some of the most thrilling assignments of his career.

Free Agent

Free Agent

Autor: Catherine Gayle

Número de Páginas: 264

USA Today bestselling author Catherine Gayle presents another novel in the emotional Portland Storm hockey romance series. Can you fall in love when you’ve never loved yourself? Universally misjudged, Blake Kozlow doesn’t let society get under his skin. After all, those misunderstandings have never affected his career. As a center for the Portland Storm, he’s lived his life as a Free Agent—particularly with women. But when he meets a gorgeous, curvy special education teacher, Blake realizes he’s finally met the one person who truly understands him. Beatriz Castillo knows exactly what she wants—to teach her students that nothing can hold them back. A few years ago, her health was spiraling out of control, but Bea took her life back. Now, she uses her vivacious personality to prove to everyone, especially her students, that anything is possible. Perpetually impulsive and spontaneous, Blake turns on the charm. But Bea’s unprepared to be on the receiving end of such brazen attention. As they grow closer and their attraction intensifies, their inner demons threaten everything. They’ve both always lived on the fringes of life. But moving forward will require Bea and...



Autor: David Estlund

Número de Páginas: 398

A leading political theorist’s groundbreaking defense of ideal conceptions of justice in political philosophy Throughout the history of political philosophy and politics, there has been continual debate about the roles of idealism versus realism. For contemporary political philosophy, this debate manifests in notions of ideal theory versus nonideal theory. Nonideal thinkers shift their focus from theorizing about full social justice, asking instead which feasible institutional and political changes would make a society more just. Ideal thinkers, on the other hand, question whether full justice is a standard that any society is likely ever to satisfy. And, if social justice is unrealistic, are attempts to understand it without value or importance, and merely utopian? Utopophobia argues against thinking that justice must be realistic, or that understanding justice is only valuable if it can be realized. David Estlund does not offer a particular theory of justice, nor does he assert that justice is indeed unrealizable—only that it could be, and this possibility upsets common ways of proceeding in political thought. Estlund engages critically with important strands in traditional...

The Agent's Demon

The Agent's Demon

Autor: L E Medlock

Número de Páginas: 394

IT TAKES A DEMON TO CATCH A DEMON LONDON, 1888 When her mentor is brutally murdered, Hazel Locke is dragged into the investigation as the newest agent at Her Majesty's Paranormal Investigation Agency. To solve the case, she must summon a demon partner called a Hound, a creature who can track down others of its kind. But the demon she summons is unlike any she's encountered before, and he wants nothing to do with her or the Agency. As the body count rises, Hazel realizes there's more at stake than getting justice for her mentor. A ruthless killer haunts the streets of London, and to stop them, she and her demon will have to put their differences aside and work together to solve the crime - no matter where the journey takes her... The Agent's Demon is the first book in the historical paranormal series, Locke & Steel.

The Crown Agent

The Crown Agent

Autor: Stephen O'rourke

Número de Páginas: 250

'An assured debut that unashamedly harks back to classic thrillers... reads like a knowing blend of John Buchan's The 39 Steps and Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island.' - The Irish Times A ship adrift, all hands dead. A lighthouse keeper murdered in the night. The Crown needs a man to find the truth. Doctor Mungo Lyon, his reputation tarnished by the Burke & Hare scandal, and forbidden to practise as a surgeon, is the wrong man. That's exactly why the Crown chose him.

Multi-Agent Systems

Multi-Agent Systems

Autor: Vadim Malvone , Aniello Murano

Número de Páginas: 571

This volume LNCS 14282 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th European Conference EUMAS 2023, held in Naples, Italy, during September 2023. This volume includes 24 full papers and 5 short papers, carefully selected from 47 submissions. Additionally, the volume features 16 short papers, rigorously reviewed from 20 submissions for the PhD day. The conference focused on the theory and practice of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, covering a wide range of topics.

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office

Autor: United States. Patent Office

Número de Páginas: 1858
Imperial Agent Collection

Imperial Agent Collection

Autor: Greta Van Der Rol

Número de Páginas: 641

Three complete stories from the Dryden universe starring Tian, Brent – and Puss Eye of the Mother When fate throws Brent Walker and Tian Axmar together, it's strictly a business arrangement. She's an Imperial agent with a problem to solve, he's a space jockey with an empty bank balance and a tramp freighter for hire. Somebody's murdering Yrmaks and Humans. Somebody wants interspecies war. Tian hires Brent to help her investigate. It's an increasingly dangerous game, with more than just lives at stake. Before it's over Brent and Tian will be faced with choices which will change both of them forever. For the Greater Good A Human settlement is destroyed and all signs point to an Yrmak raid as Tian and Brent scour the site for clues. They never expected to find a survivor, a rare alien feline with special abilities. They uncover a devious plot to incite an interspecies war designed to strike at the very heart of the Empire. With lives at risk, there's no time to waste. Racing against the clock, Brent, Tian, and Puss must stop the planned carnage, and this time for Brent and Tian… it's personal. Retribution Tensions simmer on a world where Humans blame Yrmaks for their defeat in a...

Diccionario inglés-español y español-inglés

Diccionario inglés-español y español-inglés

Autor: Francisco Corona Bustamante

Número de Páginas: 654
The Complete Book of Sewing Shortcuts

The Complete Book of Sewing Shortcuts

Autor: Claire B. Shaeffer

Número de Páginas: 260

Demonstrates time-saving sewing techniques used by the fashion industry which are adaptable for home use.

¡Noticia bomba!

¡Noticia bomba!

Autor: Evelyn Waugh

Número de Páginas: 241

¡Noticia bomba!, celebrada como una de las grandes novelas de humor del siglo XX, es también la obra cumbre, en este registro, de Evelyn Waugh, el autor de otras piezas memorables, como Decadencia y caída, Cuerpos viles, Merienda de negros o Los seres queridos. Lord Copper, un magnate de la prensa de Fleet Street, se enorgullece de su olfato para descubrir talentosos reporteros. Sin embargo, a causa de una confusión de apellidos, envía a «cubrir» la guerra civil en una república africana a uno de los periodistas más improbables para tal misión. A partir de ese equívoco, Evelyn Waugh se lanza a una feroz y desopilante sátira sobre el mundo del periodismo, los enviados especiales, la información, la desinformación y la confusión...

The Delineator

The Delineator

Autor: R. S. O'loughlin , H. F. Montgomery , Charles Dwyer

Número de Páginas: 1012
Dictionary, French and English, English and French

Dictionary, French and English, English and French

Autor: John Bellows

Número de Páginas: 622
Annual Reports of Officers, Boards and Institutions of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Annual Reports of Officers, Boards and Institutions of the Commonwealth of Virginia

Autor: Virginia

Número de Páginas: 676


Autor: Manuel López Poy

Número de Páginas: 221

Este magnífico libro de Manuel López Poy –uno de los mejores periodistas musicales de nuestro país– hace un retrato preciso y detallado del Rey del Rock que complementa con maestría la sensacional película Elvis del laureado Baz Luhrmann. Entre las numerosas biografías dedicadas a la figura de Elvis Presley, esta destaca especialmente por su capacidad para trasladarnos a los orígenes del genio de Tupelo, construyendo un libro que circula en paralelo entre la sucesión cronológica de una apasionante vida –con numerosos datos, anécdotas y frases del protagonista– y el retrato de un género musical en el que se dan cita el blues, el country y el rock. El resultado es sabido por todos: la mayor revolución en el mundo de la música y un icono cultural de primer orden. • La leyenda maldita de la primera guitarra de Elvis. • Sun Records, la puerta del futuro. • La leyenda negra de un cantante blanco. • La historia del hotel de los corazones rotos. • El cuarteto del millón de dólares. • La soledad de la reina de Graceland. • Una digna despedida para un rey. Incluye códigos QR para escuchar sus mejores canciones.

Patent and Trademark Office Notices

Patent and Trademark Office Notices

Autor: United States. Patent And Trademark Office

Número de Páginas: 328
Specifications and Drawings of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office

Specifications and Drawings of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office

Autor: United States. Patent Office

Número de Páginas: 2512
Political Utopias

Political Utopias

Autor: Michael Weber , Kevin Vallier

Número de Páginas: 273

Political theory, from antiquity to the present, has been divided over the relationship between the requirements of justice and the limitations of persons and institutions to meet those requirements. Some theorists hold that a theory of justice should be utopian or idealistic--that the derivation of the correct principles of justice should not take into account human and institutional limitations. Others insist on a realist or non-utopian view, according to which feasibility--facts about what is possible given human and institutional limitations--is a constraint on principles of justice. In recent years, the relationship between the ideal and the real has become the subject of renewed scholarly interest. This anthology aims to represent the contemporary state of this classic debate. By and large, contributors to the volume deny that the choice between realism and idealism is binary. Rather, there is a continuum between realism and idealism that locates these extremes of each view at opposite poles. The contributors, therefore, tend to occupy middle positions, only leaning in the ideal or non-ideal direction. Together, their contributions not only represent a wide array of...

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