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Total de libros encontrados 38 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!
On the Mound with ... Curt Schilling

On the Mound with ... Curt Schilling

Autor: Matt Christopher , Glenn Stout

Número de Páginas: 57

A biography of Curt Schilling, star pitcher with the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Curt Schilling

Curt Schilling

Autor: Jeffrey Zuehlke

Número de Páginas: 34

Highlights the life and accomplishments of the star pitcher who helped the Boston Red Sox win the World Series.

iBIZ Technology Corp., Kenneth W. Schilling, H. Mark Perkins, Jeffrey Firestone, Jerrold B. McRoberts, and D. Scott Elliott: Securities and Exchange Commission Litigation Complaint

iBIZ Technology Corp., Kenneth W. Schilling, H. Mark Perkins, Jeffrey Firestone, Jerrold B. McRoberts, and D. Scott Elliott: Securities and Exchange Commission Litigation Complaint

Número de Páginas: 24
Schilling: From a Study in Lost Time

Schilling: From a Study in Lost Time

Autor: Terrell Guillory

Número de Páginas: 159

Dating from World War I to his painful demise in the late 1940s, this book chronicles the life of rural Louisianan Dr. Schilling in elegant, mesmerizing prose. Guillory, who has taught English at several American universities, uses the perspectives of Schilling and his sister, sons, and wife to reveal how and why one family fell apart. Schilling is disturbed by familial hostility, the deaths of his sister and one son, and his memories of Eustache, a lovely young woman with whom he was infatuated. To save her from a prison sentence for murdering her abusive husband, Schilling testifies that she is insane. Consequently, Eustache is committed to a mental hospital, but later Schilling and the reader learn that she is neither guilty nor insane. Ironically, the old doctor who had given his heart to his patients finds himself dying an agonizing death of heart disease, entirely dependent on morphine and his resentful wife to survive. More than just another good read, this poignant, poetic novel is recommended for all libraries.

Curt Schilling Phillie Phire!

Curt Schilling Phillie Phire!

Autor: Paul Hagen

Número de Páginas: 100

Profiles the winning pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, who led the National League in strikeouts (300) in 1998 and personally donates time and money to the fight against ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).

The noble Polish family Schilling. Die adlige polnische Familie Schilling.

The noble Polish family Schilling. Die adlige polnische Familie Schilling.

Autor: Werner Zurek

Número de Páginas: 33

This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo...

Report of Malarial Research Resulting from Interrogation of Professor Claus Schilling

Report of Malarial Research Resulting from Interrogation of Professor Claus Schilling

Autor: G. P. Schnabel

Número de Páginas: 10
The V.R. Illustrated Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue

The V.R. Illustrated Postage Stamp Album and Catalogue

Autor: Edward Stanley Gibbons

Número de Páginas: 396
Hommages à Robert Schilling

Hommages à Robert Schilling

Autor: Hubert Zehnacker

Número de Páginas: 1011

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.

The Melvilles, earls of Melville, and the Leslies, earls of Leven [charters and correspondence, ed., with memoirs of the family] by sir W. Fraser

The Melvilles, earls of Melville, and the Leslies, earls of Leven [charters and correspondence, ed., with memoirs of the family] by sir W. Fraser

Autor: Sir William Fraser

Número de Páginas: 440
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia

Autor: West Virginia. Supreme Court Of Appeals

Número de Páginas: 862
The money, weights & measures of the chief commercial nations in the world

The money, weights & measures of the chief commercial nations in the world

Autor: William Alfred Browne

Número de Páginas: 122
Reports of Cases Determined by the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri

Reports of Cases Determined by the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri

Autor: Missouri. Supreme Court

Número de Páginas: 774
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri

Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri

Autor: Missouri. Supreme Court

Número de Páginas: 776
Pictorial and Biographical Memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana

Pictorial and Biographical Memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana

Número de Páginas: 622
San Jose City Directory Including Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties

San Jose City Directory Including Santa Clara, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties

Número de Páginas: 776
Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington

Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Washington

Autor: Washington (state). Supreme Court , Eugene Glenroy Kreider

Número de Páginas: 800

Vol. 1 includes the decisions of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Washington for 1889.

Washington Reports ...

Washington Reports ...

Autor: Washington (state). Supreme Court , Eugene G. Kreider , Arthur Remington , William Henry Anders

Número de Páginas: 804
Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics, State of Wisconsin

Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics, State of Wisconsin

Autor: Wisconsin. Bureau Of Labor And Industrial Statistics

Número de Páginas: 592
Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York

Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York

Autor: New York (state). Legislature. Assembly

Número de Páginas: 1378
Archæological and Historical Collections Relating to Ayrshire & Galloway

Archæological and Historical Collections Relating to Ayrshire & Galloway

Autor: Ayrshire And Galloway Archaeological Association

Número de Páginas: 338
Index to Instruments Affecting Real Estate Recorded in the Office of Recorder of Deeds, in the County of St. Louis, Mo: pt. 1. A-H. 1804-1854

Index to Instruments Affecting Real Estate Recorded in the Office of Recorder of Deeds, in the County of St. Louis, Mo: pt. 1. A-H. 1804-1854

Autor: Oscar W. Collet

Número de Páginas: 556

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