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Shattered Lives

Shattered Lives

Autor: Bernardine Kennedy

Número de Páginas: 208

Two sisters torn apart by tragedy... From acclaimed author Bernardine Kennedy comes Shattered Lives, an unforgettable tale of love, family and the ties that bind. Perfect for fans of Kitty Neale and Rosie Goodwin. '[An] eminently readable and very modern tale of love and betrayal. A book of powerful emotions that is both disturbing and entertaining' - Lancashire Evening Post When they were orphaned at a young age, sisters Hannah and Julie had to learn to look after themselves. Years later and all grown up, Hannah, with her steady job and happy marriage, seems to have fallen on her feet. The same can't be said for Julie, however. First pregnant at fifteen, and now with three children from three different men and living with a serious drug addiction, she needs help. It's up to Hannah to step in, but in doing so she discovers, in the most devastating way, that her own life might not be so perfect after all... What readers are saying about Shattered Lives: 'One of the best books I have read' 'Gripping to the end' 'Could not put this book down. Brilliant read. Bernardine Kennedy has me hooked!'



Autor: Bea Fogelman

Número de Páginas: 266

If you have ever seen a show with celebrity impersonators you will love this book! In CopyCats these talented performers reveal how they came to emulate particular stars, offer a glimpse into their professional and personal lives, as well as disclose enlightening facts about this aspect of show business.

Retour à la case départ

Retour à la case départ

Autor: Stephen Mccauley

Número de Páginas: 311

" David Hedges était vraiment dans une mauvaise passe. Soren l'avait quitté après cinq ans de vie commune, il avait pris du poids, et entre ces deux faits navrants il s'était réveillé un matin en s'apercevant qu'il n'avait plus vingt ans. Ni quarante. La dernière personne dont il s'attendait à avoir des nouvelles, c'était bien Julie Fiske. Oh, Julie. À partir des bribes d'informations qu'il avait pu assembler, il était parvenu à la conclusion qu'elle était heureuse : un mari (le second), une fille adolescente, une grande maison au nord de Boston donnant sur l'océan. La vie avait finalement bien tourné pour elle, semblait-il. Il s'était inquiété par le passé qu'elle n'ait choisi la mauvaise voie et joué de malchance, après l'erreur qu'avait constituée l'expérience aussi brève que malavisée de son premier mariage. Avec lui. " Quand David reçoit un appel de son ex-femme pour qu'il l'aide à planifier l'avenir universitaire de sa fille, lui dont c'est le métier, il n'hésite pas une seconde. Rien ne le retient à San Francisco. Alors il rejoint Julie à l'autre bout du pays, et tous deux reprennent exactement là où ils en étaient trente ans plus tôt : à ...

Callers for Dr. Morelle

Callers for Dr. Morelle

Autor: Ernest Dudley

Número de Páginas: 198

This fourth mystery novel in which the noted psychiatrist-detective, Dr. Morelle, and his Secretary, Miss Frayle, set out to probe a murder, begins when beautiful Thelma Grayson called at Dr. Morelle's house in Harley Street, and vividly describes how, the night before, she had deliberately shot the notorious Ray Mercury. Mercury, Thelma tells Dr. Morelle, had been directly responsible for her sister's suicide. The morning newspapers have, however, reported that Mercury shot himself. The question she now asks is: should she give herself up to the police, or should they be left to believe that Mercury, who anyway deserved to die, really had committed suicide? Dr. Morelle's search for the answer leads him through a series of dark adventures in Soho's underworld, and involves him and Miss Frayle with a very odd assortment of characters, before he unravels the mystery sur-rounding Mercury's death and finally traps the murderer.



Autor: Bea Fogelman

Número de Páginas: 290

Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? Elvis or Marilyn? Cher or Madonna? Bush or Donald Trump, perhaps? The 4th in her series of Entertainment books, author Bea Fogelman introduces the role of the Actor into the world of the Impersonator, the Look-alike, the Voice-Over and the Impressionist. With her assortment of photographs, the novice and professional performer receives a view of the Artists and how they came to emulate the celebrities. ShowTime provides a Directory of Agents, Producers other forms of entertainment as well as allied services to the Industry. This is an “open door” to the wonderful World of Entertainment.

The Fragrance Shed By A Violet

The Fragrance Shed By A Violet

Autor: Lin Wilder

Número de Páginas: 485

Why did a Houston district attorney decide to involve the state in an area of the law that it has historically treated as sacrosanct: that of medical decision-making? Why did the DA decide to charge McCall with murder rather than criminal negligence in a civil court? In a city where the Texas Medical Center reigns as one of the top employers in Houston, housing over three thousand medical researchers making the news with new pharmaceutical discoveries almost daily, why did twelve Houstonians unanimously decide to convict Dr. McCall for intentional murder following her trial?" These are the questions that lead investigative reporter Kate Townsend to write a Pulitzer Prize winning series called Murder in the Texas Medical Center. Haunted by the knowledge that her new-found fame has been purchased at too high a price; Kate is sure that McCall is not guilty. Texas Governor Greg Bell hires former homicide detective and criminal defense attorney Rich Jansen to fix the escalating problems at the Huntsville Prisons recently inflamed by a lawsuit against infamous inmate Dr. Lindsey McCall. Dr. McCall is an internationally acclaimed cardiologist, researcher, and a 2002 nominee for the Nobel ...

House of Representatives Telephone Directory: 2013

House of Representatives Telephone Directory: 2013

Autor: House (u S ) , Karen L. Haas

Número de Páginas: 348
A l'ombre des magnolias

A l'ombre des magnolias

Autor: Fiona Hood-stewart

Número de Páginas: 420

Fille de sénateur, épouse d'un politicien promis à un brillant avenir, Elm Macbride a toujours fait passer les intérêts de sa famille avant les siens. Jusqu'au jour où elle découvre que son mari la trompe. Révoltée, elle se réfugie en Suisse chez une amie et entreprend pour la première fois de vivre selon ses désirs. Des désirs qui ne tardent pas à s'incarner en Johnny Graney, un riche Irlandais éleveur de chevaux avec qui elle vit une passion dévorante. Mais on ne rompt pas si facilement avec son passé....

Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy

Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy

Autor: Sally K. Fairfax , Edmund Russell

Número de Páginas: 1148

Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy provides the analytical connections showing readers how issues and actions are translated into public policies and persistent institutions for resolving or managing environmental conflict in the U.S. The guide highlights a complex decision-making cycle that requires the cooperation of government, business, and an informed citizenry to achieve a comprehensive approach to environmental protection. The book’s topical, operational, and relational essays address development of U.S. environmental policies, the federal agencies and public and private organizations that frame and administer environmental policies, and the challenges of balancing conservation and preservation against economic development, the ongoing debates related to turning environmental concerns into environmental management, and the role of the U.S. in international organizations that facilitate global environmental governance. Key Features: 30 essays by leading conservationists and scholars in the field investigate the fundamental political, social, and economic processes and forces driving policy decisions about the protection and future of the environment. Essential themes...

Guiding Change in Special Education

Guiding Change in Special Education

Autor: Ronald G. Havelock , James L. Hamilton

Número de Páginas: 297

This practical, step-by-step guide illustrates and describes the seven stages of school change and provides explanations and advice for incorporating each stage into your change process.

Promoting Health at the Community Level

Promoting Health at the Community Level

Autor: Doug Easterling , Kaia Gallagher , Dora Lodwick

Número de Páginas: 281

Promoting Health at the Community Level speaks directly to the challenges that foundations and funding agencies face in supporting the work of community-based groups. The seven case studies included in the book correspond to different multi-site initiatives funded by The Colorado Trust, a Denver-based health foundation. Each case study describes the initiative approach, the type of health promotion activities developed by community-based grantees, the various resources and guidelines provided by the foundation, the initial outcomes of the initiative, and lessons learned. In addition, the final chapter pulls together the findings from the seven case studies into a summary set of recommendations for grantmakers, addressing issues such as the level and duration of funding, different approaches to technical assistance, networking among grantees, and the development of healthy funder-grantee relationships. This book is the first book to provide a systematic examination of community-based health promotion. Edited by Doug Easterling, Kaia Gallagher, and Dora Lodwick, this innovative text uses seven case studies to evaluate community-driven health promotion and present promising...

21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook

21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook

Autor: H. James Birx

Número de Páginas: 1139

Highlighting the most important topics, issues, questions and debates, these two volumes offer full coverage of major subthemes and subfields within the discipline of anthropology.

Handbook of Online Learning

Handbook of Online Learning

Autor: Kjell Erik Rudestam , Judith Schoenholtz-read

Número de Páginas: 521

This is a revision of the Handbook of Online Learning. It is a comprehensive reference text for teachers and administrators of online courses and programs. It presents a discussion of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of online learning along with an exploration of practical implementation strategies. Features (Strengths of the current Handbook) The most comprehensive reference text available for teachers and administrators of online courses and programs Emphasis on interactive teaching/learning strategies – challenging people to think differently about pedagogy Provides a strong theoretical base before discussing applications. Part I first presents the changing philosophies and theories of learning. Part II covers implementation or the practice of online learning. Several chapters deal with the issues related to the growing corporate online learning environment New to this edition: Twelve new articles on the latest issues including topics such as psychology of online learning, training faculty, digital libraries, ethical dimensions in online learning, legal issues, course management systems and evolving technologies Ten key articles retained from current edition are...

Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

Autor: Neil J. Salkind , Kristin Rasmussen

Número de Páginas: 1209

The field of educational psychology draws from a variety of diverse disciplines including human development across the life span, measurement and statistics, learning and motivation, and teaching. And within these different disciplines, many other fields are featured including psychology, anthropology, education, sociology, public health, school psychology, counseling, history, and philosophy. In fact, when taught at the college or university level, educational psychology is an ambitious course that undertakes the presentation of many different topics all tied together by the theme of how the individual can best function in an "educational" setting, loosely defined as anything from pre-school through adult education. Educational psychology can be defined as the application of what we know about learning and motivation, development, and measurement and statistics to educational settings (both school- and community-based).

Neuroscience for Counselors and Therapists

Neuroscience for Counselors and Therapists

Autor: Chad Luke

Número de Páginas: 482

Neuroscience for Counselors and Therapists by Chad Luke provides an accessible overview of the structure and function of the human brain, including how the brain influences and is influenced by biology, environment, and experiences. Full of practical applications, this cutting-edge book explores the relationships between recent neuroscience findings and counseling theories and then uses these integrated results to address four categories of common life disturbances: anxiety, depression, stress, and addictions. The book’s case-based approach helps readers understand the language of neuroscience and learn how neuroscience research can enhance their understanding of human thought, feeling, and behaviors.

Race and Crime

Race and Crime

Autor: Shaun L. Gabbidon , Helen Taylor Greene

Número de Páginas: 417

'Race and Crime' presents students with a comprehensive analysis of the issues relating to race and crime in the US. The book is illustrated with numerous photographs and exercises based on Internet research are included.

Brain-Compatible Assessments

Brain-Compatible Assessments

Autor: Diane Ronis

Número de Páginas: 161

"Real learning is deeply personal. It requires that learners participate meaningfully in the ideas and subjects that they explore as they shape and reshape what they know and want to know. Diane Ronis has written a book that brings coherence and intelligence to understanding how to assess such learning." —From the Foreword by Renate Nummela Caine Give students a clear roadmap for future success! Each student, unique in his or her ability to learn, acquires processes and demonstrates knowledge individually. Building upon this premise, Diane Ronis, a recognized expert in brain-compatible learning and assessment, goes beyond the world of standardized testing to show educators how to build and use targeted assessments based on the latest neuroscientific research. Updated to reflect recent findings about how the brain learns, Brain-Compatible Assessments, Second Edition, provides readers with revised tools for assessing achievement in ways that allow for brain differences within any classroom setting. Showing teachers how to construct rubrics that are based on standards and reflect principles of brain-compatible learning, this second edition: Applies brain research to improve...

Discovering Programs for Talent Development

Discovering Programs for Talent Development

Autor: Beverly N. Parke

Número de Páginas: 184

This resource is an indispensable tool for all educators who want to fill the gaps in gifted education and provide their gifted and talented students with the educational opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent

Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent

Autor: Thomas C. Hunt

Número de Páginas: 1113

The history of American education is replete with educational reform, and to a lesser extent, educational dissent. Consider the present: you have various forms of privatization, school choice, the 'No Child Left Behind' act, home schooling, 'value-added' accountability, alternative teacher preparation programs, on-line instruction, etc. This range of activity is not exceptional. For instance, consider the past: progressive education, open education, the junior high school, the middle school, Life Adjustment education, career education, vocational education, the comprehensive high school, school-to-work, year-round schooling, behavioral objectives, proficiency exams (high-stakes testing), whole language, learning packages and self-paced instruction, modular scheduling, site-based management, all presented as the way to reform American schools, at least in part. Then you have the reformers themselves, such as John Dewey, George Counts, Herbert Kohl, John Holt, Charles Silberman, Admiral Hyman Rickover, James Bryant Conant, all the way back to Horace Mann himself. Dissenters, and dissenting movements, while not as numerous and certainly not as well known in educational circles, count ...

Race and Family

Race and Family

Autor: Roberta L. Coles

Número de Páginas: 338

"The author provided interesting, original examples which I found engaging. . . . I think the biggest strength is avoiding the ′one ethnicity per chapter′ approach found in so many books on family diversity. I like the structural approach." - Hilary A. Rose, Concordia University "A very useful book as a companion text for courses on race and ethnicity....The chapters are easy to follow for undergraduate students." - Renxin Yang, Northern Michigan University "I think the book is needed because there are limited choices currently available and this book is moving in the right direction....A strength is that it is not an edited book like so many other books on this topic. There is a need for detailed study of ethnic minority families, and I am excited about making this book my required text for my Ethnic Families Course." - Cheryl Burgan Evans, Miami University "I find the emphasis on social structure particularly appealing. To date, I have used Taylor′s [edited] book, which depends on the instructor to provide all of the integration." - Gretchen Cornwell, Pennsylvania State University In Race and Family: A Structural Approach, author Roberta L. Coles looks at ethnic minority...

Crisis and Disaster Counseling

Crisis and Disaster Counseling

Autor: Priscilla Dass-brailsford

Número de Páginas: 281

This text provides professionals with the skills needed to effectively assist survivors of disasters, including Hurricane Katrina, with healing, recovery, and resilience. This comprehensive collection includes powerful, direct accounts of first responders and the organizations they represent. Taking a practical, skill-building approach, it offers clear and pragmatic recommendations to help providers, educators, advocates, and policymakers better understand how to meet the needs of children, families, and communities in the aftermath of disasters. Key Features Provides a substantial review of the current theoretical and research literature on disasters and disaster response Emphasizes multicultural competency in the aftereffects of disasters Uses a practical skill-building approach to develop competencies in crisis work Covers the spiritual dimensions of healing as well as funeral practices to encourage discussion on grief and mourning Intended Audience This book is a must-have reference for mental health practitioners. For graduate students of counseling, psychology, or social work, Crisis and Disaster Counseling will clarify how theory and research can be applied to practice and...

Coordinating Community Responses to Domestic Violence

Coordinating Community Responses to Domestic Violence

Autor: Melanie F. Shepard , Ellen L. Pence

Número de Páginas: 303

This book provides a comprehensive guide to the development of a coordinated community response to domestic violence based on the internationally known "Duluth Model." Drawing from the experiences of practitioners, scholars, and researchers in the field, this book provides rich insights into the complexities and challenges of addressing domestic violence. Eight key components of a successful community intervention project are addressed in separate chapters: - Developing policies and protocols - Enhancing networking among service providers - Building monitoring and tracking systems - Developing a supportive infrastructure for victims - Providing sanctions and rehabilitation opportunities - Addressing the needs of children - Evaluating the effectiveness of community response Other chapters discuss types of violence that have been most difficult to address in providing a community response, the use of violence by women, and marital rape. Replication and adaptation in different countries (England, Australia, and New Zealand) are the focus of two chapters that lend an international perspective. This book provides the answers about what is indeed the "Duluth Model."

Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan

Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan

Autor: Daniel W. Wong , Kimberly R. Hall , Cheryl A. Justice , Lucy Wong Hernandez

Número de Páginas: 393

Organized around the latest CACREP Standards, Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan introduces readers to the fundamentals of the counseling process during each stage of human development. Topics such as the client-counselor relationship, counseling theory, research, and interventions are addressed with a focus on caring for the total person within his/her environment and culture. Emphasizing the importance of intentionality and self-reflection, the chapters include case illustrations and guided practice exercises to further the development of successful 21st century counselors. Counseling Individuals Through the Lifespan is part of the SAGE Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs). To learn more about each text in the series, please visit

Encyclopedia of Human Relationships

Encyclopedia of Human Relationships

Autor: Harry T. Reis

Número de Páginas: 633

This encyclopedia provides a structure to understand the essential rudiments of human behaviour and interpersonal relationships

Leadership & Sustainability

Leadership & Sustainability

Autor: Michael Fullan

Número de Páginas: 137

'Leadership & Sustainability' examines how the opportunity for new leadership can be leveraged to focus on sustainability of reform, & will identify barriers & strategies for moving in new directions. Fullan defines the meaning of 'sustainability' & the important part it plays in contemporary reform.

Social Insurance

Social Insurance

Autor: Theodore R. Marmor , Jerry L. Mashaw , John Pakutka

Número de Páginas: 329

What has America done to protect its citizens from life-changing but common risks such as death of a family breadwinner, ill health, disability, involuntary unemployment, outliving retirement savings, and birth into a poor family? Each, in its own way, burdens—and possibly devastates—unlucky individuals and families both emotionally and financially. It is the rare life that is untouched by one or more of these six threats. How do our current policies affect taxation, spending, and the economy, as well as prospects for individual lives? What more might these policies do to protect Americans? Rich in stories, data, and analysis, Social Insurance by Theodore R. Marmor, Jerry L. Mashaw, and John Pakutka provides a strong intellectual foundation for understanding the history, economics, politics, and philosophy of America’s most important social insurance programs. This insightful work provides a unifying vision of these programs’ purposes and reminds us, amidst the confusing and often apocalyptic rhetoric, why we have the programs and policies we do, while arguing for reforms that preserve and enhance the protections in place.

Uneven Roads

Uneven Roads

Autor: Todd Shaw , Louis Desipio , Dianne Pinderhughes , Toni-michelle C. Travis

Número de Páginas: 832

Uneven Roads helps you grasp how, when, and why race and ethnicity matter in U.S. politics. Using the metaphor of a road, with twists, turns, and dead ends, this incisive text takes you on a journey to understanding political racialization and the roots of modern interpretations of race and ethnicity. The book’s structure and narrative are designed to encourage comparison and reflection. You will critically analyze the history and context of U.S. racial and ethnic politics to build the skills needed to draw your own conclusions. In the Second Edition of this groundbreaking text, authors Shaw, DeSipio, Pinderhughes, and Travis bring the historical narrative to life by addressing the most contemporary debates and challenges affecting U.S. racial and ethnic politics. You will explore important issues regarding voting rights, political representation, education and criminal justice policies, and the immigrant experience. A revised final chapter on intersectionality encourages you to examine how groups go beyond the boundaries of race and ethnicity to come together on matters of class, gender, and sexuality.

Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society

Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society

Autor: Richard T. Schaefer

Número de Páginas: 1753

"This ambitious undertaking touches all bases, is highly accessible, and provides a solid starting point for further exploration." —School Library Journal This three-volume reference presents a comprehensive look at the role race and ethnicity play in society and in our daily lives.. The Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society offers informative coverage of intergroup relations in the United States and the comparative examination of race and ethnicity worldwide. Containing nearly 600 entries, this resource provides a foundation to understanding as well as researching racial and ethnic diversity from a multidisciplinary perspective. Key Features Describes over a hundred racial and ethnic groups, with additional thematic essays discussing broad topics that cut across group boundaries and impact society at large Addresses other issues of inequality that often intersect with the primary focus on race and ethnicity, such as ability, age, class, gender, and sexual orientation Brings together the most distinguished authorities possible, with 375 contributors from 14 different countries Offers broad historical coverage,, ranging from "Kennewick Man" to the "Emancipation...

Encyclopedia of Case Study Research

Encyclopedia of Case Study Research

Autor: Albert J. Mills , Gabrielle Durepos , Elden Wiebe

Número de Páginas: 1153

This is the authoritative reference work in the field. An interdisciplinary set, it investigates the extensive history, design and methods of case study research.

Case Studies in Organizational Communication

Case Studies in Organizational Communication

Autor: Steve May

Número de Páginas: 385

The Second Edition of Case Studies in Organizational Communication: Ethical Perspectives and Practices, by Dr. Steve May, integrates ethical theory and practice to help strengthen readers' awareness, judgment, and action in organizations by exploring ethical dilemmas in a diverse range of well-known business cases.

Skills for Helping Professionals

Skills for Helping Professionals

Autor: Anne M. Geroski

Número de Páginas: 393

Written specifically for non-clinical undergraduate students, but also relevant to graduate studies in helping professions, Skills for Helping Professionals, by Anne M. Geroski focuses on helping students develop the skills they need to effectively initiate and maintain helping relationships. After exploring the literature identifying critical components of helping relationships and briefly reviewing developmental and helping theories, the text covers such topics as the helping process, self-awareness, and ethics in helping, and then focuses on specific helping skills such as listening and hearing, empathy, reflecting, paraphrasing, questioning, clarifying, exploring, and offering feedback, encouragement, and psycho-education. The final chapters focus on individuals in crisis and helping in groups.

Qualitative Journeys

Qualitative Journeys

Autor: Victor Minichiello , Jeffrey A. Kottler

Número de Páginas: 329

This book takes an original approach to teaching about qualitative research by providing rich examples of stories of various student qualitative research experiences.

Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent

Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent

Autor: Barbara Kerr

Número de Páginas: 1113

Library Journal Best Reference 2009 Educators have begun to recognize that identifying and accommodating students who are slower to learn may leave behind those who learn rapidly and think creatively. The nature of intelligence, the sources of innovation, and the ways to nurture special abilities are now topics of great interest to scholars in a wide variety of disciplines and to the general public. Policymakers, ranging from school board members to leaders of nations, must also make practical decisions about how communities and societies will treat their brightest, most promising students. With more than 400 entries, these two volumes review research findings on giftedness, talent, and creativity and their effect on education, training, science and the arts, government policy, and everyday life. The Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent provides a balanced, objective assessment of the various perspectives on the nature of intelligence, innovation, and optimal states. This state-of-the-art resource covers all major facets of the field, including achievement motivation, artistic ability, creative personality, emotional intelligence, gender differences, genius,...

Rural Women Battering and the Justice System

Rural Women Battering and the Justice System

Autor: Neil Websdale

Número de Páginas: 300

A training resource for anyone working with battered women, especially in rural areas, Rural Woman Battering and the Justice System is recommended for law enforcement and criminal justice professionals, practitioners, advocates, shelter personnel, and advanced students in related courses of study, as well as academics and researchers.

Fables, Fashions, and Facts About Advertising

Fables, Fashions, and Facts About Advertising

Autor: John Philip Jones

Número de Páginas: 329

John Philip Jones, bestselling author and internationally known advertising scholar, has written a textbook to help evaluate advertising "fables" and "fashions," and also to study the facts. He uses the latest trends and cutting-edge research to illustrate their occasional incompleteness, inadequacy, and in some cases total wrongheadedness. Each chapter then attempts to describe one aspect of how advertising really works. Unlike most other advertising textbooks, Fables, Fashions, and Facts About Advertising is not written as a "how to" text, or as a vehicle for war stories, or as a sales pitch. Instead, it is a book that concentrates solely on describing how advertising works. Written to be accessible to the general public with little or no experience studying advertising, it makes the scholarship of an internationally renowned figure accessible to students taking beginning advertising courses.

News and Sexuality

News and Sexuality

Autor: Laura Castañeda , Shannon B. Campbell

Número de Páginas: 329

The Accrediting Council of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC) recently added sexual orientation to its revised diversity standards. This means that journalism schools seeking accreditation or re-accreditation must develop a curriculum that fosters an understanding of issues and perspectives that is inclusive in terms of gender, race, ethnicity - and sexual orientation. This volume, containing original material written for this text, is designed to satisfy the requirement by the ACEJMC that all journalism departments teach sexual diversity. Moving from description, to analysis, to application, the text includes the history of media coverage of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (GLBTI) issues; and coverage of important contemporary issues in the news, such as "Don′t Ask, Don′t Tell," the rise of GLBTI families, and AIDS.News and Sexuality: Media Portraits of Diversity is a practical teaching tool that will help educators meet these new accreditation standards by addressing these complex and often controversial issues, providing additional resources, discussion questions, suggested homework assignments, and a glossary of terms. Student...

Congress A to Z

Congress A to Z

Autor: Cq Press, , Chuck Mccutcheon

Número de Páginas: 777

Congress A to Z provides ready-reference insight into the national legislature, its organization, processes, personalities, major legislation, and history. No other volume so clearly and concisely explains every key aspect of the national legislature. The Sixth Edition of this classic, easy-to-use reference is updated with new entries covering the dramatic congressional events of recent years, including social media usage by members of Congress, the politics of recent debt ceiling and deficit spending showdowns with the executive branch, new floor leaders in both chambers, and campaign finance patterns. Each of the more than 250 entries, arranged in encyclopedic A-to-Z format, provides insight into the key questions readers have about the U.S. Congress and helps them make sense of the narrow power division between Republicans and Democrats, the methods members use to advance their agendas, the influence of lobby groups, the key role of committees and strong-willed leaders, and much more. Key Features: Available in both electronic and print formats Quick answers to questions as well as in-depth background on the U.S. Congress Historical and contemporary photos Detailed appendices,...

Partner Violence

Partner Violence

Autor: Jana L. Jasinski , Linda Meyer Williams , David Finkelhor

Número de Páginas: 332

Twenty years of accumulated knowledge and research into violence towards partners are synthesized in this landmark book. Topics examined include: marital rape; effects of partner violence on children; partner violence among same sex couples; and partner violence in ethnic minority families. A final chapter examines issues of prevention and treatment, and provides empirically based recommendations for future research and practice.

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