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De mémoire d'arbre

De mémoire d'arbre

Autor: Thierry Gauquelin

Número de Páginas: 101

Quand un genévrier des Atlas marocains séculaire nous raconte son existence semée d'embuches et de rencontres. Si les arbres pouvaient parler... Ce roman écrit à la première personne nous immerge au coeur des montagnes, dans une nature aussi fascinante que rude, où le destin des arbres et celui des hommes sont étroitement liés. Confronté tout à la fois à la hache du berger et à la dent du troupeau, un genévrier de l'Atlas marocain raconte ses cinq siècles d'existence. Le vieil arbre nous pousse à réfléchir à la pression que nous exerçons sur le vivant. C'est aussi un appel pour cesser de considérer les arbres comme des choses esthétiques ou utilitaires, et les voir enfin pour ce qu'ils sont : des colocataires de la même planète, indispensables à notre propre survie.

Philosophy of Science and the Occult

Philosophy of Science and the Occult

Autor: Patrick Grim

Número de Páginas: 408

This book both introduces the philosophy of science through examination of the occult and examines the occult rigorously enough to raise central issues in the philosophy of science. Placed in the context of the occult, philosophy of science issues become immediately understandable and forcefully compelling. Divergent views on astrology, parapsychology, and quantum mechanics mysticism emphasize topics standard to the philosophy of science. Such issues as confirmation and selection for testing, causality and time, explanation and the nature of scientific laws, the status of theoretical entities, the problem of demarcation, theory and observation, and science and values are discussed. Significantly revised, this second edition presents an entirely new section of quantum mechanics and mysticism including instructions from N. David Mermin for constructing a device which dramatically illustrates the genuinely puzzling phenomena of quantum mechanics. A more complete and current review of research on astrology has been included in this new edition, and the section on the problem of demarcation has been broadened.

L'hérédité planétaire

L'hérédité planétaire

Autor: Michel Gauquelin

Número de Páginas: 255

Il y a cent ans, Gregor Mendel découvrait les lois fondamentales de l’hérédité génétique. Son œuvre mit longtemps à triompher de la répugnance de l’esprit humain à accepter une idée révolutionnaire. Mais aujourd’hui, les prix Nobel s’accumulent dans le domaine de la génétique, comme en témoigne la première distinction reçue par la France depuis trente-sept ans. Michel Gauquelin a sans doute réalisé une découverte du même ordre. Au prix d’un labeur acharné (il a, par exemple, étudié les coordonnées temporelles de plus de cent mille accouchements), ce jeune chercheur français a démontré que nous naissons dans des conditions cosmiques semblables à celles de nos parents. Il fonde ainsi une génétique nouvelle, quoique dans la lignée des recherches antérieures. L’obscur moine tchèque Mendel établissait une relation entre les plantes et les hommes. Gauquelin prouve qu’il existe une relation entre les hommes et les astres.

Skepticism and Humanism

Skepticism and Humanism

Autor: Paul Kurtz

Número de Páginas: 279

As we begin the third millennium there is cause for cautious optimism regarding the human prospect. Democratic revolutions and the doctrine of universal human rights have captured the imagination of large sectors of humanity, while major advances in science and technology continue to conquer disease and extend life, contributing to rising standards of living, affluence, and cultural freedom on a worldwide basis. Paradoxically, at the same time ancient authoritarian fundamentalist religions have grown in vitriolic intensity along with bizarre New Age, media-driven paranormal belief systems. Also surprising is the resurgence of primitive tribal and ethnic loyalties, unleashing wars of intolerance and bitterness. In Skepticism and Humanism, Paul Kurtz locates these threatening developments within a long-standing and largely unchallenged theological worldview. He proposes, as an alternative to religion, a new cultural paradigm rooted in scientific naturalism, rationalism, and a humanistic outlook. An estimated 60 percent of scientists are atheists or agnostics. However, the skeptical world view has been given little currency even in advanced societies, because of a cultural...

Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs

Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs

Autor: John Ankerberg , John Weldon

Número de Páginas: 692

This comprehensive, indexed volume includes short, one-page listings of pertinent facts about a particular movement, its founder, how it claims to work, scientific evaluations done, and its potential dangers. Some topics covered are angels, visualization, shamanism, hypnosis, new age medicine and martial arts.

Sin imagen

L'Épanouissement de la personnalité dans la famille et la société modernes

Autor: Michel Gauquelin , Françoise Gauquelin

Número de Páginas: 222
Philosophy of Science and Occult, 1st Ed.

Philosophy of Science and Occult, 1st Ed.

Autor: Patrick Grim

Número de Páginas: 364

Philosophy of Science and the Occult has two aims: to introduce the philosophy of science through an examination of the occult, and to examine the occult rigorously enough to raise central issues in philosophy of science. Patrick Grim has compiled selections by authors with divergent views on astrology, parapsychology, and UFO's to emphasize topics standard to the philosophy of science. He discusses issues such as confirmation and selection for testing, possibility and a priori probabilities, causality and time, explanation and the nature of scientific laws, the status of theoretical entities, the problem of demarcation, theory and observation, and science and values. A sketch of where these arise in the collection accompanies the table of contents. The context of the occult serves to make the initial introduction of these issues immediately understandable and forcefully compelling.

Inventaire sommaire du chartrier de M. Patrick Gauquelin des Pallières

Inventaire sommaire du chartrier de M. Patrick Gauquelin des Pallières

Autor: Rémy Villand

Número de Páginas: 52

Comprend les alliées de: Tostain, Couvains, et Le Tellier d'Abbeville.



Autor: Jean-marc Pastré , Charles Ridoux

Número de Páginas: 328

Le « fait astrologique » est une donnée présente aussi bien dans la civilisation de l'Occident médiéval que dans notre société européenne du 21e siècle. Réunir autour d'une réflexion commune médiévistes et astrologues fut le grand mérite de ce troisième colloque de Rambures. Les médiévistes ont apporté leur savoir philologique et historique pour éclairer la pratique astrologique au Moyen Âge (en particulier les débats sur le caractère licite ou non de l'astronomie), et pour présenter divers aspects de l'astrologie dans des textes littéraires variés, le roman arthurien occupant une place de choix dans ce tableau. Les astrologues, venus de France, d'Angleterre, d'Italie et d'Espagne, ont apporté de précieux éléments d'information sur la renaissance de l'astrologie dans ces différents pays à partir de la fin du 19e siècle et sur leur pratique dans les domaines les plus variés, y compris l'astrologie financière et l'astrologie mondiale, ainsi que sur le recours à des sciences telles que les mathématiques ou les statistiques. Un des plus grands maîtres de l'astrologie contemporaine, André Barbault, a évoqué ses rencontres avec Mircea Eliade,...

Hans Eysenck: Consensus And Controversy

Hans Eysenck: Consensus And Controversy

Autor: Sohan Modgil , Celia Modgil

Número de Páginas: 444

During the last forty years, Hans Eysenck's brilliant contribution to knowledge has beenwell-known world-wide. From its early transmission, his work has not been without itscritics. Naturally, criticisms persist, although his work continues to be frequentlyacknowledged with great admiration in the channels of psychology. With such prolificwork, it would seem justified to consider the discrepancies, the omissions, together withthe various interpretations which have been and are currently being highlighted.

One Taste

One Taste

Autor: Ken Wilber

Número de Páginas: 369

As one who has written extensively about the interior life, meditation, and psychotherapy, Ken Wilber—the leading theorist in the field of integral psychology—naturally arouses the curiosity of his numerous readers. In response to this curiosity, this one-year diary not only offers an unprecedented entrée into his private world, but offers an introduction to his essential thought. "If there is a theme to this journal," Wilber writes, "it is that body, mind, and the luminosities of the soul—all are perfect expressions of the Radiant Spirit that alone inhabits the universe, sublime gestures of that Great Perfection that alone outshines the world." Wilber's personal writings include: • Details of his own spiritual practice • Advice to spiritual seekers • Reflections on his work and that of other prominent theorists in the field of integral psychology • His day-to-day personal experiences • Dozens of his short theoretical essays on topics from art to feminism to spirituality to psychotherapy

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, Volume 8

The Collected Works of Ken Wilber, Volume 8

Autor: Ken Wilber

Número de Páginas: 657

Volume Eight of The Collected Works of Ken Wilber includes: • In The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion (1998), Wilber takes on the centuries-old problem of the relationship between science and religion. After surveying the world's great wisdom traditions and extracting features they all share, he offers compelling arguments that not only are these compatible with scientific truth, they also share a similar scientific method. • One Taste: The Journals of Ken Wilber (1999) is a lively and entertaining glimpse into a year in the life of Ken Wilber—as well as a thought-provoking series of short essays on current trends in spirituality and psychology, daily reflections, meditation experiences, and advice to spiritual seekers.

Exuberant Skepticism

Exuberant Skepticism

Autor: Paul Kurtz

Número de Páginas: 230

For more than three decades, philosopher Paul Kurtz has been a strong advocate of skepticism, not only as a philosophical position, but also as a fulfilling way of life. Contrary to the view that skepticism is merely a negative, nay saying, or debunking stance toward commonly held beliefs, skepticism as defined by Kurtz emerges reborn as "skeptical inquiry"—a decidedly positive philosophy ready and able to change the world. In this definitive collection, editor John R. Shook has gathered together seventeen of Paul Kurtz’s most penetrating and insightful writings. Altogether these essays build an affirmative case for what can be known based on sound common sense, reason, and scientific method. And as each essay cogently and convincingly explains, so much can be known, from the natural world around us to the moral responsibilities among us. The work is organized in four topical sections. In the first, "Reasons to Be Skeptical," Kurtz presents compelling reasons why the methods of inquiry used by the sciences deserve respect. In short, science provides reliable knowledge, without which humanity would never have emerged from the age of myth and widespread ignorance. In the second...

Aimed solar and lunar returns. What you can do when you cannot leave

Aimed solar and lunar returns. What you can do when you cannot leave

Autor: Ciro Discepolo

Número de Páginas: 76

English-speaking readers fond of Astrology already know the Author, thanks to his previous works - Transits and Solar Returns and Lunar Returns and Earth Returns, which have also been translated into several other languages. In a practice of almost forty years of astrological research, the Author has studied and guided over twenty thousand aimed birthdays; he has also published a dozen books specifically on Solar Returns and Lunar Returns. This is his fifth work in English; two of them can be downloaded free from his webpage - In this volume Ciro Discepolo deals with the second 'resource' on which his Active Astrology is based (the first one being the aimed birthday): the so-called exorcism of symbols. In these pages the Author suggests to the Reader about what can be done when you cannot aim, i.e. actively relocate your birthday (either your Solar or Lunar Return) by a practical application of the notion of 'activating' or 'constellating' a symbol. For example, Ciro Discepolo claims that if you can not leave for an aimed birthday to avoid Saturn being placed in the 5th House of your next Solar Return, during the twelve months covered by the SR, you had better ...

Turning the Solomon Key

Turning the Solomon Key

Autor: Robert Lomas

Número de Páginas: 502

When George Washington, first President of the United States, laid the foundation stone of the Capitol Building of the city that was to bear his name, he did so wearing full Masonic regalia. Turning The Solomon Key is a riveting quest to discover the Masonic influences George Washington brought to bear on the layout of Washington DC. History records that the builders of Washington DC knew a great Masonic secret about the human condition, and that their plans for the city were laid out on a Masonic grid rich in symbolism, hidden meaning and designed to express this secret power. Robert Lomas, an expert in the history of Freemasonry, goes in search of the truth behind this claim. Using Masonic rituals and Washington's diaries, Lomas uncovers the symbolic meaning behind the siting of the White House and the Capitol - and their connection to a secret passed down from one of the first Grand Masters of the Freemasons, King Solomon. Turning the Solomon Key delves into the true history behind many of the symbols and mysteries that feature in Dan Brown's latest international bestseller, The Lost Symbol, and will be essential reading for all who want to discover the real significance to the ...

Astrology and Western Society from the First World War to Covid-19

Astrology and Western Society from the First World War to Covid-19

Autor: William Burns

Número de Páginas: 285

This book gathers contributions on the topic of astrology in the West during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, from 1914–2022. It is the first collection exclusively devoted to a period that has been mostly neglected by historians of astrology, who have mostly devoted themselves to the ancient, medieval and early modern periods. Uninterested in vindicating or debunking astrology, contributors consider its cultural impact, its relation to historical events, and the ways in which it has changed in the last century. The broad range of subjects on modern Europe and the US include the relation of astrology with indigenous thought, interwar Polish astrology, and the relation of American astrologers to COVID. A bibliography of studies of modern astrology on a global basis is also included. This collection is a thoughtful contribution to the history of astrology and the sociology of belief as well as carrying significant implications for twentieth and twenty-first century history broadly.

Astrology through History

Astrology through History

Autor: William E. Burns

Número de Páginas: 432

Alphabetically arranged entries cover the history of astrology from ancient Mesopotamia to the 21st century. In addition to surveying the Western tradition, the book explores Islamic, Indian, East Asian, and Mesoamerican astrology. The field of astrology is growing rapidly, as historians recognize its centrality to the intellectual life of the past and sociologists and anthropologists treat its importance in a number of modern cultures. Despite the historical and cultural significance of the subject, most reference works on astrology focus on instructional techniques and are written by astrologers with little or no interest in the history of the topic. This book instead offers an objective treatment of astrology across world history from ancient Mesopotamia to the present. The book provides alphabetically arranged entries by expert contributors writing on such topics as horoscopes, court astrologers, Renaissance astrology, and comets. While it considers the Western tradition, it also treats Islamic, Indian, East Asian, and Mesoamerican astrology. In doing so, it explores the role of astrology in shaping science, literature, religion, art, and other defining cultural traditions....

The Astrological House Systems

The Astrological House Systems

Autor: Hermes Astrology

Número de Páginas: 53

"The Astrological House Systems" is a comprehensive book that delves into the intriguing world of house systems in astrology, offering a detailed exploration of different perspectives, methodologies, and techniques employed in the interpretation of astrological houses. This enlightening guide serves as a valuable resource for astrologers, enthusiasts, and curious individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the houses and expand their astrological practice. Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a journey through various house systems, each presenting a unique lens through which the astrological houses are understood and interpreted. From the popular Placidus system to the ancient Whole Sign system, this book presents a range of approaches, discussing their historical origins, philosophical underpinnings, and practical implications. "The Astrological House Systems" provides a comprehensive overview of each house system, delving into the nuances and intricacies of their calculations and interpretations. It examines the ways in which different house systems divide the birth chart and assign meanings to the various areas of life, shedding light on the specific...

Reflexiones sobre la teoría de la comunicación y su aplicación a la lectura en francés, lengua extranjera

Reflexiones sobre la teoría de la comunicación y su aplicación a la lectura en francés, lengua extranjera

Autor: Mercedes Giménez Precioso

Número de Páginas: 100
The Future of Astrology

The Future of Astrology

Autor: A.t. Mann

Número de Páginas: 213

"The Future of Astrology" is a selection of essays written by some of the foremost astrologers in the world today. Topics explored include astrology and scientific research, psychology, biology, and economics; science versus astrology; the professionalism of practitioners; the politics of astrology; the insights offered by esoteric astrology; astrological organizations; astrology as a science; the role of counseling; and astrological predictions about the future of our world.



Autor: Milan S̆půrek , Paloma Cabeza-orcel

Número de Páginas: 294

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.

Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal

Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal

Autor: Jonathan C. Smith

Número de Páginas: 287

Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal: A Critical Thinker's Toolkit provides readers with a variety of "reality-checking" tools to analyze extraordinary claims and to determine their validity. Integrates simple yet powerful evaluative tools used by both paranormal believers and skeptics alike Introduces innovations such as a continuum for ranking paranormal claims and evaluating their implications Includes an innovative "Critical Thinker's Toolkit," a systematic approach for performing reality checks on paranormal claims related to astrology, psychics, spiritualism, parapsychology, dream telepathy, mind-over-matter, prayer, life after death, creationism, and more Explores the five alternative hypotheses to consider when confronting a paranormal claim“/li> Reality Check boxes, integrated into the text, invite students to engage in further discussion and examination of claims Written in a lively, engaging style for students and general readers alike Ancillaries: Testbank and PowerPoint slides available at

Cult Watch

Cult Watch

Autor: John Ankerberg , John Weldon

Número de Páginas: 400

A compilation of the entire Facts On series, Cult Watch gives you facts about the major cults and movements in a format you can use in counseling or witnessing.

Understanding Human Life

Understanding Human Life

Autor: Daniel Courgeau

Número de Páginas: 269

This book addresses the challenge of understanding human life. It compares our life experience with the attempts to grasp it by astrologers, eugenicists, psychologists, neuroscientists, social scientists, and philosophers. The main opposition among these specialties lies between understanding and misunderstanding. The book also addresses the central methodological difficulty of capturing a human life. It is first examined how certain approaches may lead to a misunderstanding of human life. The book contrasts the example of astrology—an accepted practice in ancient civilizations, but now classified among the pseudosciences—with astronomy, a full-fledged science since Galileo’s time. Another, more recent approach regards human life as predetermined by genes: the methods used by eugenicists, and later by political regimes under the name of hereditarianism, came to compete with genetics. A broader analysis shows how astrology and eugenicism are not truly scientific approaches. Next, the book looks at the ways of capturing an imaginary or real human life story. A comprehensive approach will try to fully understand their complexity, while a more explanatory approach considers only ...

Astrología dinámica

Astrología dinámica

Autor: John Townley

Número de Páginas: 212

ASTROLOGÍA DINÁMICA Diseñado para el uso prático de la vida diaria, ASTROLOGÍA DINÁMICA revela una nueva forma de entrar en el camino hacia el éxito, la superación profesional y el beneficio personal. Tanto si usted es un profesional en la materia, como un principiante que acaba de aprender a interpretar horóscopos, descubrirá nuevos conocimientos de gran alcance que relacionan los ciclos naturales del Universo con la conducta humana. Aprenda a sacar provecho de oportunidades que ni siquiera sospechaba que existían. Evite las trampas ocultas y los enemigos secretos que podrían bloquear su avance hacia el logro personal y financiero. Usando los gráficos que se incluyen para cada signo podrá ver lo que le espera en los próximos años e incluso décadas antes de que ocurra. El conocimiento es poder y éste se puede manejar a fin de lograr el éxito y el bienestar, impulsado por las energías naturales que nos rodean.

Psychic Literacy & the Coming Psychic Renaissance

Psychic Literacy & the Coming Psychic Renaissance

Autor: Ingo Swann

Número de Páginas: 370

Exploring everything from visions, hunches, vibes, astrology, and the occult arts and sciences, to modern physics, geomagnetism and bio-electricity, Psychic Literacy is renowned artist and remote viewer Ingo Swann's grand overview of human psychic potentials.

The Theory and Practice of Systematic Staff Selection

The Theory and Practice of Systematic Staff Selection

Autor: Mike Smith , Ivan T. Robertson

Número de Páginas: 329


Autor: N.k. Tawakley

Número de Páginas: 351

HOW ACHIEVING VERY HIGH LEVELS OF HUMAN INTELLIGENCE IS POSSIBLE AND HOW THIS CAN BE ACHIEVED? Has science grown to the level that it can control Nature? Or is Nature all powerful? Are horoscopes to be believed in? Do Gods exist in the present times and control the world? Are soul and reincarnation just concepts or reality? How do sins committed by us corrupt our intelligence? How are all the concepts in Sanatan Dharma inter related? What is the scientific basis of concepts in Sanatan Dharma? Find answers to all these questions. Also learn how an average person can improve his intelligence and wisdom by following certain basic concepts and practices in Hindu Religion. A step by step guide to expand your wisdom and attain highest levels of intelligence.

Legitimacy of Unbelief

Legitimacy of Unbelief

Autor: Gerd H. Hövelmann , Hans Michels

Número de Páginas: 467

"Dutch journalist Piet Hein Hoebens (1948-1984) held a unique position in the controversies between proponents and skeptics of parapsychology and related fields. While he described himself as a card-carrying skeptic with strong 'ecumenical' leanings, even many of his nominal opponents appreciated his work and his penetrating, open-minded criticism. Hoebens' constructive influence on the culture of responsible scientific exchange is felt to this day. The editors have collected (and mostly translated) more than 40 of Hoebens' most significant writings, about half of which were never published in English before. The editors also added editorial introductions to all chapters to elucidate their original contexts and their lasting relevance. Therefore, the book is more than a commemoration of an important author - it provides valuable insights into the history of parapsychology and its skeptical reflections"--Back cover.

Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper

Astrology and the Hoax of Scientific Temper

Autor: Gayatri D. Vasudev

Número de Páginas: 368

This book is an inspired collection of writings that expose the fraud of `Scientific temper in its attacks on Astrology. Astrology has always had its critics criticism in indeed healthy for the growth and proper understanding of any science. But unfair and unjust criticism made up of distortions, lies and bias must be forcefully met and nipped in the bud. Otherwise it can be a dangerous enemy of all honest intellectual inquiry and examination.

Astrology — Do the Heavens Rule Our Destiny?

Astrology — Do the Heavens Rule Our Destiny?

Autor: John Ankerberg , John Weldon

Número de Páginas: 314

A thorough analysis of this important subject is badly needed. That is why this book addresses the vital issues of astrology authoritatively & in some depth. It explains the power & influence of astrology; how astrology claims to work; the world view about astrology; the truth about chart interpretation; the alleged evidence for astrology; why astrology works; astrology & the occult. It answers the questions: What exactly is astrology? Do the heavens really influence life on earth? What does the Bible say about astrology? Are astrology & Christian doctrine compatible? Many examples & experiences are shared in this extensive study on astrology.

Dear Martin / Dear Marcello: Gardner And Truzzi On Skepticism

Dear Martin / Dear Marcello: Gardner And Truzzi On Skepticism

Autor: Dana Richards

Número de Páginas: 493

In 1952, Martin Gardner wrote the book Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, which has become a modern classic of the skeptical movement. He is best known as the Father of Recreational Mathematics, but was also a frank critic of pseudoscientists and a contributor to the Skeptical Inquirer magazine.Marcello Truzzi was one of the founders of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal in 1976. He left that and founded the Center for Scientific Anomalies Research, which was more aligned with his views.Dana Richards presents the unedited, colorful correspondence between these two well-known figures within the skeptical movement as they probed and wrestled with fundamental questions such as:

Certaines choses que je ne m'explique pas

Certaines choses que je ne m'explique pas

Autor: Rémy Chauvin

Número de Páginas: 323

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.



Autor: Laurent Puech

Número de Páginas: 275

L'astrologie est une "véritable machine à produire du discours". Mais au-delà des mots, quelle réalité ? Le discours peut masquer bien des éléments gênants, en omettre des désagréables et générer des biais de raisonnements majeurs. Quant à la pratique, sous un aspect relationnel satisfaisant nombre de personnes qui y trouvent un indéniable plaisir, où nous mène-t-elle réellement ? Le présent ouvrage s'intéresse à ces discours et pratiques pour mieux comprendre comment les astrologues parviennent depuis toujours à nous séduire et à nous amener là où ils le veulent, là où nous nous trompons essentiellement parce que nous avons été trompés. Paradoxalement, le décryptage permet de mieux saisir notre fonctionnement et de découvrir quelques outils critiques fort simples qui facilitent la nécessaire vigilance critique envers les prétentions des astrologues et de l'astrologie. Dans une époque marquée par la sur-information, l'étude de cette discipline et de ses défenseurs constitue un excellent terrain d'exercice pour apprendre à repérer certaines formes de désinformation. Des arguments historiques et techniques aux prétendus grandes réussites de ...

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