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BeeHIVE Social Innovation Program: An Entrepreneurial Impact (Penerbit UMK)

BeeHIVE Social Innovation Program: An Entrepreneurial Impact (Penerbit UMK)

Autor: Nik Maheran Nik Muhammad

Número de Páginas: 103

BeeHIVE Social Innovation or known as Beehive Malaysia Young Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program was founded by Prof Dr. Nik Maheran which was a collaboration effort between Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Babson College (USA) and Wow Labs Ltd. (France). These initiatives are among the many activities carried out in UMK to foster entrepreneurship and take young entrepreneurs along the journey in getting funding and scaling their businesses. The content of the book is covered in 7 chapters. Chapter 1, allows the readers to know what is social innovation model, including identifying the social innovation and social entrepreneurship commonly practised by entrepreneurs. Chapter 2, highlights the importance of social innovation among youth in Malaysia. Meanwhile, Chapter 3 gives exposure to the readers about the research studies related to social innovation; covering the past and recent works. In chapter 4, the contributing factors such as knowledge, thinking style, personality and motivation which have been identified as important factors that infuence and shape the social innovation among youth in Malaysia. Whereas, Chapter 5, talks about the BeeHIVE Innovation Model and how it ...

Angry Birds and Beehive Hair

Angry Birds and Beehive Hair

Autor: Nancy J. Chovancek

Número de Páginas: 153

Chovancek (I Can Finally Hear Birds, 2013, etc.) covers territory similar to the turf once occupied by the late Erma Bombeck in this collection of humorous sketchesChovancek has a strong, clear, and for the most part, appealing voice. She is a suburban Everywoman: Her troubles are our troubles, her peeves are our peeves. An enjoyable collection of observations on some of the less-than idyllic aspects of suburban family life. Kirkus Reviews Nancy takes us on a journey through her childhood years with an Italian/Polish upbringing, and continues through the triumphs and tribulations of her adulthood with sarcastic humor and grace. As we become immersed in Nancys true-life story telling, it becomes obvious that she has a knack for humor in the most unexpected, yet highly relatable moments that we all share in life. Nancy takes us on a humorous and touching journey in which all stories have a common thread: Lifes absurdities show us that we are not alone for this wild ride. Loving oneself for who you are and not what others want you to become is imperative. To quote William Shakespeares Hamlet, This above all: To thine own self, be true.

The Angel and the Beehive

The Angel and the Beehive

Autor: Armand L. Mauss

Número de Páginas: 290

"The past few decades have witnessed an increasing reaction of the Mormons against their own successful assimilation", Armand Mauss writes in The Angel and the Beehive, "as though trying to recover some of the cultural tension and special identity associated with their earlier 'sect-like' history". This retrenchment among Mormons is the main theme of Mauss's book, which analyzes the last forty years of Mormon history from a sociological perspective. At the official ecclesiastical level, Mauss finds, the retrenchment can be seen in the greatly increased centralization of bureaucratic control and in renewed emphases on obedience to modern prophets, on genealogy and vicarious temple work, and on traditional family life; retrenchment is also apparent in extensive formal religious indoctrination by full-time professionals and in an increased sophistication and intensity of proselytizing. At what he refers to as "the folk or grassroots level", Mauss finds that Mormons have generally been compliant with the retrenchment effort and are today at least as "religious" on most measures as they were in the 1960s. A sizable segment of the Mormon membership, Mauss asserts, has gone beyond...

Enchanted Beehive

Enchanted Beehive

Autor: Lisa Mickelson , Laurie Leone Luck

Número de Páginas: 53

“Enchanted Beehive" is a magical book set in the heart of the land of Utopia, where a beautiful flower meadow hosts the most enchanted place imaginable, the Enchanted Beehive. This shimmering honey-colored structure with a welcoming arch doorway that transports visitors to a breathtaking world filled with magnificent blossoming trees, fragrant flowers, crystal clear blue waters and a variety of inhabitants like Fairies, Gnomes, Bees, Dragonflies, Woodland Animals, Unicorns, and Mermaids. Among these inhabitants, the Bees play a vital role, protected by Fairy Beetrice. The Bees gather nectar from the flowers, turning it into pure honey and beeswax. Then the pure honey is gathered by the creative Gnomes and they add it to the soaps that are handcrafted into unique works of art. This book delves into the lives and adventures of these magical creatures, making it a delightful read for all ages. When we escape into the magical and mystical world it can provide a safe haven from the trials and tribulations of the real world. It allows individuals to temporarily detach from their problems, worries and stressors, offering a much-needed respite. This temporary escape into a fictional...

Apple y Rain

Apple y Rain

Autor: Sarah Crossan

Número de Páginas: 257

Una de las autoras literarias de novela juvenil más galardonadas. Finalista del Premio Carnegie, del Irish BookAward 2015 y del Guardian's Children's Book 2016. Una novela que cura corazones destrozados. Cuando la madre de Apple regresa después de once años de ausencia, Apple se siente feliz de nuevo, y por fin puede tener respuesta a la pregunta que la ha acompañado durante tanto tiempo: ¿por qué te fuiste? Ahora tendrá a alguien que entiende de verdad qué significa ser adolescente, a diferencia de Nana, quien parece no comprenderla. Pero del mismo modo que la noche en la que su madre la abandonó, el regresoa casa de esta se acaba convirtiendo en algo agridulce, y Apple se preguntará de nuevo quién está realmente cuidando de quién. Una historia llena de emociones, que te hará reír y llorar. La crítica ha dicho... «Incluye poesía y creo que es algo que está genial. Totalmente recomendado.» Chococrispis «Narra una historia muy real y habitual en nuestro día a día.» Érase un libro «Genial intensidad narrada con las palabras justas en esta novela que os recomiendo sinceramente.» Fantasymundo «Es una preciosa historia llena de esperanza que me ha hecho...

Modern Beehive Coke-oven Practice

Modern Beehive Coke-oven Practice

Autor: George Stanley Scott , J. A. Kelley , E. L. Fish , L. D. Schmidt

Número de Páginas: 28
“Work” Handbooks (“Amateur Mechanic & Work” Handbooks. Cassell's “Work” Handbooks) ... Edited by P.N. Hasluck

“Work” Handbooks (“Amateur Mechanic & Work” Handbooks. Cassell's “Work” Handbooks) ... Edited by P.N. Hasluck

Autor: Paul Nooncree Hasluck

Número de Páginas: 168
Beehive-coke Plants in the United States that Reported to the Bureau of Mines in 1956

Beehive-coke Plants in the United States that Reported to the Bureau of Mines in 1956

Autor: Joseph A. Decarlo , Emma E. Ryan

Número de Páginas: 16
Medicine in the Beehive State, 1940-1990

Medicine in the Beehive State, 1940-1990

Autor: Henry P. Plenk , Trudy Mcmurrin

Número de Páginas: 616
Report of Progress 1874-1889,A-Z.

Report of Progress 1874-1889,A-Z.

Autor: Geological Survey Of Pennsylvania

Número de Páginas: 314
Papers and Discussions Presented Before the [Coal] Division

Papers and Discussions Presented Before the [Coal] Division

Autor: American Institute Of Mining, Metallurgical, And Petroleum Engineers

Número de Páginas: 872
Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Agriculture

Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Agriculture

Autor: Pennsylvania Bureau Of Industrial Statistics

Número de Páginas: 804
Chemical Technology, Or, Chemistry in Its Applications to Arts and Manufactures: Fuel and its applications

Chemical Technology, Or, Chemistry in Its Applications to Arts and Manufactures: Fuel and its applications

Autor: Charles Edward Groves , William Thorp , William Joseph Dibdin

Número de Páginas: 852
Chemical Technology Or Chemistry in Its Applications to Arts and Manufactures

Chemical Technology Or Chemistry in Its Applications to Arts and Manufactures

Autor: Charles Edward Groves

Número de Páginas: 1272
Chemical Technology

Chemical Technology

Autor: Charles Edward Groves , William Thorp , Thomas Richardson , Edmund Ronalds , Henry Watts , William Joseph Dibdin

Número de Páginas: 1038

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