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El impacto de género en una sociedad cambiante. Una visión multidisciplinar

Autor: Alejandra Selma Penalva

Número de Páginas: 395

En esta obra, más de treinta investigadores, pertenecientes a disciplinas muy variadas abordan los retos que todavía hoy existen en materia de igualdad de género desde una perspectiva histórica, antropológica, sociológica, literaria, laboral, penal, internacional, política, económica, psicológica, filológica, fiscal, cultural, familiar, educativa, e incluso, sanitaria y deportiva, dando lugar a un texto, de amena lectura, muy ilustrativo, que persigue dar nombre a situaciones sociales que, sin muchas veces percatarnos de ello, agravan el problema de la desigualdad de género. De esta forma, treinta personas, han unido sus esfuerzos para dar un primer paso, un paso muy importante para la eliminación definitiva de la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres. Y es que debemos ser conscientes de que, hasta que no se identifique el problema, hasta que la sociedad no sea totalmente consciente de la trascendencia social de determinadas conductas ni de las consecuencias implícitas de ciertos comportamientos, no se podrá actuar con rotundidad. La desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres no es un enemigo abstracto e indeterminado, sino que es el resultado de una suma de factores de...

La figura femenina en el teatro de Edward Bond: las heroínas

Autor: Susana Nicolás Román

Número de Páginas: 132

Tal y como se planteó en el anterior volumen titulado, La figura femenina en el teatro de Edward Bond: las mujeres perdidas, Bond propone una mujer radicalmente diferente en la segunda etapa de su producción dramática. En obras como The Woman, Summer o Restoration, las mujeres se convierten en heroínas desde el momento en que asumen todas las responsabilidades políticas y sociales intentando cambiar las injusticias de la sociedad. En esta segunda categorización de personajes distinguimos entre mujeres revolucionarias que cambian el curso de la historia, mujeres rebeldes que inician su camino a la liberación y madres de la guerra que oponen su solidaridad al brutalismo externo. Lejos de postulados feministas, el análisis de estos personajes nos descubre a un autor que confía en la figura femenina como exponente revolucionario de la transición hacia un cambio social.

Spanish Grammar Made Easy

Autor: Mike Zollo , Allan Wesson

Número de Páginas: 208

The Grammar Made Easy series is ideal for complete beginners as well as for those non-linguists who have some knowledge of the language but need to know the basics of grammar to progress beyond phrasebook level. The books consist of seven units that present basic grammar topics in an accessible and non-patronising manner. A companion website provides extensive interactive grammar practice, it contains around 220 activities (those included in the book plus extra ones) covering all the language in Spanish Grammar Made Easy. Learners work at their own pace and move through the different sections with ease. Numerous grammar tips are at hand if needed. All the correct answers will be recorded so that learners can practise their listening and pronunciation skills.

Abortion at the Crossroads

Autor: Marvin Olasky

Número de Páginas: 283

The Great Escape, a 1963 film beloved by many, portrays an escape by allied prisoners of war from a German POW camp. The prisoners work on three tunnels simultaneously, calling them Tom, Dick, and Harry. When the Germans discover Tom—the tunnel furthest along that prisoners thought would be their liberation vehicle—they redouble their alternative efforts. Pro-life Americans over the decades have fought abortion in three ways. Tunnel Tom: Elect prolife legislators, pass laws, appoint the right judges. Tunnel Dick: Destroy or blockade abortion centers, expose abortionists, or (at the very rare extreme) shoot them. Tunnel Harry: Help women undergoing crisis pregnancies, show them what the beings in their wombs look like, create “a culture of life.” Abortion at the Crossroads offers a quick tour of all three tunnels. At the end, readers will have a better sense of which tunnels are filled with rubble and which offer the greatest hope of saving the most lives.


Autor: GuzmÁn GarcÍa Helena , Sanfilippo Marina , Zamorano Rueda Ana Isabel

Tomar públicamente la palabra ha sido a lo largo de la historia un privilegio masculino, sin embargo, a primera vista y en aparente contradicción, el hecho de contar de viva voz parece un territorio en el que las mujeres juegan un papel protagonista. La razón de esto se encuentra, entre otras cosas, en que la narración oral ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como un arte efímero y carente de legitimación cultural, del que las mujeres podían llegar a ser las auténticas depositarias. Esta es, sin duda, la sensación que se recibe cuando se leen las recopilaciones de cuentos de los siglos XIX y XX y se descubre que la mayoría de los folkloristas solían tener a una mujer como informante privilegiada. Esta imagen positiva de la mujer narradora tenía sus límites, ya que se alababa a las mujeres como trasmisoras, no como creadoras, y se veía su papel como meramente ancilar y pasivo, sin que los folkloristas se interesaran por los cánones temáticos y estéticos de las narradoras. Esta publicación amplía horizontes al ocuparse no solo de narración oral tradicional, sino también de otros tipos de narración, empezando por la literatura escrita (donde existe un...

Easy Learning Spanish Complete Grammar, Verbs and Vocabulary (3 books in 1): Trusted support for learning (Collins Easy Learning)

Autor: Collins Dictionaries

Número de Páginas: 720

A handy 3-in-1 Spanish study book: grammar, verbs and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners who need a clear and easy-to-understand Spanish reference and revision guide.


Autor: Erik Borgman , Lisa Cahill , Sarojini Nadar , Susan A. Ross

Número de Páginas: 195

La «familia» se ha identificado a menudo como «iglesia doméstica». Aprendemos a ser cristianos en nuestras familias. Como siempre ha mantenido la doctrina católica, los padres ejemplarizan la relación de Cristo y la Iglesia, y los hijos son la encarnación del amor de sus padres. Las experiencias familiares, para bien o para mal, nos configuran como las personas que llegamos a ser. Pero las familias se están haciendo cada vez más complejas y tienen que afrontar desafíos que no tienen respuestas fáciles, ni por parte de la Iglesia ni por la sociedad.

The Language of Sex: Saying & Not Saying

Autor: José Santaemilia

Número de Páginas: 124

The language of sex: saying & not saying recull sis capítols que ofereixen indicacions pràctiques per a l’estudi del llenguatge del sexe: José Santaemilia resumeix les principals línies d’estudi d’un camp altament sensible, que genera discusos complexos i múltiples; Helen Sauntson analitza com es construeixen les diverses identitats sexuals (heterosexuals, gais, lesbianes) en converses informals; Dolores Jiménez estudia el llenguate utilizat en l’École des filles ou la philosophie des dames (1655), novel·la pornogràfica anònima francesa; Juan José Calvo descriu els orígens antropològics, històrics i lingüístics del concepte de tabú i dels usos d’eufemismes; Francisco Sánchez Benedito repassa els tipus principals d’eufemismes utilizats en anglès per a descriure els òrgans i actes sexuals; Patricia Alabarta il•lustra l’eufemisme i l’ambigüitat sexual en una sèrie de titulars de les edicions britànica, americana i espanyola de la revista Cosmopolitan.

Visiones contemporáneas de la cultura y la literatura norteamericana en los sesenta

Autor: Pilar Marín Madrazo

Número de Páginas: 254

El andar de las mujeres indígenas

Autor: Tarcila Rivera Zea

Número de Páginas: 222

Reúne el material existente en Chirapaq, Centro de Culturas Indias, acerca del proceso seguido por las indígenas para llegar a Beijing en mejores condiciones que a Nairobi en los años 80.

La mente del deportista

Autor: Simon Marshall , Lesley Paterson

Número de Páginas: 373

La mente del deportista es el manual que le faltaba a tu cerebro: reúne todo lo necesario para desplegar tu verdadero potencial para entrenar y competir. Utilizando una potente combinación de ciencia, experiencia práctica, charla sincera y sabiduría inspirada en el fracaso, Simon Marshall y Lesley Paterson se ponen manos a la obra y, con mucho humor, se implican para solucionar los problemas de los deportistas reales. Los autores, un experto en psicología del deporte y una campeona del mundo de triatlón, nos ofrecen todo un arsenal de habilidades mentales con las que accederás a secretos sobre cómo trata el cerebro los pensamientos y los sentimientos no deseados, y descubrirás cómo trabajar con ellos. Una vez identifiques los duendecillos mentales que perjudican tu rendimiento, aprenderás soluciones prácticas para ayudarte a controlar tu cerebro y a estar a la altura, ya sea para las exigencias cotidianas del entrenamiento o para la competición más importante de la temporada. En esta obra se desechan los métodos estereotipados que aburren a la mente del deportista y se da vida a la investigación más reciente en neurociencia y psicología para ofrecernos una guía...

The Shade of the Saguaro / La sombra del saguaro. Essays on the Literary Cultures of the American Southwest / Ensayos sobre las culturas literarias del suroeste norteamericano

Autor: Gaetano Prampolini , Annamaria Pinazzi

Número de Páginas: 545

This volume springs from that fruitful project of scientific cooperation between the humanities departments of Università di Firenze and University of Arizona which was the Forum for the Study of the Literary Cultures of the Southwest (2000-2007). Tri-cultural, at least (Native, Hispanic and Anglo-American), and multi-lingual, today's Southwest presents a complex coexistence of different cultures, the equal of which would be hard to find elsewhere in the United States. Of this virtually inexhaustible object of study, the essays here collected tackle an ample range of themes. While the majority of them are concerned with the literatures of the Southwest, still a good third falls into the fields of history, art history, ethnography, sociology or cultural studies. They are partitioned in four sections, the first three reflecting the chronology of the stratification of the three major cultures and the fourth highlighting one of the most sensitive topics in and about contemporary Southwest - the borderlands/la frontera

Recollections of Things to Come

Autor: Elena Garro

Número de Páginas: 299

This remarkable first novel depicts life in the small Mexican town of Ixtepec during the grim days of the Revolution. The town tells its own story against a variegated background of political change, religious persecution, and social unrest. Elena Garro, who has also won a high reputation as a playwright, is a masterly storyteller. Although her plot is dramatically intense and suspenseful, the novel does not depend for its effectiveness on narrative continuity. It is a book of episodes, one that leaves the reader with a series of vivid impressions. The colors are bright, the smells pungent, the many characters clearly drawn in a few bold strokes. Octavio Paz, the distinguished poet and critic, has written that it "is truly an extraordinnary work, one of the most perfect creations in contemporary Latin American literature."


Autor: Doris Miller

DIANE D In The Headlines is the 2nd book of the DIANE D Series. It involves headline and article scandals, sniper shootings, highway shootings, drunk driving arrests, weapons possession charges, fist fights, attacks, highway car chasings, motorcycle chasings, paralyzes, miscarriages, abortions, mental illness, split personality disorders, eerie spirit possessions and superhuman strength. It also involves Diane D and her deranged and dangerous cousin Dana, of DANGEROUS DANA A Suspense Thriller, being tossed and thrown behind bars together! Diane D and her cousin Dana are in jail for illegal weapons possession charges. Their lawyer is on the phone talking to Diane D. While he is talking to Diane D, he overhears Dana in the background hollering, cursing and swearing about him calling him every name in the book after he fails to get them bail! After the lawyer overhears Dana belittling him, he turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and threatens to quit and walk out on their case telling Diane D‘s family that he will represent Diane D, but not Dana! Diane D and Dana’s Grandfather Mike will not hear of it! He has a fit and tells the lawyer to either represent both Diane D and Dana or ...

Las Mujeres

Autor: Nan Elsasser , Kyle Mackenzie , Yvonne Tixier Y Vigil

Número de Páginas: 196

Portrays experiences during the development of New Mexico

Género, lenguaje y traducción

Autor: José Santaemilia

Número de Páginas: 616

Fundamentos de Administracion

Autor: Stephen P. Robbins , David A. Decenzo

Número de Páginas: 558

Escritoras dominicanas a la deriva

Autor: Sintia Molina

Número de Páginas: 160

Escritoras dominicanas a la deriva: Marginación, dolor y resistencia reúne artículos y entrevistas que abordan temas sobre la mujer y, en particular, la mujer dominicana. Desde diferentes acercamientos críticos y académicos, los ensayos analizan aquellas situaciones y condiciones escasamente planteadas por la crítica dominicana. La narrativa y la poesía son los géneros puestos a debate. El volumen estudia la obra de un grupo de escritoras dominicanas de diferentes generaciones, antecedentes y formación. Las diversas escrituras se caracterizan por la búsqueda, la valoración y la aceptación de la condición de mujer en una sociedad plagada por una ideología patriarcal, una moralidad demagógica y la alienación de las mujeres. Estas escritoras han sido marginadas e ignoradas por la sociedad a la que pertenecen y, en consecuencia, permanecen desconocidas para muchos en su propio país y en el exterior, excepto la figura de Julia Álvarez, de mayor proyección mediática. Dominican Women Writers on the Edge: Alienation, Pain and Resistance is composed of articles and interviews dealing with a variety of issues that affect the life of women in general, but particularly,...

What's behind a DIVORCE

Autor: Kathy Higgins

Número de Páginas: 186

WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT DIVORCE. Because your fairy-tale dream became your worst nightmare and you no longer know how to wake up from it, do not despair, there are always solutions for everything. It only depends on you. You are the one who has the power to change your situation. If you are going through a very difficult situation in your marriage, and you hesitate whether or not to divorce, or there is inevitably no other solution than divorce, or you find yourself confused by the quarantine that's making you feel that you can no longer bear your relationship, or the decision to divorce has been made, or you are already going through a divorce process and this situation is very difficult or painful for you, or you simply just want to end it quickly, or you want to say goodbye to your marriage in the best way possible, then this book is for you.

In Order to Talk with the Dead

Autor: Jorge Teillier

Número de Páginas: 167

"In order to talk with the dead you have to know how to wait: they are fearful like the first steps of a child. But if we are patient one day they will answer us with a poplar leaf trapped in a broken mirror, with a flame that suddenly revives in the fireplace, with a dark return of birds before the glance of a girl who waits motionless on the threshold." —from "In Order to Talk with the Dead" Reared in the rainy forests of Chile's "La Frontera" region which had nurtured Pablo Neruda a generation earlier, Jorge Teillier has become one of Chile's leading contemporary poets, whose work is widely read in Latin America and Europe along with the poetry of his well-known contemporaries Nicanor Parra and Enrique Lihn. This English-Spanish bilingual anthology now introduces English-speaking readers to Teillier, with a representative selection of his best work from all phases of his career. Carolyne Wright has translated poems from the volumes Muertes y maravillas (1971), Para un pueblo fantasma (1978), and Cartas para reinas de otras primaveras (1985). Avoiding the bravura effects of some of his contemporaries, Teillier writes from a life lived directly and simply, returning time and...

Straight Women Discover Lesbian Pleasures Vol. 47

Autor: Kathryn Owens

This compilation book deals with real stories of heterosexual women who, due to life circumstances, end up enjoying lesbian relations in secret, in many cases being unfaithful to their partners, personal data has been modified to protect privacy, enjoy these morbid stories.

Acta de la sesion ...

Autor: Organization Of American States. Permanent Council

El infinito singular

Autor: Patrizia Violi

Número de Páginas: 180

Patrizia Violi, en su posición de sujeto que produce su propio discurso, analiza en este libro las difíciles relaciones del lenguaje con la diferencia sexual. Parte de la convicción de que existe un nexo entre estas dos instancias, basándose en la ciencia y en su experiencia, y también se plantea preguntas, sobre su entorno y sobre si misma.

Beginning Medical Spanish

Autor: Parizad T. Dejbord Sawan

Número de Páginas: 208

Beginning Medical Spanish. Oral Proficiency and Cultural Humility is designed for medical professionals and supporting staff with no prior knowledge of Spanish who need to develop oral language skills and cross-cultural sensitivity to establish relationship-building communication with their Spanish-speaking patients. This hospital-tested program teaches how to connect with patients of limited English-speaking ability and offer them the quality care they seek. Role-play activities allow students to develop their oral proficiency in meaningful contexts and contribute to a creative and dynamic classroom environment. Written exercises provide opportunity for practice outside the classroom, and audio recordings are available online for use in class and at home. The cultural readings and extensive bibliographical references in each chapter provide students with information about Hispanic values, beliefs and health practices, while teaching them to consider how these may vary with the identity of each individual and the degree of acculturation to US "mainstream" culture. Whether you are a student preparing to work in a medical environment, or a professional already working with...


Autor: Montserrat Bacardí , Universidad Autónoma De Barcelona. Departamento De Traducción E Interpetación

Número de Páginas: 718

Vocabulario Vaquero/Cowboy Talk

Autor: Robert N. Smead

Número de Páginas: 236

Spanish is an important source for terms and expressions that have made their way into the English of the southwestern United States. Vocabulario Vaquero/Cowboy Talk is the first book to list all Spanish-language terms pertaining to two important activities in the American West-ranching and cowboying-with special reference to American Indian terms that have come through Spanish. In addition to presenting the most accurate definitions available, this A-to-Z lexicon traces the etymology of words and critically reviews and assesses the specialized English sources for each entry. It is the only dictionary of its kind to reference Spanish sources. The scholarly treatment of this volume makes it an essential addition to the libraries of linguists and historians interested in Spanish/English contact in the American West. Western enthusiasts of all backgrounds will find accessible entries full of invaluable information. Robert N. Smead is Associate Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Brigham Young University. Ronald Kil is a New Mexico cowboy and artist who has worked on ranches and feedlots all over the West. Richard W. Slatta is Professor of History...

Talk Spanish Grammar

Autor: Susan Dunnett

Número de Páginas: 276

A clear new approach to grammar.

Speaking chileno

Autor: Jared Romey

Número de Páginas: 174

Este libro es parte de la colección e-Libro en BiblioBoard.

Identidades transfronterizas

Autor: Salvador Jara Guerrero

Número de Páginas: 472

Conscience on Stage

Autor: Hilaire Kallendorf

Número de Páginas: 310

It is no accident that some variation of the question 'What should I do?' appears in over three-quarters of the comedic plays of the Spanish Golden Age. Casuistical dialogue was a concern, even an obsession, of Spanish playwrights during the seventeenth century, many of whom were educated by Jesuit casuists. Conscience on Stage is a study of casuistry or case morality as the foundation for a poetics of seventeenth-century Spanish >em>comedias. Hilaire Kallendorf examines the Jesuit upbringing and casuistical education of major playwrights of the Spanish Golden Age, many of whom were also priests, and introduces the vocabulary of casuistry, as expressed in both confessors' manuals and in stage plays. Engaging issues of class, gender, and age to explore scenes of advice-giving and receiving, she demonstrates how the culture-specific construct of 'conscience' in early modern Spain can be recovered by means of a Foucauldian genealogy, which enlists the skills of philology at the service of a larger vision of the history of ideas. This study outlines and reiterates the relationship of theatre to casuistry, the Jesuit contributions to Spanish literary theory and practice, and the...

Anatomy of Rebellion

Autor: Claude Emerson Welch

Número de Páginas: 412

Anatomy of Rebellion provides an understanding of four rebellions that will make clear the factors that are crucial in the development of other rebellions. Seeking a political pattern in the process of rebellion, Claude Welch, Jr., has investigated four large-scale rural uprisings that came close to becoming revolutions: the Taiping rebellion in China 1850-64, the Telengana uprising in India of 1946-51, the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya of 1952-56, the Kwilu uprising in Zaire of 1963-65. Weaving the facts of these rebellions with theories about political violence, Welch follows the rebellions through the initial stages of discontent to the explosion of violence to the suppression of the uprisings. He then challenges explanations of political violence, both Marxist and non-Marxist, that other scholars have proposed. Rebellions have not been studied as thoroughly as the major successful revolutions, although the frequency of rebellions in the modern world is not likely to diminish. Rural dwellers’ discontents are still clashing with central governments’ ambitions; Anatomy of Rebellion clarifies how this volatile type of political violence occurs.

Actas del XXI congreso internacional de A.E.D.E.A.N., Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos

Autor: Asociación Española De Estudios Anglo-norteamericanos. Congreso

Número de Páginas: 772

Bulletin of the Pan American Union

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 816

Beyond the volcano

Autor: Roy Boland , Ricardo Roque Baldovinos , Néstor Tenorio Requejo

Número de Páginas: 286

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