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Color & food

Autor: Jose Luis Caivano , Mabel Amanda Lopez

Número de Páginas: 628

This book includes keynote lectures by specialists, oral papers and posters on diferent aspects of color related to food, as well as a commercial market and an artistic exhibition. The theme of the meeting is approached from different perspectives, including not only tecnology and colorimetry from diferent perspectives, including not only food technology and colorimetry, color chemestry and physics, but also commercial architecture and design, lighting, packaging, advetising and colorcomunication.

Handbook of Research on Cross-culture Business and Management

Autor: Chandan Maheshkar , Vinod Sharma

Número de Páginas: 359

As organizations and businesses continue to expand in the cross-border and multicultural markets, culture needs to be taken into consideration. At present, culture introduces significant changes in the core assumptions of business practices and skill expectations. Gaining cross-cultural compatibility is now a serious concern for businesses and organizations. Appreciating the overall view of cross-cultural business environment, 'Handbook of Research on Cross-culture Business and Management' is a significant attempt to contribute a piece of knowledge on different aspects of cross-cultural business and management, facilitating practitioners and academicians to explore different cross-cultural business practices and develop competencies. This book will be a unique source for cross-cultural business and management practices, helping people of both industry and academia to understand the cross-cultural business environment and improve management practices.

Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 956

Bulletin of the Pan American Union

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 852

Republic of the Philippines Congressional Record

Autor: Philippines. Congress (1940-1973). Senate

Gramática inglesa y método para aprenderla

Autor: Eduardo Benot

Número de Páginas: 221

Nuevo Método del Doctor Enrique Ollendorff para aprender a leer, hablar y escribir una lengua cualquiera

Autor: H. G. Ollendorff

Número de Páginas: 250


Autor: Doris Miller

DIANE D In The Headlines is the 2nd book of the DIANE D Series. It involves headline and article scandals, sniper shootings, highway shootings, drunk driving arrests, weapons possession charges, fist fights, attacks, highway car chasings, motorcycle chasings, paralyzes, miscarriages, abortions, mental illness, split personality disorders, eerie spirit possessions and superhuman strength. It also involves Diane D and her deranged and dangerous cousin Dana, of DANGEROUS DANA A Suspense Thriller, being tossed and thrown behind bars together! Diane D and her cousin Dana are in jail for illegal weapons possession charges. Their lawyer is on the phone talking to Diane D. While he is talking to Diane D, he overhears Dana in the background hollering, cursing and swearing about him calling him every name in the book after he fails to get them bail! After the lawyer overhears Dana belittling him, he turns to Diane D and Dana’s family and threatens to quit and walk out on their case telling Diane D‘s family that he will represent Diane D, but not Dana! Diane D and Dana’s Grandfather Mike will not hear of it! He has a fit and tells the lawyer to either represent both Diane D and Dana or ...

Nuevo diccionario inglés-español y español-inglés

Autor: José M. Lopes

Número de Páginas: 1556

Diccionario inglés

Número de Páginas: 548

English and Spanish definitions are presented side-by-side in a unique two-column format, with hundreds of sample sentences and numerous common idioms and phrases. This useful volume provides the foundation for more advanced English-language study.

Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international

Autor: Georg Friedrich Martens

Número de Páginas: 846

Nouveau recueil général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international

Número de Páginas: 850


Autor: Puerto Rico. Federal Experiment Station, Mayaguez

Número de Páginas: 554

Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military, and Naval; with Technical Terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish

Autor: Edward Spon

Número de Páginas: 402

Ornitología y conservación de la naturaleza hoy

Autor: Bernis, F. , Fernández Cruz, M. , Maluquer, Salvador , Sáez Royuela, Ramón

Número de Páginas: 1184

¿REALMENTE HAS NACIDO DE NUEVO POR AGUA Y EL ESPÍRITU? - Have you truly been born again of water and the Spirit?

Autor: Rev. Paul C. Jong

Número de Páginas: 782

[Spanish] Este es el primer libro de nuestro tiempo, de entre muchos libros cristianos sobre nacer de nuevo, que predica el Evangelio del agua y el Espíritu de acuerdo con las Escrituras. No podemos entrar en el reino de los cielos si no hemos nacido de nuevo del agua y el Espíritu. Nacer de nuevo significa que un pecador es salvado de todos los pecados de su vida al creer en el bautismo de Jesús y su derramamiento de sangre en la cruz. Creamos en el Evangelio del agua y el Espíritu y entremos en el reino de los cielos como los justos sin pecados. Contenidos1. Primero Tenemos Que Saber acerca de Nuestros Pecados para Ser Redimidos (Marcos 7, 8-9, 20-23)2. Los Hombres Han Nacido Pecadores (Marcos 7, 20-23)3. ¿Si Hacemos las Cosas por la Ley, Esto Puede Salvarnos? (Lucas 10, 25-30)4. La Redención Eterna (Juan 8, 1-12)5. El Bautismo de Jesús y la Expiación de los Pecados (Mateo 3, 13-17)6. Jesucristo Vino por Agua, Sangre, y el Espíritu (1 Juan 5:1-12)7. El Bautismo de Jesús es el Prototipo de la Salvación para los Pecadores (1 Pedro 3, 20-22)8. El Evangelio de la Expiación Abundante (Juan 13, 1-17) [English] This title's main subject is "to be born again of Water and the ...


Autor: Arias Montano, Benito , Zunino Garrido, Cinta

Número de Páginas: 198

In 1575 Christopher Plantin sent to press Arias Montano?s Dictatum Christianum sive communes et aptae disciplinorum Christi omnium partes. It is presumed that shortly after the publication of the Latin original the treatise was translated into French, Dutch, and Italian, yet, though there is written evidence of the French impression, no copy of this translation nor of the Italian or Dutch are extant. During years the only known surviving translation of the Dictatum was the one rendered into Spanish by Montano?s disciple Pedro de Valencia thirty years after the publication of the original. These circumstances certainly underline the exceptionality of the 1685 English translation of the Dictatum Christianum, which has remained unknown to scholars until very recently, and to which its translator, Archibald Lovell, gave the title of The Practical Rule of Christian Piety: Containing the Summ of the Whole Duty of a True Disciple of Christ. Printed in London in 1685 by Joseph Hindmarsh, this unique translation of The Practical Rule will surely prove particularly interesting to scholars who study Spanish and English Humanism and early modern spirituality, philosophy, and culture. With...

Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas española e inglesa

Autor: Tomás Conelly (o.p.)

Número de Páginas: 1114

New dictionary, spanish and english and english and spanish : containing the etimology, the proper and metaphorical signification of words, terms of arts and sciences ...

Autor: Pedro Pineda

Número de Páginas: 784

Diccionario nuevo de las dos lenguas española é inglesa ...

Autor: Thomas Connelly

Número de Páginas: 990

Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages

Autor: D. J. R.

Número de Páginas: 991

Comentarios a los murales del Palacio de Gobierno

Autor: Desiderio Hernández Xochitiotzin

Número de Páginas: 136

Puerto Rico reports

Autor: Puerto Rico. Supreme Court

Número de Páginas: 1096


Autor: Bendito CaÑizares Teresa

Número de Páginas: 218

A new ecosystem opens for the European citizen with the use of New Technologies and the profusion of codes of conduct. Both factors should keep a balance if it is intended that individuals live in such a space safely. However, does the current juridical and technological level of protection suffice to face the vulnerability of minors’ privacy, even if they are “digital natives”? This is the question that underlies this work; its title reveals the answer. Un nuevo ecosistema se abre para el ciudadano europeo con el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías y la proliferación de códigos de conducta. Ambos factores deben procurar su equilibrio si se quiere que los sujetos del mismo habiten confiados. Pero, ¿es suficiente el nivel de protección jurídico y técnico alcanzado para responder a la potencial vulnerabilidad de la privacidad del colectivo de menores, aunque sean “nativos digitales”? Esta es la pregunta que subyace en la obra cuyo título revela ya su respuesta.

Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics

Número de Páginas: 1228

A New Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish ...

Autor: John Stevens

Número de Páginas: 788

Cuerpo de Maestros Inglés. Preparacion de Exámenes Prácticos Para la Oposición. E-book

Número de Páginas: 282

Inglés Para El Acceso a Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior.e-book

Número de Páginas: 225

A Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages

Autor: Mariano Velázquez De La Cadena

Número de Páginas: 956

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