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Constructing selves: Issues in Gender, Age, Ethnicity and Nation

Autor: Eduardo De Gregorio-godeo , Ángel Mateos-aparicio

Número de Páginas: 346

The notion of self has become crucial for contemporary cultural studies in its examination identities. Identities are often conceptualized as an engagement of the individual’s self—their condition of being a person—with broader cul-tural cons tructs. However, in addition to being culturally situated, the constitution of selves may be conceived of through identity-construction phenomena whereby individuals’ subjectivities take up, or resist, the subject posi-tions made available in discursive practices. Selves—the notion of ‘Who and I?’—may only be understood as resulting from power-based discourses and cultural practices. In this respect, the idea of the self could be best made sense of in the broader context of the circuits of cul-ture where identities are conformed together with other key cultural processes including representation and cul-tural production, consumption and regulation. The chapters in this collection explore the relations of selves with a wide range of cultural products (e.g. mass media, poetry, fiction, film, painting, advertising, the Internet, education, the institutional, etc.) across a multiplicity of social, political, geographical and...

Derecho y Literatura

Autor: Jorge Roggero

Número de Páginas: 229

¿Cuál es el aporte de los estudios Derecho y Literatura para la Filosofía del Derecho? ¿Cuál es su potencial crítico en relación con las teorías jurídicas dominantes? A fin de responder estos interrogantes el presente volumen recoge una selección de los principales textos de Law and Literature Movement y de los textos más significativos de esta modalidad de la Teoría Crítica del Derecho en otros contextos. La naturaleza de lo jurídico, las mecánicas de constitución de la comunidad y de institución de lo social, la educación jurídica, la relación entre retórica y poder, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías, la dimensión poética y narrativa del discurso jurídico, el estatuto de interpretación y la función paradójica del Derecho son algunas de las temáticas que estos textos instalan como problemas urgentes para la iusfilosofía.

Ireland in the Coming Time

Autor: Margarita Estévez Saá , Anne Maccarthy

Número de Páginas: 208

This book hopes to do justice to the literary wealth to be found in Irish literature which has had, and still has, a powerfull attraction for scholars in the Spanish academia in particular and in the world of letters in general. It is not surprising that this book, prepared as it was in Galicia, should begin with two contributions which are specially significant and representative of the fruitful relationship between Galicia and what has tradicionally been seen as "sister" Ireland. The rest of the volume is divided into two clearly distinguishable parts: on the one hand there are essays which can be described as a revision of the canon of Irish literature in English and the texts found therein. The second part contains new essays on Irish literature, and an examination of the work of Irish women writers.

Early Childhood Themes: Las plantas (Plants) Kit (Spanish Version)

Número de Páginas: 132

Watch early learners grow as they discover plants! This Spanish-translated kit features a comprehensive curriculum centered around that theme. These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

Early Childhood Themes: Los números (Numbers) Kit (Spanish Version)

Autor: Tracy Pearce

Número de Páginas: 128

One, two, three! Let's learn about numbers! This Spanish-translated kit provides a comprehensive curriculum on numbers. These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

Early Childhood Themes: Los colores (Colors) Kit (Spanish Version)

Número de Páginas: 128

Early learners are attracted to colors! This Spanish-translated kit provides a fun way to explore the world of color. These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

Early Childhood Themes: La transportación (Transportation) Kit (Spanish Version)

Número de Páginas: 132

Let's take a ride and explore ways to travel with this captivating kit that centers around the theme and has been translated into Spanish. These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

Early Childhood Themes: Las familias (Families) Kit (Spanish Version)

Número de Páginas: 128

It's all about families in this Spanish-translated kit that provides a comprehensive curriculum designed especially for young children! These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

Early Childhood Themes: Construir cosas (Building Things) Kit (Spanish Version)

Autor: Tracy Pearce

Número de Páginas: 134

Young children love to build and create. Construir Cosas (Building Things) provides a fun foundation on this topic for early learners. This dynamic kit has been translated into Spanish. These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

Early Childhood Themes: La salud y la seguridad (Health and Safety) Kit (Spanish Version)

Autor: Jamey Acosta

Número de Páginas: 128

Provide a healthy start to learning with this important, Spanish-translated kit that provides a comprehensive curriculum centered around health and safety. These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

La isla de los delfines azules: An Instructional Guide for Literature

Autor: Charles Aracich

Número de Páginas: 74

Help Spanish-speaking students build their reading comprehension skills! This book provides exciting lesson plans and activities to guide teachers in the instruction of La isla de los delfines azules, the Spanish language version of the novel Island of the Blue Dolphins. This product aids teachers as they challenge students to dive deeper into complex literature. With lessons focused on story elements and vocabulary, engaging activities, and other important tools, teachers will help English learners analyze this award-winning literary work.

Las relaciones entre el derecho y la literatura

Autor: Jimena Sáenz, María

Número de Páginas: 208

¿Qué relación existe entre el derecho y la literatura? ¿Por qué un grupo sostenido y creciente de juristas, filósofos y también de profesores de literatura decidió girar su mirada hacia el objeto y la disciplina del otro? ¿Qué buscaban allí y qué decía –y sigue diciendo, quizá– esa búsqueda sobre el terreno propio? ¿Qué puede, en definitiva, aprender el derecho de la literatura y viceversa? Las relaciones entre el derecho y la literatura. Una lectura del proyecto de Martha Nussbaum recorre estas preguntas a partir de dos estrategias. Por un lado, ofrece una reconstrucción de lo que se llamó desde la década de los setenta «movimiento derecho y literatura» y explora en ese ámbito los modos en que la literatura ha servido a lo largo de más de cuarenta años para presionar por la transformación de las formas de pensar el derecho. Luego presenta una lectura detallada de uno de los proyectos singulares de más amplio alcance que le dio a la literatura un lugar central: el proyecto filosófico de Martha Nussbaum.

Letras portuguesas

Autor: Ángel Marcos De Dios

Número de Páginas: 274

Recopilación de obras que en homenaje al profesor Ángel Marcos de Dios, docente de disciplinas de lengua y literatura portuguesas en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Salamanca desde el año 1972, el que ha sido el principal impulsor del crecimiento y representatividad de estos estudios en el marco de la señera institución filológica salmantina. Su dedicación constante e implicada para asegurar la mejor calidad docente en la especialidad seleccionando y formando al profesorado más adecuado y capacitado, así como invitando a reputados profesores universitarios portugueses y brasileños que, durante cursos, enriquecieron los contenidos lusófonos de las aulas salmantinas. La labor de captación y formación de docentes e investigadores especializados en Filología Portuguesa, necesaria para garantizar la permanencia de la titulación, ha ocupado también durante décadas al homenajeado, formando a un grupo de doctores especializados en lengua, lingüística y literatura portuguesas que, a día de hoy, asegura la impartición de los contenidos académicos por parte de un profesorado especializado en cada uno de esos ámbitos, compaginado con su labor de...

Invento, luego resisto

Autor: Elzbieta Sklodowska

Número de Páginas: 498

El vértice del presente libro es el arte de inventar en la vida cotidiana y en la producción cultural en Cuba durante y después del Período Especial en Tiempos de Paz (1990-2015). Aunque el término "Período Especial" fuera una coartada retórica del gobierno para enmascarar la crisis, su significado en la experiencia, memoria y conciencia, tanto individual como colectiva, adquiere proporciones épicas de una demarcación epocal. La extraordinaria creatividad de los cubanos para "resolver" las carencias cotidianas con humor e ingenio ocupa una gran parte de las páginas que siguen. Por otro lado, la autora se detiene en las novedosas y originales invensiones de carácter literario y artístico que usan la precariedad de recursos como un estímulo para la imaginación. Dentro del corpus primario de este libro, textos clasificables como literarios (cuentos, novelas, poemas, obras teatrales) coexisten con testimonios, filmes documentales, manuales de autoayuda, actos de performance y artefactos de cultura material. Al recoger tanto el capital simbólico de la crisis como la elusiva materialidad de los 1990, Elzbieta Sklodowska recopila un archivo que, más allá de su función...


Autor: Emily Spinelli , Carmen García , Carol E. Galvin Flood

Número de Páginas: 532

INTERACCIONES emphasizes real communication in meaningful cultural contexts.

Studia Patriciae Shaw Oblata

Autor: Santiago González Y Fernández-corugedo

Número de Páginas: 1274

Studia P. S. oblata.- V. 3/edited by S. G. Fernández...

Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries: Bilingual Edition, 4th Edition

Autor: Joanna F. Fountain

Número de Páginas: 487

For public and school libraries, this resource reflects recent changes in Library of Congress subject headings and authority files, and provides bilingual information essential to reference librarians and catalogers serving Spanish speakers. Libraries must provide better access to their collections for all users, including Spanish-language materials. The American Library Association has recognized this increasing need. Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries: Bilingual Fourth Edition is the only resource available that provides both authorized and reference entries in English and Spanish. A first-check source for the most frequently used headings needed in school and public libraries, this book incorporates thousands of new and revised entries to assist in applying LCSH and CSH headings. Of the approximately 30,000 headings listed, most include cross-references, and all of the cross-reference terms are translated. MARC21 tags are included for all authorized entries to simplify entering them into computerized catalogs, while indexes to all headings and free-floating subdivisions are provided in translation from Spanish to English. This book gives librarians access to...

Narciso y el doble en la literatura fantástica victoriana

Autor: Antonio Ballesteros González

Número de Páginas: 388

Spanish Four Years

Autor: Janet F. Hiller

Número de Páginas: 356

"Designed to build the proficiency of intermediate to advanced learners of Spanish. ... This book is intended as a resource to be utilized by students and teachers. It aims to encourage students' independent exploration and learning to help them become lifelong learners of Spanish. It can be used by teachers as a text for a high intermediate or advanced-level course or to supplement or accompany other advanced-level materials. [It] is meant to prepare students for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language Examination. And more importantly, it familiarizes and prepares them for the challenges of communication in the real world: for higher education, for the workplace, and for lifelong language and culture enrichment through Spanish literature, the arts, and the media."--Preface

La Biblia hebrea en la literatura

Autor: Gregorio Del Olmo Lete

Número de Páginas: 197

La Biblia Hebrea, uno de los modelos vertebradotes de la cultura occidental, ha ejercido un influjo constante en el imaginario de su creación artística. Y esto en todos sus ámbitos (pintura, iluminación, escultura, música, cinematografía), pero de manera especial en el literario. El teatro nace en el Medievo como “representación” de temas y personajes bíblicos; innumerables obras literarias (poéticas, dramáticas y narrativas) de siglos posteriores hallaron en la Biblia Hebrea, no sólo argumentos de representación del pasado, sino sobre todo “arquetipos” de valor universal sobre los que organizar y resolver las situaciones y conflictos de la existencia humana, tal y como afloraban en los sucesivos momentos históricos. A pesar de la secularización de la cultura moderna occidental, la Biblia ha mantenido su influjo como referente válido de su creatividad y simbolización. La presente Guía intenta ofrecer una visión de conjunto de ese influjo y facilitar su estudio a personas interesadas en esta parcela de la literatura comparada.

NEMITYRA: Revista Multilingüe de Lengua, Sociedad y Educación - Vol2-N1

Autor: Valentina Canese

Número de Páginas: 199

ISL - Universidad Nacional de Asuncion

Introducción a la literatura Espanola

Autor: Paola Bianco , Antonio Sobejano-moran

Número de Páginas: 281

Introducción a la literatura española offers a comprehensive introduction to Spanish literature for general readers and students of Spanish at the AP high school and third year college levels who are not native speakers. The book maps the development of the three major literary genres: narrative, poetry and theater, from the Middle Ages through the 20th century, and includes works by Don Juan Manuel, Garcilaso de la Vega, Miguel de Cervantes, Juan Meléndez Valdés, Federico García Lorca, and more. In addition to the selected readings, Introducción a la literatura española also features a cultural and historical overview of Spain. This panoramic view will enable students to place the selected works within a specific cultural, historical, and literary context. Each reading is followed by a series of drills that are designed to question the student's basic understanding of the story and develop critical analysis skills. Due to the difficulty presented by poetry a special section devoted to the study of poetic language, "Introducción al análisis de la poesía," is included to help students count syllables and identify rhymes and the different types of verses. It also provides...

Introducción a la literatura Latinoamericana

Autor: Paola Bianco , Antonio Sobejano-moran

Número de Páginas: 316

A survey of literature from Latin America from the beginnings through modern times. Includes introductions to each literary period, a brief history and overview of literature in the period, a brief bibliography for each author, vocabulary and questions for further study.

The Subversive Tradition in Spanish Renaissance Writing

Autor: Antonio Pérez-romero

Número de Páginas: 358

"The seven texts in this cross-section of fiction and nonfiction reveal a nation at the brink of modernity, embracing revolutionary ideas and reeling in their explosive impact. The opening chapters establish the theoretical framework for Perez-Romero's analysis, describing the intellectual and social environments of medieval Spain and tracing the developments in Spanish historical and literary scholarship that point to the existence of a new path of investigation."--Jacket.

St. Teresa of Avila 100 Themes on Her Life and Work

Autor: Tomás Alvarez, Ocd

Número de Páginas: 452

As the first woman to be given the title of doctor of the church, St. Teresa of Avila continues to exercise her teaching authority in the world today both within and outside the boundaries of the church. In the present group of 100 themes, Tomás Alvarez wishes to create a favorable approach to Teresa's person and a comprehensive reading of her writings. Avila and Its Surroundings, The Social Classes of Her Time, Environment and Cultural Levels, Contemporary Women, Clergy, Religion, Her Family, Home, Father, Mother and Siblings is a sampling of some of the one hundred themes presented in this book.

Sor Juana/Música

Autor: Pamela H. Long

Número de Páginas: 158

In her lost treatise on music which she titled El caracol, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz addressed the image of the spiral as a metaphor for musical harmony, an image which she distilled in one of her romances. Singing in the choir of the Templo de San Jerónimo, Sor Juana and the other nuns of her convent were raising the tone of their musica humana to be in accord with the music of the heavenly choirs, which the nuns were imitating in their singing. Octavio Paz theorizes a «triple interés» in music in Sor Juana's works: «práctico, teórico, filósofico». Numerous poems allude to the theoretical and philosophical problems of music, resulting in many levels of metaphor and metonym concerning music, especially in the loas and villancicos. Not only does Sor Juana's work address the metaphysical aspects of music, the musica speculative so popular in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but it broaches important questions on the practical applications of new theories of musical harmony: the musica practica. A talented poet, playwright, scientist, and mathematician, Sor Juana also explored musical instruments and theory. Sor Juana/Música investigates the musical aspects of Sor...

Tremendismo: el sabor amargo de la vida

Autor: Athena Alchazidu

Número de Páginas: 250

Tremendismus je jedním z nejpozoruhodnějších literárních jevů ve španělské literatuře 20. století. Na literární scéně se objevil s nástupem představitelů nové Generace 36, jejichž tvorba poznamenala další vývoj španělské literatury. Přesto je však na tremendismus pohlíženo jako na fenomén marginálního významu. Od 90. let 20. stol. lze pozorovat jisté oživení zájmu o tento pozoruhodný literární fenomén, což primárně souviselo se zvýšeným zájmem o tvorbu hlavního představitele tremendismu Camila Josého Cely, zvláště po té, co mu v roce 1989 byla udělena Nobelova cena za literaturu. Ve stejnou dobu se začali prosazovat mladí autoři z Generace X, jejichž výpravná próza nese výrazné rysy tremendistické estetiky, a to do takové míry, že lze uvažovat o návratu tremendismu. Publikace je snahou o drobný příspěvek do zmíněné literární diskuze, jelikož si klade za cíl najít alespoň dílčí odpovědi na otázky zásadního významu, které se k dané problematice váží.

Flores Florentino

Autor: Anthony Hilhorst , Émile Puech , Eibert J. C. Tigchelaar

Número de Páginas: 866

This volume comprises forty-eight essays, presented by friends, colleagues and students in honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez. The articles are primarily in the field of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also cover many other fields of Second Temple Judaism, from late biblical texts and Septuagint up to the pseudepigrapha and early rabbinic writings.

Arturo Islas

Autor: Arturo Islas

Número de Páginas: 300

Aldama (English, University of Colorado) presents unpublished short fiction, poetry, and essays by Islas (1938-1991), a gay Chicano writer best known for his novels The Rain God and Migrant Souls. An introduction discusses Islas' poetic form and narrative technique and his place in Chicano literature, and a chronology outlines major events in his life. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (


Autor: Edward Meryon Wilson , Royston Oscar Jones

Número de Páginas: 404


Teaching American Literature in Spanish Universities

Autor: Carme Manuel Cuenca

Número de Páginas: 137

Un dels aspectes més valuosos d'aquest llibre és que comença enllaçant, a través dels dos primers articles, l'educació universitària amb el seu nivell immediatament anterior: l'escola secundària; una connexió que sovint s'oblida amb seriosos resultats per a tots dos. En aquest sentit, Benito Camacho Martín, l'autor d'un dels articles, realitza una anàlisi lúcida i en certa manera dogmàtic sobre el declivi de l'ensenyament de literatura a les escoles de secundària, tant en hores dedicades com en coneixements adquirits. Els altres articles, alguns en anglès i uns altres en castellà, tracten diferents aspectes de l'ensenyament de literatura nord-americana, amb una èmfasi manifesta en materials del segle XX i, sobretot, en la literatura afro-americana; de fet, el llibre resultarà particularment útil per als professors d'això últim.

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