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Total de libros encontrados 38 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Una historia que su asesor financiero nunca le contará

Autor: Lyrawm

Número de Páginas: 186


Autor: Danielle Town , Phil Town

Número de Páginas: 336

In this essential handbook—a blend of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Happiness Project—the co-host of the wildly popular InvestED podcast shares her yearlong journey learning to invest, as taught to her by her father, investor and bestselling author Phil Town. Growing up, the words finance, savings, and portfolio made Danielle Town’s eyes glaze over, and the thought of stocks and financial statements shut down her brain. The daughter of a successful investor and bestselling financial author of Rule #1, Phil Town, she spent most of her adult life avoiding investing—until she realized that her time-consuming career as lawyer was making her feel anything but in control of her life or her money. Determined to regain her freedom, vote for her values with her money, and deal with her fear of the unpredictable stock market, she turned to her father, Phil, to help her take charge of her life and her future through Warren Buffett-style value investing. Over the course of a year, Danielle went from avoiding everything to do with the financial industrial complex to knowing exactly how and when to invest in wonderful companies. In Invested, Danielle shows you how to do the same: how to...

Night of the Bilingual Telemarketers

Autor: Hector Cantú , Carlos Castellanos

Número de Páginas: 132

The lead character of Baldo, Baldo Bermudez, is a 15-year-old Latino teen with visions of creating the perfect low rider and being popular with the girls. Meanwhile, the strip's creators, Hector Cantu and Carlos Castellanos, began the strip in 2000 with dreams of creating a comic rooted in Latin American heritage that would have wide appeal and soar in popularity. Judging by the pieces of car in the driveway and yet another dateless weekend for Baldo, it's fair to say Hector and Carlos are having all the luck, and Baldo's readers are having all the laughs. Night of the Bilingual Telemarketers is a compilation of strips from the increasingly popular comic's second year. When it launched in April 2000, the strip appeared in nearly 100 papers. Only three other strips in Universal Press Syndicate history had a larger circulation when they began, and all went on to have stellar careers: For Better or For Worse, Calvin & Hobbes, and The Boondocks. Baldo is primed to follow in those successful footsteps. The strip centers around Baldo and his humorous observations on teenage life in school and with family. On the home front is Baldo's relationship with his single-parent dad, his younger...

Security Analysis

Autor: Benjamin Graham , David Dodd

Número de Páginas: 1664

Considerado el más importante consejero en inversión del siglo xx, Benjamin Graham enseñó e inspiró a financieros de todo el mundo. Security Analysis es probablemente su obra más ambiciosa. Publicada por primera vez en 1934, en ella Graham explica en profundidad los distintos tipos de valores de inversión, sus características, ventajas y desventajas, para permitir a pequeños y grandes inversores, individuales y corporativos, operar sobre una base sólida y fiable, alejada de decisiones irracionales. Es, pues, una obra técnica, impregnada de sentido común, que seguirá siendo la mano derecha de todo inversor serio durante muchos años. Esta edición, la primera en lengua española, recupera el texto de la segunda que se publicó en inglés (1940), que el propio autor revisó y comentó, complementado con interpretaciones de grandes inversores actuales.

Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 988

Bulletin of the Pan American Union

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 1378

Republic of the Philippines Congressional Record

Autor: Philippines. Congress (1940-1973). Senate

Learn The Guitar

Autor: Knowledge Treasure Collection

The guitar is among the most popular musical instruments around. Because of how versatile the guitar is, it is a popular instrument to learn how to play. The guitar can play any kind of music that suits your interest whether it is rock, country or jazz or any other style of music. You may be interested in playing your favorite songs or maybe you are a budding songwriter and you would like to write your own songs. Either way, the guitar would be the perfect instrument to learn in these cases. Like all musical instruments, if you want to learn to play the guitar you will need plenty of practice, perseverance and patience. Learning to play the guitar will be a very rewarding experience if you stick with it and the guitar can give you many hours of enjoyment.

Hombres o cadáveres

Autor: Edwin Rolfe

Número de Páginas: 134

Y yo, que he conocido el abrazo embarrado de la guerra, y he yacido sobre su cuerpo de piedra afilada y temblado ante la perturbadora intensidad de su pasión, considero a estos hombres, mis camaradas de armas, niños aún demasiado jóvenes para mirar a sus ojos de fuego furibundo, demasiado inocentes para que los acojan sus brazos corrosivos, pero entiendo hasta qué punto me equivoco cuando recuerdo que una hora con ella nos hace a todos hombres o cadáveres. Así es, hombres o cadáveres. Sabido es que la repercusión internacional de la guerra civil española fue enorme. Muchos jóvenes de diferentes países, presintiendo que en España se jugaba algo más que el destino de un solo país, acudieron de forma voluntaria a luchar en uno u otro bando. Entre los que lo hicieron en favor del bando republicano destacarían los miembros del Lincoln Batallion, integrante de las Brigadas Internacionales. Muchos de ellos se convertirían con el tiempo en grandes escritores, como Alvah Bessie, Milton Wolff… y, por encima de todos ellos gracias a su calidad lírica, Edwin Rolfe. A pesar de que su producción sobre la contienda supone un canto al pueblo español, a sus paisajes y a su...

La educación financiera en la enseñanza preuniversitaria de la Comunidad Valenciana

Autor: Sergio Camisón-haba , José Antonio Clemente , María Isabel Borreguero , José María Gómez

Número de Páginas: 138

El presente libro aborda las definiciones de alfabetización y educación financiera en un sentido amplio, repasando las críticas y alabanzas que descansan sobre estos conceptos a fin de entender la necesidad de la introducción de la educación financiera en la enseñanza preuniversitaria y su posible continuidad en los estudios superiores de la rama económica.

Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton

Autor: Amelia Mar�a De La Luz Montes , Anne E. Goldman

Número de Páginas: 326

Since the recent republication of her novel The Squatter and the Don, Mar�a Amparo Ruiz de Burton (1832?95) has become a key figure in the recovery of nineteenth-century Mexican American literature. An aristocratic Californiana, she championed the rights of Mexican Americans in novels, plays, and letters. Her 1885 novel called attention to the illegal appropriation of Mexican land by the United States government, and she critiqued the political mores of America after the Civil War in light of the Mexican-American war. Her keen assessment of corporate capitalism at the end of the nineteenth century, frank acknowledgment of feminine desire, and deft insights about economic realities and class relations were unique among her American peers. Using Ruiz de Burton?s work to analyze the critical schism conventionally imposed on nineteenth-century literary culture in America, the essays in this collection also draw connections between her work and the contemporary Chicana and Chicano canons. At once richly historical and critically nuanced, these essays appraise a politically complex Mexican American writer alternately celebrated as marginalized and censured for her identification with...

Investing in Cuba

Autor: Jaime Suchlicki , Antonio Jorge

Número de Páginas: 176

"Collection of essays identifying problems and risks associated with foreign investment in Cuba. Appendices reproduce the foreign investment law of 1982 (since replaced by a new foreign investment law passed in 1995) and accompanying regulations"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.

Conservación del medio ambiente físico y el desarrollo

Número de Páginas: 266

Revista jurídica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Autor: University Of Puerto Rico (río Piedras Campus). School Of Law

The money code

Autor: Raimon Samsó

Número de Páginas: 294

The "money game" has its own rules, do you know them? You can ́t lose the"the money game" whit this book. Do you want to achieve financial independence? Do you want more time and a new lifestyle? Would you like to double your income every year? ...If you answered affirmatively, this reading will provide you with these answers and a new mindset about money and wealth. "The Money Code" contains everything you need to know to win your financial freedom. "The Money Code" will reveal what you have never been taught at school, at university, or at home about money (simply because you do not know it) so that you will be free, wise and rich. Gain financial freedom with passive incomes and create multiple cash flow streams. I will show you how. Raimon Samsó, author of 24 books, world expert in money and conscience. Do you want to discover the Code that opens the safe of prosperity? Open the book and start reading... for a new leaving

The Shade of the Saguaro / La sombra del saguaro. Essays on the Literary Cultures of the American Southwest / Ensayos sobre las culturas literarias del suroeste norteamericano

Autor: Gaetano Prampolini , Annamaria Pinazzi

Número de Páginas: 545

This volume springs from that fruitful project of scientific cooperation between the humanities departments of Università di Firenze and University of Arizona which was the Forum for the Study of the Literary Cultures of the Southwest (2000-2007). Tri-cultural, at least (Native, Hispanic and Anglo-American), and multi-lingual, today's Southwest presents a complex coexistence of different cultures, the equal of which would be hard to find elsewhere in the United States. Of this virtually inexhaustible object of study, the essays here collected tackle an ample range of themes. While the majority of them are concerned with the literatures of the Southwest, still a good third falls into the fields of history, art history, ethnography, sociology or cultural studies. They are partitioned in four sections, the first three reflecting the chronology of the stratification of the three major cultures and the fourth highlighting one of the most sensitive topics in and about contemporary Southwest - the borderlands/la frontera

Luis de Góngora and Lope de Vega

Autor: Lindsay G. Kerr

Número de Páginas: 221

Traces the processes and paradoxes at work in the late parodic poetry of Luis de Góngora and Lope de Vega, illuminating correlations and connections.

Los Fondos de inversión

Autor: Adidas Wilson

Número de Páginas: 127

el Autor nos indica, nos guía a través del presente libro cómo aprender a invertir en la bolsa por medio de los Fondos Mutualistas; para la mayoría de las personas este es un tema completamente desconocido y nada mejor que leer Los Fondos Mutualistas de Adidas Wilson, quien se ha dedicado a investigar cuáles son las rutas más apropiadas y fáciles de entender para llevar a cabo tales inversiones por aquellas personas que son nuevas en este campo de las inversiones.

Batiendo a Wall Street

Autor: Peter Lynch

Número de Páginas: 416

El legendario gestor de fondos Peter Lynch explica en este libro sus estrategias de inversión y sus claves sobre cómo seleccionar acciones y fondos para conseguir la mejor cartera de inversiones posible. Inicia este libro con un repaso de sus años como gestor del Magellan Fund analizando las estrategias que siguió, la metodología que usó y las principales operaciones que hizo, incluyendo tanto sus aciertor como sus errores. En la segunda parte se centra en el proceso de análisis que utilizó para seleccionar las famosas veintiuna acciones que recomendó a los lectores de la revista Barron's la principal publicación financiera y de negocios de Estados Unidos. Y aporta, con relato minucioso, sus tácticas en la elección de acciones. Una clave importante para invertir, según Lynch, es recordar que las acciones no son los billetes de lotería: detrás de cada acción siempre hay una empresa y una razón por la que las compañías crecen de la manera en que lo hacen. Otra de sus recomendaciones es invertir en aquello que uno conoce y anima a los inversores a convertirse en expertos en el sector y en la empresa en la que invierten. Batiendo a Wall Street es un texto repleto de ...

Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of Economic and Social Intelligence

Número de Páginas: 1368

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