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On the Other Side of the Mountain

Autor: María Del Carmen Perrier Pérez Del Castillo

Número de Páginas: 118

The story of the young people who did not return from the tragedy of the Andes in 1972. On Friday 13 October 1972, a plane carrying 45 Uruguayans crashed in the Andes Mountains. 72 days later, 16 survivors returned home. This marked a turning point for all of them and for the families of those who did not come back. This book takes us into the intimate lives of these families and the passengers who remain in the mountains, exploring the years before the accident, the birth of a brotherhood and a community around the rugby team that organised the trip, the day of the accident, the subsequent search for survivors, and the process undertaken by the families to overcome their grief through the Nuestros Hijos library, which was founded by the mothers of many of those young boys who did not return from the Andes. This is a personal, vivid narrative in the voice of Claudia, one of the sisters of Marcelo Pérez del Castillo, the rugby team captain and main promoter of the trip, showing that the story begins long before the fateful accident. In this unique work, we learn for the first time who those boys really were through the eyes of their relatives. María del Carmen Perrier Pérez del...

El CÑndor and Other Stories / El cÑndor y otros cuentos

Autor: Sabine R. UlibarrÕ

Número de Páginas: 230

This bilingual collection of stories - set in the Southwestern United States and South America0́4deals with love and culture conflict in an evolving political and economic environment in modern-day New Mexico.

Memoria. VII Reunión Interamericana de Ejecutivos de Reforma Agraria

Número de Páginas: 222


Autor: Alana Saldivar

Número de Páginas: 157

Alejandra Oliva is a young woman who had recently graduated from her university studies and who is forced to leave her hometown to face the current economic situation of her home. Upon arriving in a city not far away but unknown to her, she will be welcomed in the bosom of a home where she will be involved in a series of mysterious secrets, which curiously will be linked to her past. She will see how they influence her present and how they could affect her future, and she will have to find the strength to be able to face the adversities that she will have to face. In this journey, she will encounter love. She will experience mysteries and intrigues. Her life and her family's will be in danger.

Escandalizar al inocente

Autor: Juan José Calvo García De Leonardo , María Alcantud Díaz

Número de Páginas: 362

Como es bien sabido, el cuento tiene una función pedagógica connatural. Por ello, los cuentos, como los mitos, habrán de revestirse de los elementos externos culturales que le permitan al destinatario aceptarlos como propios de su entorno físico o, en su defecto, de sus coordenadas metafísicas y morales. Cada núcleo narrativo se puede adaptar a cada cultura con un discurso distinto. Por lo tanto, entra dentro de lo previsible que se reescriban algunos de estos cuentos para satisfacer las premisas ideológicas de cada tiempo. La presente obra analiza la violencia y la sexualidad originales y las alteraciones operadas sobre las mismas en versiones al inglés de doce cuentos de los siglos XVII al XIX, escritos por Charles Perrault, Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont, Jacob y Wilhelm Grimm, la condesa de Ségur, Heinrich Hoffmann y Wilhelm Busch.

We the Dreamers

Autor: Josefina Vázquez Mota

Número de Páginas: 290

DREAMer: a young visionary, an undocumented immigrant, who wants to achieve the American Dream. As of August 2016 it was estimated that some 35 million Mexicans were living in the United States, 23.5 million of whom were born in the United States and 11.5 million in Mexico. Of the latter, only 5 million are undocumented and of them, 1.3 million are considered DREAMers: young people who were taken to the United States by their parents when they were children, who grew up and were educated in this country, and who -because of their illegal status- face daunting obstacles to develop professionally. This, however, does not prevent them from dreaming. In We the DREAMers, Josefina Vázquez Mota explores the laws and statistics, and above all highlights the narratives and emotions behind thelife stories of these DREAMers whose only objective is to fulfill their dreams. Their testimonies offer a kaleidoscope of viewpoints, pinpointing many obstacles. Nevertheless, they are voices of young people who have not given up; instead they have created or joined activist groups alongside many other people who, like them, just want to be heard and acknowledged. This volume introduces you to some of ...

A treatise on the origin and nature of dignities, or titles of honour

Autor: William Cruise

Número de Páginas: 284

Diccionario Bilingue Cambridge Spanish-English with CD-ROM Pocket Edition

Número de Páginas: 836

A Spanish-English bilingual dictionary specifically written to meet the needs of Spanish learners of English.

La sirenita (Bilingüe español/inglés)

Autor: Hans Christian Andersen

Número de Páginas: 61

Si quieres mejorar tu vocabulario o tu pronunciación, ¡este clásico es para ti! En esta edición bilingüe del célebre cuento de Hans Christian Andersen se indaga en los sacrificios que el amor nos lleva a hacer, ¡tanto en inglés como en español! Descubre las aventuras a las que se enfrenta la sirenita al enamorarse del mundo de los humanos mientras mejoras tu segundo idioma o practicas tu lengua materna. Brujas marinas, pociones mágicas, príncipes apuestos: «La sirenita es una lectura ideal para estudiantes de idiomas de todas las edades y para madres y padres con hijos bilingües. ¡También es la lectura perfecta para los fans de «Luca», de Disney! Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) fue un autor danés, poeta y artista. Célebre por sus cuentos para niños, entre sus obras más destacadas se encuentran «El traje nuevo del emperador», «La sirenita», «La reina de las nieves» y «El patito feo». Sus libros han sido traducidos a todos los idiomas y no hay niño o adulto que no haya conocido a sus extravagantes personajes. Los cuentos de Andersen han sido llevados al teatro y a la gran pantalla en numerosas ocasiones; destacan especialmente las películas...

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol 2

Autor: Teresa Of Avila

Número de Páginas: 504

This volume contains two of Teresa's most popular works: The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle. Shortly after writing The Book of Her Life for her confessor, St. Teresa wrote The Way of Perfection at the request of her nuns who were eager to learn about prayer and contemplation. Throughout this work she teaches her nuns about prayer and also teaches us. Toward the end of her life, after she had experienced both the spiritual betrothal and spiritual marriage, Teresa wrote The Interior Castle, her own panoramic view of her relationship with God, from the lowest stages to the highest. Teresa here demonstrates her great gift for writing about that relationship and attracting us to explore the possibility of pursuing it. Along with these two classics, Volume Two also includes one of Teresa's minor works, her Meditations on the Song of Songs. Nothing provided

Comedia de Calisto y Melibea (Burgos, 1499)

Autor: Fernando De Rojas

Número de Páginas: 179

Español Contemporáneo

Autor: George De Mello

Número de Páginas: 512

This text is designed for use in college 3rd-4th year Spanish language classes. Each of the fifteen chapters begins with a brief selection in Spanish from a recent Spanish-language publication. Following the reading selection a questionnaire based on the content of the reading material channels the student into using vocabulary employed in the reading. Three topics are then given, suggested by the content of the reading and designed to provoke conversation in class or to serve as themes for compositions. The second part of each chapter is a study of language difficulties often encountered by American students at the junior or senior level of Spanish language study. Each of these sections is based on a word or phrase appearing in the reading. The third section of each chapter is a grammar lesson which presents one of the principal topics of Spanish syntax, stressing those points of the topic which continue to be problematical to advanced students. Each grammar section consists of a clearly worded explanation of the basic theory underlying the topic under discussion, which is further clarified by a large number of example sentences.


Autor: Anne Sexton

Número de Páginas: 128

Anne Sexton da nueva vida a diecisiete cuentos de hadas de los hermanos Grimm, reinventándolos como poemas llenos de referencias contemporáneas, ideales feministas y humor mórbido. La poeta saca las historias del reino de lo fantástico y las lleva a lo cotidiano. Despojándolas de su brillo mágico, expone las nociones defectuosas de familia, género y moralidad dentro de las historias que continúan impregnando nuestra psique colectiva. Sexton es especialmente crítica con los finales «felices para siempre» de estos cuentos. Deconstruidos en poemas vívidos, viscerales y a menudo muy divertidos, estos cuentos de hadas reflejan temas que durante mucho tiempo han fascinado a la autora: la ansiedad claustrofóbica de la vida doméstica y el papel limitado de la mujer en la sociedad.

Calakmul, fall of the stars

Número de Páginas: 199

60 years after the end of the 21st century, a team of experts in virus pathology arrives in Campeche, Mexico to study and contain a strange rabies virus that makes its carriers act wild. The real concern begins when they develop characteristic jaguar rosettes. A series of strange events begin to occur in the area, three brothers could be related to these mysterious events. The fate of the past of an ancient civilization still has enigmas that continue to surprise us. "Calakmul, fall of the stars" with more than 10 years of development and research on the Mayan culture, with good foundations, is considered a historical and didactic book where fiction and fantasy are mixed. Perhaps, as it was the rich collective imagination of our ancestors The author proposes through literature a unique and original story that has not been seen and treated in other works of novels in fullness of this great Mesoamerican civilization. Committed to the Mayan culture in the world, I hope this story can reach as many people as possible who love this great culture. You are invited to learn more about the project on the same page of the social network:...


Autor: Agustín S. Contin

Número de Páginas: 355

For too many centuries, the Catholic Church has been teaching lies to the innocent people who apparently are unable to think clearly for themselves. Catholic clergymen pretend to be "representatives of God," with power to forgive the sins of other human beings, and also to transform the host, and the wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ, in order for the faithful to eat and drink it as cannibals. They also pretend that their mass is a repetition of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, when Jesus died and resurrected almost two thousand years ago. They are also teaching several other lies, wanting people to accept the great number of "saints" and "virgins," who really are just dead people. God the Father forbids us to communicate with dead persons, without exception. The most important lies are refuted in this book, not by the author, but by the Bible and the Gospels, because The Bible never lies. Durante muchos siglos, la Iglesia Catolica ha ensenado mentiras a personas inocentes, incapaces de pensar por si mismas. Los clerigos catolicos pretenden ser "representantes de Dios," con poder para perdonar pecados a otros, asi como para transformar la hostia y el vino en el...

Conference on Central American Affairs, Washington, December 4, 1922-February 7, 1923

Número de Páginas: 408

Boletín de la Oficina interamericana de marcas

Autor: Inter-american Trade-mark Bureau

Número de Páginas: 848

The Mediterranean Apprenticeship of British Slavery

Autor: Gustav Ungerer

Número de Páginas: 152

The present study attempts to map out neglected research territory and to marshal a powerful body on silenced evidence that disprove the current view that the English in early modern Europe were laggards in exploting black Africans and Moors as salves and domestic servants. The finding of the author’s researches, carried out in Spanish and English archives, have brought to light that the dawn of British black slavery has to be set back to the 1480s. A crop of records unearthed in Seville, Simancas, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, and Santa Cruz de Tenerife leave no doubt about the fact that the English merchants resident in Andalusía at the turn on the 15th / 16th centuries were the pioneers of British transatlantic slavery. REVISTA MUNDO NEGRO Por Manuel Fernández Los hallazgos de G. Ungerer señalan un nuevo campo de investigación histórica con relación al comercio de esclavos africanos por y en el Reino Unido. Las fuentes consultadas indican que el primer comercioante de esclavos no fue Sir John Hawkins, como venía proclamando la historiografía británica. Este libro mantiene que los británicos se iniciaron el trata de esclavos en el Mediterráneo, y particularmente en...

Una vida robada

Autor: Jaycee Dugard

Número de Páginas: 320

Jaycee Dugard’s New York Times bestselling memoir chronicles her raw and powerful story of being kidnapped in 1991 and held captive for more than eighteen years—and offers an extraordinary account of courage and resilience. En el verano de 1991, yo era una niña normal. Hacía cosas normales. Tenía amigos y una madre que me amaba. Era como tú. Hasta el día en que me robaron la vida. Durante dieciocho años fui una prisionera. Era un objeto que alguien usaba y abusaba. Durante dieciocho años no me permitieron decir mi propio nombre. Me hice madre y fui forzada a ser una hermana. Durante dieciocho años sobreviví una situación imposible. El 26 de agosto de 2009 reclamé mi nombre. Me llamo Jaycee Lee Dugard. No me veo como una víctima. Sobreviví. Una vida robada es mi historia, en mis propias palabras, de mi propia manera, tal y como la recuerdo. La piña es un símbolo que representa la semilla de un comienzo nuevo para mí. Para ayudar a facilitar comienzos nuevos, con el apoyo de la terapia asistida por animales, la J A Y C Foundation brinda apoyo y servicios para el tratamiento oportuno de familias recuperándose de un secuestro y las secuelas que dejan esas...

History of the reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain: (1857. XXIII, 322 p.)

Autor: William Hickling Prescott

Número de Páginas: 360

Comunicación social y accesibilidad

Autor: Fernando Vilches Vivancos , Laura Sanz Y Simón

Número de Páginas: 268

He aquí una síntesis de cada trabajo que compone esta obra... ¿QUÉ ES LA COMUNICACIÓN SOCIAL? RAMÓN SARMIENTO. La comunicación tiene lugar en las sociedades. Estas no se pueden concebir sin que exista una lengua. El uso de la lengua ha de ser el apropiado. No se puede modificar el nombre de una realidad sin que cambie esta. A través de la sensibilización y de la lucha por la igualdad, la comunicación social tiene la finalidad de modificar las realidades de la sociedad que la hacen injusta e insolidaria. Para ello, es fundamental tener en cuenta la accesibilidad para que las personas con discapacidad puedan desenvolverse sin dificultades. LAS COMPETENCIAS COMUNICATIVAS DE LA LENGUA Y EL ANÁLISIS DEL DISCURSO SOCIAL. RAQUEL PINILLA GÓMEZ En una situación comunicativa, alcanzar la competencia comunicativa implica que, como hablante, un individuo es capaz de emitir mensajes de la forma correcta y que, como oyente, puede interpretarlos sin problema alguno. Todo ello sucede en un contexto determinado, y se ha de tener en cuenta que el hablante persigue unas intenciones y espera conseguir unos resultados. RETÓRICA Y RETORICIDAD EN LA SOCIEDAD ACTUAL. TOMÁS ALBALADEJO...

Yearnings of the Heart

Autor: Isabella Tanikumi

Número de Páginas: 254

This is a compelling, introspective account of the life of Isabella TaniKumi, who takes her readers on a journey through various phases of her remarkable life- from her family's survival during the devastating earthquake of 1970 in Huaraz, Peru, to the trials of overcoming heartbreaks of her youth. Conquering personal insecurities led to exploring the reaches of her intellect while facing the tragic, and untimely death of her beloved sister, Laura. Despite language barriers and the consequent obstacles of fitting in, Tanikumi wittily narrates her struggles with her assimilation into American life and culture. Forging many enduring friendships most notably with Julie, who rescued her from the depths of grief. Tanikumi also interweaves a dialogue with her long lost love Eduardo. This novel tacitily and expressly addresses Eduardo as a salient recipient of her reflections. Ultimately, Tanikumi is able to share her gratitude and joy as well as her insatiable thirst for life.

Ahora y siempre

Autor: Diane Keaton

Número de Páginas: 288

Las memorias íntimas de Diane Keaton «¿Casarme? Yo no quería ser la mujer de nadie. Lo que me apetecía era ser una chica sexi, alguien con quien darse el lote.» Diane Keaton Ahora y siempre es un libro emocionante y divertido como la propia Diane Keaton. Cuenta la historia de una chica corriente que se convirtió en una mujer extraordinaria y el papel fundamental que su madre jugó en todo ello. Esta es la autobiografía de una de las actrices más aclamada de todos los tiempos pero también el relato vital de una madre y una hija, de sus sueños individuales y compartidos.

Economic and biological interactions in pre-industrial Europe, from the 13th to the 18th century

Autor: Istituto Internazionale Di Storia Economica F. Datini. Settimana Di Studio , Simonetta Cavaciocchi

Número de Páginas: 642

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila Vol 3

Autor: Teresa Of Avila

Número de Páginas: 504

Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD, and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD. Contains Book of Her Foundations and Minor Works. In 1573, while staying in Salamanca to assist her nuns in the task of establishing one of her seventeen monasteries, Teresa began composing the story of their foundation. The Book of Her Foundations comprises the major portion of Volume Three. This book not only tells the story of the establishment of her monasteries but, characteristic of Teresa, digresses into counsels on prayer, love, melancholy, virtuous living and dying, plus other teachings of the Mother Foundress. This book also has an excellent introduction, chronology, and map of Teresa's foundations and journeys. Five of her brief works, including her poetry, complete ICS Publications' third volume of her Collected Works.

Passion del Hombre-Dios referida y ponderada en decimas españolas

Autor: Juan Bautista Dávila

Número de Páginas: 450

Writing Grandmothers: Africa Vs Latin America Vol 2

Autor: Mwanaka, Tendai Rinos , Félix, Rodríguez Ricardo

Número de Páginas: 278

Writing Grandmothers, Africa Vs Latin America Vol 2 is a continuation of the cross-continental anthologies series, particularly focussing on African and Latin American writers. It continues on from where Experimental Writing, Africa Vs Latin America, Vol 1. The anthology has 6 nonfiction pieces, 10 fiction pieces, and 67 poems and translations of poems in the two dominant languages of the two continents, English and Spanish. There is work from poets and writers from Honduras, Mexico, USA, UK, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Chile Puerto Rico, Spain, Nigeria, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Equatorial Guinea, and Ghana all collaborating on the theme of using the folktale or oral African story telling traditions and finding solutions to problems bedeviling the two continents, which were felt as a result of colonialism and or post colonialism.

Orgullo y Prejuicio – Pride and Prejudice

Autor: Jane Austen

Número de Páginas: 640

Novela de la inglesa Jane Austen (1775–1817) publicada en 1817 y pionera en su género. En ella se combina con gran maestría la pincelada realista y costumbrista y la sátira poética y sentimental de la Inglaterra de principios del siglo XIX. Esta historia inmortal puso a su autora un lugar destacado en la novelística de todos los tiempos. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.1px Verdana}

De cara al pasado

Autor: Lynda Sandoval

Número de Páginas: 192

Había ido allí para enterrar los demonios del pasado. Años después de que su mejor amiga muriera en un accidente en la noche de su graduación, Brody Austin decidió que había llegado el momento de dejar de huir y volver a Troublesome Gulch, Colorado, y superar el dolor y la culpa que aún lo mortificaban. Poco después, una casualidad hizo que se encontrara cara a cara con Faith Montesantos, la hermana pequeña de su amiga... que había crecido mucho. Por supuesto, Faith seguía echando de menos a su hermana mayor, pero prefería recordar los momentos felices que había compartido con ella, y parecía empeñada en enseñar a Brody a hacer lo mismo.

Manual de bioética y bioderecho

Autor: Medina Arellano, María De Jesús

Número de Páginas: 192

Manual didáctico que contiene una introducción a la bioética y al bioderecho, sus definiciones y el contexto en el que estas ramas del derecho se desenvuelven en México. Además, contiene tres capítulos donde se abordan las problemáticas más importantes y polémicas que atraviesan al bioderecho: el marco legal y los derechos respecto a los animales no humanos, el principio de la vida y los derechos reproductivos, y las decisiones al final de la existencia y la muerte asistida. La obra está acompañada de bibliografía complementaria y actividades que refuerzan el aprendizaje.

Constructing selves: Issues in Gender, Age, Ethnicity and Nation

Autor: Eduardo De Gregorio-godeo , Ángel Mateos-aparicio

Número de Páginas: 346

The notion of self has become crucial for contemporary cultural studies in its examination identities. Identities are often conceptualized as an engagement of the individual’s self—their condition of being a person—with broader cul-tural cons tructs. However, in addition to being culturally situated, the constitution of selves may be conceived of through identity-construction phenomena whereby individuals’ subjectivities take up, or resist, the subject posi-tions made available in discursive practices. Selves—the notion of ‘Who and I?’—may only be understood as resulting from power-based discourses and cultural practices. In this respect, the idea of the self could be best made sense of in the broader context of the circuits of cul-ture where identities are conformed together with other key cultural processes including representation and cul-tural production, consumption and regulation. The chapters in this collection explore the relations of selves with a wide range of cultural products (e.g. mass media, poetry, fiction, film, painting, advertising, the Internet, education, the institutional, etc.) across a multiplicity of social, political, geographical and...

Misoginia y Filoginia

Autor: José García Fernández , Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe , Rocío Riestra Camacho

Número de Páginas: 807

Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of the United States

Autor: United States. Good Neighbor Environmental Board

Arturo Islas

Autor: Arturo Islas

Número de Páginas: 292

Prolific poet, essayist, and short story writer, Arturo Islas (1938-1991) is well known for his two insightful novels, The Rain God and Migrant Souls. His untimely death to AIDS truncated a productive and influential career that has left a yawning gap in Latino letters. Islas was a dedicated, thoughtful, and style-conscious writer, who promoted a sense of responsibility to community and art for both writers and critics. The quality of his commitment was matched by the example he set in delving into the esthetics and psychology of gay creativity, an exploration that took him to uncompromising confrontations with his own traditional upbringing. Islas has made his mark as a writer of the U.S.-Mexico border and a leader at the forefront of exploring more social, psychological and philosophical boundaries. As a Chicano from El Paso, as a gay Latino writer, Islas surmounted many boundaries, borders and established roles; in this, he is a standard-bearer for all of Latino literature. A seasoned scholar and professor in the English Department at Stanford University for most of his professional life, Islas maintained an extensive collection of works, records, and papers. The present volume ...

Critical Essays on Chicano Studies

Autor: Ramón Espejo

Número de Páginas: 272

This book explores the most recent critical and theoretical approaches in the field of Chicano studies from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributions go back to the 4th International Conference on Chicano Literature which took place in Sevilla in May 2004. They deal with a wide variety of topics and approach the subject from diverse viewpoints. Some examine specific literary texts by major Chicano authors from feminist, comparative and close-reading approaches, others discuss ideological and cultural issues like folklore, ethnicity, identity, sexuality or stereotypes, while yet others focus on artistic manifestations like films and murals. Furthermore, the volume also includes an interview with the Chicana writer Ana Castillo. The main goal of this collection is to find new cultural possibilities and strategies while exploring future dilemmas in the field of Chicano Studies.

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