The Prayer of the Holy Name
Autor: Esteban De Emaús
Número de Páginas: 222
Jesus's Prayer is a refuge because it offers peace to the soul, but it does not generate inertia, on the contrary, it activates the action transformadora. The assiduous practitioner becomes stronger and still in the middle of the world, it finds in itself the sufficient distance between the stimuli and the reaction. It spread this one interior, previously to the answer that happens to the events, to he allows to act with deliberation, looking for the coherence between its conduct and the message of the Gospel. The Prayer of Jesus's name, known also like the Prayer of the heart, is a particular vocation, a desire of deep unification of the soul and in general, it goes so far as to be felt by “old souls”, which have lived great and with intensity and which have found a certain misfortune in what it bewilders the others. It is called that summons the penitents, whom they have taken conscience of its misery, of its mean motivations, of its egoism, and that without losing the hope wish a change of root. It is related neither with the relativism nor with the anthropocentrism, but rather with those who know and feel that everything has been given us and that nothing is done without...