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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!


Autor: Miguel Ángel Villar Pinto

Número de Páginas: 236

¡Serie bestseller internacional con miles de seguidores en todo el mundo! «No te pierdas esta saga de ciencia ficción. ¡Esto es SciFi de la buena!», Ebrolis. OPINIONES DE LOS LECTORES: ★★★★★ «Grandiosa». ★★★★★ «Espectacular». ★★★★★ «Fascinante». ★★★★★ «Envolvente». ★★★★★ «Genial». El 99% de la población mundial ha muerto de repente. Se ignoran las causas. Se impone la supervivencia. Susan Shepherd, comandante de la Estación Espacial Internacional, queda sola y aislada en el espacio. En la Tierra, muy pocos continúan con vida. Nadie sabe qué ha sucedido... TEMPORADAS DE SURVIVAL: 1. Primera Temporada (Partes 1-6)

¡Supervivencia! Jungla (Survival! Jungle) 6-Pack

Autor: Dona Rice , William Rice

Número de Páginas: 48

Do you know the important skills it takes to survive in the jungle? Learn about them in this useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With helpful diagrams, vital tips and instructions, vivid images, and a glossary of useful terms, this title will have readers feeling aware and prepared! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

¡Supervivencia! Jungla (Survival! Jungle) (Spanish Version)

Autor: William B. Rice , Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 48

Do you know the important skills it takes to survive in the jungle? Learn about them in this useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With helpful diagrams, vital tips and instructions, vivid images, and a glossary of useful terms, this title will have readers feeling aware and prepared!

¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 48

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Autor: William B. Rice

Número de Páginas: 48

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency.

¡Supervivencia! Océano (Survival! Ocean) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 48

What do you do if you find yourself stranded at sea? This useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction book gives readers the information they need in order to survive at sea. With essential tips and instructions, helpful diagrams and images, a bibliography, and a list of other useful websites, readers will learn everything they need in order to survive--from the dangers of hypothermia, what to do if there's only saltwater available, and other useful survival skills. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

¡Supervivencia! Océano (Survival! Ocean)

Autor: William B. Rice

Número de Páginas: 48

What do you do if you find yourself stranded at sea? This useful, Spanish-translated nonfiction book gives readers the information they need in order to survive at sea. With essential tips and instructions, helpful diagrams and images, a bibliography, and a list of other useful websites, readers will learn everything they need in order to survive--from the dangers of hypothermia, what to do if there's only saltwater available, and other useful survival skills.

Características para la supervivencia (Traits for Survival)

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 32

What do the clown frogfish, the boreal owl, and the zombie worm have in common? They have all developed traits that help them survive! This nonfiction Spanish book teaches students all about animals’ traits for survival, and introduces them to important scientific concepts and terminology. The colorful images, diagrams, sidebars, and text features will keep students connected to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the fun lab activity provides a real-world learning experience that supports STEM instruction. Keep students reading with this fascinating Spanish book!

Características para la supervivencia (Traits for Survival) 6-Pack

Número de Páginas: 32

Including six copies of Traits for Survival and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage third grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science. Adapt or die. From migration to camouflage, species' traits have adapted over time to make life livable in the harshest of environments. Explore common, uncommon, and just plain weird survival traits that enable animals to live, thrive, and survive! Traits for Survival informational text includes vibrant images, fun facts, helpful diagrams, text features such as a glossary and index, and a hands-on "Think Like a Scientist" lab activity that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. The accompanying 5E lesson plan incorporates writing to increase overall comprehension and concept development and provides teachers with: clear step-by-step instructions; before-, during-, and after-reading strategies; introductory activities to develop academic vocabulary; reproducible student activity pages including a reader quiz; learning objectives and materials lists; an answer key; and a Science Safety Contract for students and parents.

The Survival and Encouragement of Literature in Present Day Society

Autor: Unesco

Número de Páginas: 94

The customer service rep's survival guide

Autor: David Dee

Número de Páginas: 112

Survival Supervivencia

Autor: Miguel Algarín

Número de Páginas: 225

"Don t believe the deadly game," Miguel Algarin warns the elderly black Puerto Rican sitting in a park in Old San Juan, "of Northern cities paved with gold and plenty / don t believe the fetching dream / of life improvement in New York / the only thing you'll find in Boston / is a soft leather shoe up your ass." In this affecting collection of poetry and prose, Nuyorican poet Miguel Algarin crafts beautifully angry, sad pieces about injustice and loss. While warning his compatriots about the unreality of the American Dream, he acknowledges that "we are the pistons that / move the roughage through Uncle / Sam's intestines, we keep the flow / of New York happening / we are its muscles." Algarin's poems covering his long career give voice to the disenfranchised, the junkie, the HIV inflicted, the poverty stricken, and survival is a recurring theme. In the essay "Nuyorican Language," which was originally published in 1975, he argues that for the New York Puerto Rican, there are three survival possibilities: to work hard for little money all your life and remain in eternal debt; to live life by taking risks of all types, including killing, cheating and stealing; and to create...

Survival Spanish

Autor: Cory A. Reed , Diethard Lübke

Número de Páginas: 112

Annals of Life Insurance Medicine

Autor: Swiss Reinsurance Company

Número de Páginas: 218

One thousand unselected patients with bronchial asthma have been followed up for an average period of 11 years, with extremes of 33 years and three years. The average period from the first symptoms to the date of follow-up was 20.6 years in the 562 males and 22.3 years in the 438 females, with extremes of 72 years and three years. Since throughout the analysis no differences were found between the sexes, they have been grouped together. Terms used, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, childhood bronchitis, age of onset, etc., have been carefully defined, as have the descriptions of intermittent and continuous asthma. The present state of the patients has been classified as A (good), B (fair), C (poor), and D (dead). Early age of onset (before 16) and intermittent asthma were associated and had a more favourable prognosis, while the childhood bronchitic had a better outlook than the adult bronchitic. Intermittent and continuous asthma have been compared. The incidence of bronchitis initially was higher in the continuous group, and the tendency to develop bronchitis over the years (present in all asthmatics) was also greater in the continuous group. Those with bronchitis were in much ...

Annals of Life Insurance Medicine 6

Autor: Swiss Reinsurance Company , E. Tanner , M.L. Hefti

Número de Páginas: 272

Today, the integration of life insurance medicine into the framework of general medicine goes without saying. On the one hand, the diagnostic therapeutic knowledge of clinical medical science forms the tools of the insurance medical adviser for the evaluation of life insurance applications. On the other hand, life insurance medicine has been able to pro vide valuable statistical data for long-term prognosis which have become an essential part of the daily medical practice and prognostic appraisal. This mutual engagement and en richment has again distinctly manifested itself in the scientific program of the 13th Con gress of Life Assurance Medicine held in Madrid. Among the broad and varied data available, the insurance problem of cancer and ma lignant diseases of the haematopoietic system were extensively dealt with for the first time. Diagnostic therapeutic progress increasingly allows valuable insurance cover to be granted to formerly uninsurable risks, a group which is particularly in need of, and re quires, life insurance cover. The number of risks which are uninsurable becomes smaller and smaller.

Guías de consenso para el manejo del cáncer de próstata resistente a castración en Catalunya

Autor: María José Ribal (coord.) , Begoña Mellado (coord.)

Número de Páginas: 66

El trabajo supone la integración de conocimiento desde las especialidades médicas directamente implicadas en el manejo del paciente con CP (urología, oncología radioterápica y oncología médica) y, no solo ello, sino procedentes de centros distintos, con realidades distintas, por lo que en sí mismo el proyecto traduce el consenso para la actuación en esta fase de la enfermedad desde todos los puntos de vista en el territorio catalán. Hemos estructurado las guías en 3 capítulos que responden a la realidad clínica en el momento actual. De esta forma el objetivo principal es conseguir un documento que pueda ser de utilidad en nuestra práctica asistencial. Sin embargo, somos conscientes de que el campo del CPRC está experimentando continuos cambios en los últimos años, por lo que este proyecto nace con la idea de ser un documento vivo y actualizable en un futuro próximo.

Republic of the Philippines Congressional Record

Autor: Philippines. Congress (1940-1973). Senate

Annual Report of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

Autor: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

Cardiopatia isquemica

Autor: L. Martín Jadraque

Número de Páginas: 728

La cardiopatía isquemica y sus consecuencias, suponen en la actualidad mas del 80% de la patología del adulto. Este problema, no había sido abordado en su conjunto y en un solo tratado. El presente libro intenta cubrir este vacio, contando para ello con la inestimable experiencia de los coautores en sus respectivas áreas, haciendo que sean capitulos excepcionales la etiopatogenia de la arteriosclerosis, anatomía patológica de la cardiopatía coronaria, la prueba de esfuerzo, estudios isotópicos en cardiopatía isquémica, coronariografías, estudio de la función ventricular en el laboratorio de hemodinámica, el pulmón en el shock, el tratamiento quirúrgico de la insuficiencia coronaria y las complicaciones quirúrgicas del infarto, diabetes e infarto, etc., incorporando además una importante iconografía compuesta por 600 figuras, todas ellas de excelente valor y calidad.

The Journal of the International College of Surgeons

Autor: International College of Surgeons

Proceedings of the 6th Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica

Autor: Renée H. Fortunato , Nélida M. Bacigalupo

Número de Páginas: 514

Brenner y Rector. El riñón

Autor: Alan S. L. Yu , Glenn M. Chertow , Valerie Luyckx , Philip A. Marsden , Karl Skorecki , Maarten W. Taal

Número de Páginas: 2904

Capítulos ampliamente actualizados, que presentan la información científica y clínica más reciente por parte de reputados expertos en sus respectivos campos. Cobertura de la fisiología y la patología renales, desde la preconcepción hasta la tercera edad, pasando por la vida fetal, la lactancia, la infancia y la edad adulta. Tratamiento de los temas más actuales, incluidos el aumento global de la lesión renal aguda, la enfermedad renal crónica de etiología desconocida y la relación entre enfermedades cardiovasculares y renales, así como las iniciativas globales para ofrecer alternativas en zonas con escasez de centros para diálisis o trasplantes. Nuevos cuadros «Puntos clave», que recogen los últimos hallazgos y la información fundamental. Nuevos cuadros «Importancia clínica», que destacan los factores más relevantes, como la fisiología o la fisiopatología, a considerar durante la atención al paciente. Cientos de fotografías de alta calidad en color, así como figuras, algoritmos y tablas cuidadosamente seleccionados, que ilustran los conceptos esenciales, los matices de la presentación clínica, las técnicas y la toma de decisiones. Preguntas de...

Sabiston. Tratado de cirugía

Autor: Courtney M. Townsend , R. Daniel Beauchamp , B. Mark Evers , Kenneth L. Mattox

Número de Páginas: 2176

La 20a edición de este clásico en cirugía general mantiene el mismo objetivo que las ediciones previas: seguir siendo un referente, basado en la evidencia, para todos los profesionales del ámbito quirúrgico y convertirse en una de las principales fuentes de información de formación clínica en todas las áreas de la cirugía general. Ayudar al lector a entender la ciencia subyacente y fomentar su aplicación clínica para tomar decisiones quirúrgicas informadas y obtener resultados óptimos y superar retos difíciles de manejar y situaciones inusuales, son dos de los retos que persiguen los editores de esta obra de referencia. El contenido se presenta en un único y accesible volumen organizado por órganos y sistemas que aborda los principios comunes de las diferentes especialidades quirúrgicas para profundizar posteriormente en secciones que revisan otras cuestiones más específicas tales como el manejo de la lesión, los trasplantes, cuestiones oncológicas, mama, endocrino y procedimientos abdominales. La obra permite explorar temas que son de gran interés para los residentes de cirugía general, así como también permite profundizar en otras áreas más...

La convención de los derechos del niño hacia el siglo XXI

Autor: Miguel Ángel Verdugo

Número de Páginas: 497

IXth International Congress of Radiology, 23. VII.-30. VII, 1959 in München

Autor: Boris Rajewsky

Número de Páginas: 1625


Autor: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Crocodile Specialist Group. Working Meeting

Número de Páginas: 446

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