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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Hors du temps

Autor: Michel Siffre

Número de Páginas: 372

Le 16 juillet 1962, Michel Siffre spéléologue et géologue, lauréat de la Fondation de la Vocation, descendait dans le gouffre du Scarasson à cent trente mètres de profondeur, où loin de toute lumière solaire et par une température inférieure à zéro, il avait décidé de rester soixante jours. Soixante jours sans horloge : la notion de temps était abolie. Michel Siffre devait appeler la surface pour signaler le rythme de sa vie; ses correspondants enregistrèrent, sans lui donner d'informations, ses messages. L'expérience qui, sur le plan scientifique, a donné des résultats d'un intérêt particulier, a été troublée par le fait qu'outre les souffrances dues au froid, à la solitude, à l'obscurité, à l'humidité, des chutes de pierre mirent constamment les jours de l'explorateur en danger. Cependant, il ne fut jamais question de mettre fin à la tentative et c'est un être exténué qui revit le jour le 17 septembre. Il croyait être le 20 août. Il n'avait eu pour compagnon qu'une araignée.

Escuela del sueño

Autor: Richard Wiseman

Número de Páginas: 282

¿Somos conscientes de la verdadera importancia del sueño para nuestra mente y nuestro cuerpo? Recurriendo a la ciencia, Richard Wiseman nos explica todo lo que pasa en nuestro cerebro al descansar y nos proporciona consejos para resolver problemas mientras dormimos y superar pesadillas y trastornos del sueño. En definitiva, para ganar en salud y bienestar.


Número de Páginas: 96

From the concert stage to the dressing room, from the recording studio to the digital realm, SPIN surveys the modern musical landscape and the culture around it with authoritative reporting, provocative interviews, and a discerning critical ear. With dynamic photography, bold graphic design, and informed irreverence, the pages of SPIN pulsate with the energy of today's most innovative sounds. Whether covering what's new or what's next, SPIN is your monthly VIP pass to all that rocks.

Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française

Autor: Société Préhistorique Française

Número de Páginas: 806

List of members in each volume.

Expériences hors du temps

Autor: Michel Siffre

Número de Páginas: 498

En 1962, à l'âge de vingt-trois ans, Michel Siffre a réalisé la première expérience de longue durée, de confinement hors du temps, en restant seul plus de deux mois au fond du gouffre de Scarasson. Par la suite, il a conçu et organisé dix autres expéditions en milieu souterrain. Son livre est le résumé détaillé de ces expériences. S'il s'agit d'aventures, dont le récit est passionnant, la science ne perd pas ses droits, bien au contraire : elle constitue la motivation principale des recherches, auxquelles se livrent les spéléonautes. L'auteur examine les contributions que les expériences hors du temps ont apportées à l'étude du sommeil, des rêves, des rythmes, biologiques humains, de l'influence de la lumière sur l'organisme, etc. Avec l'expérience de Josie Laurès, que nous suivons grâce à de nombreux extraits de son journal, il analyse les réactions de la femme à l'isolement. Il raconte ensuite comment et pourquoi la N.A.S.A. s'est intéressée à son travail. La haute portée scientifique de cet ouvrage, qui souligne les rapports existant entre l'activité des spéléonautes et celles des cosmonautes, en fait un document d'une actualité brûlante.

The Mathematical Structure of the Human Sleep-Wake Cycle

Autor: Steven H. Strogatz

Número de Páginas: 250

Over the past three years I have grown accustomed to the puzzled look which appears on people's faces when they hear that I am a mathematician who studies sleep. They wonder, but are usually too polite to ask, what does mathematics have to do with sleep? Instead they ask the questions that fascinate us all: Why do we have to sleep? How much sleep do we really need? Why do we dream? These questions usually spark a lively discussion leading to the exchange of anecdotes, last night's dreams, and other personal information. But they are questions about the func tion of sleep and, interesting as they are, I shall have little more to say about them here. The questions that have concerned me deal instead with the timing of sleep. For those of us on a regular schedule, questions of timing may seem vacuous. We go to bed at night and get up in the morning, going through a cycle of sleeping and waking every 24 hours. Yet to a large extent, the cycle is imposed by the world around us.


Autor: Philippe Robert

Número de Páginas: 672

En 2006 nous publions Rock pop, un itinéraire bis en 140 albums essentiels de Philippe Robert. Cette anthologie ouvre une série d’ouvrages références invitant à l’exploration transversale des genres musicaux. Quinze ans plus tard et fort de sept opus à son actif allant du folk aux musiques expérimentales, l’auteur achève un travail de synthèse minutieux et propose une anthologie totale : 100 ans de musique en 400 albums, à la croisée des genres. Musiques, Traverses & Horizons donne à voir une construction de l’histoire musicale du XXe siècle où Moondog croise Oneothrix Point Never, John Cale, Etta James et Colette Magny. Guidée par la passion et le plaisir de transmission, cette œuvre rétrospective invite à fouler les chemins de traverses menant à la découverte d’un horizon musical inédit. Né en 1958 à Paris, ancien chroniqueur pour Les Inrockuptibles, Vibrations et Jazz Magazine, Philippe Robert vit dans le sud de la France. En qualité de producteur, on lui doit deux disques avec des membres de Sonic Youth (Lee Ranaldo et Thurston Moore).

Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Hypnosis

Autor: Simon Green

Número de Páginas: 194

Like food and water, sleep is essential for all. In this excellent study aid, the author looks at the nature and purpose of sleeping andrelated disorders, dreamingand hypnosis. This clear and focused introductionprovides a fantasticentry point for studentsseeking a deeper understanding of altered states of awareness.

Time of Death

Autor: Glenys Caswell

Número de Páginas: 217

Addressing a gap in social science research to explore the meanings, understandings, and experiences of time at life’s most critical point, this book takes a thoughtful sociological approach to questions about how humans use and experience time in relation to when someone dies.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Music

Autor: Colin Larkin

Número de Páginas: 4183

This text presents a comprehensive and up-to-date reference work on popular music, from the early 20th century to the present day.

How the Brain Works

Autor: Michael S.c. Thomas , Simon Green

Número de Páginas: 297

An accessible, humorous, and highly illustrated guide to how the brain’s structures and functions determine how the mind works, this is essential reading for undergraduate psychology students.


Autor: Gaia Vince

Número de Páginas: 337

* A TIMES BEST SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR * From the prize-winning author of Adventures in the Anthropocene, the astonishing story of how culture enabled us to become the most successful species on Earth 'A wondrous, visionary work' Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers Humans are a planet-altering force. Gaia Vince argues that our unique ability - compared with other species - to determine the course of our own destiny rests on a special relationship between our genes, environment and culture going back into deep time. It is our collective culture, rather than our individual intelligence, that makes humans unique. Vince shows how four evolutionary drivers - Fire, Language, Beauty and Time - are further transforming our species into a transcendent superorganism: a hyper-cooperative mass of humanity that she calls Homo omnis. Drawing on leading-edge advances in population genetics, archaeology, palaeontology and neuroscience, Transcendence compels us to reimagine ourselves, showing us to be on the brink of something grander - and potentially more destructive. 'Richly informed by the latest research, Gaia Vince's colourful survey fizzes like a zip-wire as it tours our species'...

Locating African European Studies

Autor: Felipe Espinoza Garrido , Caroline Koegler , Deborah Nyangulu , Mark U Stein

Número de Páginas: 502

Drawing on a rich lineage of anti-discriminatory scholarship, art, and activism, Locating African European Studies engages with contemporary and historical African European formations, positionalities, politics, and cultural productions in Europe. Locating African European Studies reflects on the meanings, objectives, and contours of this field. Twenty-six activists, academics, and artists cover a wide range of topics, engaging with processes of affiliation, discrimination, and resistance. They negotiate the methodological foundations of the field, explore different meanings and politics of ‘African’ and ‘European’, and investigate African European representations in literature, film, photography, art, and other media. In three thematic sections, the book focusses on: African European social and historical formations African European cultural production Decolonial academic practice Locating African European Studies features innovative transdisciplinary research, and will be of interest to students and scholars of various fields, including Black Studies, Critical Whiteness Studies, African American Studies, Diaspora Studies, Postcolonial Studies, African Studies, History,...

Psychology: 50 Essential Ideas

Autor: Emily Ralls , Tom Collins

Número de Páginas: 335

How do we learn? What is memory? How do we know how to behave? The formal study of psychology as a scientific enterprise began in Germany in the late 19th century but the observation of human behaviour dates back to Ancient Greece. Defined as the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes, psychology has attained a range of branches including clinical, cognitive, developmental, evolutionary, forensic, health and neuropsychology. In a wide ranging, highly illustrated book, readers are introduced to the world of psychology and those who formed the science as we know it. With discussion of a number of key ideas including prejudice and discrimination, social cognition, how we develop attitudes and why and how we fall in love, as well as reference to the people who developed these ideas, the book is an accessible guide to this fascinating subject.

How to Sleep

Autor: Matthew Fuller

Número de Páginas: 193

Sleep is quite a popular activity, indeed most humans spend around a third of their lives asleep. However, cultural, political, or aesthetic thought tends to remain concerned with the interpretation and actions of those who are awake. How to Sleep argues instead that sleep is a complex vital phenomena with a dynamic aesthetic and biological consistency. Arguing through examples drawn from contemporary, modern and renaissance art; from literature; film and computational media, and bringing these into relation with the history and findings of sleep science, this book argues for a new interplay between biology and culture. Meditations on sex, exhaustion, drugs, hormones and scientific instruments all play their part in this wide-ranging exposition of sleep as an ecology of interacting processes. How to Sleep builds on the interlocking of theory, experience and experiment so that the text itself is a lively articulation of bodies, organs and the aesthetic systems that interact with them. This book won't enhance your sleeping skills, but will give you something surprising to think about whilst being ostensibly awake.

The Secret of Priest's Grotto

Autor: Christos Nicola , Peter Lane Taylor

Número de Páginas: 68

According to legend, a group of Jewish families survived the Holocaust by hiding out for months in the 77 miles of caves in Ukraine known as Priest's Grotto. Cavers Taylor and Nicola chronicle their trip to explore the caves and uncover the story of the survivors.

Drunk Tank Pink

Autor: Adam Alter

Número de Páginas: 193

'Drunk Tank Pink' is a particular shade of pink. In 1979 psychologists discovered that it has an extraordinary effect: if you stare at it for two minutes, you dramatically weaken in strength. In this brilliant study of the strange recesses of our minds, Adam Alter reveals the world is full of such hidden forces that shape our every thought, feeling and behaviour – without us ever realizing. Some letters in product names make us more likely to buy them (nearly all successful brands contain a 'k' sound) We're more likely to be critical if we write in red rather than green biro Your first report at school can determine your future career Understanding these cues is key to smarter decision-making, more effective marketing, and better outcomes for our selves and our societies. Prepare for the most astounding and fast-paced psychology book since Blink and Predictably Irrational.

The Universe Within

Autor: Neil Shubin

Número de Páginas: 241

**Kirkus Best Books of the Year (2013)** From one of our finest and most popular science writers, and the best-selling author of Your Inner Fish, comes the answer to a scientific mystery as big as the world itself: How are the events that formed our solar system billions of years ago embedded inside each of us? In Your Inner Fish, Neil Shubin delved into the amazing connections between human bodies—our hands, heads, and jaws—and the structures in fish and worms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. In The Universe Within, with his trademark clarity and exuberance, Shubin takes an even more expansive approach to the question of why we look the way we do. Starting once again with fossils, he turns his gaze skyward, showing us how the entirety of the universe’s fourteen-billion-year history can be seen in our bodies. As he moves from our very molecular composition (a result of stellar events at the origin of our solar system) through the workings of our eyes, Shubin makes clear how the evolution of the cosmos has profoundly marked our own bodies. WITH BLACK-AND-WHITE LINE DRAWINGS THROUGHOUT


Autor: Emma Barrett , Paul Martin

Número de Páginas: 289

Why do some people risk their lives regularly by placing themselves in extreme and challenging situations? For some, such as astronauts, the extreme environments are part of the job. For others, they involve the thrill and competition of extreme sports, or the achievement of goals such as being the first to reach the South Pole or climb Everest. Whether for sport or employment, all these people have made the personal choice to put themselves in environments in which there is significant risk. What drives such people? And what skills and personality traits enable the best to succeed? What abilities are shared by the successful mountaineer, astronaut, caver, or long-distance solo sailer? And are there lessons the rest of us can learn from them? The psychology of those who have to cope with extreme conditions has been a matter of much research. It is important, for example to those planning manned space programmes or the makeup of teams who will spend months in an isolated or hostile environment such as Antarctica, to understand the psychological pressures involved, and to recognize those best equipped to handle them. In Extreme, Emma Barrett and Paul Martin explore the challenges...


Autor: Will Hunt

Número de Páginas: 290

“[A] winningly obsessive history of our relationship with underground places” (The Guardian), from sacred caves and derelict subway stations to nuclear bunkers and ancient underground cities—an exploration of the history, science, architecture, and mythology of the worlds beneath our feet NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR When Will Hunt was sixteen years old, he discovered an abandoned tunnel that ran beneath his house in Providence, Rhode Island. His first tunnel trips inspired a lifelong fascination with exploring underground worlds, from the derelict subway stations and sewers of New York City to sacred caves, catacombs, tombs, bunkers, and ancient underground cities in more than twenty countries around the world. Underground is both a personal exploration of Hunt’s obsession and a panoramic study of how we are all connected to the underground, how caves and other dark hollows have frightened and enchanted us through the ages. In a narrative spanning continents and epochs, Hunt follows a cast of subterraneaphiles who have dedicated themselves to investigating underground worlds. He tracks the origins of life with a team of NASA microbiologists a mile...

Échec de la démesure en Guyane autour de l'expédition de Kourou

Autor: Pierre Thibaudault

Número de Páginas: 510

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.

Ma solution minceur naturelle avec la chronobotanique

Autor: Jean-rené Mestre , Nathalie Giraud

Número de Páginas: 189

Un guide pratique tout en couleur pour tout comprendre d'une alimentation saine, végétale, à l'instant juste, pour un corps heureux. Retrouvez santé et minceur avec de très nombreuses recettes et propositions de menus végétariens et vegan. Nous sommes devenus des êtres hyperconnectés, nous allons vite, nous voyageons beaucoup, nous allongeons nos jours, nous diminuons nos nuits, nous culbutons les saisons, nous mangeons n'importe quoi n'importe quand... Bref, nous nous éloignons de la nature : nous négligeons le temps et ses cycles. Et pourtant, nous devrions savoir que nul être vivant ne peut y échapper, pas plus les hommes que les animaux ou les plantes. Nous oublions que nous avons des horloges biologiques internes et les faisons souffrir : nous voilà désynchronisés. Il nous est indispensable de " revenir sur terre " et mieux comprendre et utiliser le sens des rythmes naturels. La chronobotanique est une science qui utilise les plantes pour favoriser nos rythmes. Notre santé ne dépend pas uniquement de la qualité de notre nourriture, mais également de l'heure de la journée à laquelle nous la consommons. Tout comme les plantes qui sont soumises au rythme...

Les temps de la vie quotidienne

Autor: William Grossin

Número de Páginas: 416

No detailed description available for "Les temps de la vie quotidienne".

Cerveau et nature

Autor: Michel Le Van Quyen

Número de Páginas: 353

Pourquoi une promenade en forêt réduit-elle le stress ? Les sons, les odeurs de la nature, la présence animale nous font du bien, mais par quels circuits ? Notre capacité à lutter contre les maladies est-elle amplifiée à certaines saisons ? Nous sentons confusément que la beauté du monde est source de bienfaits, sans toujours mesurer la science fascinante, diverse et subtile à l’œuvre : il était temps de la révéler.

Revue odontologique et Revue générale de l'art dentaire réunies

Número de Páginas: 598

La France des grottes et cavernes

Autor: Michel Siffre

Número de Páginas: 161

La France possède un patrimoine souterrain parmi les plus riches d'Europe : les deux plus profonds gouffres du monde, plusieurs dizaines de milliers de grottes, gouffres et rivières souterraines, des grottes préhistoriques uniques, et quelques-unes des plus belles cavités de notre planète. Michel Siffre a rassemblé un ensemble de photographies exceptionnel, pour nous faire découvrir cette France souterraine aux multiples splendeurs. Des précurseurs de la spéléologie, à ses propres expériences « hors du temps », il nous fait partager la passion de ces explorateurs prêts à passer des heures, des jours, des semaines dans les profondeurs de la Terre. Vestiges préhistoriques, concrétions rares, univers étonnant des animaux des cavernes, ce voyage dans les abîmes terrestres, révèle des richesses insoupçonnées venues du fond des âges.

Noëls pour un enfant perdu

Autor: Roger Bichelberger

Número de Páginas: 117

À Loup-la-Côte en Lorraine, juste avant Noël, les services sociaux menacent de retirer la garde de Siffre, sept ans, à son père adoptif. Mais le petit garçon disparaît et le village se mobilise. Pour conjurer leur angoisse, les habitants qui ne pratiquent plus aucun rite religieux depuis longtemps, décident de redonner vie à l'église désaffectée, renouant ainsi avec des pratiques chrétiennes oubliées. Siffre n'est-il pas, à l'image de l'Enfant de la crèche, cet innocent qui symbolise l'amour et ré-enchante la vie ? Un roman-conte de Noël lumineux pour tous ceux qui croient que la solidarité, la foi et la beauté peuvent encore sauver le monde.

Annales de la propriété industrielle, artistique et littéraire

Número de Páginas: 442

Pour la psychologie scientifique

Autor: Paul Fraisse

Número de Páginas: 392

Ce document rassemble plusieurs textes de Paul Fraisse, inédits ou confiés à des publications inhabituelles.

Behaviour Analysis in Theory and Practice

Autor: Derek E. Blackman , Helga Lejeune

Número de Páginas: 379

This edited book addresses four themes of contemporary importance in the experimental and applied analysis of behaviour: chronobiology (relationships between time and behaviour), the emergence of rational thinking, language, and behavioural medicine. The current empirical and theoretical status of each theme is considered in individual chapters, the authors of which are distinguished research scientists drawn from a wide range of scholarship and with a distinctive European dimension. This cultural and theoretical diversity emerges from the fact that each chapter is developed from a paper originally presented by invitation at the Second European Meeting on the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, which was held in Liège, Belgium in 1988. Within the four themes, individual topics address issues such as circadian rhythms in behaviour, temporal regulation in children and in animals, the emergence of equivalence relations in children and animals, the development of thinking in mentally retarded children, reasoning and associative learning in animals, rule?governed behaviour, theoretical issues relating language to the theory of mind, the relationship between behavioural and visceral...

Introduction to Biopsychology

Autor: Andrew P. Wickens

Número de Páginas: 793

Explores both the foundations and the history of biological psychology, including stories behind important discoveries in the field. Includes over 250 colour diagrams, the latest research and MCQs to provide psychology students with everything they need to know.

Misión exploración

Autor: Stéphane Frattini

Número de Páginas: 144

Desciende a simas desconocidas y al fondo de los océanos, escala hasta las cimas de las montañas o adéntrate en las selvas tropicales, atraviesa desiertos abrasadores, continentes helados, acude al nacimiento de la aventura humana, da la vuelta al mundo en avión solar... ¡Aquí están algunas de las misiones llevadas a cabo por apasionados exploradores y descubridores! Después de casi 100 años, y hoy más que nunca, la Sociedad de los Exploradores Franceses recopila las hazañas de estos hombres y mujeres que sobrepasaron los límites para conocer mejor el mundo y sus diversos pueblos y hacer avanzar el conocimiento en todas las áreas de la ciencia. «¡Tienes que ir!», dice Théodore Monod, un enamorado del Sáhara. Partamos con él y con todos los demás para explorar nuestro fabuloso planeta...

Cerebro y naturaleza

Autor: Michel Le Van Quyen

Número de Páginas: 204

La naturaleza es, en efecto, una enorme fuente de beneficios, aunque no siempre sepamos apreciar la sutil ciencia que hay en juego. Cerebro y naturaleza expone de forma sencilla las razones de este fenómeno. Combinando evidencia científica, emociones y sensibilidad ante la belleza del mundo, Le Van Quyen explica el fruto de numerosas investigaciones sobre el fascinante vínculo entre la naturaleza y el bienestar, y nos acerca a la comprensión de los delicados mecanismos que actúan en nuestro cerebro cuando nos adentramos en la sombra de un bosque o en la silenciosa luz del mar.

El Sol Eclipsado

Autor: Alonso Martinez Canabal , Mariana Angoa Perez

Número de Páginas: 128

Examina la forma en la que el cerebro dirige, crea y controla las experiencias individuales de vida.

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