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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!


Autor: Ana De Andrés

Número de Páginas: 227

En un mundo como el actual en el que el tipo de cambio es disruptivo, necesitamos de personas dispuestas a emprender ese viaje del héroe que lleva de una forma de ser y de estar en el mundo a otra completamente nueva y generadora de todo un mundo de posibilidad. Shine es una propuesta para que descubramos la profundidad y la belleza que puede encerrar la palabra liderar. A través de las páginas de este extraordinario libro, Ana de Andrés nos presenta ocho ingredientes esenciales que, combinados de la manera adecuada, permiten liderar con verdadera autenticidad, propósito y sentido. Junto a conceptos de excepcional importancia, la autora nos aporta ejemplos que por su relevancia no dejarán a nadie indiferente. Del prólogo de Mario Alonso Puig

Entre nosotros

Autor: Juan Ignacio Carrasco

Número de Páginas: 357

Una original historia de aventuras, vampiros... y amor por los libros. Un libro de terror moderno con toques de novela de adolescente. El debut de un autor que dará mucho que hablar.

The Stars that Never Shine Student Empowerment Workbook

Autor: Joe Harris , Calvin Anderson

Número de Páginas: 0


Autor: Tiffany Kelly

Número de Páginas: 0

Shine is a journey and a way of life. It is a beautifully written guide for personal empowerment and positive leadership action in every area of your life. If you are looking to create effortless abundance and find unconditional love, this book provides compelling, thought-provoking philosophies for how to get there. Based on a global empowerment programme designed and delivered by the author and co-founder of international award-winning learning and development company, RoundTable Global, Shine is full of tools and techniques for positive mindset change, personal well-being and resilience. Whether you are looking for personal transformation, a change of direction, to set up your own business or find success and discover your passion and purpose, Shine has everything you need. It also includes a step-by-step guide for releasing you from your fears and limiting beliefs and empowers you to step into infinite possibility and unlock your true potential. This book will empower you to 'shine'.

La búsqueda de un sueño (A Dream Called Home Spanish edition)

Autor: Reyna Grande

Número de Páginas: 352

La extraordinaria historia de Reyna Grande—que comenzó en su exitosa autobiografía La distancia entre nosotros—continúa ahora en esta fabulosa travesía para encontrar su lugar en los Estados Unidos como universitaria latina de primera generación y como escritora. Reyna Grande tenía nueve años cuando cruzó la frontera de México y los Estados Unidos buscando un hogar y el reencuentro con sus padres, quienes la habían dejado en su tierra natal para migrar a Los Ángeles en busca de una mejor vida. Sin embargo, lo que encontró fue a una madre indiferente y a un padre alcohólico y violento, en un país cuyo sistema educativo menospreciaba sus raíces. Reyna se refugió en las palabras. Su amor por la lectura y la escritura fueron su inspiración para salir adelante y lograr lo que parecía imposible: ser la primera persona en su familia en asistir a la universidad. Pero la experiencia universitaria resultó intimidante, y muy pronto descubrió que desconocía lo que se requiere para forjar una carrera a partir de un sueño. Contra viento y marea, Reyna convirtió su condición de inmigrante indocumentada en la de “una escritora valiente, inteligente y brillante”...


Autor: M. H. Clark

Número de Páginas: 0

There's something about you that people notice right away. It's a light that beams outward and brightens everything it touches. It's a glow that makes everything more vibrant. This light is always there. And it turns on anytime you're feeling confident or full of possibility. It's the light of a person who's doing good in the world, by being fully, richly, and beautifully alive. Show this light it's the best that is in you and your gift to give the world. Feel bold and bright in all you have to offer. And always remember to shine.


Autor: Shannah Kennedy , Lyndall Mitchell

Número de Páginas: 168

We live in a world of time famine, stuffocation and addiction to entertainment rather than education. So it's time to eliminate some of the noise and distraction and get back to the basic essentials. It's time to start living on purpose again. From The Essentialists comes Shine- a short and stylish guide to twenty simple life skills that will help you to thrive. From 'Clarity' and 'Mindfulness' to 'Declutter' and 'Sleep', each chapter is enormously practical and truly inspiring - explaining the game-changing potential these techniques hold, and how to master them in easy steps. Discover the power of having a vision, learn how to set effective boundaries, and understand why keeping a journal can make you happier. It's not about doing more - it's about doing what's right for you so that you can truly shine.


Autor: Saint José María Escrivá De Balaguer

Número de Páginas: 458

First published in 1939, this book is a phenomenon in contemporary spiritual writing. This is a revised annotated bilingual edition, has parallel Spanish and English texts.

Grandes platos para todos los días

Autor: Shine , Rtve

Número de Páginas: 208

Jordi Cruz nos acerca las recetas más sorprendentes para realizar en cualquier hogar. Fáciles, equilibradas y saludables, desde un gazpacho de melocotón y fresas hasta unos canelones de arroz y gambas.

What's Your Shine?

Autor: Claudia Beeny

Número de Páginas: 148

Everyone has a unique combination of strengths, hobbies, interests, need, and experiences-your Shine. Together, they create the light you bring to the world. The Shine Method and this book will help you find yours.

Shine On!

Autor: Angel Marie Monachelli

Número de Páginas: 0

Do you wake up in the morning raring to go? When you meet new people, do you look them in the eye and smile with confidence? How about the job; do you look forward to going to work in the morning and do you feel happy and fulfilled at the end of the day? If you're not answering yes to these questions-and you would like to be-your shine could use some brightening. This simple book has the keys to energizing your enthusiasm and putting you firmly on track to having more joy in all areas of your life. Ready, set, Shine On! Book jacket.

Prep for Shine

Autor: Pachet Spates

Número de Páginas: 40

Your time to shine is now! The Prep for Shine workbook is a goal setting workbook that encourages you to reflect on the past year, brainstorm your goals for the new, create actions plans to your achievements and track your shine all throughout the new year! Use this workbook to keep track of your goals, reflect on them and personally celebrate your greatness!

Shine in the Dark

Autor: Sergio Sanders

Número de Páginas: 84

Darkness surrounds us and it can be hard to see and navigate. This darkness can have us lost and stagnant in life. This book aims to reignite your light. Help you to remember who you are and what your purpose is in life. Filled with words of wisdom, motivation, thought-provoking and spiritual insight. This book will help you shine in the dark, so that you can be a light to others and yourself. I've been in the darkness, too; these are my insights to you; to assist you. I need you. You need me. We need each other. Let's shine, even though it's dark.

Shine InWords

Autor: Mukta Rastogi

Número de Páginas: 236

Words Create Our World. Look closely, you will find the word 'word' embedded in the word 'world.' It's these hidden keywords that unlock the secrets that create a shift in our reality. This change is literally in our hands and minds. Sometimes, it just takes one word to change our world. This book has more than fifty of them. They are all familiar words but are being seen from a new perspective. Each word has a hidden word within it, which explains the parent word with a new meaning. Let's color our vocabulary with the mosaic of these words, and discover the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This book is peppered with anecdotes, stories, poems, activities, and nuggets of information to make your learning journey full of fun and joy. Welcome to an Out of the box Reading Delight Add the 'L' of love, And open the pages of this book, To open up to a new worl

Shine Bright, Shine Happy!

Autor: Jimmy Chua , Linh Nk

Número de Páginas: 40

Shine Bright, Shine Happy! contain 33 Joyful Affirmations. It is useful as a reminder to ourselves to Dream Big and Happy! One of the Affirmation in this book is "I have a choice all the time, and I choose to be HAPPY!" Our Happy Dream is to encourage you to Shine Bright & Happy in whatever you do!


Autor: James L. Devriendt

Número de Páginas: 113

Shine: Important Life, Sales and Leadership Lessons introduces readers to some valuable foundational life and business lessons, most of which the author learned as a child growing up in Grayling, Michigan. These insightful principles can be used to strengthen life, sales and leadership results or for improving the success of any career.

El Cuerpo Humano

Autor: Carron Brown

Número de Páginas: 0

¡Todos los secretos del cuerpo humano al descubierto! Este es un libro diferente sobre el cuerpo humano. Al iluminar las páginas podrás descubrir, de una forma muy didáctica, todo lo que se esconde debajo de la piel y para qué sirve. -- Publisher's website.

¡Aprendamos! Actividades para Grado 1

Autor: Jodene Lynn Smith

Número de Páginas: 178

La luz de Lucía (Lucy's Light)

Autor: Margarita Del Mazo

Número de Páginas: 32

Este cuento nos habla de la importancia de brillar con luz propia. Esa luz valiosa que todos llevamos dentro y que nos hace únicos. This is a tale all about how important it is to shine as brightly as you can, with the light that we all carry within us and makes us unique. Lexile Level: 530L


Autor: Editorial Planeta S.a.u.

Número de Páginas: 216

No podrás volver a cocinar sin él y se convertirá en tu aliado indispensable. En MasterChef encontrarás todo tipo de recetas, desde platos de nuestra cocina tradicional como el cocido madrileño o el cordero asado, hasta los más modernos, como el risotto de setas y trufas, pasando por postres tan deliciosos como el tiramisú. Todas las recetas paso a paso, los tiempos de preparación y los trucos más prácticos para que te conviertas en un gran chef.


Autor: Jessica Jung

Número de Páginas: 321

Adéntrate en el retorcido y tecnicolor mundo del K-pop de la mano de Jessica Jung, leyenda del género y excante líder del grupo femenino más famoso de Corea: las Girl's Generation. ¿A qué renunciaríais para vivir tus sueños? Para Rachel Kim, la respuesta es "a casi todo". O así ha sido desde que fichó por una de las discográficas K-pop más grandes de Seúl. Las normas son sencillas: entrena cada día las veinticuatro horas, sé perfecta y no te enamores. Cuando surge la oportunidad de cantar junto con la estrella K-pop Jason Lee, Rachel sabe que ha llegado su ocasión para atraer las miradas. ¿El único problema? Jason es sexi, encantador y tiene muchísimo talento. Es, exactamente, el tipo de distracción que Rachel no puede permitirse.

Shine On, Shine On, Shine on

Autor: Angel Marie Monachelli

A powerhouse for transformation and success It's amazing how a book can pack so much energy, inspiration, and good, solid direction into a relatively few words. Shine on! Shine On! Shine On! captures the essence of living well and proposes doable, tiny actions that produce huge positive differences in our experience of life Each chapter has a themelike Patience, Abundance, and Trustthat is at the heart of joyful and effective living. Chapters follow a pattern that essentially starts with a paragraph giving the author's definition, a paragraph or two with an engaging anecdote putting flesh and blood on the idea, and a paragraph tying it all into a neat, easy-to-grasp package. At the end of each chapter is a description of how Shine, the author's Australian Cattle Dog, friend, and muse, demonstrates the concept and an Action Step for making the concept a living part of daily life.

Never Lose Your Sparkle

Autor: Summersdale

Número de Páginas: 0

Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of the things that make us special. With this little book of uplifting quotations, celebrate what makes you sparkle, shine and stand out from the crowd - there's no one quite like you!


Autor: Emma. Dineen Mohamed (helen.)

Aprendiendo a amarte en 13 reencuentros profundos

Autor: Antonio Jesús Redondo Fraile

Número de Páginas: 530

Este libro-terapia incluye su tratamiento subconsciente. Se lee, se escucha y se cierran los ojos para verse por dentro. El resultado es espectacular. Ayuda a cambiar tu vida en profundidad y salir de la tiniebla del sufrimiento, enseñándote el camino para aprender a amarte. Este libro terapia es en sí mismo un método terapéutico que denomino MHED (Multi-Hipno-Espíritu-Dimensional). Cuando logras amarte sin juzgarte, empleando el poder liberador de la compasión y el perdón, empezarás a darte cuenta de cómo la vida se va rectificando a tu alrededor. Porque en su integridad, tu mundo se transforma en directa relación a como tú te encuentres.

Light Beyond. Luz más allá de 2015

Autor: Ana María Cetto , María Teresa Josefina Pérez De Celis Herrero

Número de Páginas: 391

El Año Internacional de la Luz y las Tecnologías Basadas en Luz 2015 fue una iniciativa global adoptada por las Naciones Unidas. Numerosas organizaciones culturales, académicas, industriales y gubernamentales alrededor del mundo unieron fuerzas para celebrar la luz y crear conciencia sobre las muchas maneras en que la fotónica impacta nuestras vidas en áreas como la energía, educación, cambio climático, salud y bienestar social. De la iniciativa resultaron miles de actividades que involucraron a millones de personas en más de 100 países del mundo. Los temas de este volumen surgieron a lo largo de 2015 como los más relevantes y con mayor interés. Se espera que este libro se convierta en un documento de consulta básica y un legado imborrable.

Las recetas verdes de MasterChef

Autor: Shine , Cr Tve

Número de Páginas: 224

En Las recetas verdes de MasterChef encontrarás platos elaborados con una gran variedad de productos de temporada. Setenta sorprendentes y creativas recetas para que las protagonistas indiscutibles de tus menús sean las verduras, las hortalizas, las raíces, las hojas, las flores y las legumbres. Déjate seducir por este universo de coor que llenará tu cocina de sabores y olores. Comprobarás que con alimentos sencillos se pueden crear recetas gourmet. Porque lo saludable también es divertido, apúntate a la cocina verde de MasterChef.

Shine In Your Lane

Autor: Kurinn Wright

Número de Páginas: 166

Shine In Your Lane is a fifteen letter acronym and introspective teaching that speaks on key components for what it takes to evaluate where you are in life with what you have. The whole purpose of S.H.I.N.E.I.N.Y.O.U.R.L.A.N.E is to help people become greater by taking deliberate incremental steps in a specific direction through awareness. Once we realize that everyone has their own unique light, we will no longer desire the need to step into the light of others to be seen, we will want to create a desirable and livable environment for our own greatness. The secret about SHINE is that there is enough room in every space for every person present to Shine In Their Lane at the same time. SIYL workshops as well as the book provides practical steps to help change habits which in turn changes lives from the inside out.

Chakra: Técnicas sencillas de meditación guiada para el despertar y la meditación

Autor: Camerón Shine

Número de Páginas: 35

Técnicas sencillas de meditación guiada para el despertar y la meditación.

Time to Shine

Autor: Clodagh Marie Swanson

Número de Páginas: 244

We all have areas of our life that we want to change, aspects to transform and elements to improve. After spending 20 years working with individuals and organisations on exactly these processes, Clodagh Swanson has put together a guide to help make those changes actually happen. Focussing on specific areas of life, from work and relationships, to health, happiness and confidence, the purpose of this book is to help each reader discover their best selves, their 'time to shine.' As one reader put it, this book is like 'advice from a friend'. We hope that you will enjoy it.


Autor: Tiffany Kelly

Número de Páginas: 124

Shine is a journey and a way of life. It is a beautifully written guide for personal empowerment and positive leadership action in every area of your life. If you are looking to create effortless abundance and find unconditional love, this book provides compelling, thought provoking philosophies for how to get there. Based on a global empowerment programme designed and delivered by the author and Co-Founder of international award winning learning and development company RoundTable Global, Shine is full of tools and techniques for positive mindset change, personal wellbeing and resilience. Whether you are looking for personal transformation, a change of direction, to set up your own business or find success and discover your passion and purpose Shine has everything you need. It also includes a step by step guide for releasing from your fears and limiting beliefs and empowers you to step into infinite possibility and unlock your true potential. This book will empower you to Shine.Tiffany is a Founding Partner of RoundTable Global, an international award winning leadership development organisation, where she is focusing full time on her desire to create empowerment and balance in the ...

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