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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Los impunes

Autor: Richard Price

Número de Páginas: 411

La nueva novela de Richard Price, autor de La vida fácil y ganador de un premio Edgar como guionista de la serie The Wire, relata la historia de un policía de Nueva York asediado por un asesinato sin resolver. Novela ganadora del GERMAN CRIME PRIZE 2016 «La novela criminal del año: cruda, valiente e imposible de dejar.» Stephen King A sus cuarenta años, Billy Graves ocupa el puesto de sargento de policía del turno de noche en Manhattan y ya solo aspira a hacer bien su trabajo y llevar una vida sosegada al lado de su familia. Han transcurrido dos décadas desde los violentos sucesos policiales de los noventa, cuando Billy era el benjamín de una división contra el crimen del Bronx, y a pesar de que con el paso de los años la mayoría de sus antiguos compañeros acabaron por abandonar el Cuerpo, no han dejado de verse porque todos comparten una marca indeleble del pasado: cada uno de ellos lleva a sus espaldas un caso a cuyo culpable no lograron conducir ante la justicia. Durante una noche de guardia, Billy recibe el aviso de la muerte de un hombre en una estación de trenes del centro de la ciudad. Se trata de Jeffrey Bannion, uno de aquellos criminales que quedaron...

The Whites

Autor: Harry Brandt , Richard Price

Número de Páginas: 407

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER FINALIST FOR THE L.A. TIMES BOOK PRIZE 2015 IN THE MYSTERY/THRILLER CATEGORY Every cop has a personal 'White': a criminal who got away with murder – or worse – and was able to slip back into life, leaving the victim's family still seeking justice, the cop plagued by guilt. Back in the 1990s, Billy Graves was one of the Wild Geese: a tight-knit crew of young mavericks, fresh to police work and hungry for justice, looking out for each other and their 'family' of neighbourhood locals. But then Billy made some bad headlines by accidentally shooting a ten-year-old boy while bringing down an angel-dusted berserker in the street. Branded a loose cannon, he spent years in one dead-end posting after another. Now he has settled into his role as sergeant in the Night Watch, content simply to do his job and go home to his family. But when he is called to the 4 a.m. stabbing of a man in Penn Station, Billy discovers the victim is the 'White' of one of his oldest friends, a former member of the Wild Geese, who is now retired. As the past comes crashing into the present, the Wild Geese seemingly rise from the dead, and the bad old run-and-gun days of the 90s are...

Del corazón a mis piernas

Autor: Milton Ramos

Número de Páginas: 99

Del corazón a mis piernas es el esfuerzo y la trayectoria de un corredor de Mountain Bike que comenzó descargando ladrillos y vendiendo fruta para aprender a montar en bicicleta y hacer de ello su profesión. Detrás de un gran corredor hay siempre una historia de esfuerzo y sacrificios que destacan mucho más por su capacidad de recuperación de las dificultades y por su humildad.

Universidad Technica De Ambato

Autor: Maria Janeth Carrion Moreno

Número de Páginas: 578

Architecture of Brazil

Autor: Hugo Segawa

Número de Páginas: 276

Architecture of Brazil: 1900-1990 examines the processes that underpin modern Brazilian architecture under various influences and characterizes different understandings of modernity, evident in the chapter topics of this book. Accordingly, the author does not give overall preference to particular architects nor works, with the exception of a few specific works and architects, including Warchavchik, Niemeyer, Lucio Costa, and Vilanova Artigas.

The Whites

Autor: Richard Price

Número de Páginas: 328

Au bout de la nuit Milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix. Le jeune Billy Graves est flic au sein d'une brigade anticriminalité de l'un des pires districts du Bronx. Il fait partie d'un groupe de policiers prometteurs, les Wild Geese, et une carrière brillante lui semble assurée. Jusqu'au jour où il tire accidentellement sur un gamin. L'affaire, fortement médiatisée, lui vaut d'être mis au placard quelque temps. Aujourd'hui, Billy est devenu chef d'une équipe de nuit du NYPD. Son quotidien : sillonner les rues de New York, de Wall Street à Harlem, pour en assurer la sécurité, même s'il sait que certains criminels passeront toujours au travers des mailles du filet. Ces derniers, il les surnomme les " whites ", ceux qui s'en sortent blancs comme neige. Chaque policier en a un qui l'obsède. Puis vient un appel qui change tout : un meurtre a eu lieu à Penn Station. Et la victime n'est autre que le white d'un de ses anciens coéquipiers. Lorsqu'un autre white est assassiné, Billy commence à s'interroger : quelqu'un serait-il en train de régler ses comptes ? Et qui est cet homme qui, soudainement, paraît s'intéresser à sa femme et à ses enfants, au point de les suivre...

Baseball America 2016 Prospect Handbook

Autor: John Manuel

Número de Páginas: 1753

Baseball America's Prospect Handbook is, quite simply, the only source you need to find out about the future stars of baseball. Baseball America made its name on finding the best players as amateurs and following them through the minors on the way to the big leagues, and the Prospect Handbook is the compendium that brings it all together. You'll get the Top 30 Prospects for all 30 major league teams, with comprehensive scouting reports on every player. You'll also get a wealth of other information about each team, to give you an idea of where the organization has been and where it's going. It's no accident that you'll find the Prospect Handbook on the desk of every general manager in baseball. Join them in getting the information edge!

Die Unantastbaren

Autor: Richard Price

Número de Páginas: 520

Gewinner des deutschen Krimi Preises 2016:›Die Unantastbaren‹. Der packende COP-ROMAN von Richard Price - Nachtschicht in Manhattan: Billy Graves ist ein ruheloser Cop. Energy-Drinks und Zigaretten halten ihn wach, während er in den frühen Morgenstunden die Blocks in New York City abfährt. Billy und vier seiner Freund bilden den harten Kern der Wildgänse - einer Gruppe vom Leben gezeichneter Cops und Ex-Cops in Manhattan, New York. Vergangene Untaten schweißen sie zusammen. Billy fristet, seit er bei einem Schusswechsel einen zwölfjährigen Jungen getötet hat, seine Zeit als Detective in der Nachtschicht. Wie seine vier Kollegen hat auch er einen Unantastbaren, einen skrupellosen Mörder, den er nie dingfest machen konnte. Als er einen der Unantastbaren in einer gigantischen Blutspur entlang einer Subway-Station findet, gerät die ungesühnte Vergangenheit wieder an die Oberfläche, und Billy beginnt, gegen seine engsten Vertrauten zu ermitteln. Ein fesselnder New York-Roman, knallhart, fesselnd und gnadenlos gut. »Unmöglich aus der Hand zu legen.« Stephen King

Advanced Distributed Systems

Autor: Felix F. Ramos , Herwig Unger , Victor Larios

Número de Páginas: 292

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International School and Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems, ISSADS 2004, held in Guadalajara, Mexico in January 2004. The 25 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 46 submissions. Among the topics addressed are virtual characters, distributed toolkits, serial visual presentation, multi-agent architectures, MAS, agent-object hybrid languages, robot soccer agents, distributed querying, semantic search engines, coordination, distributed collaboration, virtual communities, peer-to-peer networks, P2P systems, distributed search mobile objects, load balancing, distributed algorithms, scheduling, and distributed information systems.

Politicas de Investigacion en Ciencia y Tecnologia en el Ecuador

Número de Páginas: 186

Narrativa sobre a História do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Distrito Federal, Comissão de História e Geografia, Comissão de História Oral

Autor: José Adirson Vasconcelos

Número de Páginas: 526

Narrativa-Memória feita por José Adirson de Vasconcelos, a partir de 30 de outubro de 2017, à Comissão de História Oral do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Distrito Federal, sob a liderança da presidente em exercício Vera Ramos. A Comissão de História Oral é formada, em 2017/2018, pelos seguintes acadêmicos e acadêmicas: Cleusa Neves da Silva (presidente), Napoleão Valadares, Hugo Studart, José Adirson de Vasconcelos, José Theodoro Mascarenhas Menck, Maria de Souza Duarte e Roberto Castelo e convidados.

National Union Catalog

Número de Páginas: 1032

Includes entries for maps and atlases.

Gestion agrobiologique des sols et des systèmes de culture

Autor: Collectif

Número de Páginas: 662

Les systèmes de culture fondés sur le semis direct dans une couverture végétale permanente du sol sont abordés sous l'angle de la recherche et sous celui de l'analyse des pratiques et de leurs résultats. Traditionnels en Amérique centrale, ils couvrent plusieurs millions d'hectares en agriculture motorisée au Brésil et dans d'autres pays d'Amérique du Sud. Ils sont en cours d'adaptation pour la traction animale au Brésil et sont testés en Afrique et dans l'océan Indien. Actes de l'atelier international, 23-28 mars 1998, Antsirabé, Madagascar.

Graciliano Ramos and the Making of Modern Brazil

Número de Páginas: 264

Graciliano Ramos and the Making of Modern Brazil brings updated criticism in English on the work of the prominent Brazilian writer Graciliano Ramos (1892–1953), a key figure in understanding the making of modern Brazil. Building on existing literature, this book innovates through chapters that consider issues such as Ramos’s dialogue with literary tradition, his cultural legacy for contemporary writers, and his treatment of racial discrimination and gender inequality through the multifarious, provocative and enduringly fascinating characters he created. The volume also addresses the question of Ramos’s political involvement during the years of the Getulio Vargas government (1930–45), to revisit established readings of the author’s politics. Through close reading of individual works as well as comparative analyses, this volume takes readers into the complexities of modernisation in Brazil, and highlights the writer’s significance for our understanding of Brazil today.

Revista Pináculo 1

Autor: Francisco Lauande Jr

Número de Páginas: 31

A revista Pináculo é a primeira do Brasil dedicada aos estudantes de Arquitetura. O conteúdo foi pensado para servir de apoio aos estudantes de Arquitetura nas matérias dedicadas às matérias de Teoria e de Projeto, bem como, ajudar como referência para pesquisas. Depoimento de um dos leitores: “Além das práticas da universidade, o estudante de Arquitetura e Urbanismo necessita de uma complementação técnico-cultural para a sua formação, e a revista Pináculo tem se mostrado uma grande ferramenta para esta finalidade. Depois que comecei a consumi-la, percebi que venho amadurecendo, consideravelmente, nas minhas práticas de projeto e no meu processo de “pensar a Arquitetura” – o que tem me dado mais segurança na hora de apresentar as ideias aos professores. Certamente, a Pináculo está colaborando, e muito, para a minha formação. Gratidão ao professor Francisco Lauande Jr. por toda contribuição ao ensino de A.U. no Brasil”.

La descendencia del General José Antonio Lacayo de Briones y Palacios

Autor: Norman José Caldera Cardenal

Número de Páginas: 214

Inventario Institucional en Sistemas Alimentarios Andinos

Número de Páginas: 40

HAPI Thesaurus and Name Authority, 1975-1979

Autor: Barbara G. Valk

Número de Páginas: 168

HAPI Thesaurus and Name Authority, 1975-1977

Autor: Barbara G. Valk

Número de Páginas: 124

The Latin American Short Story

Autor: Daniel Balderston

Número de Páginas: 696

The enormous body of short story anthologies from the nineteen countries of Spanish America and Brazil testifies to their importance for writers, editors, readers, and, especially, for schools and universities, teachers and students. The study of anthologies and their contents can be particularly revealing for many of the questions looming large in critical discourse, particularly those on canon formation and the relations between literature and cultural institutions; but researching this corpus is difficult because it varies greatly in quality, distribution, and format. The present volume for the first time gathers this mass of material and organizes it for systematic study. The main section comprises annotated listings of 1302 short story anthologies: those with stories from all or most of the countries grouped together, including a section of English-language anthologies; those from countries of a region; and those from individual nations. For most entries a full listing of contents is provided along with brief commentary. A second section comprises annotated bibliographies of criticism of the short story, similarly arranged with materials for Latin America as a whole as well...

Decisions and Orders of the National Labor Relations Board

Autor: United States. National Labor Relations Board

Número de Páginas: 1452

El problemna de la mendicidad en Buenos Aires, sus causas y remedios

Autor: Juan Alejandro Ré

Número de Páginas: 254

Antropoligía, cultura autóctona de Guatemala y civilización maya

Autor: Fabián S. Ymeri

Número de Páginas: 364

Boletín bibliográfico - Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo, División Técnica de Estudio y Fomento Habitacional, Centro de Documentación

Autor: Chile. División Técnica De Estudio Y Fomento Habitacional. Centro De Documentación

Número de Páginas: 1166

Los principios constitucionales en la reforma constitucional

Autor: Olivo A. Rodríguez Huertas

Número de Páginas: 118

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