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Bilingual Bible / Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV

Autor: Tyndale

Número de Páginas: 1904

La Biblia bilingüe NLT/NTV provee los textos de la Nueva Traducción Viviente en español y de la New Living Translation en inglés en un formato paralelo. Estas dos traducciones excepcionales de la Biblia presentan la Palabra de Dios de una manera precisa y fiel, usando un lenguaje claro, cálido y de fácil comprensión que le hablará directamente al corazón. Ahora totalmente revisada y actualizada, sus características incluyen: Página de presentación Plan de lectura de 365 días Tabla de pesos y medidas Tres mapas a todo color The Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traducción Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two wonderful translations present God's Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart. Now completely revised and updated, its features include: Presentation Page 365-day Reading Plan Table of Weights and Measures Three full-color maps

Holidays and Heartstrings

Autor: Norma Zuñiga Benavides

Número de Páginas: 330

History of the reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain: (1857. XI, 316 p.)

Autor: William Hikling Prescott

The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, and Other Stories

Autor: Mark Twain

Hadleyburg enjoys the reputation of being an "incorruptible" town known for its responsible, honest people that are trained to avoid temptation. However, at some point the people of Hadleyburg manage to offend a passing stranger, and he vows to get his revenge by corrupting the town.

A Practical Method for Learning Spanish

Autor: Alejandro Ybarra

Número de Páginas: 326

Celos aun del aire matan

Autor: Juan Hidalgo

Número de Páginas: 281

Book URL: This critical performing edition of the earliest extant Hispanic opera, Celos aun del aire matan, presents the most extensive surviving example of Hispanic baroque theatrical music. Designed for the Spanish royal court¿s festivities honoring the marriage of Infanta María Teresa of Spain and King Louis XIV of France, this passionate fiesta cantada in three acts was first produced in Madrid, thanks to the collaboration of court dramatist Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600¿1681) and composer Juan Hidalgo (1614¿85). The opera was designed for performance by a cast of young female actress-singers (the only role requiring a male voice is for a comic tenor) and a continuo band. This edition, which includes an extensive introduction, an edition and English translation of the Calderón text, and a unique loa from the 1682 Naples production, contributes to a better understanding of Hidalgo¿s music and the contribution of Hispanic music to early modern musical culture

Learn Spanish with Nothing less than a Man

Autor: HypLern

Número de Páginas: 157

Best way to learn Spanish by reading Learn Spanish with an intense novel by Miguel de Unamuno, a famous Spanish author killed by the fascists. The best way to learn Spanish just by reading. No need to look up words with our interlinear material! We have added a word for word interlinear translation to the Spanish text. This means that the meaning of every Spanish word is immediately accessible, which in turn will make it much easier for you to expand your Spanish vocabulary fast. How to learn Spanish fast and easy with this book Use the following method to learn Spanish vocabulary fast and easy. Read the stories and re-read them until you know almost all the words. This is a fast process because there's no lookup time. Then focus on the remaining words that you still don't know by marking those in the text or noting their pages. Because of the literal and idiomatic interlinear text this is the best way to learn Spanish reading fast. Also, contact us on for non-translated pdf versions of this book with which you can practice reading Spanish without the interlinear translation. The same goes for the mp3s that go with the text if available. The best app to learn...

Believe: My Daily Inspirational Journal

Autor: A.G. Shraud

Número de Páginas: 215

“It is an honor and a privilege to share with the whole world my life story of adversities, happiness, and accomplishments. Despite all the challenges and tribulations I have had in my life, I have discovered the true meaning of hope, faith, perseverance, love, strength, passion, and confidence. I believe in myself. I have also learned never to give up and to pursue my goals and dreams regardless of my circumstances. I believe that there are millions of people who are going through challenges similar to or worse than mine right now. I cannot keep my life a secret inside my heart. I know that by sharing the trials I have had, my journey can have an impact on others’ lives. I believe that reading about my struggles may help others to become stronger.”

Verdes colinas de africa (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Ernest Hemingway

Número de Páginas: 282

Una obra maestra del reportaje donde el Premio Nobel de Literatura Ernest Hemingway cuenta la estancia de un mes—diciembre de 1933—en África, dedicado a una de sus grandes pasiones: la caza mayor. La luz africana, el paisaje febril, la excitación y la tensión que produce la cinegética se convierten para Hemingway en motivos de reflexión que van mucho más allá del safari y la simple narración turística. Como siempre, Hemingway logra elevar la anécdota a la categoría de mito, explorar la condición del hombre a través de sus instintos más primarios y, en definitiva, indagar en torno a la eterna cuestión de la muerte, el deseo y la supervivencia.

Solo ante el peligro. (High Noon), Fred Zinnemann (1952)

Autor: David Coll Requeni

Número de Páginas: 160

El western ideal para todos aquellos a los que no les gustan los westerns, según Andrew Sarris, Solo ante el peligro fue producido por una modesta compañía independiente tras el desmoronamiento del sistema de estudios de Hollywood. Estrenado en 1952, a priori nadie esperaba gran cosa de este film debido a sus múltiples inconvenientes: presupuesto escaso, un director austriaco debutante en el cine del Oeste, una vieja estrella en decadencia o un guionista perseguido por el maccarthismo que ocultó en el subtexto una nada velada alegoría sobre la Caza de Brujas. Sin embargo, los astros se alinearon y Solo ante el peligro se convirtió en un fenomenal éxito de crítica y público, erigiéndose con el tiempo en un título clave en la evolución del western -a pesar de contar con enemigos como Howard Hawks o John Wayne- y en un clásico imperecedero del cine cuya influencia llega hasta nuestros días, extendida incluso al lenguaje popular. Un film a reivindicar más allá de su aparente simplicidad, ya que un análisis más profundo permite apreciar su condición de pionero en factores tales como la hibridación genérica, la crítica a los tópicos del cine mainstream o al...

Conozcamos lo nuestro - The Gauchos's Heritage

Autor: Enrique Rapela

Número de Páginas: 344

Enrique Rapela (1911- 1978) fue un creador pionero. Conoció bien a los gauchos y los admiró por sus habilidades, sus costumbres, su lealtad. Fue un autodidacta que representó con palabras y dibujos ese mundo fascinante, pero desconocido por muchos. Fue uno de los creadores de la historieta gaucha, con personajes memorables como Cirilo el Audaz, Cirilo el Argentino, El Huinca y Fabián Leyes. Fue asesor artístico de películas gauchescas e ilustrador de varias ediciones del Martín Fierro, entre otros títulos. Los textos de Conozcamos lo nuestro, originalmente aparecidos en tres fascículos, han sido organizados en capítulos y partes temáticas, conservando su estilo y minuciosidad. Junto con las magistrales ilustraciones, conforman una obra única e imperdible que Editorial El Ateneo presenta con orgullo. Edición bilingüe español-inglés. Enrique Rapela (1911-1978) was a true pioneer. He knew the gauchos well and admired them for their skills, their customs, their loyalty. He was an autodidact who represented with words and drawings that world, as facinating as unknown to many. He was one of the creators of the gaucho cartoon, with memorable characters such as Cirilo el...

Pleasant Adventures of Gusman, of Alfarache ... Translated from the Spanish Into French, by M. Le Sage. Translated from the French by A. O'Conner ..

Autor: Mateo Alemán

Como Hablar Con La Gente Loca

Autor: Donna Kay Kakonge

Número de Páginas: 168

Alabanza de cómo hablar con loco ""Un raro y honesto relato de la manía, la depresión y la psicosis ... el libro para leer si quieres entender el sufrimiento de las personas con enfermedades mentales y el valor crudo que una mujer puede reunir. Donna lucha financieramente, socialmente, sexualmente y espiritualmente para encontrar la paz de los minions del infierno que habitan su mente. "" - Katherine Tapley-Milton, autora de Mind Full of Scorpions.



Número de Páginas: 585

Astrophil y Stella es la primera secuencia de sonetos escrita en inglés a la manera italianista. Su autor, Philip Sidney (1554-1586), ha sido considerado como el pionero en Inglaterra en la utilización de formas métricas, estilo poético y tópicos propios del Renacimiento literario iniciado en Italia y encabezado por Petrarca. En esta obra se ha realizado una edición revisada del poemario mediante el estudio de manuscritos y ediciones tempranas, que queda reflejado en el aparato crítico; este ofrece al lector la posibilidad de indagar en diferentes interpretaciones según la aceptación de una u otra versión del texto. Se presenta también una traducción al castellano y un comentario filológico del poemario verso a verso que analiza significados, figuras retóricas y connotaciones semánticas y proporciona al lector interpretaciones de cada uno de los sonetos.

Republic of the Philippines Congressional Record

Autor: Philippines. Congress (1940-1973). Senate

Donkey Ollie:Guiones De Peliculas Bilingues

Autor: Brian Stewart

This is a collection of eight wonderful Donkey Ollie scripts in English and Spanish

A Continuation of the History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha

Autor: Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda

Número de Páginas: 565

A Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's Captivity, from the time of his being taken by the British, near Montreal, on the 25th day of September, 1775, to ... his exchange on the sixth day of May, 1778, containing his voyages and travels ... Written by himself, etc

Autor: Ethan ALLEN (Colonel.)

Número de Páginas: 50

The Falklands Regime

Autor: Dr. Mike Bingham

Número de Páginas: 308

This true story tells how twenty years after British troops died for democracy in the Falklands War, a British citizen would be forced to flee the Falklands to escape political corruption and death threats, to seek democracy and freedom of speech in Argentina. When a British biologist dared to connect the starvation of 5 million penguins to commercial fishing that was making the Falklands elite rich, a deadly game of cat and mouse was unleashed. Bungled attempts to deport, imprison and kill Bingham, landed the Falkland Islands Government in the Supreme Court, which ruled that the Governor, Attorney General, Chief Executive and Executive Council had committed acts of human rights abuse that were “morally and constitutionally indefensible”. When the Falklands Government stated in public that they were not going to be stopped by the Supreme Court ruling, Bingham was forced to seek safety in Argentina. It is good to know that British troops did not die in vain.

The Exiles and Other Stories

Autor: Horacio Quiroga

Número de Páginas: 168

Tales of risk and danger, suffering, disease, horror, and death. Tales, also, of courage and dignity, hard work, and human endurance in the face of hostile nature and the frequent brutality of men. And tales flavored with piquant touches of humor and bemused irony. These are the stories of the Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga, here presented in an important compilation of thirteen of his most compelling tales, sensitively selected and translated by J. David Danielson. Author of some two hundred pieces of fiction, often compared to the works of Kipling, Jack London, and Edgar Allan Poe, Quiroga set many of his stories in the territory of Misiones in northeastern Argentina, the subtropical jungle region where he spent much of his life. Included here are stories from Los desterrados (1926) often said to be his best book, as well as others from Cuentos de amor de locura y de muerte (1917), Anaconda (1921), and El Desierto (1924). The publication of this selection marks the first appearance in English of all but two of the thirteen stories. Quiroga here presents a wide range of characters: parents and children, servant girls and prostitutes, landowners and lumber barons, foremen and...

Juan Fernandez, historia verdadera de la isla de Robinson Crusoe

Autor: Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna

Número de Páginas: 834

Relations politiques des Pays-Bas et de l'Angleterre, sous le règne de Philippe II: Depuis l'abdication de Charles-Quint jusqu'au départ de Philippe II pour l'Espagne

Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains

Autor: George Frederick Augustus Ruxton

Número de Páginas: 312

Crestomatía Inglesa, Ó Sea, Selectas de Los Escritores Mas Eminentes de la Gran Bretaña, Asi en Prosa Como en Verso ... Con Análisis Gramatical Y Filológico, Al Principio Palabra Por Palabra, Y Mas Adelante en Las Construcciones Peculiares de la Lengua Inglesa Y Sus Idiotismos

Número de Páginas: 220

Study Guide for Beginning Spanish II.

Autor: Harry T. Charly

Número de Páginas: 93

The Shaitan's Secret

Autor: Oscar Rodrigo

Número de Páginas: 97

It is a fantastic genre novel in which an antihero will have to discover what he is and free the world from an invasion of beings from another dimension, the djinn. It's an adventure novel, science fiction and fantastic, I rummage in one with a high dose of black humor, a lot of dialogue, very dynamic and super-restrained. Very visual Rick, our protagonist must save humanity from the arrival of the djinn with a group of the most bizarre beings and it will be his own odyssey in which he will discover himself. In the book the reader will find a detailed teaching about what is the world of the djinn in the ancient Arabic mythology and what has survived to our times, mixed with real cases of strange events not clarified by science today.

Sus nombres y sus rostros

Autor: Eliahu Toker

Número de Páginas: 99

A collection of photographs, and interviews with family members of the victims of the terrorist car bomb attack on the building of the Jewish community (AMIA) in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994. The collection is intended as a homage to the memory of the 85 victims, Jews and non-Jews, who were killed in the bombing of the Jewish community center.

The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus

Autor: Ricardo Felix Rodriguez

Número de Páginas: 340

The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus (aka Las aventuras surreales de Dr. Mingus) is an adventure of the mind, inspired by Fellini, classical theatre, Dante, and the Mexican drug wars. The dreams of the eccentric doctor will carry readers from the chaos of the third world through the nightmare of middle class America. Félix Rodriguez has created a tapestry of modern life unlike anything you have ever read. This book contains both English and Spanish versions.

Correspondencia de Lord Strangford y de la estación naval británica en el Río de la Plata con el gobierno de Buenos Aires, 1810-1822

Autor: Archivo General de la Nación (Argentina) , Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe Strangford (Viscount)

Número de Páginas: 731

The Poems of Saint John of the Cross

Autor: Saint John of the Cross

Número de Páginas: 124

The colors of love

Autor: Karina Velasco

A daring free book to reflect on our spiritual and love relationships. Live love at its fullest. Express your sexuality fully. This book will support you discover your primary colors and will define the way you desire to mix them in your relationships. Discover them and create the most unique rainbow. We have been raised with limited ideas about love, due to our parents and society beliefs and rules. Nobody taught us that our capacity to love is beyond what we know and have experienced. Are there different ways to love? What is our real capacity to do it? Love, just as light, possess several chromatic combinations that allows you to experience it without limits. They open your heart and enhance your capacity to love. This colors are related with chakras and the knowledge of this energetic centers, as well as the way to harmonize them, will give you the essential tools in order to relate with all the color spectrum in a healthy conscious manner. Opinions from other authors: "Karina's work around love, chakras, and the tantra of life illuminates beyond imagination. Her personal journey of discovery reflects the journey all of us to move towards more love, depth and conscious...

The Anglo-hispano interpreter, or, A practiacl treatise on the English and Spanish languages, calculated for the respective use of both nations, in four parts ... to which is added an appendix ...

Autor: William Casey (grammarian.)

Número de Páginas: 285

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