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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Enseñanza de Estudiantes Bilingües

Autor: Brian Stewart

Enseñar una lengua extranjera es siempre un desafío. Es mucho más fácil cuando a los estudiantes les encantan los materiales que se utilizan para enseñarles. No muchos libros están escritos por lectores jóvenes de secundaria. Esperamos que a sus estudiantes les guste aprender con estos libros bilingües.

Inglés en 21 días

Autor: Giacomo Navone , Luca Lorenzoni , Massimo De Donno

Número de Páginas: 400

TÉCNICAS DE MEMORIA Y ESTRATEGIAS DE APRENDIZAJE AVANZADO PARA ESCRIBIR, ENTENDER Y HACERSE ENTENDER EN INGLÉS Your Trainers Group es una de las empresas de formación más importantes de Europa, tanto en número de centros como en tasa de éxito. Su famoso método YOUR MAGISTER, testado por miles de personas, aprovecha las potencialidades de nuestra mente y organiza, planifica y concentra el estudio diario de manera que se consiguen resultados satisfactorios en 21 días.En este caso, el plan está diseñado para aprender el inglés necesario para los estudios, para el trabajo o el tiempo libre:· Técnicas mnemónicas. · Innovadores instrumentos de aprendizaje eficaz (como la inmersión total de la mente).· Una cuidadosa y estratégica selección de palabras, reglas gramaticales, excepciones y modismos.


Autor: Iván Krassoievitch

Número de Páginas: 71

"Adolescentes" es el resultado de un ejercicio de memoria en el que Iván Krassoievitch transcribió, durante casi dos años, las letras de los discos que fueron importantes durante su adolescencia. Utilizando una máquina de escribir, dichas transcripciones siguen el orden en el que las canciones aparecían en los discos, superponiendo una canción sobre la siguiente. El resultado sobre papel Kraft son una serie de manchas negras y palabras sueltas, cada página es un disco completo. La serie "Adolescentes" comenzó con diez discos y poco a poco fue creciendo hasta alcanzar un total de 53 discos mecanografiados.

Aprende inglés Fácilmente

Autor: Miguel Gómez

Número de Páginas: 185

Método rápido para aprender inglés. Curso completo integrado por un libro de texto y recursos multimedia, tutoriales, audio y videos. El método se basa en la comprensión de la lógica del idioma inglés y se explica totalmente en español. El curso cubre los temas que necesitas aprender para llegar al menos a un nivel intermedio ó B2. Cada capítulo contiene las explicaciones necesarias, listas de vocabulario, guías gramaticales y ejercicios. Los recursos multimedia se pueden acceder a través de la página de internet y son parte integral del curso, puestos a disposición sin costo adicional. Para más información puedes ver la presentación en

Beyond Intensity

Autor: Ramon Vila

After years of traveling the world, searching for all life has to offer, Toni Martí realizes that his youthful curiosity has soured into stagnation, depression, and drug addiction. While stumbling through what remains of his life, he commits a crime and is sentenced to community service at a nursing home. Forced to comply, he forms a grudging relationship with Juan, an octogenarian whose family long ago abandoned him, and whose day-to-day life seems undisturbed by change. He also encounters Lucía, who runs the nursing home, but not her life; too fearful to follow the lure of her dreams or rebel against her parents, she has grown dull and unhappy. “Beyond Intensity” captures the story of three characters trapped in lives that bring them only loneliness and despair. Soon, they will be forced to discover what is beyond the pursuit of momentary pleasure, beyond routine, beyond conformity. Against the backdrop of a dehumanized society, these three characters’ lives give us the opportunity to reflect on the culture of immediacy and the search for instant gratification—to ask ourselves, what lies beyond intensity?

Love, Starboy

Autor: Henry Lyra

Número de Páginas: 168

Starboy just graduated high school and was on his way to college with his best friend, Moonkid. That’s until a tragic car crash and a head injury sent Starboy to a coma and then permanent brain damage. His personality changed, slowly regressing to babyhood. He begins writing letters to Moonkid telling him how he’s regressing every day. Suddenly college and grown-up’s life are out the window with his developing infantile behavior. His life now revolves around diaper changes, baby bottles, toys, cartoons, and spoon-feeding as every day he acts more like an infant. Those letters and his new relationship with his family and friends help him realize that being a baby might not be the worst thing ever. Maybe it can be a blessing in disguise.

Rainy Days / Dias de Lluvia

Autor: Montserrat Lunati

Número de Páginas: 431

This anthology collects sixteen stories by contemporary Spanish women writers: Pilar Cibreiro, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Paloma Díaz-Mas, Adelaida García Morales, Lourdes Ortiz, Laura Freixas, Marina Mayoral, Mercedes Abad, Rosa Montero, Maruja Torres, Soledad Puértolas, María Eugenia Salaverri, Nuria Amat, Juana Salabert, Luisa Castro and Berta Marsé. The stories are in the original Spanish and with facing-page English translations, and comprehensive bio-bibliographical information on each author is also included in the volume.

El engaño Da Vinci

Autor: Mark Shea , Edward Sri

Número de Páginas: 263

Mediante preguntas y respuestas se abordan los errores clave sobre historia, arte y teología que se vierten en El Código

Change your Habits

Autor: Valeria Lozano

Change Your Habits and discover the only path to health and wellbeing. In this, her first book, Valeria Lozano shares all the wisdom that she has acquired whilst completely transforming her own life which has now had a positive impact on millions of people. Here you will learn that good health is so much more than a lack of illness: it's also being willing to live an energy-filled life in good spirits. The need to change your habits doesn't mean that you have to modify your life from one day to the next, but rather that you should gradually incorporate the little changes needed to restore natural balance to your body while you hardly notice that it's happening. Valeria reveals the correct formula to obtain good health (65% nutrition + 20% exercise + 15% sleep) and explains that we must take care of all the aspects of our life - both physical, emotional and mental -to reach our very own optimal condition and by doing so, forget about excess weight, chronic illness and emotional disorders. This book makes easy and accessible reading, backed by the latest scientific evidence and with more than 100 easily prepared recipes, and it will become essential for all those who hope to gain a...

Testing-Quest: auditoría de test y cuestionarios

Autor: Jordi Renom Pinsach , Pablo Sánchez Bermejo

Número de Páginas: 176

Testing-Quest es una aplicación profesional destinada al análisis y control de calidad de instrumentos psicométricos. Disponible en, su versión formativa, de libre acceso y manejo intuitivo, es de gran utilidad para actividades prácticas en cursos de psicología, educación y ciencias sociales sobre herramientas de evaluación educativa y psicológica como test, cuestionarios y exámenes. Este manual constituye una guía del funcionamiento de Testing-Quest. La primera parte muestra las prestaciones del programa; la segunda describe una serie de análisis basados en ejemplos de instrumentos reales incluidos en la web; por último, se ofrece un glosario con las definiciones de los principales conceptos manejados. El enfoque general de esta obra, muy práctico, permite que el usuario adquiera autonomía rápidamente.

Palabras de Los Seres Verdaderos

Autor: Carlos Montemayor

Número de Páginas: 305

As part of the larger, ongoing movement throughout Latin America to reclaim non-Hispanic cultural heritages and identities, indigenous writers in Mexico are reappropriating the written word in their ancestral tongues and in Spanish. As a result, the long-marginalized, innermost feelings, needs, and worldviews of Mexico's ten to twenty million indigenous peoples are now being widely revealed to the Western societies with which these peoples coexist. To contribute to this process and serve as a bridge of intercultural communication and understanding, this groundbreaking, three-volume anthology gathers works by the leading generation of writers in thirteen Mexican indigenous languages: Nahuatl, Maya, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal, Tabasco Chontal, Purepecha, Sierra Zapoteco, Isthmus Zapoteco, Mazateco, Ñahñu, Totonaco, and Huichol. Volume Three contains plays by six Mexican indigenous writers. Their plays appear first in their native language, followed by English and Spanish translations. Montemayor and Frischmann have abundantly annotated the Spanish, English, and indigenous-language texts and added glossaries and essays that introduce the work of each playwright and discuss the...

The Red Moon

Autor: Aseret Franco

Número de Páginas: 736

After a year in peace, the time for a new adventure is here. Soleil, along with her friends, Sky, Selene and Leo must awaken the moon power before the Red Moon sheds the last tear of blood. They will have to face new dangers, they will suffer great losses, they will make big sacrifices, The journey will take them to visit new places, meet new enemies, new allies, new battles. Soleil will have to do her best to get the help of the Amazonian queen Hipolita if she wants to get out of the Amazon River alive. After new challenges and new powers, Soleil will have to trust Selene to survive this dangerous adventure. To win, this time Soleil will have to lose more than she is willing to offer. Tras un ano en calma, el momento de una nueva aventura se acerca. Soleil, junto a sus amigos, Sky, Selene y Leo deberan despertar el poder lunar antes que La Luna Roja derrame la ultima lagrima de sangre. Deberan enfrentar nuevos peligros, sufriran grandes perdidas, se haran sacrificios, visitaran nuevos lugares, conoceran nuevos enemigos, nuevos aliados, nuevas batallas. Soleil, tendra que idearselas para conseguir la ayuda de la reina amazonica Hipolita si desea salir con vida del rio amazonas....

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Autor: Mark Twain

Número de Páginas: 200

Disfruta de este clásico de Mark Twain en versión original. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) es una novela del escritor estadounidense Mark Twain (considerado el Dickens estadounidense), y publicada originalmente entre 1884 y 1885. La obra es considerada una secuela de su distante y exitosa predecesora Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer de 1876, con la cual mantiene una temática narrativa bastante similar. Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn representa una de las primeras grandes novelas estadounidenses. También fue una de las primeras novelas escritas en inglés vernáculo estadounidense, particularmente hablado por el narrador y protagonista principal de la historia, Huckleberry «Huck» Finn.

La Morenita

Autor: Guadalupe Cordoba

Número de Páginas: 148

Success-it's something everyone hopes for but few have the fortitude and endurance necessary to achieve it, especially when confronted by one adversity after another. Lupe Cordoba knows that hard work and determination are the traits necessary to achieve success, and she used these strong personal qualities to rise to her position as a nationally acclaimed restaurateur. Cordoba seemed to encounter nothing but hardships and obstacles throughout her life, and in La Morenita: The Story of Lupe Cordoba, she candidly illustrates how her life developed from an idyllic childhood in a small Mexican town to the collapse of her marriage after succeeding in reaching America with her three small children. Perseverance and clever thinking carried Cordoba from the plight of sleeping in her car to opening her first restaurant to preparing hors d'oeuvres for a party for President Clinton. While conveying her talent for balancing romance, motherhood, and business in her life, Cordoba offers frank advice for others in her position and presents intimate portraits of her family and friends and the lives they endured to reach their current plateau. La Morenita delivers the compelling story of one...

Vencer En La Ruleta. Winning at Roulette

Autor: Mario Sebastian Teresano

Número de Páginas: 85

This course has not one, but two advantages you can't miss. The first and main one? It will teach you how to win in the online roulette. The main advantage of the Winning at Roulette (Online Course) is that besides of learning on how to win in the roulette, you will learn how to optimize the result of any system you choose to use, this means, you can improve the results in any game strategy. This course contains the techniques used to adapt the systems and a variety of strategies where you can use them. To make this work more attractive, you will also find some tips to consider when it comes to apply the learned techniques, including the proper handling of your cash. In conclusion, a complete course, simple and easy to learn that does not require the reader to go over hundreds of pages to learn how to play to win. Winning at Roulette: Bilingual Edition. For more information, visit Este curso tiene no una sino dos ventajas imperdibles. ¿La primera y primordial? Le enseñará cómo ganar en la ruleta de los casinos online. ¡¡¡GANE DINERO DESDE LA COMODIDAD DE SU HOGAR!!! La ventaja fundamental del Vencer en la Ruleta (Curso online) es que, además de aprender...

La nube en la que vivo

Autor: Calum Heaslip

Número de Páginas: 232

Cuando suenan las primeras notas de Turn It Up, ¿sientes que tu cuerpo no puede parar? ¿Eres fan incondicional de Calum y lo sigues desde su participación en La Voz Kids? Si te consideras un auténtico calumier, este libro es para ti. «Me llamo Calum y soy un chico normal. Después de participar en un concurso de televisión mi vida cambió. Ahora, gracias a todos mis fans, chicas y chicos que me dan su apoyo y cariño, estoy pasando por el mejor momento de mi vida. »Cada vez que veo cómo cantáis mis canciones, cada vez que siento vuestro calor en los conciertos, cada vez que me entrevistan o me paran por la calle, me siento agradecido por poder seguir ilusionado. »Seguiré trabajando duro, esforzándome, creciendo con vosotros. Este es solo el principio de la historia.» Calum Heaslip conquistó al público con sus enormes ojos, su guitarra y su prodigiosa voz. En este libro, La nube en la que vivo , la estrella teen del momento abre su corazón a sus fans y habla de cómo ha cambiado su vida desde su participación en el talent show juvenil más importante del país. Un libro sincero, emotivo, en el que Calum habla de sus orígenes, de la música, de su familia, de sus...

II Conferencia Internacional sobre género y comunicación. Libro de Actas

Autor: Rosario Lacalle Zalduendo

Número de Páginas: 1071

Adios a Las Armas (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Ernest Hemingway

Número de Páginas: 352

Una inolvidable historia de amor entre una enfermera y un joven soldado idealista en la Italia de la I Guerra Mundial. Por el Premio Nobel de Literatura Ernest Hemingway. No amaba a Catherine Barkley, ni se le ocurría que pudiera amarla. Aquello era como el bridge, un juego donde te largas a hablar en vez de manejar las cartas. Eso pensaba el teniente americano Frederic Henry, conductor de ambulancias en el frente italiano durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, al poco de conocer a esta bella enfermera británica. Lo que parecía un juego se convirtió en pasión intensa, mientras la guerra lo arrasaba todo y los hombres desfilaban bajo la lluvia, agotados y hambrientos, sin pensar más que en huir de la muerte. Inspirada en las vivencias de Hemingway, Adiós a las armas es ya un clásico de la literatura universal y uno de los mejores retratos de la voluntad humana.

The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus

Autor: Ricardo Felix Rodriguez

Número de Páginas: 340

The Surreal Adventures of Dr. Mingus (aka Las aventuras surreales de Dr. Mingus) is an adventure of the mind, inspired by Fellini, classical theatre, Dante, and the Mexican drug wars. The dreams of the eccentric doctor will carry readers from the chaos of the third world through the nightmare of middle class America. Félix Rodriguez has created a tapestry of modern life unlike anything you have ever read. This book contains both English and Spanish versions.


Autor: Karla Galván Duque Senosiain

Número de Páginas: 121

“The sky is the limit” is a little treasure. It’s not just a book on autism or on someone’s particular and extraordinary life experience, it’s also revealing and paradigmatic. Revealing because it helps us as human beings to understand that an advanced society must be committed and inclusive; whatever our circumstance, we are all people and at the same time we are all unique. Paradigmatic because I have never met anyone with such a determination to do her part in helping parents, families, therapists, and anyone willing to learn more about the way these children understand their particular world, which is our own as well. Karla is a woman who has given her life great value; she is a fighter that turns obstacles into great opportunities to grow and to love; this makes “The sky is the limit” a book about love, perseverance, strength, energy, self-motivation, optimism… and, why not say it as well, it’s a Coaching book, a totally 21st-century book!”

Fearing The Biker - PG 13

Autor: Kristen Middleton

Número de Páginas: 226

(This is the PG 13 version of Fearing the Biker - descriptive sex scenes removed) Jordan Steele (The Judge) has been hired as a bodyguard for Jessica Winters, Slammer's new step-daughter. Security is usually not his thing, but he finds himself unable to refuse the offer after meeting her in person. Jessica Winters wants nothing to do with The Judge or any other biker, for that matter, especially after being raped by one of the Devil's Rangers, three years before. When she learns that her life is in imminent danger, however, she reluctantly agrees and finds herself in the care of a man who makes her tremble in more ways than one.

The Lost Legend

Autor: Aseret Franco

Número de Páginas: 670

Soleil McCarthy is a teenager concerned solely with finishing her senior year of high school and entering college. However, a trip to Greece will change her life forever. There she will discover stories, lost secrets of gods, and mythologies. She will face dangers and reveal a past that forces her to face a terrible future. The Lost Legend begins Soleil McCarthy's gripping series, a world where Greek and Norse gods, moon wolves, killer lights, underground tunnels, mythological creatures, and secrets from the past will come true just to show her that the legends she had learned about in the past are much more real than she could've ever imagined. Soleil McCarthy es una adolescente preocupada unicamente por terminar su ultimo ano de preparatoria y entrar a la universidad. Sin embargo, un viaje a Grecia hara que su vida cambie para siempre. Ahi descubrira historias, secretos perdidos de dioses, y mitologias. Enfrentara peligros y revelara un pasado que la obligara a enfrentarse a un terrible futuro. La Leyenda Perdida da comienzo a la apasionante serie de Soleil McCarthy, un mundo en el que los dioses griegos y nordicos, lobos lunares, luces asesinas, tuneles subterraneos, creaturas...

I'm 50... So What?

Autor: Haylie Pomroy

The day that Gillese Blondet turned 50, she vowed to herself that not only will she confess her age, but she would share all her secrets that confirm the following: YES, 50 is the new 30. I am 50... So What? Is the manual to get you to your mid-life feeling successful, made, beautiful in control and, above all, enjoy what you are and not grieve over what has not been. The day that Gillese Blondet turned 50, she vowed to herself that not only will she confess her age, but she would share all her secrets that confirm the following: YES, 50 is the new 30. This book is a friendly reminder that no botox will fix the wrinkles of the soul. Giselle, one of the most beloved women in the Hispanic market, takes us through the highlights of her life and the lives of powerful Latinas in their fifties who have not only achieved success in that dreaded age, but even have the luxury of having known the true love at 50. Because in this book, Blondet also shows us that in the game of love, the champion doesn't come first, but last. Funny, human, inspiring and full of anecdotes, I am 50 ... so what? Is an injection of energy for girls who want to reach that age as Giselle Blondet, and a foothold for ...

Gran Diccionario Oxford

Autor: 편집부 , Oxford University Press

Número de Páginas: 2356

A bilingual dictionary containing more than 300,000 words covers basic vocabulary as well as slang, American English, and Latin American Spanish.

English 4

Autor: Paula Flores Kastanis , Katherine Urquijo Flores

Número de Páginas: 188

Esta obra forma parte de la Serie Integral por competencias, que Grupo Editorial Patria ha creado con la colaboración de expertos pedagogos para cumplir con los objetivos marcados en los planes de estudios de la Dirección General de Bachillerato (DGB) de la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP). Nuestros autores, que cuentan con gran experiencia docente y una trayectoria destacada han creado contenidos actuales y significativos para cada materia. Por nuestra parte, los editores hemos plasmado todos nuestros conocimientos y experiencia en el desarrollo de estos libros, así como en los materiales de apoyo y tecnológicos. Quienes han usado y conocen las versiones anteriores de esta Serie, saben que cuenta con numerosas y bien diseñadas secciones que facilitan la comprensión de los temas, el aprendizaje y la labor docente. En esta Serie encontrarás: • Situaciones y secuencias didácticas • Lecturas • Actividades de aprendizaje • Actividades que fomentan el uso de las TIC • Portafolio de evidencias • Instrumentos de evaluación (exámenes, autoevaluaciones, coevaluaciones, heteroevaluaciones, listas de cotejo, rúbricas y guías de observación) En esta edición...

Pluto and the Universe Plut N y El Universo

Autor: Fabiola Johnson

Número de Páginas: 71

ABOUT THE BOOK Pluto and the Universe is a book that contains a play in English and Spanish and that could be read and/or staged by a minimum of ten and a maximum of seventeen, children, teens and adults alike. Intended for young audiences who not only will see and hear the characters who share outer space with Pluto, but will also reflect upon their place in the world and the importance of belonging, or not, to a particular group. With astronomical data and a story about an element who is expelled from the "system", spectators and readers are witnesses to an anecdote that is not so distant or different from one a human being can have here on Earth. The play takes place in 2006 (year on earth) in and around the solar system. The Sun has called for an alignment in order to inform the nine planets of the three recent requirements for classifying as a planet of the solar system. Firstly, they must orbit the Sun, secondly, have a spheroid shape and also clear their orbital environment. The audience will learn how all of the planets meet these requirements, except for Pluto who is not willing to go. He must meet Charon, Halley's Comet, an asteroid, a star and the Oort Cloud in order to ...

Inglés medio

Autor: Vértice

Número de Páginas: 239

En este libro, además de ampliar conocimientos sobre tiempos verbales, auxiliares, modales, artículos, estructura pasiva, estilo indirecto, condicionales, se ofrecerán explicaciones acerca de los falses friends y las diferencias entre inglés británico y americano para expresarse con mayor corrección. Además de aprender el vocabulario relacionado con las nuevas tecnologías en el hogar, las vacaciones y la educación, el lector se familiarizará con el sistema de prefijación y sufijación ingleses para ampliar su vocabulario. También se proporcionarán expresiones para que el lector sepa hablar de sus gustos y preferencias, así como su postura de acuerdo o de desacuerdo ante un hecho. Índice Unit 1 Repaso de tiempos verbales. Usos de los auxiliares. Vocabulario: false friends. Vocabulario: las nuevas tecnologías en el hogar. Conversación. Repaso artículos: contables – incontables (some, any, few, little); pronombres indefinidos Unit 2 Presente perfecto continuo. Pasado perfecto continuo. Vocabulario: inglés británico - inglés americano. Conversación. Orden de las palabras. Diferencia used to + inf. - be/get used to + ing. Unit 3 Ampliación de los tiempo...

Future Shaped by Your Past

Autor: René González

Número de Páginas: 58

Future Shaped by Your Past goes deep inside many of our big questions of why certain things happen (or not) to us and others. Rene explains with great detail the many possibilities of how our past and previous relations have shaped our present, many of which we were not aware of or, even worse, we thought was working pro or against us when in reality they may have worked otherwise.

Life is a gift

Autor: María Villota

Número de Páginas: 192

In this book, former Formula One racing driver María de Villota recounts the 180 degree turn her life took after the fatal accident that happened during aerodynamic tests conducted with her Formula One team during the summer of 2012 and which left her with serious injuries. Far from becoming discouraged, her tenacity and courage proved more powerful than that tragic event. LIFE IS A GIFT is the moving and passionate testimony of a woman who refused to give up driving her own life with a firm hand until the end. "You got up much faster than you fell." FERNANDO ALONSO. Formula One racing driver "María has always been a machine that stops at nothing because nothing is a problem for her." PEDRO DE LA ROSA. Formula One racing driver "Extremely competitive, fast and with great determination." MARC GENÉ. Formula One racing driver "You have always been an example because of your tenacity and determination to reach the top, you have my complete admiration." CARLOS SAINZ. Racing driver "María is a wonderful example for all of us and it has been a privilege knowing her." MICHÈLE MOUTON. President of the Women in Motorsport Commission of FIA "She has given us a master class in struggle,...

Dancing Miranda / Baila, Miranda, baila

Autor: Diane De Anda

Número de Páginas: 42

Miranda finds it difficult to rehearse for the dance recital after she learns that her mother's poliomyelitis kept her from dancing when she was a child.

Inglés avanzado

Número de Páginas: 341

Este libro está diseñado para que el lector pueda acabar comunicándose con soltura así como solucionar y tramitar quejas y sugerencias de clientes de origen extranjero. Se repasarán y profundizarán temas gramaticales como el uso correcto de los tiempos verbales, los verbos modales, las preposiciones, los verbos frasales, los artículos, los nombres y adjetivos compuestos. Además de tratar el vocabulario de las nuevas tecnologías, se hará hincapié en el uso de documentos y cartas comerciales así como las expresiones para mantener conversaciones telefónicas en inglés. ÍNDICE Tema 1 1.1. Repaso de tiempos verbales 1.2. Repaso de adjetivos (-ing / -ed y comparativos) 1.3. Conversación 1.4. Vocabulario: nuevas tecnologías 1.5. El artículo the 1.6. Expresar opinión / sugerencia y ofrecimientos / quejas y disculpas Tema 2 2.1. Modales 2.2. Formación de palabras (nombres y adjetivos) 2.3. Conversación 2.4. Vocabulario: the media 2.5. Preposiciones 2.6. Repaso de formación Tema 3 3.1. Condicionales (unless, in case) 3.2. Estructura I wish / if only 3.3. Conversación 3.4. Vocabulario: marketing I 3.5. Otras estructuras: rather, it’s time, had better, first time 3.6....

The Gift That changed our lives

Autor: Rocío Martín Díez

When you’re told that your child has brain damage, the world falls apart around you. No matter what happens to you, this is a turning point in your life, where you have to take decisions. For me, it was the moment when I decided, without knowing that I had, to start a new life; an awakening, a road with no return. Our children with brain injury come to teach us many things; it’s no coincidence that they have chosen us. Felipón has been, and is, a gift, I’m not speaking out of faith or through false hope, but rather from the experience of a woman who has discovered how loving herself can make her son improve day by day. There’s a fine, imperceptible thread between a mother and her children; a thread that only she recognises, but in order to recognise it, we must be there, in the present, and listen to ourselves. This is the story of how I’ve lived since we were told that Felipón had six very serious injuries in his brain, when I was twenty weeks pregnant. I’d have given a great deal to find a book where someone told me where to start... I do hope this book will help you to understand, as I have done, that your son is coming to achieve much more than you can possibly...

Her Name Was Dolores

Autor: Pete Salgado

Número de Páginas: 272

The untold story of the iconic Jenni Rivera through the perspective of her former managers, Pete Salgado and Gabriel Vazquez and it will be the basis for a TV series that airs on Univision. This book will take us into the boiler room and offer a behind-the-scenes look into the strategies and moments that lead to national headlines. Pete Salgado was Jenn’s longstanding manager, considered by Jenn her fifth bother, he worked with her for nearly a decade, and helped negotiate many of her deals. She shared things with him she did not with others, and he came to know her in ways no one else did. The months before Jenni’s death were filled with betrayals and disappointments from those she most loved and trusted. Salgado addresses that and takes readers deep inside some cryptic tweets Jenni posted as well of answering very difficult questions such as: Did Chiquis have an affair with Jenni’s husband, Esteban? Who really was the person Jenni called El Pelón and tweeted about, and what did he mean to her? Was Jenni embroiled with the drug cartel? Did the notorious narco El Barbie mistreat her? Was she going to buy a plane? Was Jenni’s death truly an accident? This book describes...

The children who decided to change it all

Autor: Marcela Fonseca

Número de Páginas: 40

Children with disabilities just want to be treated as kids, they don’t need people feeling sorry for them. They want to have friends, to be accepted, to be invited to other kid’s birthdays, to feel included not to be discriminated against. Inclusive education is a great first step and an indispensable tool to achieve this goal. The children who decided to change it all is a book which, more than tolerance, celebrates the acceptance of disabilities, without concessions, ifs or buts.

The Worst Mistake of a Human Being

Autor: Macario Morales

Número de Páginas: 121

Living an ungovernable, unbearable life is the worst mistake of a human being. By not knowing how to live in this life, it is pure failure. There are unadventurous beings who love everything negative; it's the only thing they know how to do. It is all that flows from their lips, making others feel bad, and there is no other way but to defeat it.They don't know how to behave.Be a good husband.Be a good Christian.Be a good father.They don't know why they brought kids in this world because they do not lead them to God. They lead them toward the devil with their actions. And that's the reason why they feel the enemies of God. Because there is no peace, there is no blessing from God in the home. And they are not friends of a supreme being.


Autor: Paul Ganster , Oscar Arizpe Covarrubias , Antonina Ivanova Boncheva

Número de Páginas: 700

Loreto: The Future of the First Capital of the Californias is a bilingual (English and Spanish) collection of 17 essays written by scholars from the United States and Mexico that dicusses the historial development as well as challenges that Loreto, Baja California Sure, faces.

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