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Total de libros encontrados 37 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Collaborative Inquiry for Organization Development and Change

Autor: Abraham B. Shani

Número de Páginas: 144

This practical book explores collaborative inquiry as an approach to research and change in organizations where internal members and external researchers work together as partners to address organizational issues and create knowledge about changing organizations.

Papa andina : innovacíon para el desarrollo en los Andes, 2002 - 2006

Número de Páginas: 88

Measuring and analyzing crime against the private sector. International experiences and the Mexican practice

Autor: Inegi

Número de Páginas: 277

Small and Medium Enterprise Development for Poverty Reduction

Número de Páginas: 156

Retos presentes y futuros de la política marítima integrada de la Unión Europea

Autor: Varios, Autores

Número de Páginas: 766

Haciendo honor al tratamiento holístico de todas las políticas relacionadas con el mar que persigue la Política Marítima Integrada de la UE, esta obra recoge la reflexión conjunta de especialistas en Derecho del trabajo, y Derecho internacional público y privado sobre sus actores, ámbitos y relaciones con otras políticas, abarcando temáticas como las migraciones y los derechos laborales de las gentes de mar, la seguridad marítima, la pesca sostenible y otras formas de explotación de los recursos marinos como la biotecnología azul, la contención de la contaminación, empresas y derechos humanos, la lucha contra la delincuencia organizada y la educación en el marco de la economía azul.

Managing to Collaborate

Autor: Chris Huxham , Siv Vangen

Número de Páginas: 288

Collaboration between organizations on different continents can raise issues of economic development, health, the environment, risk sharing, supply chain efficiency and human resource management. It is an activity that can touch upon almost every aspect of business and social life. In this notable text, the authors combine rigorous theory with practical examples to create a useful, practical, one-stop resource covering topics such as: the principles of the theory of collaborative advantage managing aims membership structures and dynamics issues of identity using the theory. The key features of the book include rich theory, drawn directly from practice, explained in simple language, and a coherently developed understanding of the challenges of collaboration, based on careful research. This significant text will be an invaluable reference for all students, academics and managers studying or working in collaboration.

Proceedings of the Second Pan American Scientific Congress

Número de Páginas: 692

The Hidden Power of Social Networks

Autor: Robert L. Cross , Andrew Parker

Número de Páginas: 240

A powerful, visual framework helps managers discover how employees really communicate and collaborate to get work done - and helps them identify ways they can influence these social networks to improve performance and innovation. In The Hidden Power of Social Networks, Cross and Parker, experts in "social network analysis"—a technique that visually maps relationships between people in large, distributed groups - apply this powerful tool to management for the first time. Based on their in-depth study of sixty informal employee networks in well-known companies around the world, Cross and Parker show managers how to conduct a social network analysis of their organization.

Desarrollo compatible: experiencias en Europa e Iberoamérica

Autor: Julián Mora Aliseda , Gualter Couto , Rui Alexandre Castanho , Jacinto Garrido Velarde

Número de Páginas: 473

La presente publicación evidencia que el desarrollo compatible es un estadio más avanzado que el tradicional concepto de sostenibilidad, cuyo empleo abusivo por parte de diferentes sectores económicos e intereses políticos ha derivado en un término polisémico que ha pervertido el enfoque originario. Además, la compatibilidad entre el desarrollo y la preservación de la naturaleza forma parte de la esencia de muchos territorios de la cultura occidental, porque lo que algunas limitaciones excesivas conllevan, paradójicamente, la degradación de los espacios geográficos que se pretenden conservar. En esta obra se ponen algunos ejemplos de cómo es posible convivir en armonía determinadas sociedades manteniendo un nivel de vida adecuado, basado en unos usos racionales del suelo, que permiten al mismo tiempo respetar la biodiversidad.

BPM: Business Process Management

Autor: Dr. Bernhard Hitpass

Número de Páginas: 373

Nos encontramos ante una nueva revolución industrial llamada “Industria 4.0”. La nueva era indica la transición hacia la ínter-conexión inteligente de máquinas y de sistemas, no solo en el propio emplazamiento de producción, sino también con todo el eco-sistema organizacional. Se abre un potencial enorme, sin límites, en la innovación de procesos de negocio, pero también en toda la forma en que va a interactuar la sociedad a nivel global. Las organizaciones modernas tienen que enfrentareste desafío para sobrevivir la transición hacia la cuarta revolución industrial. Hoy en día no basta que una organización sea solo eficaz y eficiente, como lo podría haber sido en el pasado. Ahora, además, debe ser capaz de adaptarse ante los frecuentes cambios impulsados por la globalización, es decir, debe ser ágil. La agilidad en los negocios ha cobrado mayor importancia en estos tiempos de globalización. Las empresas que puedan adaptarse más rápido a los constantes cambios en el mercado, que son además cada vez más frecuentes, tendrán mayores ventajas competitivas que aquellas que no logran adaptarse al ritmo que la globalización impone. ¿Qué instrumentos están...

Diabolical Capitalism

Autor: Pablo Medina Aguerrebere

Número de Páginas: 404

Some CEOs, managers, shareholders, owners, and board chairs resort to diabolical techniques to control, humiliate, and destroy their employees" lives. Knowing full well that such practices are loathsome to public opinion, most companies work hard to conceal them from public view. This is why it is so important for employees to be able to recognize such diabolical practices so that they may defend themselves against them. In this book, I identify all these practices and propose several ideas to protect employees" rights. I refer to the entirety of these insidious company practices as the Diabolical Management Process (DMP). This diabolical process reaps economic benefits for those at the top of corporate power structures while wreaking havoc on the lives of employees and their families. This book consists of five chapters, each focusing on one of the five stages that form the Diabolical Management Process: lies, violence, robbery, defamation, and destruction. In each chapter, I describe 20 main diabolical principles implemented by companies to destroy employees" lives. And, to illustrate each principle, I provide ten recent examples from different companies around the world. This...

Working Across Boundaries

Autor: Russell M. Linden

Número de Páginas: 336

Working Across Boundaries is a practical guide for nonprofit and government professionals who want to learn the techniques and strategies of successful collaboration. Written by Russell M. Linden, one of the most widely recognized experts in organizational change, this no nonsense book shows how to make collaboration work in the real world. It offers practitioners a framework for developing collaborative relationships and shows them how to adopt strategies that have proven to be successful with a wide range of organizations. Filled with in-depth case studies—including a particularly challenging case in which police officers and social workers overcome the inherent differences in their cultures to help abused children—the book clearly shows how organizations have dealt with the hard issues of collaboration. Working Across Boundaries includes Information on how to select potential partners Guidelines for determining what kinds of projects lend themselves to collaboration and which do not Suggestions on how to avoid common pitfalls of collaboration Strategies proven to work consistently The phases most collaborative projects go through The nature of collaborative leadership

Turning Awareness Into Action

Autor: United States. Department Of Health And Human Serivces. Office For Substance Abuse Prevention

Número de Páginas: 164

Plan Indicativo de Mediano Plazo

Autor: Costa Rica). Iica (turrialba

Número de Páginas: 228

Actas de CIHUM 2022. Primer Macrocongreso Internacional de Ciencias y Humanidades. Horizonte 2030

Número de Páginas: 1234

Business Spanish: Exercise Book

Autor: Blangly

Número de Páginas: 130

The ultimate Business Spanish Exercise Book - 120 engaging vocabulary exercises, 6 unique exercise types - Over 1,000 essential words and phrases - 20 topics covering all aspects of business communication - Only relevant, up-to-date vocabulary - Designed to help you practice different language skills This Exercise Book contains an extensive collection of engaging exercises to help you drastically improve your vocabulary in Business Spanish so that you can express yourself freely in any business situation. Our exercises revolve around the science-based method of immersion, which is one of the most effective ways to learn vocabulary. In this book, you will work on real-life Spanish sentences and always learn in context. Exercises are divided into 20 hand-picked business topics that cover all aspects of communication in the office – from department-specific chapters, such as Marketing, Sales, Finance and Logistics; to situation-related themes like Negotiations, Leadership, and Managing Conflict. Each chapter contains seven unique types of exercise designed to help you practice different language skills – from understanding to spelling. Last but not least, this book was created by ...

Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information

Autor: De Juana-espinosa, Susana

Número de Páginas: 446

Businesses worldwide are faced with major challenges related to the progressive (and many times unavoidable) incorporation of information technologies into their processes. Often, organizations don’t suitably react to the new requirements of these technologies, resulting in outdated policies, practices, and strategies. Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information is a reference for both practitioners and academics that demonstrates how to implement e-management and competency models in companies. This book offers perspectives on the impact of integrated e-human resource policies and provides recommendations for addressing the shift from traditional human resource policies to new perspectives.

Administración de empresas un enfoque interdisciplinar

Autor: Fernandez Sanchez, Esteban

Número de Páginas: 856

Este libro pretende ser tradicional, contemporáneo y multidisciplinar. Tradicional, porque analiza las contribuciones que hicieron a la administración los pioneros de la especialidad. Contemporáneo porque incluye las aportaciones académicas más recientes. Multidisciplinar porque abarca una amplia y equilibrada gama de conocimientos, incluida la práctica empresarial. Valioso para profesores, estudiantes y profesionales de la gestión


Autor: Conferencia Internacional Del Trabajo. Reunión

Número de Páginas: 1450

Sexo, Género y Violencia.

Autor: Jesús Martín Ramírez , Valentín Martínez-otero Pérez

Número de Páginas: 213

Sexo, Género y Violencia es el segundo volumen de nuestra colección Alma Mater. Fiel a su vocación internacional, aglutina a autores de siete países procedentes de cuatro continentes. Aborda una cuestión tan compleja y controvertida como actual y necesaria, y lo hace desde el doble prisma científico y humanístico. Las distintas aportaciones se reparten en dos bloques temáticos. En el primero se analizan los conceptos de sexo y género, así como sus implicaciones biopsicosociales, y en el segundo se abordan las relaciones de estas realidades con la violencia. En definitiva, esta obra plural y valiente, además de profundizar en las nociones de sexo y género, alerta de ciertos riesgos psicosociopolíticos, y enfatiza el compromiso de los autores con la prevención de la violencia. El libro sirve de encuentro internacional de voces reflexivas y críticas que, desde distintos ámbitos disciplinares, muestran su preocupación sobre el rumbo de las relaciones humanas en el mundo actual y exploran caminos para una mejor realización personal y social.

Confronting Change

Autor: Huberto Juárez Núñez , Steve Babson

Número de Páginas: 556

Autoworkers find themselves in a rapidly changing world as transnational corporations seek new forms of work organization and new boundaries for a North American auto industry. Inside the factory, management pursues new models of "lean production" that require workers to produce more with less—less time, less support, less material—in an atmosphere of accelerated and intensified labor. Outside the factory, "freetrade" policies and regional investment strategies widen the reach of transnational corporations, creating new opportunities in Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. for pitting worker against worker in a mutually destructive competition for jobs. In Confronting Change, researchers from a diverse range of universities and unions explore the impact of these changes on work and workers. The case studies and analyses show the wide range of potential outcomes as workers struggle to become actors, rather than victims, in the emerging North American auto industry.

A holistic approach to your career

Autor: Blanca De La Rosa

Número de Páginas: 248

A Holistic Approach to Your Career is for those recently entering the corporate environment, providing guidance that they may not get in the classroom or at home. For those that need guidance and advice on how to advance their careers and move on after career failure or dealing with a bad, ineffective manager. Millions of employees are silently suffering through the abuse of a terrible manager or depressed about their inability to advance their careers. Many employees new to the corporate environment lack direction, especially those young people straight out of college or university. As a result, they struggle when having to navigate their work environment. The informal education of navigating the corporate environment happens on the job by trial and error. Since 2012 I have been conducting empowerment workshops and speaking engagements with professional groups, women, students, and Hispanic organizations.

Meaningful Partnership at Work

Autor: Seth Silver , Timothy Franz

Número de Páginas: 167

Why are some work partnerships exceptional while most are not? How can we establish and sustain an enhanced level of cohesion, connection, and collaboration in the most important work relationship, the one between a manager and team? What could remedy the high levels of isolation and anxiety so many feel at work these days? Silver and Franz explore the concept of ‘meaningful partnership’ in the workplace. They present meaningful partnership as a mindset where both leaders and their teams are fully committed to ensuring the support and success of the other. Then, they describe a model called ERTAP, which stands for Empathy, Respect, Trust, Alignment, and Partnership, which is the foundation for meaningful partnership. Finally, they detail a practical yet transformative relationship-building process referred to as the Workplace Covenant. This enables leaders and teams to create mutual commitments with obligatory weight that help them to feel accountable for the success of the relationship and each other. The book includes real client stories that illustrate the dimensions of partnership and the Workplace Covenant process. Silver and Franz also outline other work relationships...

La gestión forestal municipal en América Latina

Autor: Lyès Ferroukhi

Número de Páginas: 118

Municipales y participación local en la gestión forestal en Bolivia; Gestión forestal municipal: una nueva alternativa para Honduras; Las políticas de gestión forestal descentralizada en Guatemala; Gestión forestal municipal en Nicaragua: descentralización de cargas, centralización de beneficios?; La gestión forestal en los municipios da Amazônia brasileña; Avances y desafios de la gestión forestal municipal en Costa Rica; Conclusiones.

Creación de empresas

Autor: Enric Genescà , Marinés Aponte

Número de Páginas: 812

Guiding the Journey to Collaborative Work Systems

Autor: Michael M. Beyerlein , Cheryl Harris

Guiding the Journey to Collaborative Work Systems is a hands-on, practical guide for dealing with the challenges of designing and implementing collaboration in the workplace. People working in groups and teams, team-based organizations and networked organizations, and value chains and strategic alliances understand that effective collaboration is mandatory for success in today's business environment. Change leaders— such as organization development managers, steering committee members, design team members, line managers, and others— will find this workbook an invaluable source of help, as it provides a step-by-step planning process to transform an organization to better support collaboration. Teams and groups can use the workbook to improve their collaborative processes, and elements of the workbook can be applied to a wide variety of situations where collaboration is needed. The workbook covers a broad range of topics necessary for successful change, including generating and maintaining support for the initiative, launching a thoroughly planned change program, and effectively communicating the plan to the rest of the organization. Filled with assessments, tools, and...

Asumiendo Diferencias

Autor: Environmental Design Research Association. Conference , Beatriz E. Rodríguez Villafuerte , Meldrena Chapin

Número de Páginas: 357


Autor: Morten T. Hansen

Número de Páginas: 244

"Deciding when to collaborate - and when not to - is the first critical step in disciplined collaboration. To master collaboration is to know when not to do it. ... Highlights common collaboration traps that managers must avoid. ... Also identifies four major barriers to successful collaboration - the "not-invented-here" syndrome, hoarding, search problems, and transfer issues - and show leaders how to spot them." - cover.

The Oxford Handbook of Inter-organizational Relations

Autor: Steve Cropper

Número de Páginas: 808

Inter-organizational relations (IOR), the study of Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures, Partnerships, Networks and other forms of relationship between organizations, is a field of study that has burgeoned over the last four decades, but is fragemented, drawing contributions from a wide variety of disciplines, theoretical bases, and sectoral interests. The Oxford Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations provides a structured overview of the field. With contributions from leading international experts on their particular areas of expertise, it is an authoritative introduction to its research findings. The material is organized in three main sections. The first relates to research that focuses on particular manifestations of IORs such as industry, supply, policy and project networks, public and voluntary sector partnerships, strategic alliances, and so on. The second section relates to research that stems from distinct disciplinary or theoretical bases, including, institutional theory, social networks, evolutionary theory, transaction cost economics, management process, psychology, critical theory political theory, economic geography, and the legal perspective. The third section...

Universidad, sociedad y territorio

Autor: Pedro Reques Velasco

Número de Páginas: 404

Libro interdisciplinar colectivo en tres partes, de incuestionable rigor académico, cuya riqueza reside en su oportunidad. Nos muestra el pasado y presente de la Universidad española y pone las bases para ordenar, sistematizar y actualizar la información referente a nuestro sistema universitario procedente de fuentes muy variadas (CRUE, Consejo de Universidades…). A través de los ejemplos de buenas prácticas en las relaciones universidad-sociedad-territorio, en diferentes países europeos y americanos, permite abordar con más perspectiva y posibilidades de éxito los retos que representan el actual marco colaborativo europeo y el contexto universitario global.

Report of the Work Planning Workshop for the Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries project

Autor: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations

Número de Páginas: 91

This document provides a summary of the presentations, discussions, conclusions and recommendations of the Work Planning Workshop on Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) held in Bridgetown, Barbados on 9-12 September 2015. The main objectives of the Work Planning workshop of the Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC) project ( were to (i) revise and specify the 2015-2016 national and regional workplans; (ii) review and agree on the financial, administrative, and managerial aspects of the project and (iii) define the next steps in the activities. Achievements of the workshop included: (i) the review and establishment of the administrative and management arrangements of the project; (ii) the review and adjustments to country workplans and budgets for 2015-2016, including formalization of national activities; and (iii) agreement on the next steps for project implementation.

The Handbook of Large Group Methods

Autor: Barbara Benedict Bunker , Billie T. Alban

Número de Páginas: 411

Large Group Interventions are methods used to gather a whole system together to discuss and take action on the target agenda. That agenda varies from future plans, products, and services, to redesigning work, to discussion of troubling issues and problems. The Handbook of Large Group Methods takes the next step in demonstrating through a series of cases how Large Group Methods are currently being used to address twenty-first-century challenges in organizations and communities today, including: Working with widely dispersed organizations, and the problem of involvement and participation Working with organizations facing a serious business crisis Working with organizations in polarized and politicized environments Working in community settings with diverse interest groups Working at the global level and adapting these methods for cross-cultural use Embedding and sustaining new patterns of working together in organizations and communities

Business Spanish: Phrasebook

Autor: Blangly

Número de Páginas: 163

Speak Business Spanish with confidence! - Over one thousand essential phrases - 20 topics covering all aspects of business communication - Only relevant, up-to-date vocabulary - The right mix of formal and informal language - Real Business Spanish phrasebook designed by experienced professionals Business Spanish Phrasebook by Blangly gives you over 1,000 essential phrases to help you express yourself freely in any business situation. Phrases are divided into 20 hand-picked business topics that cover all aspects of communication in the office – from department-specific vocabulary, such as Marketing, Sales, Finance and Logistics; to situation-related themes like Negotiations, Leadership, and Managing Conflict. The phrasebook was designed by professionals with vast experience in Spanish-speaking companies, and contains only useful, up-to-date expressions used among office employees on a daily basis. While most business language courses focus solely on formal language, in reality, in the majority of Spanish-speaking offices, employees call each other by their first names. This is why Blangly uses the right mix of formal and informal language, depending on the situation. Just like in ...

The entrepreneur and starting up new R & D & I businesses

Número de Páginas: 1172

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