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Join In and Play/Participa y juega

Autor: Cheri J. Meiners

Número de Páginas: 48

English-Spanish bilingual edition teaches the basics of cooperation, getting along, making friends, and being a friend. Learning how to make friends and getting along with others are not always easy to do. You have to make an effort, and you have to know the rules—like ask before joining in, take turns, play fair, and be a good sport. This book teaches social skills for children using the basics of cooperation, getting along, making friends, and being a friend. A special section in both English and Spanish includes questions for discussion and ideas for activities and games adults can use with children to reinforce the social skills being taught. Learning to Get Along® Bilingual Editions Now children and adults can enjoy our most popular Learning to Get Along books in English and Spanish. Children will learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life scenarios, lots of diversity, and captivating illustrations make these read-aloud books perfect for home and child care settings, as well as schools and special education. These bilingual editions provide the complete text from the original books, including discussion and activity guides for adults, in...

Pagaré y vale. Quiebra. Seguros. Sociedades. Tercería de Fago. Transportes

Autor: Roberto Postigo Cáceres

Número de Páginas: 452

Elementos de fisica esperimental dedicados á la enseñanza de los alumnos del Instituto nacional i de la Academia militar

Autor: Abendaño

Número de Páginas: 722

Clases y categorías en la semántica del español y sus interfaces

Autor: Dolores García Padrón , Héctor Hernández Arocha , Carsten Sinner

Número de Páginas: 288

This collection of essays discusses the linguistic categorization of semantic aspects in Spanish and their interrelations with lexicology, morphology, and syntax. From a number of different perspectives, the essays study phenomena such as lexicalization, grammaticalization, lexical and grammatical classes, compositionality, argument structure, lexical aspects, and the categories of language and reality.

Diccionario Bilingue Cambridge Spanish-English Paperback Compact Edition

Autor: Cambridge University Press

Número de Páginas: 1220

A Spanish-English bilingual dictionary specifically written to meet the needs of Spanish learners of English. The best bilingual dictionary of Spanish and English for beginner to upper-intermediate learners. It has been especially written to meet the needs of Spanish speakers learning English and includes over 110,000 headwords and phrases, as well as a wealth of information geared specifically to enhance understanding and improve communication skills in English. It includes extensive notes highlighting the most common mistakes made by Hispanic learners (informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus). The grammar boxes concentrate on the most difficult and problematic aspects of learning English.

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol 2

Autor: Teresa Of Avila

Número de Páginas: 504

This volume contains two of Teresa's most popular works: The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle. Shortly after writing The Book of Her Life for her confessor, St. Teresa wrote The Way of Perfection at the request of her nuns who were eager to learn about prayer and contemplation. Throughout this work she teaches her nuns about prayer and also teaches us. Toward the end of her life, after she had experienced both the spiritual betrothal and spiritual marriage, Teresa wrote The Interior Castle, her own panoramic view of her relationship with God, from the lowest stages to the highest. Teresa here demonstrates her great gift for writing about that relationship and attracting us to explore the possibility of pursuing it. Along with these two classics, Volume Two also includes one of Teresa's minor works, her Meditations on the Song of Songs. Nothing provided

A Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish

Autor: Giuseppe Baretti , Hipólito San Joseph Giral Del Pino

Número de Páginas: 368

Un día de trabajo: Animador (All in a Day's Work: Animator) 6-Pack

Autor: Blanca Apodaca , Michael Serwich

Número de Páginas: 36

Lights! Camera! It's time to explore the art of animation! This engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction title allows readers to explore an exciting career as an animator. Readers will be introduced to the history of animation and find out what techniques and equipment animators used to turn their illustrations into the first animated shorts. Through stimulating facts, vivid images, sketches, photos, informative text, and an interview with a real-life animator, readers will discover everything about animation, including character development, storyboarding, and even how the Foley artists record sound effects! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Spon's Dictionary of Engineering, Civil, Mechanical, Military, and Naval: Da-Ir

Autor: Edward Spon , Oliver Byrne , Ernest Spon , Francis N. Spon

Festschrift für Karl Loewenstein

Autor: Henry Steele Commager , Günther Doeker , Ernst Fraenkel , Wil Havard , Ferdinand A. Hermens

Número de Páginas: 534

Acuarela para urban sketchers: Recursos para dibujar, pintar y narrar historias en color

Número de Páginas: 156

Aprende inglés en familia

Autor: Deanna Lyles

Número de Páginas: 392

¿Has pensado cuánto te gustaría poder hablar inglés con soltura? ¿Y ayudar a que tus hijos lo aprendan de pequeños como tú no pudiste hacerlo? Aprende inglés en familia tiene todo lo que necesitas para conseguir ambos objetivos de forma fácil y divertida. Que dos padres no nativos críen un hijo bilingüe es mucho más fácil de lo que parece, y este libro te proporcionará todo lo que necesitas para llevarlo a cabo. Tras un repaso básico sobre el bilingüismo y cómo se aplica a los niños, aquí encontrarás cientos de palabras y expresiones de la vida diaria, además de un sinfín de trucos y consejos que te enseñarán cómo lograr que tus hijos sean bilingües gracias a las canciones, los juegos, los cuentos, el vocabulario y las expresiones que forman parte de la cultura infantil anglosajona desde hace generaciones. También descubrirás cómo desarrollar un plan de bilingüismo específicamente diseñado para tu familia, para que podáis dar pasos firmes hacia vuestro objetivo. ¿Por qué no empezar a mejorar el inglés de toda la familia hoy mismo?

XI censo general de población y vivienda, 1990: Chiapas (pt.1-2)

Número de Páginas: 920

El rey Lear (edición bilingüe) (Los mejores clásicos)

Autor: William Shakespeare

Los mejores libros jamás escritos. «Sé cuándo alguien ha muerto y cuándo vive: tan muerta está como la tierra.» El rey Lear es el mayor logro de Shakespeare y una de las obras más radicales que ha dado la literatura occidental. Lear es un viejo rey que decide de pronto dividir su reino entre sus tres hijas pidiéndoles a cambio que les expresen su grado de amor. Goneril y Regan se deshacen hipócritamente en halagos y Cordelia, la pequeña y favorita, contesta que no dirá nada, una respuesta que desata la furia de su padre y el principio de un viaje hasta lo más hondo de la condición humana. Desnudo ante el mundo, Lear se verá despojado de sus dominios, de su autoridad, de su cordura y de lo que más ha querido. Nada hay en esta obra que no sea interrogado. Cuando se cumplen cuatrocientos años de la muerte de Shakespeare, publicamos una nueva edición y traducción de esta magna tragedia al cuidado del editor y crítico Andreu Jaume.

Tecnology and social complexity = Tecnología y complejidad social

Autor: Juan Miguel Aguado , Bernard Scott , Eva Buchinger

Número de Páginas: 402

Desde la perspectiva sociológica, el concepto de tecnología no puede referirse únicamente a los objetos técnicos, sino también a los procesos sociales y culturales que involucra. La sociocibernética y la teoría de sistemas plantean un marco conceptual esencial para el necesario debate sobre el papel de la tecnología en la configuración de la complejidad social. La tecnología permite al sistema social gestionar la complejidad social. La tecnología permite al sistema social gestionar la complejidad de su entorno a la vez que, por otra parte, contribuye a incrementar y diversificar la naturaleza compleja de las interdependencias entre la sociedad y los actores individuales. Simultáneamente, la creciente complejidad social demanda nuevas formas tecnológicas que permitan gestionarla. En suma, la tecnología se halla en la base de cualquier discusión relevante sobre la naturaleza contemporánea de la sociedad, ya sea del lado de los problemas (riesgo, control, y vigilancia global, bioética y bioingeniería, manipulación mediática, ecológica etc.) o del lado de las soluciones (comunicaciones instantáneas, ubicuidad y movilidad, accesibilidad, disponibilidad de...

Nuevo método para aprender a leer, hablar y escribir un idioma cualquiera, 1-2

Autor: Eduardo Benot

Número de Páginas: 718

Cuerpo de Maestros. Inglés. Volumen Práctico.e-book.

Número de Páginas: 194

Questioning the Line

Autor: Gego , Mari Carmen Ramírez , Theresa Papanikolas

Número de Páginas: 202

From the late 1950s until the 1980s, the German-born Venezuelan artist Gego (Gertrud Goldschmidt) made drawings, prints, three-dimensional works, hanging-net pieces (reticulareas), and wire constructions (drawings without paper) of extraordinary quality. Taken as a whole, these works illustrate the issue at the core of her production: the liberation of line from volume and form into space. Though little known outside of Latin America, Gego's work enjoyed a dialogue with twentieth-century artists and movements active not only in Venezuela, but also worldwide. In a series of essays examining her art in relation to Modernism, Informalism, kinetic art, and other tendencies, this volume--the second in the MFAH International Center for the Arts of the Americas series--situates Gego in her international context.

Diccionario de Las Lenguas Española E Inglesa

Autor: Henry Neuman , Giuseppe Baretti

Número de Páginas: 948

Cool Down and Work Through Anger/Cálmate y supera la ira

Autor: Cheri J. Meiners

Número de Páginas: 40

Reassuring and supportive, this book helps preschool and primary children learn concrete social skills for anger management and discover that when they cool down and work through anger, they can feel peaceful again. The English-Spanish editions from the popular Learning to Get Along series help children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations and lots of diversity make these read-aloud books appropriate for homes, childcare settings, and primary and special education classrooms. Presented in a social story format, each bilingual book includes a special section for adults, with discussion questions, games, activities, and tips that reinforce improving social skills.

Be Careful and Stay Safe/Tener cuidado y mantenerse seguro

Autor: Cheri J. Meiners

Número de Páginas: 50

In English and Spanish, teach children how to avoid potential dangers, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead. The world can seem like a perilous place. But even very young children can learn basic skills for staying safe in ordinary situations and preparing for emergencies. Without scaring kids (or alarming adults), this English-Spanish bilingual book about safety for kids teaches little ones how to avoid potentially dangerous situations, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead. Includes questions, activities, and safety games that reinforce the ideas being taught, in both English and Spanish. The Learning to Get Along® Series The Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for home and childcare settings, schools, and special education settings. Each book ends with a section of discussion questions, games, and activities adults can use to reinforce what children have learned. All titles available in English-Spanish bilingual editions.

Gramatica Inglesa, y Castellana; o arte metodico y nuevo para aprender ... el idioma Ingles

Autor: Juan Steffan

Know and Follow Rules / Saber y seguir las reglas

Autor: Cheri J. Meiners

Número de Páginas: 48

A child who isn’t following the rules is a child who’s always in trouble. This book starts with simple reasons why we have rules: to help us stay safe, learn, be fair, and get along. Then it presents just four basic rules: “Listen,” “Best Work,” “Hands and Body to Myself,” and “Please and Thank You.” The focus throughout is on the positive sense of pride that comes with learning to follow rules. Includes questions and activities adults can use to reinforce the ideas and skills being taught. Now children and adults can enjoy our most popular Learning to Get Along® books in English and Spanish. The Free Spirit Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for all homes, childcare settings, and primary classrooms as well as special education, including settings with children on the autism spectrum. Presented in a social story format, each of the bilingual Learning to Get Along books includes a special section for adults in both English and Spanish, with discussion questions, games, activities, and...

A new dictionary Spanish and english and english and Spanish

Autor: John Stevens

Número de Páginas: 828

I shall not return

Autor: José Villacís González

Número de Páginas: 242

A tension-filled, passionate novel that comes together in its final pages with the unravelling of a brutal mystery. Attractive surgeon Jane Wingfield is the only one dressed in red at her insignificant husband's funeral. She seeks a change in her life, searching for love, and for the first time in her life, she is thrown off kilter, while at the same time, finding happiness. Her friends find her to be lost and shaken. Mrs. High, a neighbor who was a very good friend of her late husband, decides to investigate. In the end, Jane Wingfield's lover and Mrs. High uncover a shocking secret.

Super Me

Autor: National Coordinating Council On Drug Education , United States. Special Action Office For Drug Abuse Prevention

Número de Páginas: 80

Early Childhood Themes: Las familias (Families) Kit (Spanish Version)

Número de Páginas: 128

It's all about families in this Spanish-translated kit that provides a comprehensive curriculum designed especially for young children! These kits are designed specifically for early childhood students' unique needs, abilities, and interests. Each kit provides a complete curriculum around a theme, crossing all early childhood content areas, including math, phonemic awareness, music, and more. Original nonfiction and fiction readers, both wordless and with text, are provided in both standard sizes and one copy each at "lap book size." Corresponding concept vocabulary cards are provided in full color and the accompanying CDs provide music and interactive whiteboard activities. This kit includes: Books - 3 titles, 6 copies each, 16 pages per book (7" x 9") in print and digital forms; Lap Books - 3 titles, 1 copy each (9.5" x 12"); Teacher's Guide; Vocabulary Concept Cards; and digital resources including songs, recorded text, videos, interactive whiteboard activities, and reproducibles.

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