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Total de libros encontrados 39 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Mexicans at War

Autor: Santiago A. Flores

Número de Páginas: 500

The untold story of Mexican aviators in WWII, including their role in the Battle of the Philippines, is revealed in this illustrated military history. When Mexico’s neighbor to the north entered World War II, German U-Boats began haunting the North American coastline. And when the Kriegsmarine torpedoed Mexican tankers, the young republic was drawn into the global conflict. At first, Mexico was forced to defend its coastline and shipping with general purpose biplanes. But it quickly organized a modern aviation force equal to the task. The newly formed Mexican Naval Aviation established its first squadron to patrol the Gulf of Mexico. Meanwhile, the Mexican Air Force experienced its most rapid growth since it was established in 1915. In 1944, it sent combat pilots to fight alongside the U.S. in the liberation of the Philippines. Even before Mexico’s official involvement, Mexican nationals were volunteering for the Allied air forces of the British Commonwealth and the Free French naval and air forces. Using photos and archival testimony, Mexicans at War sheds much-needed light on Mexican involvement in the Second World War. The introduction also provides a detailed overview of...

Tesis doctorales

Autor: Consejo De Universidades (españa) Secretaría General

Número de Páginas: 932

The Aztec Eagles

Autor: Walte Zapotoczny Jr

Número de Páginas: 232

Few would list Mexico as an ally of the US during the Second World War. Sadly, Mexico s aid to the US has been largely ignored by historians and is mostly absent from American history books. When Mexican aviators had the opportunity to show their courage in battle, they did so with valour. General Douglas MacArthur commended the pilots and 150 support personnel. The thirty-one pilots of Mexican Expeditionary Force 201st Fighter Squadron flew missions supporting troops in the Philippines and sorties over Formosa. The Aztec Eagles helped the Allies defeat Japan, end the isolationism of Mexico and paved the way for important agreements between the United States and Mexico. They helped modernise the Mexican Air Force and demonstrated that Mexico could mount a successful expeditionary force. Significant as these achievements were, perhaps the unit s most important legacy is that the Aztec Eagles fought for dignity, creating pride throughout their homeland. That pride endures and is evident today as the story of the Aztec Eagles can be heard across the nation.

Modulation of Sleep by Obesity, Diabetes, Age, and Diet

Autor: Ronald Ross Watson

Número de Páginas: 405

Sleep disorder is a rampant problem in the US, with over 40 million Americans currently diagnosed according to the NIH. There is a clear association between sleep disorder and a wide range of other human disorders –performance deficiencies, psychiatric illnesses, heart disease, obesity and more – but in spite of this there is not yet a convenient overview on the market detailing the impact of obesity, age, diabetes and diet on sleep duration and attendant health outcomes. This volume focuses on the interaction between sleep and these factors, with special attention being paid to the potential for neurological modulation of sleep via diet. The volume aid readers in understanding the role each of these factors plays in sleep architecture and its regulation by circadian biology and neurology. - Aids in understanding the impact of age, diet, obesity and disease on sleep - Offers focus on neurological changes that affect metabolism - Explores diabetes induced sleep problems - Aid to understanding the multifactorial causes of age-related sleep dysfunction - Addresses selected studies of nutraceuticals affecting sleep for potential application clinically - Discusses major impact on...

Proyectos de Investigación (1965-1982)

Autor: España. Comisión Asesora De Investigación Científica Y Técnica

Número de Páginas: 194

Revista mexicana de cirugía, ginecología y cáncer ...

Número de Páginas: 236

Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio

Número de Páginas: 912

Cine español, 2000

Autor: Luciano Berriatúa , Wiro Berriatúa

Número de Páginas: 320

Directorio telefónico de la administración pública centralizada y paraestatal

Número de Páginas: 524

El Retablo mayor de la Catedral de Sevilla

Autor: Manuel Ferrand

Número de Páginas: 380


Autor: PeÑa Guerrero, MarÍa Antonia

Número de Páginas: 592

Este libro aborda el estudio de la Restauración española tomando como modelo la provincia de Huelva y recorre los niveles sucesivos de construcción, plenitud y desarrollo/deterioro del sistema canovista analizando las prácticas clientelares y endogámicas que sostuvieron la política caciquil, los condicionantes generados por el marco legal vigente y la actuación de los principales agentes políticos. Completan este estudio el análisis del sistema de partidos, las elecciones y los vectores de modernización apreciables, así como la reflexión acerca del carácter decisivo de las relaciones establecidas entre el centro y la periferia nacional.

Boletín oficial del estado: Gaceta de Madrid

Autor: Spain

Número de Páginas: 1746

Veracruz. Conteo de Población y Vivienda, 1995. Resultados definitivos. Tabulados básicos. Tomo III

Autor: Inegi

Número de Páginas: 616

Volumen homenaje a Guillermo Schulz (1800-1877).

Autor: Guillermo Schulz

Número de Páginas: 450

Actas de la XI Reunión Americana de Genealogía

Autor: Eduardo Pardo De Guevara Y Váldes

Número de Páginas: 994

La literatura española: Nuestros días

Autor: Angel Salcedo Y Ruiz

Número de Páginas: 664

Boletâin oficial del estado: Gaceta de Madrid

Autor: Spain

Número de Páginas: 1020

La historia del Puerto de Huelva, 1873-1930

Autor: Ana María Mojarro Bayo

Número de Páginas: 796

Guía de departamentos universitarios 1989

Número de Páginas: 388

Guía que se realiza para dar cumplimiento a la Ley 11/83 de Reforma Universitaria y Decretos que la desarrollan.

Retrospectiva de la Facultad de Arquitectura

Autor: Universidad Autónoma De Baja California. Facultad De Arquitectura , Ana Margarita González González

Número de Páginas: 344

Anuario del comercio, de la industria, de la magistratura y de la administracion de España, sus colonias, Cuba, Puerto-Rico y Filipinas, estados hispano-americanos y Portugal

Número de Páginas: 1324

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