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Hans Eysenck: Consensus And Controversy

Autor: Sohan Modgil , Celia Modgil

Número de Páginas: 444

During the last forty years, Hans Eysenck's brilliant contribution to knowledge has beenwell-known world-wide. From its early transmission, his work has not been without itscritics. Naturally, criticisms persist, although his work continues to be frequentlyacknowledged with great admiration in the channels of psychology. With such prolificwork, it would seem justified to consider the discrepancies, the omissions, together withthe various interpretations which have been and are currently being highlighted.

Hans Eysenck

Autor: Philip J Corr

Número de Páginas: 358

One of the most popular and controversial scientists of the 20th century, Hans Eysenck had a major impact on psychology and society. Who was this charismatic and sometimes divisive figure, and why is he so relevant to science in the 21st century? Hans Eysenck (1916 – 1997) was a key figure in psychology, and his legacy still provokes varied and passionate responses. With interests that ranged from personality and intelligence to sex and violence in the media, Eysenck was unafraid to tackle contentious subjects of social and political importance. In the centenary of Eysenck's birth, Philip Corr explores the life and research of this contradictory and intriguing psychologist. With access to some of the people that were closest to Eysenck during his lifetime, Corr considers the scientific and historical contexts and assesses the continuing relevance of Eysenck's work.

Introducción al estudio de las diferencias individuales

Autor: Ángeles Sánchez-elvira Paniagua , Pedro Javier Amor Andrés , Evaristo Fernández Jiménez , Margarita Olmedo Montes

Número de Páginas: 521

Una parte importante de las materias objeto de estudio en la licenciatura de Psicología está centrada en contenidos que muestran cómo somos todos los seres humanos, en general, a nivel psicológico. Conocer, por tanto, cuáles son los procesos psicológicos y psicobiológicos básicos responsables del comportamiento humano es un núcleo fundamental del conocimiento que todo futuro psicólogo debe dominar. Saber qué son y cómo funcionan la percepción, la atención, la memoria, entender cómo aprendemos, cuáles son nuestras principales emociones, etc., son algunas de las cuestiones básicas que un estudiante de psicología aborda durante los primeros cursos de la carrera. Sin embargo, existe otra perspectiva que el psicólogo debe conocer y es la del individuo único. Esta óptica es la que le permitirá ejercer su profesión cuando en ámbitos aplicados diversos como la enseñanza, la esfera laboral y clínica, u otros aspectos de la vida cotidiana, deba conocer y entender cómo son las características y el funcionamiento particular de la persona que tiene delante, cómo potenciar sus recursos o cómo modificar aquellos aspectos negativos o conflictivos por los que se...

Psicodiagnóstico clínico infantil

Autor: María Vives Gomila

Número de Páginas: 225

Esta obra constituye la intersección, a lo largo de décadas, de encuentros muy diversos y enriquecedores entre mis alumnos de Psicodiagnóstico Infantil, Psicodiagnóstico, Tests Proyectivos y Test de Rorschach; un equipo de profesionales de un Centro de Diagnóstico y Tratamiento en una área suburbial de Barcelona, y otros psicólogos, terapeutas y psicoanalistas de la Psicología académica y de instituciones privadas. .Su contenido está especialmente orientado a estudiantes de Psicología de pregrado, postgrado y Master, así como a todos aquellos psicólogos clínicos que conciben el Psicodiagnóstico -Evaluación Psicológica- como un proceso vinculado a la indicación, aplicación y evaluación del tratamiento psicológico, y cuyo objetivo profesional sea favorecer el proceso de pensamiento, cualquiera que fuere el procedimiento o método de intervención aplicado

Hans Eysenck

Autor: Hamilton Bertie Gibson

Número de Páginas: 296

Freud, Sigismund / Eysenck, Hans J.

Eysenck's Inventory of Social Attitudes

Autor: Bruno Giorgi

Número de Páginas: 52

Personality Dimensions of Students and Some Educational Implications of Eysenck's Theory of Extraversion and Neuroticism

Autor: J. A. Wankowski

Número de Páginas: 288

Theories of Personality

Autor: Jess Feist , Gregory J. Feist

Número de Páginas: 652

This sixth edition of 'Theories of Personality' continues to provide comprehensive coverage of the most influential theorists of personality.

The Causes and Effects of Smoking

Autor: Hans Jurgen Eysenck , L. J. Eaves

Número de Páginas: 400

Attention and Arousal, Cognition and Performance

Autor: Michael W. Eysenck

Número de Páginas: 232

Psychology of Individual Differences: Personality

Autor: Gregory John Boyle , Donald H. Saklofske

Número de Páginas: 432

Psychology of Individual Differences

Autor: Gregory J Boyle , Donald H Saklofske

Número de Páginas: 432

A comprehensive, up-to-date and international synthesis of some of the most significant publications in the psychology of individual differences over the past two decades, including highly cited empirical articles, critical review articles, and key book chapters that have influenced debates in the field.

Reminiscence, Motivation, and Personality

Autor: Hans Eysenck , C. D. Frith

Número de Páginas: 468

This is a book on reminiscence, or more modestly a book on reminiscence in motor tasks, or more modestly still on reminiscence in pursuit rotor learning, with occasional references to other types of reminiscence. The vast majority of experiments investigating reminiscence with the pur suit rotor have been carried out within the framework of Hullian learn ing theory. Thus, of necessity, this book also will be much concerned with that theory. Some readers may feel that so much detailed attention paid to one piece of apparatus and one now rather discredited theory, is overdone; we could not agree with such an evaluation. There are several features of pursuit-rotor performance which make it particularly worthy of attention. One of the more important of these features is the easy replicability of many of the phenomena found in performance of this task; this is our first point. Replicability is the life blood of science; what cannot be replicated by any well-trained observer is of doubtful status in science, and on this score pursuit-rotor work certainly emerges as perhaps the most reliable set of observations in experimental psychology. The effects of massing and spacing; of rest...

Annual Review of Psychology

Autor: Calvin Perry Stone

Número de Páginas: 772

Publishes original critical reviews of the significant literature and current developments in psychology.

Personality Theories

Autor: Bem P. Allen

Número de Páginas: 552

This comprehensive, reader-friendly text has been revised and updated by the theorist behind major movements in personality studies. Its presentation of theorists' lives as well as their contributions to the field of personality, coupled with an outstanding pedagogical program, separates this text from others on the market. *Addition of even more case studies shifts emphasis further toward a humanistic approach. *E-mail Interaction feature (located at the end of each chapter) poses thought-provoking questions to students, who in turn can engage in discussions directly with the author via e-mail. *Expanded coverage of Freuds famous cases and existentialism, the latter of which is explored in four chapters and now includes Rollo Mays ideas. *Incorporates new information on such hot, contemporary topics as The Bell Curve, emotional intelligence, and the eugenics scandal that cost Raymond Cattell a prestigious award. *Provides a comprehensive introduction to the key personality theorists by combining biographical information on each theorist with their contributions to the field *Contains chapter opening questions, chapter ending summaries, and essay/critical thinking questions to fa

Personality Theories

Autor: Barbara Engler

Número de Páginas: 598

This text is designed both to explain the major theories and to stimulate critical thinking about them. Each chapter focuses on one theory or group of theories, providing brief biographies that shed light on how the theories were formed.

Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment: Personality assessment

Autor: Michel Hersen

Número de Páginas: 696

In one volume, the leading researchers in industrial/organizational assessment interpret the range of issues related to industrial/organizational tests, including test development and psychometrics, clinical applications, ethical and legal concerns, use with diverse populations, computerization, and the latest research. Clinicians and researchers who use these instruments will find this volume invaluable, as it contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date information available on this important aspect of practice.

Biosocial Bases of Violence

Autor: Adrian Raine

Número de Páginas: 380

Proceedings of a NATO ASI held in Rhodes, Greece, May 12-21, 1996

Handbook of Personality Theory and Research

Autor: Edgar F. Borgatta , William Wilson Lambert

Número de Páginas: 1256

Psychology of Individual Differences: Intelligence

Autor: Gregory John Boyle , Donald H. Saklofske

Número de Páginas: 520

Psychological Differences

Autor: James A. Wakefield , Nancy A. Goad

Número de Páginas: 150

Theoretical Approaches to Personality

Autor: Barry D. Smith , Harold J. Vetter

Número de Páginas: 424

Response Variability to Psychotropic Drugs

Autor: W. Janke

Número de Páginas: 330

Encyclopedia of Psychology

Autor: Raymond J. Corsini

Número de Páginas: 488

"Reference source for psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, sociologists, anthropologists, and other professionals who do research in human behavior." With approximately 2,150 entries (1,500 subjects; 650 persons), some twenty-four are on psychology throughout the world, as well as biographical entries of deceased and living contributors to psychology. Encyclopedia may be consulted for ready reference, summary, or textbook information. Entries give name or subject, dates, discussion, cross references, references, and name of author. Volume 4 consists of bibliography of 24,521 items, name index, and subject index.

Advances in the Psychology of Religion

Autor: Laurence Binet Brown

Número de Páginas: 282

Modern Perspectives in World Psychiatry

Autor: John G. Howells

Número de Páginas: 890

Personality Psychology in Europe: Theoretical and empirical developments

Autor: Han Bonarius

Número de Páginas: 984

Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change

Autor: Allen E. Bergin , Sol Louis Garfield

Número de Páginas: 980

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Part 1 Theory, Methodology, and Experimentation. 1 Some Historical and Conceptual Perspectives on Psychotherapy and Behavior Change. 2 Experiemental Designs in Psychotherapy Research. 3 The Application of Psychophysiological Methods to the Study of Psychotherapy and Behavior Modification. 4 Laboratory Interview Research as an Analogue to Treatment. 5 Social Psychological Approaches to Psychotherapy Research. 6 Clinical Innovation in Research and Practice. Part 2: Analysis of Client-Centered Psychoanalytic, Eclectic, and Related Therapies. 7 The Evaluation of Therapeutic Outcomes. 8 Research on Client Variables in Psychotherapy. 9 Research on Certain Therapist Interpersonal Skills in Relation to Process and Outcome. 10 Content Analysis Studies of Psychotherapy: 1954 through 1968. Quantitative Reseach on Psychoanalytic Therapy. 12 Placebo Effects in Medicine, Psychotherapy, and Psychanalysis. 13 Research on Psychotherapy with Children. 14 Psychotherapy and Ataraxic Drugs. Part 3: Analysis of Behavioral Therapies. 15 Counterconditioning and Related Methods. 16 The Operant Approach in Behavior Therapy. 17 Psychotherapy Based Upon Modeling Principles. 18 The Nature...

Interpreting Personality Theories

Autor: Ledford J. Bischof

Número de Páginas: 712

Theories of Personality

Autor: Richard M. Ryckman

Número de Páginas: 778

Ryckman (U. of Maine) reviews the basic concepts and principles of the major theories of personality, and assesses how well they meet criteria for judging their scientific worth. The eighth edition includes new/added/revised material on the role of values in personality development, religion in huma

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