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Total de libros encontrados 35 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Freedom Taking Place: War, Women and Culture at the Intersection of Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus

Autor: Jessica Zychowicz

Número de Páginas: 340

Freedom as a concept shifts with different forms of expression. As the authors of this volume convey in their focus on 'freedom of expression', the idea of 'freedom' in the twenty-first century does not stand apart as a purely physical location marked by national borders. In the Internet Age information is increasingly co-determinate of physical freedom. The information-dense space of the protests of 2021, and beyond, provide soil for the intellectuals writing in this volume to reflect on women’s agency in struggles for human rights. Where historical discourse on “The Woman Question” once conflicted with “feminism” as a perceived importation from the West, this conflict also produced productive tensions that have provided ongoing sites for research. When closely studied, these contexts can deepen global concepts of democracy and justice, providing not only pathways for acts of solidarity and mutual assistance, but intellectual depth and breadth for the future 'ways of knowing', and thus ways of creating, more equitable post-conflict power systems and citizenship amid times of revolution and war. Coming from multiple generations, gender identities, nationalities, and...

Migrancy and Multilingualism in World Literature

Autor: K. Alfons Knauth , Ping-hui Liao

Número de Páginas: 263

This volume, the third in a series of four on the general issue of Multilingualism in World Literature, is focused upon the relationship between Migrancy and Multilingualism, including its aquatic, terrestrian and globalizing imagery and ideology. The cover picture Wandering Tongues, an iconic translation of the book's title, evokes one of the paradigmatic figures of migrancy and multilingualism: the migrations of the early Mexican peoples and their somatic multi-lingualism as represented in their glyphic scripts and iconography. The volume comprises studies on the literary, linguistic and graphic representation of various kinds of migrancy in significant works of African, American, Asian and European literature, as well as a study on the literary archetype of human errancy, the Homeric Odyssey, mapped along its periplum and metamorphosis in world literature. Ping-hui Liao is Chuan Lyu Endowed Chair Professor and Head of Cultural Studies at the Literature Department of the University of California in San Diego (USA). K. Alfons Knauth is Professor of Romance Philology at the Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (Germany). The introduction and five of the twelve chapters are in English; the...

Cartelera cinematográfica, 1920-1929

Autor: María Luisa Amador , Jorge Ayala Blanco

Número de Páginas: 620

Magikè Téchne.Formación y consideración social del mago en el Mundo Antiguo

Autor: Isabel Canzobre , Eleni Chronopoulou , Miriam Blanco , Emilio Suárez Mansilla

Número de Páginas: 259

El presente libro estudia la figura de los ‘magos’ en el mundo greco-romano, con especial atención a los autores de las recetas que se recopilaron en el conjunto que conocemos como papiros mágicos griegos, copiados en el Egipto de la época imperial romana. En principio la posesión de esa magia estaba limitada al entorno de los templos y sus practicantes tenían rango sacerdotal, pero los cambios histórico-sociales en el Egipto greco-romano determinaron una adecuación de estos magos a las nuevas circunstancias: la magia salió de los templos y se difundió por otros canales. En los distintos capítulos intentamos dar a conocer el modo en que los protagonistas de la magia se refieren a su propio oficio, a la adquisición de sus conocimientos y a su transmisión. Asimismo nos ocupamos de indagar acerca de los antecedentes, contexto y valoración externa de dichas prácticas mágicas, la relación de los textos mágicos con las corrientes religiosas y filosóficas coetáneas e incluso acerca del perfil de los hipotéticos clientes.

History of the Conquest of México

Autor: William Hickling Prescott

Número de Páginas: 370

Beyond Intensity

Autor: Ramon Vila

After years of traveling the world, searching for all life has to offer, Toni Martí realizes that his youthful curiosity has soured into stagnation, depression, and drug addiction. While stumbling through what remains of his life, he commits a crime and is sentenced to community service at a nursing home. Forced to comply, he forms a grudging relationship with Juan, an octogenarian whose family long ago abandoned him, and whose day-to-day life seems undisturbed by change. He also encounters Lucía, who runs the nursing home, but not her life; too fearful to follow the lure of her dreams or rebel against her parents, she has grown dull and unhappy. “Beyond Intensity” captures the story of three characters trapped in lives that bring them only loneliness and despair. Soon, they will be forced to discover what is beyond the pursuit of momentary pleasure, beyond routine, beyond conformity. Against the backdrop of a dehumanized society, these three characters’ lives give us the opportunity to reflect on the culture of immediacy and the search for instant gratification—to ask ourselves, what lies beyond intensity?

Gay and Lesbian Writing in the Hispanic World

Autor: Alfredo Martínez Expósito

Número de Páginas: 312

Seeking to Understand the World: Literary Journalism of Vincent Sheean

Autor: Anish Dave

Número de Páginas: 157

Vincent Sheean, a groundbreaking American foreign correspondent and author, is known for reporting from Europe, North Africa, and Asia, writing news reports, articles, and books. A few books and articles have described Vincent Sheean’s life, and briefly discussed his major nonfiction books. However, no book-length study or article has closely examined his nonfiction books. 'Seeking to Understand the World: Literary Journalism of Vincent Sheean', textually analyzes his five nonfiction, journalistic books to examine them for characteristics of literary journalism. Spanning nearly the entirety of his journalistic career, these books include 'Personal History' (1935), 'Not Peace but a Sword' (1939), 'Between the Thunder and the Sun' (1943), 'Lead, Kindly Light' (1949), and 'Nehru: The Years of Power' (1960). Set in different world areas, the books illuminate events as disparate as the Riffian war, the Spanish Civil War, the infamous Munich pact, the Nazi bombing of London, and the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Sheean’s books provide an in-depth, personal look at these and related events. This book includes analysis of Sheean’s works, finding that they have several prominent...

The Gift That changed our lives

Autor: Rocío Martín Díez

When you’re told that your child has brain damage, the world falls apart around you. No matter what happens to you, this is a turning point in your life, where you have to take decisions. For me, it was the moment when I decided, without knowing that I had, to start a new life; an awakening, a road with no return. Our children with brain injury come to teach us many things; it’s no coincidence that they have chosen us. Felipón has been, and is, a gift, I’m not speaking out of faith or through false hope, but rather from the experience of a woman who has discovered how loving herself can make her son improve day by day. There’s a fine, imperceptible thread between a mother and her children; a thread that only she recognises, but in order to recognise it, we must be there, in the present, and listen to ourselves. This is the story of how I’ve lived since we were told that Felipón had six very serious injuries in his brain, when I was twenty weeks pregnant. I’d have given a great deal to find a book where someone told me where to start... I do hope this book will help you to understand, as I have done, that your son is coming to achieve much more than you can possibly...

Voices from the Center of the World

Autor: Margaret Randall

Número de Páginas: 176

In VOICES FROM THE CENTER OF THE WORLD, Randall has gathered 25 poets born in Ecuador between 1926 and 1993. These include some cultural heroes of the 20th century, and many of the voices that define Peruvian political dissent. It also focuses on a new generations of poets, especially women and indigenous poets born after 1950. Especially exciting are poets writing in the Kichwa language, Ariruma Kowii (1961) and Lucila Lema (1974) who serve as custodians of indigenous knowledge and imaginations, at once political, historical, and ancestral. Margaret Randall's selection and translations are alert to the edges and cadences of an individual idiom, to the plural alignments with the long view of history, and to consciousness of the country's literary dynamism. Often overshadowed by the literatures of Colombia, Argentina and Chile, VOICES FROM THE CENTER OF THE WORLD brings the literature of Peru -- fully engaged in contemporary issues like human rights and climate change, yet infused with a wisdom drawn from its ancient mountain cultures.

Ucraïna, la guerra pel relat

Autor: Josep Gifreu

Número de Páginas: 187

Per què Vladímir Putin va decidir envair Ucraïna el 24 de febrer de 2022? Per què va anomenar l'ofensiva «operació especial militar»? Per què es van alçar els ucraïnesos contra l'exèrcit rus, amb el president Volodímir Zelenski desafiant l'imperi agressor en mànigues de camisa? Quines històries justifiquen la mobilització militar més poderosa a Europa després de la Segona Guerra Mundial? Com es pot explicar l'acumulació d'un enorme arsenal d'odi a Rússia contra Kíiv? I què poden dir i fer els previsibles aliats de cada bàndol sobre una invasió tan inaudita? La crònica-assaig Ucraïna, la guerra pel relat identifica, registra i documenta els actors i els episodis principals en la lluita per l'establiment de les narratives de legitimació o deslegitimació de la invasió russa d'Ucraïna. El teòric de la comunicació Josep Gifreu examina de forma sumària el paper del periodisme, els mitjans informatius i les xarxes socials en quatre fronts d'intervenció: el de la Rússia de Putin, el de la Ucraïna de Zelenski, el d'Occident i el de la Xina i l'heterogeni Sud Global. I dona les claus per saber per què un país es rebel·la contra la submissió i es...

Proceedings of the 20th World Veterinary Congress, 6-12 July 1975, Thessaloniki, Greece

Número de Páginas: 894

La Morenita

Autor: Guadalupe Cordoba

Número de Páginas: 148

Success-it's something everyone hopes for but few have the fortitude and endurance necessary to achieve it, especially when confronted by one adversity after another. Lupe Cordoba knows that hard work and determination are the traits necessary to achieve success, and she used these strong personal qualities to rise to her position as a nationally acclaimed restaurateur. Cordoba seemed to encounter nothing but hardships and obstacles throughout her life, and in La Morenita: The Story of Lupe Cordoba, she candidly illustrates how her life developed from an idyllic childhood in a small Mexican town to the collapse of her marriage after succeeding in reaching America with her three small children. Perseverance and clever thinking carried Cordoba from the plight of sleeping in her car to opening her first restaurant to preparing hors d'oeuvres for a party for President Clinton. While conveying her talent for balancing romance, motherhood, and business in her life, Cordoba offers frank advice for others in her position and presents intimate portraits of her family and friends and the lives they endured to reach their current plateau. La Morenita delivers the compelling story of one...

Misoginia y Filoginia

Autor: José García Fernández , Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe , Rocío Riestra Camacho

Número de Páginas: 807

Proceedings Fourth World Congress of Psychiatry: Free communications

Número de Páginas: 1004

Violence and Transgression in World Minority Literatures

Autor: Rüdiger Ahrens

Número de Páginas: 492

Papers from a conference held Oct. 2-4, 2003, at the Centre for Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.

1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: Round tables

Número de Páginas: 459

1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: Symposia

Autor: 1. World Congrees On Genetics Applied To Livestock Production (1974, Madrid, Spain)

Número de Páginas: 958

V.2 - Round tables.

1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: Symposia

Autor: Sindicato Nacional De Ganaderia De España

Número de Páginas: 1235


Autor: Gunter Pauli

Número de Páginas: 34

A mother hippo explains to her son how the fish help her keep her skin, teeth, and feet clean and healthy when she bathes in the river, with a guide for teachers and parents.

Proceedings Fourth World Congress of Psychiatry: Free communications

Autor: Juan José López Ibor

Número de Páginas: 1004

Sacred Art from the Old and New Worlds

Número de Páginas: 82

Details of paintings inside on front, back, and inside covers.

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila Vol 3

Autor: Teresa Of Avila

Número de Páginas: 504

Translated by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD, and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD. Contains Book of Her Foundations and Minor Works. In 1573, while staying in Salamanca to assist her nuns in the task of establishing one of her seventeen monasteries, Teresa began composing the story of their foundation. The Book of Her Foundations comprises the major portion of Volume Three. This book not only tells the story of the establishment of her monasteries but, characteristic of Teresa, digresses into counsels on prayer, love, melancholy, virtuous living and dying, plus other teachings of the Mother Foundress. This book also has an excellent introduction, chronology, and map of Teresa's foundations and journeys. Five of her brief works, including her poetry, complete ICS Publications' third volume of her Collected Works.

1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production: Plenary sessions

Número de Páginas: 972

I Know the River Loves Me

Autor: Maya Christina Gonzalez

Número de Páginas: 32

A girl expresses her love of the river that she visits, plays in, and cares for throughout the year.

Webster's New World Concise Spanish Dictionary

Autor: Harraps

Número de Páginas: 1144

Features both Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionaries.

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