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Total de libros encontrados 39 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Inglés - Gramática fácil

Autor: Martha Robles , Stefania Rossi

Número de Páginas: 176

El inglés se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para moverse por el mundo, tanto en el plano laboral como en el personal. Aprender este idioma puede ser sencillo si se utiliza una enseñanza progresiva que ofrezca explicaciones claras y accesibles, esquemas fáciles de consultar y ejemplos que ayuden a comprender las reglas básicas. Tanto los principiantes como quienes deseen profundizar en las estructuras sintácticas del inglés, encontrarán aquí las principales reglas de esta lengua organizadas en quince unidades que abordan la gramática y la fraseología. Asimismo, se ofrecen ejemplos comentados, esquemas, tablas y cuadros para utilizar correctamente tiempos y modos verbales.

Idioms and Phrasal verbs

Autor: Noreen Byrne

Número de Páginas: 117

Speak as an English person speaks. Understand every conversation you hear with every-day used idioms and phrasal verbs. Each phrase translated to Spanish, with free audios on author's webpage. ___________ Habla en inglés como un parlante nativo. Entiende cada conversación que escuches con modismos y verbos compuestos. Cada frase está traducida al español, con audios gratuitos en la web de la escritora.

Phrasal verbs. Inglés - Español

Autor: Espasa Calpe

Número de Páginas: 492

Una práctica y completa recopilación de phrasal verbs que aclara las diferencias de significado y uso de estas construcciones, que tantas dificultades suelen plantear a los estudiantes de inglés. Ejemplos de uso en todos los phrasal verbs. Una obra de consulta imprescindible para comprender y utilizar correctamente la lengua inglesa.

Hable En Una Semana Ingles

Autor: Penton Overseas, Inc , Jessica Buchsbaum , Donald S. (CRT) Rivera

Número de Páginas: 240

Fácil para llevar, fácil para utilizar y divertido. Usted hablará inglés en una semana.

Targeted Math Intervention: Nivel K (Level K) Kit (Spanish Version)

Autor: Sara Johnson, Jodene Lynn Smith, and Paula Sorrell

Directly target key mathematical standards with this compact, easy-to-use, and engaging kit complete with focused lessons, flexible pacing plans, vocabulary-development activities, diagnostic tests, and differentiation strategies. This program provides content that stresses both procedural proficiency and conceptual understanding, aligning with Common Core State Standards. Targeted Mathematics Intervention: Spanish Level K Complete Kit Includes: 30 standards-based lessons; a Teacher Resource Guide; a Student Guided Practice Book (single copy included; additional copies can be ordered); 30 Problem-Solving Activities (in digital and transparency formats); Game Boards; and digital resources (teacher resources, test preparation, problem-solving activities, and student reproducibles).

Vaya! Nuevo

Autor: Michael Buckby , Mike Calvert

Número de Páginas: 160

This three-stage new edition of this Spanish course for beginners leads to public examinations. Experienced practitioners and users of !Vaya! have been consulted and their suggestions have been incorporated into this new edition. It has been written to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and the 5-14 Guidelines. Stages 1, 2 and 3 of !Vaya! Nuevo should prepare students for GCSE/Key Stage 4 examinations and Standard Grade.

The Spanish language, la gramática inglesa, and the English reader

Autor: Nicolas Gouin Dufief

Dufief's Nature Displayed in Her Mode of Teaching Language to Man

Autor: Don Manuel De Torres, L. Hargous

Know and Follow Rules / Saber y seguir las reglas

Autor: Cheri J. Meiners

Número de Páginas: 48

A child who isn’t following the rules is a child who’s always in trouble. This book starts with simple reasons why we have rules: to help us stay safe, learn, be fair, and get along. Then it presents just four basic rules: “Listen,” “Best Work,” “Hands and Body to Myself,” and “Please and Thank You.” The focus throughout is on the positive sense of pride that comes with learning to follow rules. Includes questions and activities adults can use to reinforce the ideas and skills being taught. Now children and adults can enjoy our most popular Learning to Get Along® books in English and Spanish. The Free Spirit Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life situations, lots of diversity, and concrete examples make these read-aloud books appropriate for all homes, childcare settings, and primary classrooms as well as special education, including settings with children on the autism spectrum. Presented in a social story format, each of the bilingual Learning to Get Along books includes a special section for adults in both English and Spanish, with discussion questions, games, activities, and...

Compendio de dificultades de la lengua inglesa

Autor: Jaime Piñeiro , Jaime Piñeiro González

Número de Páginas: 269

Camino Al Español

Autor: Consuelo de Andrés Martínez , Eugenia Ariza Bruce , Anthony Trippett , Christine Cook , Isabel Díez-Bonet

Número de Páginas: 443

This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention to the four key language skills: the development of listening comprehension and speaking skills is supported by quality audio materials recorded by native speakers, while answer keys support written work and grammar-acquisition exercises, and facilitate independent study. Authentic written materials develop important receptive skills and encourage the transition to independent reading. - Based on a style of Spanish easily understood by most speakers, thoughtful explanations make clear the main differences between peninsular and Latin American forms and usage - Features an abundance of pair and group work activities ideal for classroom use - Authentic materials and website references foster cultural awareness - Clear, attractive layout with lively illustrations to reinforce learning - Extensive reference features including a grammar guide, verb tables and vocabulary lists - Teachers' guidelines promote practical application in the classroom

Building Blocks

Autor: Betty Dominguez , Joe Dominguez , American Foundation for the Blind

Número de Páginas: 149

Just Because I Am / Solo porque soy yo

Autor: Lauren Murphy Payne

Número de Páginas: 42

Help little ones build self-esteem and self-confidence in both English and Spanish. This English-Spanish bilingual book of sweet, simple affirmations for children helps them respect their bodies, acknowledge their needs, name their feelings, and build their self-esteem. Just Because I Am/Solo porque soy yo invites little ones to love, accept, and feel good about themselves exactly as they are. A section for adults includes activities and discussion questions in both languages.

Método para aprender a leer, escribir y hablar el inglés, segun el sistema de Ollendorff, por R. Palenzuela y J. de la C. Carreño

Autor: Ramón Palenzuela


Autor: Urayoán Noel

Número de Páginas: 136

Transversal takes a disruptive approach to poetic translation, opening up alternative ways of reading as poems get translated or transcreated into entirely new pieces. In this collection, Urayoán Noel masterfully examines his native Puerto Rico and the broader Caribbean as sites of transversal poetics and politics. Featuring Noel's bilingual playfulness, intellect, and irreverent political imagination, Transversal contains personal reflections on love, desire, and loss filtered through a queer approach to form, expanding upon Noel's experiments with self-translation in his celebrated collection Buzzing Hemisphere/Rumor Hemisférico. This collection explores walking poems improvised on a smartphone, as well as remixed classical and experimental forms. Poems are presented in interlocking bilingual versions that complicate the relationship between translation and original, and between English and Spanish as languages of empire and popular struggle. The book creatively examines translation and its simultaneous urgency and impossibility in a time of global crisis. Transversal seeks to disrupt standard English and Spanish, and it celebrates the nonequivalence between languages....

Resultados y Consecuencias de la Religion sobre la Humanidad.

Autor: Julio S. Cabrera Núñez

Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Education. Natural Science, Years 1 and 2

Autor: Clemente Orihuel, M. Luisa , Johnston, Colette , Maudsley, Brian , De Miguel Pardo, M. Pilar , San Segundo Ontín, César , Reilly, John Gerard , Sánchez Clark, Emma , Williams, Rebecca Clare , Reilly, Teresa , Medrano, M. Pilar

Una vida robada

Autor: Jaycee Dugard

Número de Páginas: 320

Jaycee Dugard’s New York Times bestselling memoir chronicles her raw and powerful story of being kidnapped in 1991 and held captive for more than eighteen years—and offers an extraordinary account of courage and resilience. En el verano de 1991, yo era una niña normal. Hacía cosas normales. Tenía amigos y una madre que me amaba. Era como tú. Hasta el día en que me robaron la vida. Durante dieciocho años fui una prisionera. Era un objeto que alguien usaba y abusaba. Durante dieciocho años no me permitieron decir mi propio nombre. Me hice madre y fui forzada a ser una hermana. Durante dieciocho años sobreviví una situación imposible. El 26 de agosto de 2009 reclamé mi nombre. Me llamo Jaycee Lee Dugard. No me veo como una víctima. Sobreviví. Una vida robada es mi historia, en mis propias palabras, de mi propia manera, tal y como la recuerdo. La piña es un símbolo que representa la semilla de un comienzo nuevo para mí. Para ayudar a facilitar comienzos nuevos, con el apoyo de la terapia asistida por animales, la J A Y C Foundation brinda apoyo y servicios para el tratamiento oportuno de familias recuperándose de un secuestro y las secuelas que dejan esas...

I Believed In Me

Autor: Ambrocio Magana

Número de Páginas: 164

I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...

Cuentos Españoles de Fines Del Siglo XIX

Autor: Stanley Appelbaum

Número de Páginas: 217

These eleven tales are by four outstanding nineteenth-century authors whose work brought new life to Spanish literature. This dual-language edition features an informative introduction and ample footnotes, making it not only a pleasure to read but also a valuable learning and teaching aid.

Coronary Artery Disease and Related Conditions Management

Autor: Jo Gulledge , Shawn Beard , Health and Administration Development Group (Aspen Publishers)

Número de Páginas: 289

Inside this book, you'll find the essentials for administering heart disease management programs, with detailed information on developing and implementing clinical pathways and guidelines, measuring and managing outcomes, and reinforcing patient satisfaction. Including treatment strategies for unstable angina, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and more, Coronary Artery Disease and Related Conditions Management: Clinical Pathways, Guidelines, and Patient Education is an ideal resource for health care providers working to provide more cost-effective and outcome-oriented care. In addition, you'll find a host of large-print patient education handouts, including Spanish-language patient information sheets, designed for clinicians across the care continuum to distribute freely to patients.

Letters to Parents in Reading

Autor: Anthony D. Fredericks , Elaine Papandrea LeBlanc , Elaine Le Blanc

Número de Páginas: 128

Educational resource for teachers, parents and kids!

Vox Super-Mini Spanish and English Dictionary, 3rd Edition

Autor: Vox

Número de Páginas: 480

Revised and updated with sixty-four additional pages, the most readable and accessible compact Spanish and English Dictionary includes 15,000 headwords and more than 24,500 translations, including expanded coverage of technology words. Original. 50,000 first printing.

...y no se lo trago la tierra / ...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him

Autor: Tomás Rivera

Número de Páginas: 152

Pitré no es verde

Autor: Belén Boville Luca de Tena

Número de Páginas: 188

Π3 es un joven humanoide que durante uno de sus viajes interestelares con su moto aeronáutica se pierde y acaba cayendo en la Tierra, concretamente en la Bahía de Cádiz, donde es rescatado por los marineros del mítico Vaporcito. A partir de ese momento, comienzan una serie de aventuras en las que "Pitré" (que es como sus nuevos amigos gaditanos acaban llamándole) conoce la idiosincrasia de la vida en la Tierra.

Primary Source Readers: La historia de Texas Teacher's Guide (Spanish Version)

Número de Páginas: 264

Con brio!, Loose-leaf Print WileyPLUS

Autor: María C. Lucas Murillo , Donna Shelton , Laila M. Dawson

Número de Páginas: 512

A Hitman on Haight Street

Autor: Peter Moreira

Número de Páginas: 708

Spracklin is already being hounded by Internal Affairs officers when the headless body of a hippie heiress is found in Golden Gate Park. Now he must solve the high-profile murder while fighting off the IA probe, which is targeting not only Spracklin but also Marie. One misstep could result in Marie facing a murder charge. A Hitman on Haight Street follows Spracklin as he shields his daughter from the SFPD and searches Haight-Ashbury for the heiress’s killer. The second book in the Haight Mystery series is a dark page-turner set against the counterculture of the 1960s. Praise for Book 1 in Haight Mystery Series: “The Haight is a fabulous book!” – Pamela Callow, author of the Kate Lange Thriller Series “Highly recommended.” – Ken McGoogan, author and adventurer

El Nuevo Testamento ... Version ... revisada ... por la Sociedad Americana de la Biblia ... Edicion esteriotipica. (The New Testament, etc.) Span. & Eng

Número de Páginas: 671

English 3-DGETI

Autor: Flores Kastanis, Paula

Número de Páginas: 163

The student participates in activities in which procedural contents identified as language functions and reading strategies are included. These are necessary to develop the competencies of reading, understanding, writing and expressing oneself in English

Mono Homo & Cyborg

Autor: Jorg Horst Otto Thimoreit

Número de Páginas: 240

Mis libros tratan de una cosa y es la mente. 1. ¿De dónde vino nuestra mente en un punto natural de los hechos. 2. ¿Qué hizo nuestra mente durante su existencia histórica y cultural en los últimos 100.000 años? 3. ¿Quién es el dueño y quién controla nuestra mente? En realidad no controlamos nuestra mente y hace que el libre albedrío sea una ambición y no un hecho. Los Centros de Poder controlan nuestra mente durante los últimos 5.000 años, hemos hecho simulaciones sobre la creencia en un dios y lo llamamos religión. Hemos hecho simulaciones sobre la sociedad creyendo en gobiernos, leyes y políticos y lo llamamos estatismo. 4. En mis libros exploro soluciones para vivir como un individuo libre y eso sólo es posible si todos vivimos en un mundo libre, sin los opresores políticos, financieros y religiosos que llamo los Centros de Poder. ¿Cómo puede funcionar esto para mí, si estoy enamorado de la esclavitud mental, cómo me desesclavo? ¿Soy un mono o soy una mente? Estar involucrado en la filosofía natural para responder a las preguntas sobre de dónde vengo, quién soy y a dónde voy, me llevó a la cárcel durante más de 10 años. Cómo me convertí en el...

Segunda Edicion

Autor: Niobe O'Connor , Amanda Rainger

Número de Páginas: 148

A school Spanish course for beginners, Caminos Segunda Edicion has been fully revised and updated to cover the QCA Scheme of Work for Spanish. It is fully differentiated with activities at two levels of difficulty and additional material on differentiated worksheets provides practice in all four skills at two levels of ability. Additions to the second edition include a stronger focus on grammar, improved and extended ICT offerings and regular and rigorous assessment. The course has been improved to include comments from users, giving teachers the confidence that their students are provided with all the necessary support. Caminos segunda edicion is fully differentiated with activities at two levels of difficulty.- Additional material on differentiated worksheets provides even more practice in all four skills at two levels of ability.

A Practical Course with the Spanish Language

Autor: Hermann M. Monsanto , Louis A. Languellier

Número de Páginas: 386

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