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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

Biologia funcional de los animales I/ Functional Biology of Animals I

Autor: Maria Luisa Fanjul , Marcia Hiriart

Animals in fall

Autor: Martha E. Rustad

Número de Páginas: 24

Simple text and photographs present animals in the fall.

Animales de la jungla en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Jungle) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 36

Take a trip to the tropics to learn about what makes jungle animals so unique and why they need to be protected. This Spanish-translated nonfiction title allows readers to discover the causes of endangered animals--including poaching and habitat loss--through astonishing facts and colorful images of these beautiful animals in conjunction with informational text and helpful charts and diagrams. With a glossary of terms, an index, and a list of resources and websites, children will be inspired to take part in the conservation of jungle animals. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Increíble pero real: Animales extraños (Strange but True: Bizarre Animals) 6-Pack

Autor: Timothy Bradley

Número de Páginas: 28

Blobfish, pangolin, and flower mantis are just a few of the names of the bizarre bugs and animals that readers will learn about in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through vibrant images and photos, informational text, a glossary of terms, and an index, readers will learn some of the strange ways that arthropods, invertebrates, and mammals have adapted over time to camouflage themselves and develop interesting ways to keep predators away. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Animales del mar en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Sea) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 36

There are millions of animals that call the ocean home. Some of these animals are in danger. Learn about marine animals that are at risk of becoming endangered and what people and activists like Jacques Cousteau have done to help. In this Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers will learn about the causes of endangered animals, including pollution and overfishing and learn steps they can do to help the conservation and preservation of these beautiful animals and sea life. Through vibrant images, informational text, stunning facts, a glossary of terms, and a list of additional resources, readers are sure to be engaged and inspired to help these animals in any way they can. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

La Granja dels Animals

Autor: George Orwell

Número de Páginas: 120

Un al·legat a favor de la llibertat i en contra el totalitarisme amb una nova traducció a càrrec d'Albert Nolla. Aquesta sàtira de la revolució russa i el triomf de l'estalinisme, escrita el 1945, s'ha convertit en un dels llibres més mordaços de tots els temps. Els animals de la granja pairal s'organitzen per fer fora els humans i crear un sistema de govern propi per poder viure amb més llibertat. Però en aquesta organització, aparentment tan ideal, aviat apareixen els primers indicis de totalitarisme, i els porcs, els líders més carismàtics del mas, es van convertint en opressors cada cop més cruels i tirans. «Durant tot aquell estiu la feina de la granja va anar com un rellotge. Els animals eren feliços com mai no s'haurien imaginat que es pogués ser-ho. Cada mos era un plaer viu i autèntic, ara que era realment el seu propi menjar, produït per ells i per a ells, i no pas repartit per un amo mesquí. Sense els humans, inútils i parasitaris, hi havia més provisions per a tothom».

Animales de la jungla en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Jungle)

Autor: William B. Rice

Número de Páginas: 64

Take a trip to the tropics to learn about what makes jungle animals so unique and why they need to be protected. This Spanish-translated nonfiction title allows readers to discover the causes of endangered animals--including poaching and habitat loss--through astonishing facts and colorful images of these beautiful animals in conjunction with informational text and helpful charts and diagrams. With a glossary of terms, an index, and a list of resources and websites, children will be inspired to take part in the conservation of jungle animals.

Animales del desierto en peligro (Endangered Animals of the Desert) 6-Pack

Autor: William Rice

Número de Páginas: 36

Many desert animals around the world are in danger of becoming extinct. In this enlightening, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers will learn a few of the causes of extinction in the desert and what problems extinction causes for animals, wildlife, and humans alike. Through vibrant photos of beautiful animals and stunning facts in conjunction with informational text and useful charts and diagrams, readers will learn and understand concepts such as habit loss and learn ways that animal activists help to protect animals and their environments, as well as helpful tips to get involved in conserving biodiversity. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Los animales (What Are Animals?)

Autor: Kate Mikoley

Número de Páginas: 32

Wildlife plays an important role in the environment. With the help of this engaging volume, readers of many ages and levels will learn all about many of the fascinating animals that inhabit the planet. They will find out what makes an animal an animal. They will also learn fun facts about some of their favorite creatures. Eye-catching photographs correlate closely with concise, accessible text that supports elementary life science curricula. A must-have for animal lovers, this informative book will be a popular addition to your collection.

Increíble pero real: Animales extraños (Strange but True: Bizarre Animals) (Spanish Version)

Autor: Timothy J. Bradley

Número de Páginas: 28

Blobfish, pangolin, and flower mantis are just a few of the names of the bizarre bugs and animals that readers will learn about in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through vibrant images and photos, informational text, a glossary of terms, and an index, readers will learn some of the strange ways that arthropods, invertebrates, and mammals have adapted over time to camouflage themselves and develop interesting ways to keep predators away.

Heartworm infection in humans and animals

Autor: Fernando Simón , Claudio & Genchi

Número de Páginas: 224

Cruelty to Animals and Interpersonal Violence

Autor: Geoffrey Ribbans

Número de Páginas: 472

Contains 46 articles by various authors concerned with cruelty to animals and how that relates to violent human relations.

Mi primer libro de animales

Número de Páginas: 0

"¡Un precioso libro lleno de animales agrupados de forma divertida!

Cultural Attitudes to Animals Including Birds, Fish and Invertebrates: What is an animal? The appropriation, domination and exploitation of animals


Autor: International Union For Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources. Crocodile Specialist Group. Working Meeting

Número de Páginas: 314

Performance Recording of Animals, State of the Art

Autor: International Committee For Animal Recording. Session

Número de Páginas: 440

Proceedings of the Fourth International Congresses ...

Número de Páginas: 898


Autor: Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México

Número de Páginas: 586

Estatutos Revisados Y Leyes Del Territorio de Nuevo Mejico

Autor: New Mexico

Número de Páginas: 856


Autor: Barcelona (spain) Escuela De Peritos Agricolas Y De Especialidades Agropecuarias Y De Los Servicios Tecnicos De Agricultura

Número de Páginas: 780

Virtues for the People

Autor: Geert Roskam , L. Van Der Stockt

Número de Páginas: 385

This collection of essays addresses Plutarch's writings on practical ethics from different perspectives, including regarding their overall structure, content, purpose, and underlying philosophical and social presuppositions.

Index; Indice; 1945-1966: Animals, Animaux, Animales

Autor: Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations. Documentation Center

Número de Páginas: 394

Antike Mythen

Autor: Ueli Dill , Christine Walde

Número de Páginas: 775

Dieser Band versammelt Beiträge von namhaften europäischen und amerikanischenAltertumswissenschaftlern und Religionswissenschaftlern, die einen repräsentativen Querschnitt der zeitgenössischen Erforschung des Mythos, seiner Erscheinungsformen und seiner Transformationen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Epochen darbieten.

The Sharks of North America

Autor: Jose I. Castro

Número de Páginas: 628

A complete reference to all the sharks inhabiting North American waters, with excellent color illustrations of all the species.

Rastreabilidad de Animales Y Productos de Origen Animal

Número de Páginas: 306

Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of the American Republics

Autor: Pan American Union

Número de Páginas: 1010

Hacia Un Planteamiento Unificado Para Inventariar Y Monitorear Los Recursos de Los Ecosistemas Forestales

Número de Páginas: 548

Aplicaciones de la Biotecnologia en la Sanidad Y la Produccion Animal

Autor: A. A. Mackenzie

Número de Páginas: 464

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