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Total de libros encontrados 40 para su búsqueda. Descargue los ebooks y Disfrute!!!

The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy

Autor: Susan M. Johnson

Número de Páginas: 318

Since its original publication in 1996, The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy has been the definitive guide for couple therapists, supervisors, and students wishing to practice emotionally focused therapy. This cutting-edge third edition addresses recent changes in the field of couple therapy, including updated research results relating to clinical interventions, expanded understandings of emotion regulation, adult attachment and neuroscience, and dynamic EFT applications for a range of issues such as depression, anxiety, sexual disorders, and PTSD. Chapters introduce micro-interventions for use in EFT couple sessions, as well as a systematic presentation of a macro set of interventions called the EFT Tango. Clinical examples are included throughout, bringing the in-session process of change alive, and two case chapters offer in-depth commentaries of Stage 1 and Stage 2 EFT sessions. Written by the leading authority on emotionally focused therapy, this third edition is an essential reference on all aspects of EFT and its uses for mental health professionals in the field of couple and marital therapy.

Reversible Monuments

Autor: Mónica de la Torre , Michael Wiegers

Número de Páginas: 520

Not since 1959 when Octavio Paz and Samuel Beckett published An Anthology of Mexican Poetry, has there been a collection which so thoroughly examines the poetry of the country known for being "too far from God and too close to the United States." Yet, as Elliott Weinberger writes in his introduction, "Americans know everything about God, but next to nothing about Mexico—few know that Mexico-particularly when compared to the United States-is a kind of paradise for poets." Reversible Monuments introduces this "paradise" to American readers. It includes major international writers like Alberto Blanco, Pura Lopez Colome, and David Huerta, as well as exciting younger poets, and poets whose work, while well-known in the Spanish-speaking world has not yet seen publication in English. The twenty-five poets represented are as diverse as their American counterparts: They are urban, educated, younger, well travelled, aware of their literary heritage, and include Buddhists, feminists, Jewish poets, experimental poets, darkly brooding poets, and playfully entertaining poets. Until the Poem Remains by Francisco Hernandez Strip away all the flesh until the poem remains with the sonorous...

The Cremades Plans

Autor: Javier Cremades Sanz-Pastor

My father, Juan Antonio Cremades, first met Saint Josemaria Escrivá when they were fellow-students in the Department of Law at the University of Zaragoza, Spain, from 1925 to 1927. It was there that they made friends. Years later, at a very painful time for the founder of the Opus Dei, when his mother had just died, my father was able to do him a service for which Saint Josemaria was very grateful ever after. And for that reason, the large Cremades family – my parents and all of us ten siblings – enjoyed a very close, direct friendship with him until he went to Heaven. In this book I have collected some of the adventures – really big adventures! – that we had with our father and friend, Saint Josemaria. I have tried to highlight his kindness, the affection and friendly warmth that he scattered (especially on my lucky family), his sanctity, his joy and sense of humor. Also, his closeness to God, and the way he was able to bring all those who crossed his path closer to God.

The Gift That changed our lives

Autor: Rocío Martín Díez

When you’re told that your child has brain damage, the world falls apart around you. No matter what happens to you, this is a turning point in your life, where you have to take decisions. For me, it was the moment when I decided, without knowing that I had, to start a new life; an awakening, a road with no return. Our children with brain injury come to teach us many things; it’s no coincidence that they have chosen us. Felipón has been, and is, a gift, I’m not speaking out of faith or through false hope, but rather from the experience of a woman who has discovered how loving herself can make her son improve day by day. There’s a fine, imperceptible thread between a mother and her children; a thread that only she recognises, but in order to recognise it, we must be there, in the present, and listen to ourselves. This is the story of how I’ve lived since we were told that Felipón had six very serious injuries in his brain, when I was twenty weeks pregnant. I’d have given a great deal to find a book where someone told me where to start... I do hope this book will help you to understand, as I have done, that your son is coming to achieve much more than you can possibly...

Aqui Estamos!: Volumen I

Autor: Leticia Roa Nixon (Ahdanah)

Número de Páginas: 116

The Mexicans that have made South Philadelphia their home arrived here with many dreams; among them to support their families back home in Mexico. As many recount in the stories that follow, their dreams have led them to experiences both brilliant and painful. Within the pages that follow you will find many dreams that have pushed and strengthened the dreamer. There is the constant memory of those left behind and the beckoning of one's own culture; contrasted with the firm resolve to achieve in a new environment, even amidst the uncertainty of solitude, discrimination, and the currents of an alien culture. "Filadelfia es un lograr tranquilo. Dentro de mi matrimonio tengo una hija preciosa que nacio aqui por eso amo mas a Filadelfia. Ya eche raices aqui y por que no querer uno el suelo donde esta caminando todo el tiempo mas que digamos en otros lados? Uno debe querer la tierra donde uno esta desarrollandose, criandose digamos y le digo aqui estamos." "Philadelphia is a peaceful place. I have a beautiful daughter that was born here and she's one more reason to love Philadelphia. Now I have roots here. Why shouldn't you love the ground you're walking on more than some other place?...

Cuerpo de Maestros Inglés. Preparacion de Exámenes Prácticos Para la Oposición. E-book


Autor: W.J. May

Número de Páginas: 144

“Entrelazados” es el octavo libro de la serie “Las Crónicas de Kerrigan” de la autora bestseller W.J. May. Rae Kerrigan es una traidora. Cuando detienen a Rae sin razón aparente, de inmediato pasa a ser enemiga del Consejo Privado, todo parece indicar que no hay posibilidad de que eso cambie. Es una traidora igual que su padre. Rae debe confiar en un desconocido, se encuentra más confundida que nunca. Gabriel es arrogante, descarado y demasiado guapo para su tranquilidad mental. Para colmo, aparentemente, trabaja para el Consejo Privado bajo las órdenes de Carter. Sin embargo, Rae no se detendrá ante nada y lo arriesgará todo para demostrar su inocencia. “Entrelazados” es el octavo libro de las Crónicas de Kerrigan. El libro 1, Rayo de Esperanza está disponible de forma GRATUITA Acompaña a Rae Kerrigan a descubrir los limites de los poderes súper-naturales del tatuaje en su espalda, cómo descubre las malas intenciones de su padre y procura descifrar cómo el ser adulto, el amor y las peleas de acción no se parecen en nada a los cómics.

Enlaces, transnacionalidad

Autor: Linda M. Rodríguez Guglielmoni , Miriam Mercedes González Hernández

Número de Páginas: 253

El Condor, and Other Stories

Autor: Sabine R. Ulibarrí

Número de Páginas: 224

This bilingual collection of stories - set in the Southwestern United States and South America0́4deals with love and culture conflict in an evolving political and economic environment in modern-day New Mexico.

Estudios de lingüística aplicada

Autor: José Luis Otal , Inmaculada Fortanet , Victòria Codina

Número de Páginas: 918

Importante acopio de trabajos de sociolingüística, psicolingüística, lexicología, etc., que vieron la luz en el XIII Congreso de Lingüística Aplicada y que tratan diferentes aspectos como la enseñanza de la lengua materna, la formación del profesorado, tecnologías aplicadas a la educación, etc.

Pasaporte Al Mundo Hispano

Autor: Nuria González Oliver

Número de Páginas: 224

The book and CD that make up Pasaporte al mundo hispano are an advanced Spanish language course designed specifically for students in the year they go abroad for a study year. The exercises build up students' linguistic competence by working with texts and voices from different parts of the Spanish-speaking world; but as well as developing traditional linguistic skills they ask: What types of location in Spain or Latin America would be most appropriate for me? What are the practical problems I am most likely to encounter? What are the principal social and cultural differences I will meet? It is the authors' belief that linguistic and cultural preparation are inseparable, and essential if the student is to derive full benefit from the experience of living in Spain or Latin America.

English 5 Competent

Autor: Paula Flores Kastanis , Katherine Urquijo Flores

Número de Páginas: 180

By the end of English 5, the students will be able to read, understand, write, summarize and structure information graphically that is presented in different types of texts written in English related to social, economic, scientific and technological progress of humanity. The purpose of English 5 of the series named Competent, is to provide English teachers with the material to cover in detail the fifth course of five from the DGETI system. Series´ goal: Students are expected to reach a B1 level according to the Common European Framework (CEF). at the end of the English program. This means, students must be able to do what is described for levels A1, A2, and B1. This is the goal of the English program at DGETI at the end of the five courses. It is expected that at the end of this fifth course, which may be considered a transition level between A2 and B1, the students will have developed skills at a higher A2 level and skills at a basic B1 level according to the CEF. B1 level is described as follows: The person is able to understand the main points of clear texts in standard language if they are about familiar topics, in work, school, or leisure situations. The person can perform...

Bathroom Portraits

Autor: Milos Tzare

Número de Páginas: 214

Novela autobiográfica sobre los 20 años consagrados a un proyecto artístico humanitario, Bathroom Portraits. El autor, Milos Tzare, conmovido por la situación de los refugiados de la ex Yugoslavia, de la que él mismo se escapó, empieza a fotografiar a personalidades del ámbito cultural y artístico en cuartos de baño. Su objetivo es ayudar a los refugiados, a través de la visibilidad y los beneficios de la futura venta del libro fotográfico. Este es un relato verídico de un inmigrante sin papeles de ese entonces, construido a partir de ochenta libretas-diario, manuscritas en serbio, en diferentes países, durante todos esos años. Las frases interrumpidas por puntos, la descripción sobria y el estilo austero, minimalista y esquemático de su arquitectura literaria, nos acercan al viaje de vida, de aprendizaje y de formación profesional que Milos Tzare tuvo que recorrer.

What He Told Me in 100 Days

Autor: P. Julissa G.

Número de Páginas: 204

As is normally the case, every person wants to feel love, security, and develop a reputation of integrity. We all desire to be capable, strong, courageous, and able to face the perverse pressures of everyday life, both spiritually and personally. It is a constant struggle not to give in to the countless temptations experienced and the war for standing firm and guarding the heart from disappoints (the central organ of our body) by turning it into an oasis from which arise currents of peace flowing with spiritual, mental, and emotional health observations. This book encapsulates many experiences I have overcome through my God-given strength and unwavering faith, which can allow the Holy Spirit to empower us all and to arise victorious despite the circumstances. Blessing, P. Julissa G.

Cuentos de un camino

Autor: Antonio Casado Mena

En este pequeño tesoro de la motivación se recogen numerosas lecciones cargadas de sabiduría para manejar nuestras vidas, a modo de píldoras recomendadas por el autor, convertido en peregrino, capaz de entregar su sufrimiento no como una desdicha en sí misma sino como un instrumento de luz y color para dibujar estrellas de esperanza, afrontar dificultades, superarnos, perdonarnos, conquistar, alcanzar el verdadero triunfo, descubrirnos y al mismo tiempo hallar el camino que nos conduce a la felicidad y nos hace estar en paz con nosotros mismos. Es un aprendizaje que el autor comparte a través de vivencias y recuerdos, que inspirarán al lector a explorar y sacar sus propias conclusiones. Cada capítulo contiene reflexiones profundas sobre nuestro yo más íntimo, la amistad, la vanidad, el esfuerzo, las metas, la coherencia, la fe y, sobre todo, acerca de esa energía tan poderosa que mueve el mundo: el amor. SYNOPSIS In this small treasure of motivation, numerous lessons loaded with wisdom are collected to manage our lives, in the form of pills recommended by the author, turned pilgrim, capable of surrendering his suffering not as a misery in itself but as an instrument of...

Realmente era lo que ella deseaba...

Autor: Nania Rodríguez

Número de Páginas: 72

Pasó por el infortunio de una enfermedad que la llevó a la muerte y a volver a la vida, además de muchas circunstancias en su vida que casi la llevan a la muerte. She went through the misfortune of an illness that led her to death and return to life, in addition to many other circumstances in her life that almost led to her death.


Autor: Rodolfo H. Farías

Número de Páginas: 282

«Rodolfo Farías es un escritor extraño y ha escrito una novela inquietante. Según Harold Bloom, los escritores que producen una sensación de extrañeza en el lector son los más interesantes y originales. La prosa no es lo menos interesante de este relato alucinante. Es, de cierto, una prosa barroca llena de palabras exactas, anacronismos y coloquiales. Lo más interesante es que está llena de sutilezas de invención variada. Está llena de silencios que se oyen. Estos silencios son acaso los del desierto. En realidad, y no sé de lo que se trata este libro, pero en sus páginas extraordinarias se advierte el desierto, el frío, el sol, el deseo, el amor, la muerte la vejez, la enfermedad, el desamparo ontológico, el descubrimiento feliz. Rodolfo Farías ha escrito una novela que deleita, pero sobre todo perturba». Bruno Estañol

Recently Discovered Letters of George Santayana

Autor: George Santayana

Número de Páginas: 386

The concerted efforts of three respected Santayana scholars have coalesced in this book that includes the transcription of the philosopher’s letters to Charles A. Loeser and to Albert von Westenholz. Daniel Pinkas discovered and analyzed them only recently and they are published here for the first time, in English and Spanish, translated by Daniel Moreno and presented by José Beltrán. The volume comprises the letters Santayana sent to his two friends over five long decades, spanning the nineteenth and twentieth century. This collection of epistolary writings constitutes a surprising mosaic-like jewel made up of a constellation of life episodes that pulsate in each and every letter and resonate suggestively in the echo-chamber of Santayana’s body of work.Pictures and books, persons and places, landscapes and voyages. So many comings and goings, so many departures and arrivals, crossing countries on trains and oceans on ships, staying in hotels and university residences, stopping off at memorable cafés, giving lectures here and there, reading and writing incessantly. By partaking, under the philosopher’s guidance, in the experience these pages offer, we will somehow make...


Autor: Alcántara, Manuel , García Montero, Mercedes , Francisco Sánchez López

Número de Páginas: 983

El Comité Organizador del 56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (ICA) publica las actas del encuentro celebrado en la Universidad de Salamanca el 15 al 20 de julio de 2018. Bajo el lema «Universalidad y particularismo en las Américas», reflexionó sobre la dialéctica entre la universalidad y los particularismos en la producción de conocimiento, un diálogo en el que la necesidad de conocer los particularismos de los fenómenos sociales, políticos, artísticos y culturales obliga a formular nuevas hipótesis que enriquecen y replantean las grandes teorías generales de las ciencias y las humanidades. El carácter interdisciplinario e inclusivo que ha caracterizado al ICA desde su inicio en 1875, como un congreso de estudios de área en sentido completo, hace aún más significativa esa dinámica de producción de conocimiento. Con un planteamiento interdisciplinario e inclusivo, ICA reúne a investigadores que estudian el continente americano, desde Alaska hasta Tierra de Fuego, incluyendo el territorio del Caribe, a partir del análisis de su política, economía, cultural, lenguas, historia y prehistoria. Así, el Comité Organizador les invitó participar en el...


Autor: Jolene Gutiérrez

Número de Páginas: 32

OZUNA: Explore fascinating facts about Puerto Rican reggaetón performer Ozuna, highlighting his rise to fame and how he’s giving back to his community. Let's get to know Ozuna! STARS OF LATIN POP: This photo-filled biography series follows the journeys, careers, and passions of some of the biggest names in Latin Pop. Discover the accomplishments that make them some of the top musicians today! INCLUDES: This 32-page high-interest book for striving readers in grades 4–9 features text in both English and Spanish. Glossary words are defined on the page where they appear, boosting reader comprehension! It also includes after-reading questions and activities. BENEFITS: Side-by-side English and Spanish text promotes bilingual literacy! Learning about these big names in the world of Latin Pop is sure to engage, entertain, and keep readers coming back for more. WHY ROURKE: Since 1980, we’ve been committed to bringing out the best nonfiction books to help you bring out the best in your young learners. Our carefully crafted topics encourage all students who are "learning to read" and "reading to learn"!

Inglés médico y sanitario

Autor: John Giba , Ramón Ribes

Número de Páginas: 352

Ramón Ribes y John Giba se unen para proporcionar las claves para que médicos y personal sanitario saquen el máximo partido a su inglés en congresos médicos, artículos y presentaciones.

Identidad personal y donación

Autor: Ana Álvarez Garrido

Número de Páginas: 410

"Identidad personal y donación. La configuración del yo en la acción dramática", de Ana Álvarez Garrido, relata como un deseo de verdad y una intuición genuina, unidos a la insatisfacción acerca de las corrientes dominantes en el estudio de la identidad personal, llevaron a su autora a iniciar este trabajo. Con una pregunta casi infantil, por su atrevimiento y por la esperanza que la anima de una respuesta justa, se abre esta aventura de la búsqueda del yo, a la que es invitado el lector desde la primera página: ¿Quién soy yo? Este interrogante nos conduce, atravesando el fuego positivo de la duda, a veces de tintes narrativos, hasta un espacio y un tiempo capaces de vestir al yo, de darle una voz y un gesto únicos, capaces de regalarle un nombre. Un teatro será ese lugar donde Yo puedo ser y donde vengo a ser Yo, porque en él se puede representar una acción esencial. Ésta, como el yo, se revelará al final de nuestra aventura investigadora, sorprendente y deliberadamente dramática. Como la vida misma.


Autor: Karla Galván Duque Senosiain

Número de Páginas: 121

“The sky is the limit” is a little treasure. It’s not just a book on autism or on someone’s particular and extraordinary life experience, it’s also revealing and paradigmatic. Revealing because it helps us as human beings to understand that an advanced society must be committed and inclusive; whatever our circumstance, we are all people and at the same time we are all unique. Paradigmatic because I have never met anyone with such a determination to do her part in helping parents, families, therapists, and anyone willing to learn more about the way these children understand their particular world, which is our own as well. Karla is a woman who has given her life great value; she is a fighter that turns obstacles into great opportunities to grow and to love; this makes “The sky is the limit” a book about love, perseverance, strength, energy, self-motivation, optimism… and, why not say it as well, it’s a Coaching book, a totally 21st-century book!”

Psicoanálisis vincular online: Pareja, familia Otra escena - Online link psychoanalysis: Couple, family. Another scene

Autor: Rocío Cabanzo de Ponce de León

Número de Páginas: 248

¿Qué es Psicoanálisis Vincular? El libro responde esta pregunta, con conceptos fundamentales: Fuerza Vinculante, Hacer en el Entre, Lógicas del Uno y del Dos, en los aportes de Janine Puget (co-creadora de esta perspectiva con Isidoro Berenstein), de Sonia Kleiman y de la autora. Ella plantea las “otras lógicas” para pensar lo vincular, desde una postura trans-disciplinar, “entre la palabra y la imagen», con el lenguaje de la expresión artística: poesía, ópera, cine, teatro. Introduce, además, la clínica desde lo Vincular e ilustra con viñetas. Plantea el Psicoanálisis Vincular Online, como “Otra Escena” en el Ciberespacio; un dispositivo, con características paradojales y rizomáticas, en tanto resultante de un entramado de variables, en una lógica de redes. Ejemplifica especificidades de esa otra escena. La obra presenta los resultados del Estudio Internacional sobre el dispositivo Psicoanálitico Vincular a Distancia, online. Trabajo motivado por el pasaje del consultorio al ciberespacio, de procesos de pareja, familia, individuos. Movimiento debido a las condiciones tecno-socio-culturales epocales, de la era digital y a efectos de la pandemia...

Ghost Fever

Autor: Joe Hayes

Número de Páginas: 80

In his classic bilingual style, Joe tells the story of a haunted house in a poor little town in Arizona. Nobody will rent that house because they know a ghost lives there. So the landlord tries to rents it out for free. Still nobody will rent it. That is, until Elena’s father rents it. He doesn’t believe in ghosts. Lucky for Elena that her grandmother knows all about the ways of ghosts. Elena, with the help of her grandmother, resolves the mystery of “ghost fever”—and learns a lesson about life. Joe Hayes, who lives in Santa Fe, is an award-winning storyteller renowned especially for his stories in Spanish and English.

I Believed In Me

Autor: Ambrocio Magana

Número de Páginas: 164

I was born in a small town that at that time had about 300 inhabitants between children and adults ... I am a simple person, not very happy but not bitter. I am always willing to help those who need it; I do not wait for me to go begging, I offer help. I do not have much education I went to school for a short time. I finished sixth grade until I had 15 years old, but I remember that since I was young I liked to write stories, although I had never had the opportunity to publish them. I hope these stories reach your hearts and I also hope they like you. I want you enjoy them so much that you want to read them all... and other stories more. Remember that reading gives you education and culture. A part of these stories is true. A common occurrence for some people, whether by nature or custom, is to criticize or judge others and, often we do not realize that we make that person, or their family feel bad. Sometimes we can even physically or mentally harm them. Among the stories written here, one is true. It speaks of a little girl who has been criticized since her birth but has had the intelligence to turn criticism into positive energy. She has not stopped to listen to mediocre...

¡Viva la evolución humana!: Material educativo para estudiantes universitarios.

Autor: Claudia Mercedes, Rojas-Sepúlveda

Número de Páginas: 162

A través del estudio de la Evolución Humana o Paleoantropología, el libro invita a aproximarnos a una disciplina fascinante constantemente gracias al descubrimiento de nuevos fósiles, de comportamientos que no habíamos observado en otros primates, de la aplicación de la Genética y de otras Ciencias, permitiendo una mejor comprensión de nuestro pasado y de nuestro presente.

The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, vol 2

Autor: Teresa of Avila

Número de Páginas: 504

This volume contains two of Teresa's most popular works: The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle. Shortly after writing The Book of Her Life for her confessor, St. Teresa wrote The Way of Perfection at the request of her nuns who were eager to learn about prayer and contemplation. Throughout this work she teaches her nuns about prayer and also teaches us. Toward the end of her life, after she had experienced both the spiritual betrothal and spiritual marriage, Teresa wrote The Interior Castle, her own panoramic view of her relationship with God, from the lowest stages to the highest. Teresa here demonstrates her great gift for writing about that relationship and attracting us to explore the possibility of pursuing it. Along with these two classics, Volume Two also includes one of Teresa's minor works, her Meditations on the Song of Songs. Nothing provided

Address given by major Fidel Castro

Autor: Fidel Castro

Número de Páginas: 75

Peregrinos de Aztlán

Autor: Miguel Méndez M. , Rolando Hinojosa

Número de Páginas: 205

I'm 50... So What?

Autor: Haylie Pomroy

The day that Gillese Blondet turned 50, she vowed to herself that not only will she confess her age, but she would share all her secrets that confirm the following: YES, 50 is the new 30. I am 50... So What? Is the manual to get you to your mid-life feeling successful, made, beautiful in control and, above all, enjoy what you are and not grieve over what has not been. The day that Gillese Blondet turned 50, she vowed to herself that not only will she confess her age, but she would share all her secrets that confirm the following: YES, 50 is the new 30. This book is a friendly reminder that no botox will fix the wrinkles of the soul. Giselle, one of the most beloved women in the Hispanic market, takes us through the highlights of her life and the lives of powerful Latinas in their fifties who have not only achieved success in that dreaded age, but even have the luxury of having known the true love at 50. Because in this book, Blondet also shows us that in the game of love, the champion doesn't come first, but last. Funny, human, inspiring and full of anecdotes, I am 50 ... so what? Is an injection of energy for girls who want to reach that age as Giselle Blondet, and a foothold for ...

Willa Cather

Autor: Empar Barranco Ureña

Número de Páginas: 326

L'estudi descobreix una artista que va saber combinar les tècniques i els interessos de les avantguardes del seu temps i les tècniques i els interessos de l'argument i la narrativa domèstica. L'aprofundiment en l'obra narrativa de Cather es realitza de manera cronològica, si bé els dos criteris que més pes han tingut en la divisió que Empar Barranco proposa són l'actitud de l'escriptora cap a l'àmbit domèstic i el to general de les narracions.

Dudosa Certidumbre

Autor: Catalina Martínez Estévez

Número de Páginas: 90

La duda es una cualidad humana en la que poco reparamos, y que muchas veces ni siquiera consideramos en la asuncin y percepcin de lo que nos rodea. Lo tangible simplemente existe, aunque slo sea aparentemente. Lo intangible, nuestros sueos, nuestros sentimientos, aparecen como sumergidos, distantes, borrosos, irreales. La Dudosa Certidumbre rompe con esta engaosa rutina. A travs de las diferentes historias que componen esta obra, el lector se sentir atrapado en un mundo que considera imaginado y cuya existencia se le manifestar sorpresivamente bajo un concepto diferente al que ste haba pensado. La existencia de la verdad es remplazada por la certeza de lo incierto. La autora nos enfrenta a esta paradoja que unifica la estructura de cada una de estas breves y fuertemente introspectivas ancdotas.

Poemas de Amor y Desamor

Autor: Soad Grayeb

Número de Páginas: 116

Este libro es una declaración de amor, un dolor abierto al desamor, el desnudar el alma y dejar al descubierto todos y cada uno de los sentimientos.

Adios a Las Armas (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Ernest Hemingway

Número de Páginas: 373

Una inolvidable historia de amor entre una enfermera y un joven soldado idealista en la Italia de la I Guerra Mundial. Por el Premio Nobel de Literatura Ernest Hemingway. No amaba a Catherine Barkley, ni se le ocurría que pudiera amarla. Aquello era como el bridge, un juego donde te largas a hablar en vez de manejar las cartas. Eso pensaba el teniente americano Frederic Henry, conductor de ambulancias en el frente italiano durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, al poco de conocer a esta bella enfermera británica. Lo que parecía un juego se convirtió en pasión intensa, mientras la guerra lo arrasaba todo y los hombres desfilaban bajo la lluvia, agotados y hambrientos, sin pensar más que en huir de la muerte. Inspirada en las vivencias de Hemingway, Adiós a las armas es ya un clásico de la literatura universal y uno de los mejores retratos de la voluntad humana.

...y no se lo trago la tierra / ...And the Earth Did Not Devour Him

Autor: Tomás Rivera

Número de Páginas: 152

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